diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'media-libs/alsa-lib/alsa-lib-1.2.5_p20210604.ebuild')
1 files changed, 103 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/media-libs/alsa-lib/alsa-lib-1.2.5_p20210604.ebuild b/media-libs/alsa-lib/alsa-lib-1.2.5_p20210604.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..df1ce950ded3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-libs/alsa-lib/alsa-lib-1.2.5_p20210604.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{7,8,9} )
+inherit autotools multilib-minimal python-single-r1
+# When COMMIT is defined, this ebuild turns from a release into a snapshot ebuild:
+# Also set SNAPSHOT_PV to match the correct PV, so that the ebuild can detect a naive rename:
+DESCRIPTION="Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Library"
+if [[ -n ${COMMIT} ]]; then
+ SRC_URI="${PN}.git;a=snapshot;h=${COMMIT};sf=tgz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
+ S="${WORKDIR}"/${PN}-${COMMIT:0:7}
+ # TODO: Upstream does publish .sig files, so someone could implement verify-sig ;)
+ SRC_URI="${P}.tar.bz2"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
+IUSE="alisp debug doc elibc_uclibc python +thread-safety"
+BDEPEND="doc? ( >=app-doc/doxygen-1.2.6 )"
+RDEPEND="python? ( ${PYTHON_DEPS} )
+ media-libs/alsa-topology-conf
+ media-libs/alsa-ucm-conf
+ "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-1.1.6-missing_files.patch" # bug #652422
+pkg_pretend() {
+ if [[ -n ${COMMIT} && -z ${SNAPSHOT_PV} || -z ${COMMIT} && -n ${SNAPSHOT_PV} ]]; then
+ eerror "Please either set both COMMIT and SNAPSHOT_PV or neither!"
+ elif [[ -n ${SNAPSHOT_PV} && ${PV} != ${SNAPSHOT_PV} ]]; then
+ eerror "Rename of snapshot ebuild detected - please check COMMIT & SNAPSHOT_PV!"
+ fi
+pkg_setup() {
+ use python && python-single-r1_pkg_setup
+src_prepare() {
+ find . -name -exec sed -i -e '/CFLAGS/s:-g -O2::' {} + || die
+ #
+ if use elibc_uclibc ; then
+ sed -i -e 's:oldapi queue_timer:queue_timer:' test/ || die
+ fi
+ #
+ sed -i -e '5s:^$:\nAM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/include:' test/lsb/ || die
+ default
+ eautoreconf
+multilib_src_configure() {
+ local myeconfargs=(
+ --disable-maintainer-mode
+ --disable-resmgr
+ --enable-aload
+ --enable-rawmidi
+ --enable-seq
+ --enable-shared
+ # enable Python only on final ABI
+ $(multilib_native_use_enable python)
+ $(use_enable alisp)
+ $(use_enable thread-safety)
+ $(use_with debug)
+ $(usex elibc_uclibc --without-versioned '')
+ )
+ ECONF_SOURCE="${S}" econf "${myeconfargs[@]}"
+multilib_src_compile() {
+ emake
+ if multilib_is_native_abi && use doc; then
+ emake doc
+ grep -FZrl "${S}" doc/doxygen/html | \
+ xargs -0 sed -i -e "s:${S}::" || die
+ fi
+multilib_src_install() {
+ multilib_is_native_abi && use doc && local HTML_DOCS=( doc/doxygen/html/. )
+ default
+multilib_src_install_all() {
+ find "${ED}" -type f \( -name '*.a' -o -name '*.la' \) -delete || die
+ dodoc ChangeLog doc/asoundrc.txt NOTES TODO