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Diffstat (limited to 'OAuth/tests/phpunit/AuthorizationProviderTest.php')
1 files changed, 181 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/OAuth/tests/phpunit/AuthorizationProviderTest.php b/OAuth/tests/phpunit/AuthorizationProviderTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f572c748
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OAuth/tests/phpunit/AuthorizationProviderTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+namespace MediaWiki\Extensions\OAuth\Tests;
+use DateTime;
+use MediaWiki\Extensions\OAuth\AuthorizationProvider\AuthorizationProvider;
+use MediaWiki\Extensions\OAuth\AuthorizationProvider\Grant\AuthorizationCodeAccessTokens;
+use MediaWiki\Extensions\OAuth\AuthorizationProvider\Grant\AuthorizationCodeAuthorization;
+use MediaWiki\Extensions\OAuth\AuthorizationProvider\Grant\ClientCredentials;
+use MediaWiki\Extensions\OAuth\AuthorizationProvider\Grant\RefreshToken;
+use MediaWiki\Extensions\OAuth\AuthorizationProvider\IAuthorizationProvider;
+use MediaWiki\Extensions\OAuth\AuthorizationServerFactory;
+use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
+use MediaWikiTestCase;
+use Psr\Log\NullLogger;
+use ReflectionClass;
+use User;
+use Wikimedia\TestingAccessWrapper;
+ * @covers \MediaWiki\Extensions\OAuth\AuthorizationProvider\Grant\AuthorizationCodeAuthorization
+ * @covers \MediaWiki\Extensions\OAuth\AuthorizationProvider\Grant\AuthorizationCodeAccessTokens
+ * @covers \MediaWiki\Extensions\OAuth\AuthorizationProvider\Grant\ClientCredentials
+ * @covers \MediaWiki\Extensions\OAuth\AuthorizationProvider\Grant\RefreshToken
+ */
+class AuthorizationProviderTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
+ protected function setUp() : void {
+ parent::setUp();
+ $this->setMwGlobals( [
+ 'wgOAuthSecretKey' => base64_encode( random_bytes( 32 ) )
+ ] );
+ }
+ protected function getServer() {
+ $serverFactory = AuthorizationServerFactory::factory();
+ return $serverFactory->getAuthorizationServer();
+ }
+ protected function getOAuthConfig() {
+ $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
+ return $services->getConfigFactory()->makeConfig( 'mwoauth' );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideGrantsArguments
+ */
+ public function testSettingUser( $class ) {
+ /** @var IAuthorizationProvider $authorizationProvider */
+ $authorizationProvider = new $class(
+ $this->getOAuthConfig(),
+ $this->getServer(),
+ new NullLogger()
+ );
+ $authReflection = new ReflectionClass( $class );
+ $userProperty = $authReflection->getProperty( 'user' );
+ $userProperty->setAccessible( true );
+ $user = $this->getTestUser()->getUser();
+ $authorizationProvider->setUser( $user );
+ $actualValue = $userProperty->getValue( $authorizationProvider );
+ $this->assertInstanceOf(
+ User::class, $actualValue,
+ "Value of user set must be an instance of " . User::class .
+ ", " . get_class( $actualValue ) . " found"
+ );
+ $this->assertSame(
+ $user->getName(), $actualValue->getName(),
+ "User passed to $class must be the same as the one actually set"
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideGrantsArguments
+ */
+ public function testGrants( $class, $grantName, $needsApproval ) {
+ $server = $this->getServer();
+ /** @var IAuthorizationProvider $authorizationProvider */
+ $authorizationProvider = new $class(
+ $this->getOAuthConfig(),
+ $server,
+ new NullLogger()
+ );
+ if ( $needsApproval ) {
+ $this->assertTrue(
+ $authorizationProvider->needsUserApproval(), "$class must require user approval"
+ );
+ } else {
+ $this->assertFalse(
+ $authorizationProvider->needsUserApproval(), "$class must not require user approval"
+ );
+ }
+ // Test if the provider enabled corresponding grant on the server
+ $serverReflection = new ReflectionClass( get_class( $server ) );
+ $enabledGrantsProp = $serverReflection->getProperty( 'enabledGrantTypes' );
+ $enabledGrantsProp->setAccessible( true );
+ $enabledGrants = $enabledGrantsProp->getValue( $server );
+ // In our case, each class is handling a single grant, so only that grant must be enabled
+ $this->assertSame( 1, count( $enabledGrants ),
+ 'Authorization server must have exactly one grant enabled' );
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey(
+ $grantName, $enabledGrants, "Grant \"$grantName\" must be enabled for $class"
+ );
+ }
+ public function provideGrantsArguments() {
+ return [
+ [ AuthorizationCodeAuthorization::class, 'authorization_code', true ],
+ [ AuthorizationCodeAccessTokens::class, 'authorization_code', false ],
+ [ ClientCredentials::class, 'client_credentials', false ],
+ [ RefreshToken::class, 'refresh_token', false ],
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideExpirationInterval
+ * @param string $global Value for setting
+ * @param int $expect Expected DateTimeInterval->getTimestamp()
+ */
+ public function testGetGrantExpirationInterval( $global, $expect ) {
+ $this->setMwGlobals( [ 'wgOAuth2GrantExpirationInterval' => $global ] );
+ $server = $this->getServer();
+ /** @var IAuthorizationProvider $authorizationProvider */
+ $authorizationProvider = $this->getMockBuilder( AuthorizationProvider::class )
+ ->setConstructorArgs( [
+ $this->getOAuthConfig(),
+ $server,
+ new NullLogger()
+ ] )
+ ->getMockForAbstractClass();
+ $interval = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $authorizationProvider )
+ ->getGrantExpirationInterval();
+ // No way to get the interval directly, so add it to a 0 timestamp then extract the timestamp...
+ $actual = ( new DateTime( '@0' ) )->add( $interval )->getTimestamp();
+ $this->assertSame( $expect, $actual );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideExpirationInterval
+ * @param string $global Value for setting
+ * @param int $expect Expected DateTimeInterval->getTimestamp()
+ */
+ public function testGetRefreshTokenTTL( $global, $expect ) {
+ $this->setMwGlobals( [ 'wgOAuth2RefreshTokenTTL' => $global ] );
+ $server = $this->getServer();
+ /** @var IAuthorizationProvider $authorizationProvider */
+ $authorizationProvider = $this->getMockBuilder( AuthorizationProvider::class )
+ ->setConstructorArgs( [
+ $this->getOAuthConfig(),
+ $server,
+ new NullLogger()
+ ] )
+ ->getMockForAbstractClass();
+ $interval = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $authorizationProvider )
+ ->getRefreshTokenTTL();
+ // No way to get the interval directly, so add it to a 0 timestamp then extract the timestamp...
+ $actual = ( new DateTime( '@0' ) )->add( $interval )->getTimestamp();
+ $this->assertSame( $expect, $actual );
+ }
+ public function provideExpirationInterval() {
+ return [
+ [ 'P30D', 2592000 ],
+ [ false, 9223371259704000000 ],
+ [ 'infinity', 9223371259704000000 ],
+ ];
+ }