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Diffstat (limited to 'OAuth/examples/testClient.php')
1 files changed, 228 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/OAuth/examples/testClient.php b/OAuth/examples/testClient.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0869257d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OAuth/examples/testClient.php
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+if ( PHP_SAPI !== 'cli' ) {
+ die( "CLI-only test script\n" );
+ * Testing integration with MediaWiki OAuth Extension
+ *
+ * The current extension follows OAuth 1.0a spec and while the
+ * extension works, you have to be aware of a few quirks.
+ *
+ * This sample is there to help you work your mind through the OAuth
+ * process. Its assuming your MediaWiki installation has this extension
+ * installed so you can become your own OAuth service provider. In other
+ * words, users in the wiki will be able to make various APIs calls
+ * to this wiki using OAuth tokens.
+ *
+ *
+ * Remember that OAuth 1.0 expects that the GET Request parameters
+ * are sorted in some order, then to have it hashed.
+ *
+ * In relation to MW; One known caveat is that the `$baseurl` has to
+ * be calling to your MediaWiki's `index.php` with
+ * `index.php?title=Special:OAuth` directly.
+ *
+ * Otherwise the extension will return an URL that way, and will break the hash
+ * signature and you will get an error.
+ */
+require __DIR__ . '/../lib/OAuth.php';
+ * Local to this example
+ *
+ * Whether you want to also see
+ * the objects being sent to the wire.
+ */
+$moreVerbose = false;
+ * Consumer key
+ *
+ * This is the application key you would
+ * get from the application you want to connect
+ * with your MediaWiki installation.
+ */
+$consumerKey = 'dpf43f3p2l4k3l03';
+ * Secret
+ *
+ * This is the generated secret key
+ * that you would get when you ask.
+ */
+$consumerSecret = 'kd94hf93k423kf44';
+ * Base URL
+ *
+ * Set to your MediaWiki address with "index.php?title=Special:OAuth".
+ *
+ * Remember that its a known limitation that you cannot use pretty URLs
+ * in this context.
+ *
+ * Ideally, you should have a SSL VirtualHost, but this test would not
+ * fail if you don't have one yet.
+ */
+$baseurl = 'https://localhost/w/index.php?title=Special:OAuth';
+ * Request token (a.k.a. the first step)
+ *
+ * The first step starts at "Special:OAuth/initiate" from the extension.
+ *
+ * Note that the `oauth_callback=oob` means "Out Of Band", and we currently
+ * cannot generate an URL based on headers, but from contents of the Response
+ * body (hence "out of band").
+ *
+ * This is due to the fact that the way the extension is made, it'll return
+ * something in the Response body that will need to create the link and
+ * make the user validate, and get the token.
+ */
+$request_token_url = $baseurl . '/initiate&format=json&oauth_callback=oob';
+ * Validate token (a.k.a. the 2nd step)
+ *
+ * This is the URL you use to send back to the application
+ * when that the connecting application gives you when the
+ * user accepted the request.
+ */
+$validate_token_url = $baseurl . '/token&format=json';
+ * You should not need to edit anything else beyond this point
+ */
+// This is to allow you to work without SSL locally
+$baseUrlIsSsl = (bool)preg_match( '/^https/i', $baseurl );
+print <<<HELPTEXT
+ Testing OAuth integration with MediaWiki.
+ * First step
+ */
+$c = new OAuthConsumer( $consumerKey, $consumerSecret );
+$parsed = parse_url( $request_token_url );
+$params = [];
+parse_str( $parsed['query'], $params );
+$req_req = OAuthRequest::from_consumer_and_token( $c, null, "GET", $request_token_url, $params );
+$hmac_method = new OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1();
+$sig_method = $hmac_method;
+$req_req->sign_request( $sig_method, $c, null );
+print <<<HELPTEXT
+ First step, asking for an URL to send the user to.
+echo "Calling: $req_req" . PHP_EOL;
+$ch = curl_init();
+curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, (string)$req_req );
+if ( $baseUrlIsSsl === true ) {
+ curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_PORT, 443 );
+ curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0 );
+curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0 );
+curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 );
+if ( $moreVerbose === true ) {
+ curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1 );
+$data = curl_exec( $ch );
+if ( !$data ) {
+ die( 'cURL error: ' . curl_error( $ch ) );
+$token = json_decode( $data );
+// @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
+print <<<HELPTEXT
+ Response body should be a JSON object with three keys:
+ - key
+ - secret
+ - oauth_callback_confirmed
+ You got: {$data}
+ ************************
+ Step two!
+ So far, we made one request and we should have what we need to get acknowledgement from the end user.
+ In order to continue, we have to ask the user for a permission. With what we just did, it gave us a one-time URL to send our user to.
+ The process can continue only if the user accepted it. Once accepted, MediaWiki's OAuth Extension creates an "oauth_verifier" string that you need to give for the next step.
+ Now, WITH YOUR WEB BROWSER, follow this link and pass through the validation.
+ Link: {$baseurl}/authorize&oauth_token={$token->key}&oauth_consumer_key={$consumerKey}
+// @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
+print 'What was the "verification value" the MediaWiki installation gave?' . PHP_EOL;
+$fh = fopen( "php://stdin", "r" );
+$line = fgets( $fh );
+ * Second step
+ */
+$rc = new OAuthConsumer( $token->key, $token->secret );
+$parsed = parse_url( $validate_token_url );
+parse_str( $parsed['query'], $params );
+$params['oauth_verifier'] = trim( $line );
+$acc_req = OAuthRequest::from_consumer_and_token( $c, $rc, "GET", $validate_token_url, $params );
+$acc_req->sign_request( $sig_method, $c, $rc );
+print <<<HELPTEXT
+ Going to validate token with another Request to the backend...
+echo "Calling: $acc_req" . PHP_EOL;
+unset( $ch );
+$ch = curl_init();
+curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, (string)$acc_req );
+if ( $baseUrlIsSsl === true ) {
+ curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_PORT, 443 );
+ curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0 );
+curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0 );
+curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 );
+if ( $moreVerbose === true ) {
+ curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1 );
+$data = curl_exec( $ch );
+if ( !$data ) {
+ echo 'Curl error: ' . curl_error( $ch );
+print <<<HELPTEXT
+ If all worked well, you should have a JSON object with two keys: key, secret.
+ You got:
+var_dump( $data );