diff options
authorBrian Evans <>2020-10-02 15:24:06 -0400
committerBrian Evans <>2020-10-02 15:24:06 -0400
commit60dd5fd95847643eab04ce173f0774c9c584e795 (patch)
tree52299ac4e3c5c69df75997bfd7d62b71ef9e0089 /MLEB/CleanChanges/CleanChanges_body.php
parentUpdate Widgets to 1.35 (diff)
Update MLEB to 2020.07
Signed-off-by: Brian Evans <>
Diffstat (limited to 'MLEB/CleanChanges/CleanChanges_body.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 748 deletions
diff --git a/MLEB/CleanChanges/CleanChanges_body.php b/MLEB/CleanChanges/CleanChanges_body.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f190f49b..00000000
--- a/MLEB/CleanChanges/CleanChanges_body.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,748 +0,0 @@
- * Generate a list of changes using an Enhanced system (use javascript).
- */
-class NCL extends EnhancedChangesList {
- /**
- * Determines which version of changes list to provide, or none.
- * @param User $user
- * @param Skin $skin
- * @param array &$list
- * @return bool
- */
- public static function hook( User $user, Skin $skin, &$list ) {
- global $wgCCTrailerFilter, $wgCCFiltersOnly;
- $list = null;
- if ( $wgCCTrailerFilter && defined( 'ULS_VERSION' ) ) {
- $skin->getOutput()->addModules( 'ext.cleanchanges.uls' );
- }
- if ( $wgCCFiltersOnly ) {
- return;
- }
- /* allow override */
- $request = $skin->getRequest();
- if ( $request->getBool( 'cleanrc' ) ) {
- $list = new NCL( $skin );
- }
- if ( $request->getBool( 'newrc' ) ) {
- $list = new EnhancedChangesList( $skin );
- }
- if ( $request->getBool( 'oldrc' ) ) {
- $list = new OldChangesList( $skin );
- }
- if ( !$list && $user->getOption( 'usenewrc' ) ) {
- $list = new NCL( $skin );
- }
- if ( $list instanceof NCL ) {
- $skin->getOutput()->addModules( 'ext.cleanchanges' );
- }
- /* If some list was specified, stop processing */
- return $list === null;
- }
- protected static $userinfo = [];
- /**
- * @param array &$vars
- * @return bool
- */
- public static function addScriptVariables( &$vars ) {
- $vars += self::$userinfo;
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * String that comes between page details and the user details. By default
- * only larger space.
- */
- protected $userSeparator = "\xc2\xa0 \xc2\xa0";
- /**
- * Text direction, true for ltr and false for rtl
- */
- protected $direction = true;
- /**
- * @param IContextSource|Skin $skin
- */
- public function __construct( $skin ) {
- $lang = $this->getLanguage();
- parent::__construct( $skin );
- $this->direction = !$lang->isRTL();
- $this->dir = $lang->getDirMark();
- }
- /**
- * @return String
- */
- public function beginRecentChangesList() {
- parent::beginRecentChangesList();
- $dir = $this->direction ? 'ltr' : 'rtl';
- return Xml::openElement(
- 'div',
- [ 'style' => "direction: $dir" ]
- );
- }
- /**
- * @return string
- */
- public function endRecentChangesList() {
- return $this->recentChangesBlock() . '</div>';
- }
- /**
- * @param RCCacheEntry|null $rc
- * @return int
- */
- protected function isLog( RCCacheEntry $rc = null ) {
- if ( $rc && $rc->getAttribute( 'rc_type' ) == RC_LOG ) {
- return 2;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * @param RCCacheEntry $rc
- * @return string
- */
- protected function getLogTitle( RCCacheEntry $rc ) {
- $logtype = $rc->getAttribute( 'rc_log_type' );
- $logpage = new LogPage( $logtype );
- $logname = $logpage->getName()->escaped();
- $titleObj = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Log', $logtype );
- $link = Linker::link( $titleObj, $logname );
- return $this->msg( 'parentheses' )->rawParams( $link )->escaped();
- }
- /**
- * Format a line for enhanced recentchange (aka with JavaScript and block of lines).
