diff options
authorChristian Ruppert <>2012-10-30 20:03:47 +0000
committerChristian Ruppert <>2012-10-30 20:03:47 +0000
commitc0a7ee45e607ee707eaa83e9e5e59af66a860003 (patch)
treef217f61d717f91576a0a31d0cd6972734ad183c2 /net-dns
parentJust like systemd.eclass, accept also EAPI5 (diff)
Package-Manager: portage-2.2.0_alpha142/cvs/Linux x86_64 Manifest-Sign-Key: 0xB427ABC8
Diffstat (limited to 'net-dns')
3 files changed, 12 insertions, 408 deletions
diff --git a/net-dns/bind/ChangeLog b/net-dns/bind/ChangeLog
index d0da2051fc8f..2bf231c1a1e6 100644
--- a/net-dns/bind/ChangeLog
+++ b/net-dns/bind/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
# ChangeLog for net-dns/bind
# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dns/bind/ChangeLog,v 1.424 2012/10/17 18:00:15 idl0r Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dns/bind/ChangeLog,v 1.425 2012/10/30 20:03:43 idl0r Exp $
+ 30 Oct 2012; Christian Ruppert <> -bind-9.9.1_p3.ebuild:
+ Cleanup
17 Oct 2012; Christian Ruppert <> bind-9.9.1_p4.ebuild,
diff --git a/net-dns/bind/Manifest b/net-dns/bind/Manifest
index 9c14e593a6db..42e22d75b53b 100644
--- a/net-dns/bind/Manifest
+++ b/net-dns/bind/Manifest
@@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ AUX named.cache 3048 SHA256 eb0ce2b11bf2302a716fa8ef21d55e55f1892dfd853c73c71319
AUX named.conf-r5 4119 SHA256 a5bcfe16562672e46550c2d84bfff63405998f512b639cc27a53f0b0fdf7f24e SHA512 232a3935eeb8609578a440ba45a75e87afe1521993e87d1dd2892184883807cd784b80f2a5b10414a614b8e5f31983efc58ae0088738ca622c07eef98f1e8369 WHIRLPOOL 8c57c646fb037e3801f0ab9dd5e1695bd769392d93bd407f7af937f28934a8848941ade303a8dd68a3509c3bf37db16b8e1e8aa93afe4a6781eac99753f605dd
AUX named.confd-r6 1368 SHA256 704ac6954b2bad5d0bab19281dc703e86d9b4fe94d63dd00be1e525a3e64c492 SHA512 074c37ecfa6d59de4ac70782b4722ffbeb3d66fae7cfa66810a67a06a1915d4e73f03b1f497d6005f125749aff61d11adf2927dcdb5a3d4fc4fb407fafa02dd1 WHIRLPOOL 3347b6887f1c516d3a4b2d40eb42195669b7a2ec01d02df21c7c0d4c27fe8984e1a2985d32f7631c1cd31b16c0f5031e69abfe5fd3d9c9debd156fd04d5c6910
AUX named.init-r12 6095 SHA256 953e066b5d77f59917db59365cd2103c5bec19889775bd3f6437b946c9d6d936 SHA512 7a576816fb3306c2a66227f78f23301b55b5376f587e6a521b33c2c90dc1499290751c83d5e0e5bc4961a1413480d993c909bf3c448a05762bf7928b43bf9559 WHIRLPOOL e0973117385b6d5d3bdc83c1777a90849da682e89ce716bf69de92528959edf93edbff264b25aa13ad7f73803f3eb403e89badad996c2c01245c5a0f97247b7f
-DIST bind-9.9.1-P2-geoip-1.3.patch 54332 SHA256 13c537f543e5ac15ceb92ccb167a8afcc22fbbd60d890ae159c96850c17d9428 SHA512 605d2dc5a7791d6b97b861843bdf779edd572eb75fe2c1be3e1e666170abac403fd8153ebb1a8093a7fe75c1454c3a826db4653db00c551bb0a398eed83d28e7 WHIRLPOOL fce6aa1d5f7fe280ee1a3ca53c65f8ddf22fce6f90c884286a671e81ab4432a080a1abecd6b7325aa79a280d3679a8af9420b6a8102c242bf5684778a4c19082
