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Diffstat (limited to 'metadata/pkg_desc_index')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/metadata/pkg_desc_index b/metadata/pkg_desc_index
index 0379f9ecb8d9..376c837ffaf5 100644
--- a/metadata/pkg_desc_index
+++ b/metadata/pkg_desc_index
@@ -3105,7 +3105,7 @@ app-text/uudeview 0.5.20-r2: uu, xx, base64, binhex decoder
app-text/vgrep 2.3.1 2.3.3 2.4.0 2.5.0 2.5.1: A pager for grep, git-grep and similar grep implementations
app-text/vilistextum 2.6.9-r1 HTML to ASCII converter programmed to handle incorrect html
app-text/wdiff 1.2.2-r1: Create a diff disregarding formatting
-app-text/webgen 1.7.1: A template-based static website generator
+app-text/webgen 1.7.1 1.7.2: A template-based static website generator
app-text/wgetpaste 2.29-r1 2.30_p20210222-r1 2.30_p20210222-r2: Command-line interface to various pastebins
app-text/wiki2beamer 0.10.0: Tool to produce LaTeX Beamer code from wiki-like input
app-text/writerperfect 0.9.6: Various formats to Open document format converter
@@ -7971,7 +7971,7 @@ dev-python/aiohttp-cors 0.7.0-r1: Implements CORS support for aiohttp asyncio-po
dev-python/aiohttp-jinja2 0.15.0: jinja2 template renderer for aiohttp.web
dev-python/aiohttp-socks 0.5.5 0.6.0: SOCKS proxy connector for aiohttp
dev-python/aiorpcX 0.18.5 0.19 0.19.1 0.20.1: Generic async RPC implementation, including JSON-RPC
-dev-python/aiosmtpd 1.2 1.2.2 1.2.4 1.3.2 1.4.0 1.4.1: asyncio based SMTP server
+dev-python/aiosmtpd 1.2 1.2.2 1.2.4 1.3.2 1.4.0 1.4.1 1.4.2: asyncio based SMTP server
dev-python/alabaster 0.7.12: A configurable sidebar-enabled Sphinx theme
dev-python/alagitpull 0.0.23-r1: alabaster sub-theme used on git-pull docs
dev-python/alembic 1.5.4 1.5.5 1.5.6: database migrations tool, written by the author of SQLAlchemy
@@ -8378,7 +8378,7 @@ dev-python/imagesize 1.2.0: Pure Python module for getting image size from png/j
dev-python/imapclient 2.2.0: easy-to-use, pythonic, and complete IMAP client library
dev-python/iminuit 1.3.8 2.2.1 2.3.0: Minuit numerical function minimization in Python
dev-python/immutables 0.14 0.15: A high-performance immutable mapping type for Python
-dev-python/importlib_metadata 3.4.0 3.7.0 3.7.1: Read metadata from Python packages
+dev-python/importlib_metadata 3.4.0 3.7.0 3.7.1 3.7.2: Read metadata from Python packages
dev-python/importlib_resources 5.1.0 5.1.1 5.1.2: Read resources from Python packages
dev-python/imread 0.7.3-r1: Read Image Files
dev-python/incremental 17.5.0 21.3.0: Incremental is a small library that versions your Python projects
@@ -9038,7 +9038,7 @@ dev-python/python3-saml 1.9.0 1.10.0 1.10.1: OneLogin's SAML Python Toolkit
dev-python/python_orocos_kdl 1.4.0-r1 9999: Python bindings for KDL
dev-python/pythondialog 3.5.1: A Python module for making simple text/console-mode user interfaces
dev-python/pytidylib 0.3.2-r1: Python wrapper for HTML Tidy (tidylib)
-dev-python/pytools 2021.1 9999: Collection of tools missing from the Python standard library
+dev-python/pytools 2021.1 2021.1.2 9999: Collection of tools missing from the Python standard library
dev-python/pytrie 0.4.0: A pure Python implementation of the trie data structure
dev-python/pytz 2021.1: World timezone definitions for Python
dev-python/pytzdata 2020.1: The Olson timezone database for Python
@@ -10001,7 +10001,7 @@ dev-ruby/exifr 1.3.8 1.3.9: A library to read EXIF info from JPEG and TIFF image
dev-ruby/facter 3.14.16-r1: A cross-platform ruby library for retrieving facts from operating systems
dev-ruby/factory_girl 4.8.1: factory_girl provides a framework and DSL for defining and using factories
dev-ruby/fakefs 0.19.2 0.20.1 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3: A fake filesystem. Use it in your tests
-dev-ruby/faker 2.14.0 2.15.1: A library for generating fake data such as names, addresses, and phone numbers
+dev-ruby/faker 2.14.0 2.15.1 2.16.0: A library for generating fake data such as names, addresses, and phone numbers
dev-ruby/fakeweb Helper for faking web requests in Ruby