- * @param RecentChange &$baseRC
- * @param bool $watched
- * @param int|null $linenumber
- * @return string
- */
- public function recentChangesLine( &$baseRC, $watched = false, $linenumber = null ) {
- # Create a specialised object
- $rc = RCCacheEntry::newFromParent( $baseRC );
- // Extract most used variables
- $timestamp = $rc->getAttribute( 'rc_timestamp' );
- $titleObj = $rc->getTitle();
- $rc_id = $rc->getAttribute( 'rc_id' );
- $lang = $this->getLanguage();
- $date = $lang->date( $timestamp, /* adj */ true, /* format */ true );
- $time = $lang->time( $timestamp, /* adj */ true, /* format */ true );
- # Should patrol-related stuff be shown?
- $rc->unpatrolled = $this->showAsUnpatrolled( $rc );
- $logEntry = $this->isLog( $rc );
- if ( $logEntry ) {
- $clink = $this->getLogTitle( $rc );
- } elseif ( $rc->unpatrolled && $rc->getAttribute( 'rc_type' ) == RC_NEW ) {
- # Unpatrolled new page, give rc_id in query
- $clink = linker::linkKnown(
- $titleObj,
- null,
- [],
- [ 'rcid' => $rc_id ]
- );
- } else {
- $clink = Linker::linkKnown( $titleObj );
- }
- $rc->watched = $watched;
- $rc->link = $this->maybeWatchedLink( $clink, $watched );
- $rc->timestamp = $time;
- $rc->numberofWatchingusers = $baseRC->numberofWatchingusers;
- $rc->_reqCurId = [ 'curid' => $rc->getAttribute( 'rc_cur_id' ) ];
- $rc->_reqOldId = [ 'oldid' => $rc->getAttribute( 'rc_this_oldid' ) ];
- $this->makeLinks( $rc );
- // Make user links
- if ( self::isDeleted( $rc, Revision::DELETED_USER ) ) {
- $rc->_user = ' <span class="history-deleted">' .
- $this->msg( 'rev-deleted-user' )->escaped() .
- '</span>';
- $rc->_userInfo = '';
- self::$userinfo += [];
- } else {
- $rc->_user = Linker::userLink(
- $rc->getAttribute( 'rc_user' ),
- $rc->getAttribute( 'rc_user_text' )
- );
- $stuff = $this->userToolLinks(
- $rc->getAttribute( 'rc_user' ),
- $rc->getAttribute( 'rc_user_text' )
- );
- // TODO: userToolLinks can return ''
- self::$userinfo += $stuff[1];
- $rc->_userInfo = $stuff[0];
- }
- if ( !$this->isLog( $rc ) ) {
- $rc->_comment = $this->getComment( $rc );
- }
- $rc->_watching = $this->numberofWatchingusers( $baseRC->numberofWatchingusers );
- # If it's a new day, add the headline and flush the cache
- $ret = '';
- if ( $date !== $this->lastdate ) {
- # Process current cache
- $ret = $this->recentChangesBlock();
- $this->rc_cache = [];
- $ret .= Xml::element( 'h4', null, $date ) . "\n";
- $this->lastdate = $date;
- }
- # Put accumulated information into the cache, for later display
- # Page moves go on their own line
- if ( $logEntry ) {
- $secureName = $this->getLogTitle( $rc );
- } else {
- $secureName = $titleObj->getPrefixedDBkey();
- }
- $this->rc_cache[$secureName][] = $rc;
- return $ret;
- }
- /**
- * @param RCCacheEntry $rc
- */
- protected function makeLinks( RCCacheEntry $rc ) {
- /* These will be overriden with actual links below, if applicable */
- $rc->_curLink = $this->message['cur'];
- $rc->_diffLink = $this->message['diff'];
- $rc->_lastLink = $this->message['last'];
- $rc->_histLink = $this->message['hist'];
- if ( !$this->isLog( $rc ) ) {
- # Make cur, diff and last links
- $querycur = [ 'diff' => 0 ] + $rc->_reqCurId + $rc->_reqOldId;
- $querydiff = [
- 'diff' => $rc->getAttribute( 'rc_this_oldid' ),
- 'oldid' => $rc->getAttribute( 'rc_last_oldid' ),
- 'rcid' => $rc->unpatrolled ? $rc->getAttribute( 'rc_id' ) : '',
- ] + $rc->_reqCurId;
- $rc->_curLink = Linker::linkKnown( $rc->getTitle(),
- $this->message['cur'], [], $querycur );
- if ( $rc->getAttribute( 'rc_type' ) != RC_NEW ) {