-DIST bind-9.9.1-P3.tar.gz 7217415 SHA256 1cdb83db76d6f8554dea19e3bd82b8d65261a24b9ce9fc948eade8c57569e302 SHA512 822b41cf402b8393492aea0c7de262023fd4e48761c5eb730755dcd849881cf98be42e9286502c9308331eb7c546c90b825f4550c821e9ea2e77ef14e025ce70 WHIRLPOOL 5e2c8df6d021078731e36e0bcd66e6755b45f1d77fe08b2f95a567188e39851db29244660f857cbf42d4ab925b05151f5a5c6367f0ff63e36b3f1c44661983ef
DIST bind-9.9.1-P4-geoip-1.3.patch 54332 SHA256 32e539377037cb4295b97acf7a24ae9814a4e25989ee3a539e06cc3a0f37d526 SHA512 b7117568710a322f46e7393f3f78cacec2cd29a9bb86ad352c74e301b6bd394b52b57725eae503d500ebd4b3f702dbf866f6aec5024e97b053e097a9a3c98e8f WHIRLPOOL a41d549bffc23945ed723d8338f9db0107dd23fb9379cfdbd10da18e48f7a8b89ed22664cbad86517910bd413e005ff0649eeaaf3b983dd190b29f6907149048
DIST bind-9.9.1-P4.tar.gz 7227655 SHA256 18f90727fd9566da037e71569d9b3a4834c96b04d9e75f9899eba0bc88c0868a SHA512 b40236c48ea05f52c637165c1a4cc528698542253d1268c571be0362d25457590c04202e70646d463d7ef7a2eea7ba7bb0a0d4e12bd1b36400dedbebeb776379 WHIRLPOOL 577f76fc6cc4ba02930e8c82dee94aed218acbd1f2a39fbd6d19901fba2409eed2bb62270317d53d3c701f4615de3febf7d85daa8ca84bbec6111de91abd1647
DIST bind-9.9.2-geoip-1.3.patch 54328 SHA256 0d87a1b547b42c775ffb591bc8104f92c18e99ebe2ab3a97e8c5bc5731be6fba SHA512 7673b3001bc7d64e80ee548c63ab083141affdd76edf6704da6980c26de341be7341d7566dd9bc8d3b02a0a08934ccd513bd61d2a426f61b3b47959ec14d21ae WHIRLPOOL f561baae427ff4141022b94ca557e2c3fba58434531f45c28b153ada537cadec2388694689b30c1a5b5db9c10e9cbaaad6c7a42797effc7c429c4403c6516404
@@ -21,19 +19,18 @@ DIST bind-geoip-1.3-readme.txt 10040 SHA256 380ce89f1a614f46571ad59bddf0f2682756
DIST bind-sdb-ldap-1.1.0-fc14.patch.bz2 9477 SHA256 fe043a573ba187dcc8b0f7313d4408236e6916ec246b0443b7e71b33c8303ae9 SHA512 62690ef3471055e4ae3d8dcedd296c0a5c3a75a3be237c76fdea07aa879f2bb1df4c56b8ca1e3ed9b488a980d16f9c9a3a12a53ef3208607472d18c225916ac5 WHIRLPOOL da3683f815509c5adf0ef819cf1165b64ba35efc6c588fd46b1c6b3d0374766442acb02ecf19dd90bbad5afb174dd27fd3e0894166ea8e78901e95ae870f9f5e
DIST dyndns-samples.tbz2 22866 SHA256 92fb06a92ca99cbbe96b90bcca229ef9c12397db57ae17e199dad9f1218fdbe8 SHA512 83b0bf99f8e9ff709e8e9336d8c5231b98a4b5f0c60c10792f34931e32cc638d261967dfa5a83151ec3740977d94ddd6e21e9ce91267b3e279b88affdbc18cac WHIRLPOOL 08d4e6a817f1d02597631e18152dbd55ea1bc4c82174be150cc77efc9e1f0f03b6471d1cefbe4229cd3161de752ef232a43ca274a07b78e9c974ceb04cfe99a2
DIST rl-9.9.1-P2.patch 80440 SHA256 99efd951582ce790e274082e0bedaea698b9b7f49cf1de387752583993cf2115 SHA512 7a6a7b588de68f2dc2ed4f19b55adc1d5083a80c672889c823016c92195b4b6f215cdb6328af5127c62ff616451f5991c11dcef5e54d9ca7d58e391c4db8823b WHIRLPOOL 896744688dac120bf93c0a340f04fed1fa6a67ec91fa10580bf3fab803805f87f1f279c87a52b7381f239941c40e9bfed84a771831a7ba42ae338796b4faa95b