dev-ruby/faraday 0.17.3 1.0.1 1.1.0 1.2.0: HTTP/REST API client library with pluggable components
dev-ruby/faraday_middleware 0.14.0 1.0.0: Various middleware for Faraday
@@ -10012,8 +10012,8 @@ dev-ruby/fast_xs 0.8.0-r2: fast_xs text escaping library ruby bindings
dev-ruby/fattr 2.4.0: fattr.rb is a "fatter attr" for ruby
dev-ruby/fcgi FastCGI library for Ruby
dev-ruby/ferret A ruby indexing/searching library
-dev-ruby/ffaker 2.15.0 2.16.0 2.17.0: Faster Faker, generates dummy data
-dev-ruby/ffi 1.11.3 1.12.2 1.13.1 1.14.1 1.14.2: Ruby extension for programmatically loading dynamic libraries
+dev-ruby/ffaker 2.15.0 2.16.0 2.17.0 2.18.0: Faster Faker, generates dummy data
+dev-ruby/ffi 1.11.3 1.12.2 1.13.1 1.14.1 1.14.2 1.15.0: Ruby extension for programmatically loading dynamic libraries
dev-ruby/ffi-compiler 1.0.1: Ruby FFI Rakefile generator
dev-ruby/file-tail 1.2.0: A small ruby library that allows it to 'tail' files in Ruby
dev-ruby/filesize 0.2.0: small ruby class for handling filesizes with both the SI and binary prefixes
@@ -10193,7 +10193,7 @@ dev-ruby/optimist 3.0.1: A commandline option parser for Ruby that just gets out
dev-ruby/optionable 0.2.0: Robust options validation for Ruby methods
dev-ruby/org-ruby 0.9.12: Ruby routines for parsing org-mode files
dev-ruby/origin 2.3.1: Origin is a simple DSL for generating MongoDB selectors and options
-dev-ruby/ox 2.13.4 2.14.0 2.14.1: A fast XML parser and Object marshaller
+dev-ruby/ox 2.13.4 2.14.0 2.14.1 2.14.2: A fast XML parser and Object marshaller
dev-ruby/packetfu 1.1.13: A mid-level packet manipulation library
dev-ruby/paint 2.2.0 2.2.1: Terminal painter
dev-ruby/parallel 1.19.2 1.20.0 1.20.1: Run any code in parallel Processes or Threads
@@ -10253,7 +10253,7 @@ dev-ruby/rb-readline 0.5.5: Ruby implementation of the GNU readline C library
dev-ruby/rbnacl 4.0.2-r1 7.1.1: Provides a high-level toolkit for building cryptographic systems and protocols
dev-ruby/rbpdf 1.20.1-r2: Ruby on Rails RBPDF plugin
dev-ruby/rbpdf-font 1.19.1: Font files for the Ruby on Rails RBPDF plugin
-dev-ruby/rbs 1.0.0 1.0.4 1.0.6: The language for type signatures for Ruby and standard library definitions
+dev-ruby/rbs 1.0.0 1.0.4 1.0.6 1.1.0: The language for type signatures for Ruby and standard library definitions
dev-ruby/rbst 0.6.5: A simple Ruby wrapper for processing rST via docutils
dev-ruby/rcairo 1.16.5 1.16.6: Ruby bindings for cairo
dev-ruby/rchardet 1.8.0: Character encoding auto-detection in Ruby
@@ -10359,7 +10359,7 @@ dev-ruby/ruby2ruby 2.4.2 2.4.4: Generates readable ruby from ParseTree
dev-ruby/ruby_gntp 0.3.4: Ruby library for GNTP(Growl Notification Transport Protocol)
dev-ruby/ruby_parser 3.14.2 3.15.0 3.15.1: A ruby parser written in pure ruby
dev-ruby/ruby_smb 1.1.0: pure Ruby implementation of the SMB Protocol Family
-dev-ruby/rubygems 2.7.10 2.7.11 3.0.3 3.0.9 3.1.6 3.2.6 3.2.7 3.2.11: Centralized Ruby extension management system
+dev-ruby/rubygems 2.7.10 2.7.11 3.0.3 3.0.9 3.1.6 3.2.6 3.2.7 3.2.11 3.2.13: Centralized Ruby extension management system
dev-ruby/rubyntlm 0.6.2 0.6.3: Ruby/NTLM provides message creator and parser for the NTLM authentication.
dev-ruby/rubypants 0.7.0 0.7.1: A Ruby port of the SmartyPants PHP library
dev-ruby/rubytest 0.8.1: Ruby Test is a universal test harness for Ruby
@@ -15602,7 +15602,7 @@ net-vpn/networkmanager-vpnc 1.2.6-r2: NetworkManager VPNC plugin
net-vpn/nstx 1.1_beta6-r3: IP over DNS tunnel
net-vpn/ocserv 1.0.1 1.1.1: Openconnect SSL VPN server
net-vpn/openconnect 8.09-r1 8.09-r3 8.10 8.10-r1 9999: Free client for Cisco AnyConnect SSL VPN software
-net-vpn/openfortivpn 1.13.2 1.13.3 1.15.0: Fortinet compatible VPN client
+net-vpn/openfortivpn 1.13.2 1.13.3 1.15.0 1.16.0: Fortinet compatible VPN client
net-vpn/openvpn 2.4.9 2.5.0-r1 9999: Robust and highly flexible tunneling application compatible with many OSes
net-vpn/pptpd 1.4.0-r3: Linux Point-to-Point Tunnelling Protocol Server
net-vpn/protonvpn-cli 2.2.2 2.2.4 2.2.6: A VPN command-line tool from protonvpn - python rewrite