diff options
authorAnthony G. Basile <>2012-03-10 12:33:26 +0000
committerAnthony G. Basile <>2012-03-10 12:33:26 +0000
commitcba0c785520713233d8a3fbef0d746c7707c4ac0 (patch)
tree0f6c6d464acf3035ab63f3d7bb839914a7f8931a /net-firewall/ipsec-tools
parentAdd fix for underlinking detected by gold (diff)
Remove older unstable version
Package-Manager: portage- x86_64
Diffstat (limited to 'net-firewall/ipsec-tools')
3 files changed, 9 insertions, 240 deletions
diff --git a/net-firewall/ipsec-tools/ChangeLog b/net-firewall/ipsec-tools/ChangeLog
index 15ec470bad25..ec52705bea97 100644
--- a/net-firewall/ipsec-tools/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-firewall/ipsec-tools/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# ChangeLog for net-firewall/ipsec-tools
# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-firewall/ipsec-tools/ChangeLog,v 1.90 2012/03/09 23:03:37 blueness Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-firewall/ipsec-tools/ChangeLog,v 1.91 2012/03/10 12:33:26 blueness Exp $
+ 10 Mar 2012; Anthony G. Basile <>
+ -ipsec-tools-0.8.0-r1.ebuild:
+ Remove older unstable version
09 Mar 2012; Anthony G. Basile <>
diff --git a/net-firewall/ipsec-tools/Manifest b/net-firewall/ipsec-tools/Manifest
index 09871cbb2d22..3c29512ff0c0 100644
--- a/net-firewall/ipsec-tools/Manifest
+++ b/net-firewall/ipsec-tools/Manifest
@@ -14,14 +14,13 @@ DIST ipsec-tools-0.7.3.tar.bz2 776096 RMD160 e0ff32f0daa845934ac868ad5f36d58b259
DIST ipsec-tools-0.8.0.tar.bz2 809297 RMD160 8715d97c52ef4de771e50df579e5e9241d5bf966 SHA1 d44a955a00cdfcd771fb1eca8267421bd47bc46e SHA256 2359a24aa8eda9ca7043fc47950c8e6b7f58a07c5d5ad316aa7de2bc5e3a8717
EBUILD ipsec-tools-0.7.3-r1.ebuild 5504 RMD160 c80cca70aec3efa13f87c3c66bec051cc581a6da SHA1 afd5f1d981ab75cb640aa3825b3c377a8403eefd SHA256 fb8f045eb7bde9e20eb9c634337e1b23caf64128ff84aa81af4faed2cdc16fed
EBUILD ipsec-tools-0.7.3.ebuild 8375 RMD160 990aa70c71acc7f3c523aaa1abcfef4f8999e7c7 SHA1 f65d04115cce6277297953cfbac91ce89a3ce83b SHA256 fb7cd6ae897526e409bb9799c9594955577894f87cf79fef27fe8f673d4eaafd
-EBUILD ipsec-tools-0.8.0-r1.ebuild 6059 RMD160 8362f600f68800c907e177a5566e1356377c470f SHA1 1cc992a2e39073e89fae48278c36ada363d0d366 SHA256 b0908292a9bd960f988009ed9a7a9f3be073243838c7b4f3ea7715695e8b48fa
EBUILD ipsec-tools-0.8.0-r3.ebuild 5991 RMD160 1be428c93bf279c26a6f27606d0277bb981da3e7 SHA1 87bedeb5dfcab821a020f8b25ebba29aeae026d5 SHA256 b7c24888cda0edd175afe1f4c8e1445856a70e88d0870ca40511e196b3c2333c
-MISC ChangeLog 14810 RMD160 91c204aa5a8c2637b8503f21008b2c5a5affcd80 SHA1 9e3c35eddf762da597c95ee5023958f2e64674ac SHA256 7f80ef3b6f0229998580b59730ea20f64b6e87e9808d8e69a4592c9d9ae8c207
+MISC ChangeLog 14930 RMD160 0bb6bef79186c357590889f1948d2de601cbbbe1 SHA1 22c0279027a8868ee34cee4e9f2e3258daa381bf SHA256 7fb437e5417d91947e380cb1171e24e2f634e0b47e45a334eae5e9000c64877f
MISC metadata.xml 537 RMD160 41f7f604e33d56879ee9dd0d5a18c7f8fcc0910e SHA1 0fdf06aa17efa68aa50f04db0277e0dc4f4be590 SHA256 12de55d6d62b8e91c8996422e33462b5637f9720a5096025752b93906bcbdc40
Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/net-firewall/ipsec-tools/ipsec-tools-0.8.0-r1.ebuild b/net-firewall/ipsec-tools/ipsec-tools-0.8.0-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ce4153210c8..000000000000
--- a/net-firewall/ipsec-tools/ipsec-tools-0.8.0-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-firewall/ipsec-tools/ipsec-tools-0.8.0-r1.ebuild,v 1.3 2012/03/04 18:18:27 blueness Exp $
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic autotools linux-info pam
-DESCRIPTION="A port of KAME's IPsec utilities to the Linux-2.6 IPsec implementation"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-IUSE="rc5 idea kerberos stats ipv6 nat selinux readline pam hybrid ldap"
- kerberos? ( virtual/krb5 )
- selinux? (
- sys-libs/libselinux
- sec-policy/selinux-ipsec-tools
- )
- readline? ( sys-libs/readline )
- pam? ( sys-libs/pam )
- ldap? ( net-nds/openldap )
- dev-libs/openssl
- virtual/libiconv"
-# iconv? ( virtual/libiconv )
-# radius? ( net-dialup/gnuradius )
- >=sys-kernel/linux-headers-2.6.30"
-pkg_setup() {
- linux-info_pkg_setup
- get_version
- if linux_config_exists && kernel_is -ge 2 6 19; then
- ewarn
- ewarn "\033[1;33m**************************************************\033[1;33m"
- ewarn
- ewarn "Checking kernel configuration in /usr/src/linux or"
- ewarn "or /proc/config.gz for compatibility with ${PN}."