-EBUILD bind-9.9.1_p3.ebuild 12782 SHA256 7a2e8df185dcd05e7328624ccf0cba02cea22314d7aa1e6cd951a51100550c29 SHA512 d021cfa62355af619b637de1fc2aa8560e8c3dc264c88263d1be95f22ea32e4010683bb86377bdc9799f832cea66b30cc7ce04d05a7f61879170a73493a10f4a WHIRLPOOL 93106c26863b9ac1ef6b758eca0419ec007fef8d71cfb44f4ae79fb48873301ac013ee224ddfd8d65e1b486705c6783df30a3a3b377408c91069afeb5c891549
EBUILD bind-9.9.1_p4.ebuild 12819 SHA256 0934215b5207657eede104187fe463670d1a5ad1baf6dce223a35195c82f40b6 SHA512 51d96a877f0750d926a8e9c5e158c195b6d9f9e600030b8634b28ee528c0da5efaa2c860d2db548b36f05b2ae2953e1ca8008f0b8591cc7d9d99388e162281d1 WHIRLPOOL 94fd05d0c00cd8170948f32193b762026043461dfef71bb99f3ce1c6c5bb5f465d8962648ae1005c4f26b0befba7631eed1e93e140ee916294bcbd2ae9ba1376
EBUILD bind-9.9.2.ebuild 13347 SHA256 2236b9a72278e6bc85787453f964a11461949a157ca90fbc7437e7b05d520600 SHA512 04329636e41c73a41ccf058cfe0b0be9f7f96b3f0ce58699626192df33a7bc28785173b0b4143efc3764375c5d5717790f8a3609c533b28b0828f0f6ca2d58c9 WHIRLPOOL 0af3d44da660052eacb5ef49a65adfc1775764a050c09f0089a3f950d296b27fdd54932a419c5054bf47a0a66412e90381d2b2246f5b55a09e51780b4ca136ba
-MISC ChangeLog 70025 SHA256 fdd32c951c35fe9defc312f66cc6cd299f33954c1647d7f54dd9ee312e3feb96 SHA512 b3491f0746ca43d4608daf082d71fadea3989d9c02e5f1246cdd966c9fa735da385ef8a166266e4244eb11361043ae6dcbb13a7fa983495be8e84a3cf798ad1a WHIRLPOOL 908bc56415281bbc45df5ee9234389a9d13cbdf7d12dcfc7de3454bc86715c93ad372a556bb92508b5b7e74014dd03c818d65fe8b29a52b76bb606789557d216
+MISC ChangeLog 70111 SHA256 659fc124c2deace42f76c63fe55f1021d58b0579ed64c429d69f619b738267bc SHA512 e0a332225ba4d0085763eb91b5b51e8a7869274f454c9f0301f8aeb71be0517bf3164fa01e7c50335155c45551853ace58b2f11bbe8db9bda714208058fb7b11 WHIRLPOOL efc572666e0710e5cc8db4af1de3881aef0584b69736a586e3e131e0ef5c58d645cb57b49d09ee71270d4dcd7819578267dd556c303610950587b105d6ba6ec3
MISC metadata.xml 860 SHA256 0fce4fc0233c67076d886f2103083172217f79d36af3d651c3435cad719762ae SHA512 df24c1a19401a50681d32370dfed6b5735b591b9db828b290c39cf1701ce5697f7cad83b4f5410eb063482fecbb1694cc6508ded74d3dcd7bf2cc7f3c6d0db94 WHIRLPOOL 4b04fd631b0c3dc03f06599f81d113bcc7f36d9d54d54fb49c49a741c539248d37ec5c2df24f6f994ddf0bcb55c9b12fa80fe4bec16855a48a53bdf07d813039
Version: GnuPG v2.0.19 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/net-dns/bind/bind-9.9.1_p3.ebuild b/net-dns/bind/bind-9.9.1_p3.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index abfd1e9f81b8..000000000000
--- a/net-dns/bind/bind-9.9.1_p3.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,396 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-dns/bind/bind-9.9.1_p3.ebuild,v 1.8 2012/09/16 14:23:05 jer Exp $