- $rc->_diffLink = Linker::linkKnown( $rc->getTitle(),
- $this->message['diff'], [], $querydiff );
- }
- if ( $rc->getAttribute( 'rc_last_oldid' ) != 0 ) {
- // This is not the first revision
- $rc->_lastLink = Linker::linkKnown( $rc->getTitle(),
- $this->message['last'], [], $querydiff );
- }
- $rc->_histLink = Linker::link( $rc->getTitle(),
- $this->message['hist'], [],
- $rc->_reqCurId + [ 'action' => 'history' ]
- );
- }
- }
- /**
- * Enhanced RC group
- * @param RCCacheEntry[] $block
- * @return string
- */
- protected function recentChangesBlockGroup( $block ) {
- # Collate list of users
- $isnew = false;
- $userlinks = [];
- $overrides = [ 'minor' => false, 'bot' => false ];
- $oldid = 0;
- foreach ( $block as $rcObj ) {
- $oldid = $rcObj->getAttribute( 'rc_last_oldid' );
- if ( $rcObj->getAttribute( 'rc_new' ) ) {
- $isnew = $overrides['new'] = true;
- }
- $u = $rcObj->_user;
- if ( !isset( $userlinks[$u] ) ) {
- $userlinks[$u] = 0;
- }
- if ( $rcObj->unpatrolled ) {
- $overrides['patrol'] = true;
- }
- $userlinks[$u]++;
- }
- # Main line, flags and timestamp
- $info = Xml::tags( 'code', null,
- $this->getFlags( $block[0], $overrides ) . ' ' . $block[0]->timestamp );
- $rci = 'RCI' . $this->rcCacheIndex;
- $rcl = 'RCL' . $this->rcCacheIndex;
- $rcm = 'RCM' . $this->rcCacheIndex;
- $linkAttribs = [
- 'data-mw-cleanchanges-level' => $rci,
- 'data-mw-cleanchanges-other' => $rcm,
- 'data-mw-cleanchanges-link' => $rcl,
- 'tabindex' => '0',
- 'role' => 'button',
- 'class' => 'mw-cleanchanges-showblock'
- ];
- $tl =
- Xml::tags( 'span', [ 'id' => $rcm ],
- Xml::tags( 'a', $linkAttribs,
- $this->arrow( $this->direction ? 'r' : 'l' ) ) ) .
- Xml::tags( 'span', [ 'id' => $rcl, 'style' => 'display: none;' ],
- Xml::tags( 'a', $linkAttribs, $this->downArrow() ) );
- $items[] = $tl . $info;
- # Article link
- $items[] = $block[0]->link;
- $log = $this->isLog( $block[0] );
- if ( !$log ) {
- # Changes
- $n = count( $block );
- static $nchanges = [];
- if ( !isset( $nchanges[$n] ) ) {
- $nchanges[$n] = $this->msg( 'nchanges' )->numParams( $n )->escaped();
- }
- if ( !$isnew ) {
- $changes = Linker::linkKnown(
- $block[0]->getTitle(),
- $nchanges[$n],
- [],
- [
- 'curid' => $block[0]->getAttribute( 'rc_cur_id' ),
- 'diff' => $block[0]->getAttribute( 'rc_this_oldid' ),
- 'oldid' => $oldid
- ]
- );
- } else {
- $changes = $nchanges[$n];
- }
- $size = $this->getCharacterDifference( $block[0], $block[count( $block ) - 1] );
- $items[] = $this->changeInfo( $changes, $block[0]->_histLink, $size );
- }
- $items[] = $this->userSeparator;
- # Sort the list and convert to text
- $items[] = $this->makeUserlinks( $userlinks );
- $items[] = $block[0]->_watching;
- $lines = Xml::tags( 'div', null, implode( " {$this->dir}", $items ) ) . "\n";
- # Sub-entries
- $lines .= Xml::tags( 'div',
- [ 'id' => $rci, 'style' => 'display: none;' ],
- $this->subEntries( $block )
- ) . "\n";
- $this->rcCacheIndex++;
- return $lines . "\n";
- }
- /**
- * Generate HTML for an arrow or placeholder graphic
- * @param string $dir One of '', 'd', 'l', 'r'
- * @param string $alt
- * @param string $title
- * @return string HTML "<img>" tag
- */
- protected function arrow( $dir, $alt = '', $title = '' ) {
- global $wgExtensionAssetsPath;
- return Html::element(
- 'img',
- [
- 'src' => "$wgExtensionAssetsPath/CleanChanges/images/Arr_$dir.png",
- 'width' => 12,
- 'height' => 12,
- 'alt' => $alt,
- 'title' => $title,
- ]
- );
- }
- /**
- * Generate HTML for a right- or left-facing arrow,
- * depending on language direction.