- ewarn
- ewarn "WARNING: If your *configured* and *running* kernel"
- ewarn "differ either now or in the future, then these checks"
- ewarn "may lead to misleading results."
- # Check options for all flavors of IPSec
- local msg=""
- for i in XFRM_USER NET_KEY; do
- if ! linux_chkconfig_present ${i}; then
- msg="${msg} ${i}"
- fi
- done
- if [[ ! -z "$msg" ]]; then
- ewarn
- ewarn "ALL IPSec may fail. CHECK:"
- ewarn "${msg}"
- fi
- # Check unencrypted IPSec
- if ! linux_chkconfig_present CRYPTO_NULL; then
- ewarn
- ewarn "Unencrypted IPSec may fail. CHECK:"
- ewarn " CRYPTO_NULL"
- fi
- # Check IPv4 IPSec
- msg=""
- for i in \
- do
- if ! linux_chkconfig_present ${i}; then
- msg="${msg} ${i}"
- fi
- done
- if [[ ! -z "$msg" ]]; then
- ewarn
- ewarn "IPv4 IPSec may fail. CHECK:"
- ewarn "${msg}"
- fi
- # Check IPv6 IPSec
- if use ipv6; then
- msg=""
- do
- if ! linux_chkconfig_present ${i}; then
- msg="${msg} ${i}"
- fi
- done
- if [[ ! -z "$msg" ]]; then
- ewarn
- ewarn "IPv6 IPSec may fail. CHECK:"
- ewarn "${msg}"
- fi
- fi
- # Check IPSec behind NAT
- if use nat; then
- if ! linux_chkconfig_present NETFILTER_XT_MATCH_POLICY; then
- ewarn
- ewarn "IPSec behind NAT may fail. CHECK:"
- fi
- fi
- ewarn
- ewarn "\033[1;33m**************************************************\033[1;33m"
- ewarn
- else
- eerror
- eerror "\033[1;31m**************************************************\033[1;31m"
- eerror "Make sure that your *running* kernel is/will be >=2.6.19."
- eerror "Building ${PN} now, assuming that you know what you're doing."
- eerror "\033[1;31m**************************************************\033[1;31m"
- eerror
- fi
-src_prepare() {
- # fix for bug #76741
- sed -i 's:#include <sys/sysctl.h>::' src/racoon/pfkey.c src/setkey/setkey.c || die
- # fix for bug #124813
- sed -i 's:-Werror::g' "${S}"/ || die
- # fix for building with gcc-4.6
- sed -i 's: -R: -Wl,-R:' "${S}"/ || die
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-def-psk.patch"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-include-vendoridh.patch"
- AT_M4DIR="${S}" eautoreconf
- epunt_cxx
-src_configure() {
- # fix for bug #61025
- filter-flags -march=c3
- local myconf
- myconf="--with-kernel-headers=/usr/include \
- --enable-adminport \
- --enable-frag \
- --enable-dpd \
- --enable-dependency-tracking \
- $(use_enable rc5) \
- $(use_enable idea) \
- $(use_enable kerberos gssapi) \
- $(use_enable stats) \
- $(use_enable ipv6) \
- $(use_enable nat natt) \
- $(use_enable selinux security-context) \
- $(use_with readline) \
- $(use_with pam libpam) \
- $(use_with ldap libldap)"
- use nat && myconf="${myconf} --enable-natt-versions=yes"
- # enable mode-cfg and xauth support
- if use pam; then
- myconf="${myconf} --enable-hybrid"
- else
- myconf="${myconf} $(use_enable hybrid)"
- fi
- # dev-libs/libiconv is hard masked
- #use iconv && myconf="${myconf} $(use_with iconv libiconv)"
- # the default (/usr/include/openssl/) is OK for Gentoo, leave it
- # myconf="${myconf} $(use_with ssl openssl )"
- # No way to get it compiling with freeradius or gnuradius
- # We would need libradius which only exists on FreeBSD
- # See bug #77369
- #myconf="${myconf} --enable-samode-unspec"
- econf ${myconf}
-src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
- keepdir /var/lib/racoon
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/racoon.conf.d racoon
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/racoon.init.d racoon
- use pam && newpamd "${FILESDIR}"/racoon.pam.d racoon
- dodoc ChangeLog README NEWS
- dodoc -r src/racoon/samples
- dodoc -r src/racoon/doc
- docinto setkey
- dodoc src/setkey/
- dodir /etc/racoon
-pkg_postinst() {
- if use nat; then
- elog
- elog "You have enabled the nat traversal functionnality."
- elog "Nat versions wich are enabled by default are 00,02,rfc"
- elog "you can find those drafts in the CVS repository:"
- elog "cvs -d co ipsec-tools"
- elog
- elog "If you feel brave enough and you know what you are"
- elog "doing, you can consider emerging this ebuild with"
- elog "EXTRA_ECONF=\"--enable-natt-versions=08,07,06\""
- elog
- fi
- if use ldap; then
- elog
- elog "You have enabled ldap support with {$PN}."
- elog "The man page does NOT contain any information on it yet."
- elog "Consider using a more recent version or CVS."
- elog
- fi
- elog
- elog "Please have a look in /usr/share/doc/${P} and visit"
- elog ""
- elog "to find more information on how to configure this tool."
- elog