-# Re dlz/mysql and threads, needs to be verified..
-# MySQL uses thread local storage in its C api. Thus MySQL
-# requires that each thread of an application execute a MySQL
-# thread initialization to setup the thread local storage.
-# This is impossible to do safely while staying within the DLZ
-# driver API. This is a limitation caused by MySQL, and not the DLZ API.
-# Because of this BIND MUST only run with a single thread when
-# using the MySQL driver.
-inherit eutils autotools toolchain-funcs flag-o-matic multilib db-use user
-# bind-9.8.0-P1-geoip-1.3.patch
-# GeoIP:
-DESCRIPTION="BIND - Berkeley Internet Name Domain - Name Server"
- doc? ( mirror://gentoo/dyndns-samples.tbz2 )
- geoip? ( ${GEOIP_SRC_URI_BASE}/files/${GEOIP_DOC_A}
- sdb-ldap? (${SDB_LDAP_VER}.patch.bz2 )
- rrl? (${RRL_PV}.patch )"
-KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm hppa ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 s390 sh sparc x86 ~x86-fbsd ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x86-macos ~sparc-solaris ~sparc64-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris"
-IUSE="berkdb caps dlz doc filter-aaaa geoip gost gssapi idn ipv6 ldap mysql odbc
-postgres rpz rrl sdb-ldap selinux ssl static-libs threads urandom xml"
-# no PKCS11 currently as it requires OpenSSL to be patched, also see bug 409687
-REQUIRED_USE="postgres? ( dlz )
- berkdb? ( dlz )
- mysql? ( dlz !threads )
- odbc? ( dlz )
- ldap? ( dlz )
- sdb-ldap? ( dlz )
- gost? ( ssl )
- threads? ( caps )"
-DEPEND="ssl? ( >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6g )
- mysql? ( >=virtual/mysql-4.0 )
- odbc? ( >=dev-db/unixODBC-2.2.6 )
- ldap? ( net-nds/openldap )
- idn? ( net-dns/idnkit )
- postgres? ( dev-db/postgresql-base )
- caps? ( >=sys-libs/libcap-2.1.0 )
- xml? ( dev-libs/libxml2 )
- geoip? ( >=dev-libs/geoip-1.4.6 )
- gssapi? ( virtual/krb5 )
- sdb-ldap? ( net-nds/openldap )
- gost? ( >=dev-libs/openssl-1.0.0[-bindist] )"
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-bind )
- || ( sys-process/psmisc >=sys-freebsd/freebsd-ubin-9.0_rc sys-process/fuser-bsd )"
-pkg_setup() {
- ebegin "Creating named group and user"
- enewgroup named 40
- enewuser named 40 -1 /etc/bind named
- eend ${?}
-src_prepare() {
- # Adjusting PATHs in manpages
- for i in bin/{named/named.8,check/named-checkconf.8,rndc/rndc.8} ; do
- sed -i \
- -e 's:/etc/named.conf:/etc/bind/named.conf:g' \
- -e 's:/etc/rndc.conf:/etc/bind/rndc.conf:g' \
- -e 's:/etc/rndc.key:/etc/bind/rndc.key:g' \
- "${i}" || die "sed failed, ${i} doesn't exist"
- done
- if use dlz; then
- # bind fails to reconnect to MySQL5 databases, bug #180720, patch by Nicolas Brousse