- * @return string HTML "<img>" tag
- */
- protected function sideArrow() {
- $dir = $this->getLanguage()->isRTL() ? 'l' : 'r';
- return $this->arrow( $dir, '+', $this->msg( 'rc-enhanced-expand' )->text() );
- }
- /**
- * Generate HTML for a down-facing arrow
- * depending on language direction.
- * @return string HTML "<img>" tag
- */
- protected function downArrow() {
- return $this->arrow( 'd', '-', $this->msg( 'rc-enhanced-hide' )->text() );
- }
- /**
- * Generate HTML for a spacer image
- * @return string HTML "<img>" tag
- */
- protected function spacerArrow() {
- return $this->arrow( '', UtfNormal\Utils::codepointToUtf8( 0xa0 ) ); // non-breaking space
- }
- /**
- * @param RCCacheEntry[] $block
- * @return string
- */
- protected function subEntries( array $block ) {
- $lines = '';
- foreach ( $block as $rcObj ) {
- $items = [];
- $log = $this->isLog( $rcObj );
- $time = $rcObj->timestamp;
- if ( !$log ) {
- $time = Linker::linkKnown(
- $rcObj->getTitle(),
- $rcObj->timestamp,
- [],
- $rcObj->_reqOldId + $rcObj->_reqCurId
- );
- }
- $info = $this->getFlags( $rcObj ) . ' ' . $time;
- $items[] = $this->spacerArrow() . Xml::tags( 'code', null, $info );
- if ( !$log ) {
- $cur = $rcObj->_curLink;
- $last = $rcObj->_lastLink;
- if ( $block[0] === $rcObj ) {
- // no point diffing first to first
- $cur = $this->message['cur'];
- }
- $items[] = $this->changeInfo( $cur, $last, $this->getCharacterDifference( $rcObj ) );
- }
- $items[] = $this->userSeparator;
- if ( $this->isLog( $rcObj ) ) {
- $items[] = $this->insertLogEntry( $rcObj );
- } else {
- $items[] = $rcObj->_user;
- $items[] = $rcObj->_userInfo;
- $items[] = $rcObj->_comment;
- }
- $lines .= '<div>' . implode( " {$this->dir}", $items ) . "</div>\n";
- }
- return $lines;
- }
- /**
- * @param string $diff
- * @param string $hist
- * @param mixed $size
- * @return string
- */
- protected function changeInfo( $diff, $hist, $size ) {
- if ( is_int( $size ) ) {
- $size = $this->wrapCharacterDifference( $size );
- // FIXME: i18n: Hard coded parentheses and spaces.
- return $this->msg( 'cleanchanges-rcinfo-3' )->rawParams( $diff, $hist, $size )->escaped();
- } else {
- return $this->msg( 'cleanchanges-rcinfo-2' )->rawParams( $diff, $hist )->escaped();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Enhanced RC ungrouped line.