- # (
- if use mysql && has_version ">=dev-db/mysql-5"; then
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/bind-dlzmysql5-reconnect.patch
- fi
- if use odbc; then
- epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-9.7.3-odbc-dlz-detect.patch"
- fi
- # sdb-ldap patch as per bug #160567
- # Upstream URL:
- # New patch take from bug 302735
- if use sdb-ldap; then
- epatch "${WORKDIR}"/${PN}-sdb-ldap-${SDB_LDAP_VER}.patch
- cp -fp contrib/sdb/ldap/ldapdb.[ch] bin/named/
- cp -fp contrib/sdb/ldap/{ldap2zone.1,ldap2zone.c} bin/tools/
- cp -fp contrib/sdb/ldap/{zone2ldap.1,zone2ldap.c} bin/tools/
- fi
- fi
- # should be installed by bind-tools
- sed -i -r -e "s:(nsupdate|dig) ::g" bin/ || die
- if use geoip; then
- cp "${DISTDIR}"/${GEOIP_PATCH_A} "${S}" || die
-# sed -i -e 's:^ RELEASETYPE=: RELEASETYPE=-P:' \
-# ${GEOIP_PATCH_A} || die
- sed -i -e 's:RELEASEVER=2:RELEASEVER=3:' ${GEOIP_PATCH_A} || die
- epatch ${GEOIP_PATCH_A}
- fi
- if use rrl; then
- # Response Rate Limiting (DNS RRL) - bug 434650
- epatch "${DISTDIR}/rl-${RRL_PV}.patch"
- fi
- # bug 425170
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/bind-libxml2-2.8.x.patch
- # Disable tests for now, bug 406399
- sed -i '/^SUBDIRS/s:tests::' bin/ lib/ || die
- # bug #220361
- rm {aclocal,libtool}.m4
- eautoreconf
-src_configure() {
- local myconf=""
- if use urandom; then
- myconf="${myconf} --with-randomdev=/dev/urandom"
- else
- myconf="${myconf} --with-randomdev=/dev/random"
- fi
- use geoip && myconf="${myconf} --with-geoip"
- # bug #158664
-# gcc-specs-ssp && replace-flags -O[23s] -O
- # To include db.h from proper path
- use berkdb && append-flags "-I$(db_includedir)"
- export BUILD_CC=$(tc-getBUILD_CC)
- econf \
- --sysconfdir=/etc/bind \
- --localstatedir=/var \
- --with-libtool \
- $(use_enable threads) \
- $(use_with dlz dlopen) \
- $(use_with dlz dlz-filesystem) \
- $(use_with dlz dlz-stub) \
- $(use_with postgres dlz-postgres) \
- $(use_with mysql dlz-mysql) \
- $(use_with berkdb dlz-bdb) \
- $(use_with ldap dlz-ldap) \
- $(use_with odbc dlz-odbc) \
- $(use_with ssl openssl "${EPREFIX}"/usr) \
- $(use_with idn) \
- $(use_enable ipv6) \
- $(use_with xml libxml2) \
- $(use_with gssapi) \
- $(use_enable rpz rpz-nsip) \
- $(use_enable rpz rpz-nsdname) \
- $(use_enable caps linux-caps) \
- $(use_with gost) \
- $(use_enable filter-aaaa) \
- --without-readline \
- ${myconf}
- # $(use_enable static-libs static) \
- # bug #151839
- echo '#undef SO_BSDCOMPAT' >> config.h
-src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
- if use idn; then
- dodoc contrib/idn/README.idnkit
- fi
- if use doc; then
- dodoc doc/arm/Bv9ARM.pdf
- docinto misc
- dodoc doc/misc/*
- # might a 'html' useflag make sense?