- * @param RCCacheEntry $rcObj
- * @return string a HTML formated line
- */
- protected function recentChangesBlockLine( $rcObj ) {
- # Flag and Timestamp
- $info = $this->getFlags( $rcObj ) . ' ' . $rcObj->timestamp;
- $items[] = $this->spacerArrow() . Xml::tags( 'code', null, $info );
- # Article link
- $items[] = $rcObj->link;
- if ( !$this->isLog( $rcObj ) ) {
- $items[] = $this->changeInfo( $rcObj->_diffLink, $rcObj->_histLink,
- $this->getCharacterDifference( $rcObj )
- );
- }
- $items[] = $this->userSeparator;
- if ( $this->isLog( $rcObj ) ) {
- $items[] = $this->insertLogEntry( $rcObj );
- } else {
- $items[] = $rcObj->_user;
- $items[] = $rcObj->_userInfo;
- $items[] = $rcObj->_comment;
- $items[] = $rcObj->_watching;
- }
- return '<div>' . implode( " {$this->dir}", $items ) . "</div>\n";
- }
- /**
- * @param RCCacheEntry $rc
- * @return string
- */
- public function getComment( RCCacheEntry $rc ) {
- $comment = $rc->getAttribute( 'rc_comment' );
- $action = '';
- if ( $comment === '' ) {
- return $action;
- } elseif ( self::isDeleted( $rc, LogPage::DELETED_COMMENT ) ) {
- $priviledged = $this->getUser()->isAllowed( 'deleterevision' );
- if ( $priviledged ) {
- return $action . ' <span class="history-deleted">' .
- Linker::formatComment( $comment ) .
- '</span>';
- }
- return $action . ' <span class="history-deleted">' .
- $this->msg( 'rev-deleted-comment' )->escaped() .
- '</span>';
- }
- return $action . Linker::commentBlock( $comment, $rc->getTitle() );
- }
- /**
- * Enhanced user tool links, with javascript functionality.
- * @param int $userId user id, 0 for anons
- * @param string $userText username
- * @return array|string Either an array of html and array of messages, or ''
- * [0]: html span and links to user tools
- * [1]: array of escaped message strings
- */
- public function userToolLinks( $userId, $userText ) {
- global $wgDisableAnonTalk;
- $talkable = !( $wgDisableAnonTalk && 0 == $userId );
- /*
- * Assign each different user a running id. This is used to show user tool
- * links on demand with javascript, to reduce page size when one user has
- * multiple changes.
- *
- * $linkindex is the running id, and $users contain username -> html snippet
- * for javascript.
- */
- static $linkindex = 0;
- $linkindex++;
- static $users = [];
- $userindex = array_search( $userText, $users, true );
- if ( $userindex === false ) {
- $users[] = $userText;
- $userindex = count( $users ) - 1;
- }
- global $wgExtensionAssetsPath;
- $image = Xml::element( 'img', [
- 'src' => $wgExtensionAssetsPath . '/CleanChanges/images/showuserlinks.png',
- 'alt' => $this->msg( 'cleanchanges-showuserlinks' )->text(),
- 'title' => $this->msg( 'cleanchanges-showuserlinks' )->text(),
- 'width' => '15',
- 'height' => '11',
- ]
- );
- $rci = 'RCUI' . $userindex;
- $rcl = 'RCUL' . $linkindex;
- $rcm = 'RCUM' . $linkindex;
- $linkAttribs = [
- 'tabindex' => '0',
- 'role' => 'button',
- 'class' => 'mw-cleanchanges-showuserinfo',
- 'data-mw-userinfo-id' => $rci,
- 'data-mw-userinfo-target' => $rcl
- ];
- $tl = Xml::tags( 'span', [ 'id' => $rcm ],
- Xml::tags( 'a', $linkAttribs, $image )
- );
- $tl .= Xml::element( 'span', [ 'id' => $rcl ], ' ' );
- $items = [];
- if ( $talkable ) {
- $items[] = Linker::userTalkLink( $userId, $userText );
- }
- if ( $userId ) {
- $targetPage = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Contributions', $userText );
- $items[] = Linker::linkKnown( $targetPage,
- $this->msg( 'contribslink' )->escaped() );
- }
- if ( $this->getUser()->isAllowed( 'block' ) ) {
- $items[] = Linker::blockLink( $userId, $userText );
- }
- if ( $userId ) {
- $userrightsPage = new UserrightsPage();
- if ( $userrightsPage->userCanChangeRights( User::newFromId( $userId ) ) ) {
- $targetPage = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Userrights', $userText );
- $items[] = Linker::linkKnown( $targetPage,
- $this->msg( 'cleanchanges-changerightslink' )->escaped() );
- }
- }
- if ( $items ) {
- $msg = $this->msg( 'parentheses' )
- ->rawParams( $this->getLanguage()->pipeList( $items ) )
- ->escaped();
- $data = [ "wgUserInfo$rci" => $msg ];
- return [ $tl, $data ];
- } else {
- return '';
- }
- }
- /**
- * Makes aggregated list of contributors for a changes group.
- * Example: [Usera; AnotherUser; ActiveUser ‎(2×); Userabc ‎(6×)]
- * @param array $userlinks
- * @return string
- */
- protected function makeUserlinks( $userlinks ) {
- /*
- * User with least changes first, and fallback to alphabetical sorting if
- * multiple users have same number of changes.
- */
- krsort( $userlinks );
- asort( $userlinks );
- $users = [];
- foreach ( $userlinks as $userlink => $count ) {
- $text = $userlink;
- if ( $count > 1 ) {
- $lang = $this->getLanguage();
- $count = $lang->formatNum( $count );
- $text .= "{$lang->getDirMark()}×$count";
- }
- array_push( $users, $text );
- }
- $text = implode( '; ', $users );
- return $this->XMLwrapper( 'changedby', "[$text]", 'span', false );
- }
- /**
- * @param RCCacheEntry $rc
- * @param array|null $overrides
- * @return string
- */
- protected function getFlags( $rc, array $overrides = null ) {
- // @todo We assume all characters are of equal width, which they may be not
- $map = [
- # item => field letter-or-something
- 'new' => [ 'rc_new', self::flag( 'newpage' ) ],
- 'minor' => [ 'rc_minor', self::flag( 'minor' ) ],
- 'bot' => [ 'rc_bot', self::flag( 'bot' ) ],
- ];
- static $nothing = "\xc2\xa0";
- $items = [];
- foreach ( $map as $item => $data ) {
- list( $field, $flag ) = $data;
- $bool = isset( $overrides[$item] ) ? $overrides[$item] : $rc->getAttribute( $field );
- $items[] = $bool ? $flag : $nothing;
- }
- if ( $this->getUser()->useRCPatrol() ) {
- if ( isset( $overrides['patrol'] ) ) {
- $items[] = $overrides['patrol'] ? self::flag( 'unpatrolled' ) : $nothing;
- } elseif ( $this->showAsUnpatrolled( $rc ) ) {
- $items[] = self::flag( 'unpatrolled' );
- } else {
- $items[] = $nothing;
- }
- }
- return implode( '', $items );
- }
- /**
- * @param RCCacheEntry $new
- * @param RCCacheEntry|null $old
- * @return mixed
- */
- protected function getCharacterDifference( $new, $old = null ) {
- if ( $old === null ) {
- $old = $new;
- }
- $newSize = $new->getAttribute( 'rc_new_len' );
- $oldSize = $old->getAttribute( 'rc_old_len' );
- if ( $newSize === null || $oldSize === null ) {
- // @todo Return null instead of string here?
- return '';
- }
- return $newSize - $oldSize;
- }
- /**
- * @param mixed $szdiff Character difference.
- * @return string
- */
- public function wrapCharacterDifference( $szdiff ) {
- global $wgRCChangedSizeThreshold;
- static $cache = [];
- if ( !isset( $cache[$szdiff] ) ) {
- // @todo FIXME: Hard coded text (+).
- $prefix = $szdiff > 0 ? '+' : '';
- $cache[$szdiff] = $prefix . $this->msg( 'rc-change-size',
- $this->getLanguage()->formatNum( $szdiff )
- )->text();
- }
- $tag = 'span';
- if ( abs( $szdiff ) > abs( $wgRCChangedSizeThreshold ) ) {
- $tag = 'strong';
- }
- if ( $szdiff === 0 ) {
- return $this->XMLwrapper( 'mw-plusminus-null', $cache[$szdiff], $tag );
- } elseif ( $szdiff > 0 ) {
- return $this->XMLwrapper( 'mw-plusminus-pos', $cache[$szdiff], $tag );
- }
- return $this->XMLwrapper( 'mw-plusminus-neg', $cache[$szdiff], $tag );
- }
- /**
- * @param string $class
- * @param string $content
- * @param string $tag
- * @param bool $escape
- * @return string
- */
- protected function XMLwrapper( $class, $content, $tag = 'span', $escape = true ) {
- if ( $escape ) {
- return Xml::element( $tag, [ 'class' => $class ], $content );
- }
- return Xml::tags( $tag, [ 'class' => $class ], $content );
- }