- docinto html
- dohtml -r doc/arm/*
- docinto contrib
- dodoc contrib/named-bootconf/ \
- contrib/nanny/
- # some handy-dandy dynamic dns examples
- cd "${D}"/usr/share/doc/${PF}
- tar xf "${DISTDIR}"/dyndns-samples.tbz2 || die
- fi
- use geoip && dodoc "${DISTDIR}"/${GEOIP_DOC_A}
- insinto /etc/bind
- newins "${FILESDIR}"/named.conf-r5 named.conf
- #
- insinto /var/bind
- doins "${FILESDIR}"/named.cache
- insinto /var/bind/pri
- newins "${FILESDIR}"/
- newins "${FILESDIR}"/
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/named.init-r12 named
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/named.confd-r6 named
- if use gost; then
- sed -i -e 's/^OPENSSL_LIBGOST=${OPENSSL_LIBGOST:-0}$/OPENSSL_LIBGOST=${OPENSSL_LIBGOST:-1}/' "${D}/etc/init.d/named" || die
- else
- sed -i -e 's/^OPENSSL_LIBGOST=${OPENSSL_LIBGOST:-1}$/OPENSSL_LIBGOST=${OPENSSL_LIBGOST:-0}/' "${D}/etc/init.d/named" || die
- fi
- newenvd "${FILESDIR}"/10bind.env 10bind
- # Let's get rid of those tools and their manpages since they're provided by bind-tools
- rm -f "${D}"/usr/share/man/man1/{dig,host,nslookup}.1*
- rm -f "${D}"/usr/share/man/man8/{dnssec-keygen,nsupdate}.8*
- rm -f "${D}"/usr/bin/{dig,host,nslookup,dnssec-keygen,nsupdate}
- rm -f "${D}"/usr/sbin/{dig,host,nslookup,dnssec-keygen,nsupdate}
- # bug 405251, library archives aren't properly handled by --enable/disable-static
- if ! use static-libs; then
- find "${D}" -type f -name '*.la' -delete || die
- fi
- dosym /var/bind/named.cache /var/bind/root.cache
- dosym /var/bind/pri /etc/bind/pri
- dosym /var/bind/sec /etc/bind/sec
- dosym /var/bind/dyn /etc/bind/dyn
- keepdir /var/bind/{pri,sec,dyn}
- dodir /var/{run,log}/named
- fowners root:named /{etc,var}/bind /var/{run,log}/named /var/bind/{sec,pri,dyn}
- fowners root:named /var/bind/named.cache /var/bind/pri/{127,localhost}.zone /etc/bind/{bind.keys,named.conf}
- fperms 0640 /var/bind/named.cache /var/bind/pri/{127,localhost}.zone /etc/bind/{bind.keys,named.conf}
- fperms 0750 /etc/bind /var/bind/pri
- fperms 0770 /var/{run,log}/named /var/bind/{,sec,dyn}
-pkg_postinst() {
- if [ ! -f '/etc/bind/rndc.key' ]; then
- if use urandom; then
- einfo "Using /dev/urandom for generating rndc.key"
- /usr/sbin/rndc-confgen -r /dev/urandom -a
- echo
- else
- einfo "Using /dev/random for generating rndc.key"
- /usr/sbin/rndc-confgen -a
- echo
- fi
- chown root:named /etc/bind/rndc.key
- chmod 0640 /etc/bind/rndc.key
- fi
- einfo
- einfo "You can edit /etc/conf.d/named to customize named settings"
- einfo
- use mysql || use postgres || use ldap && {
- elog "If your named depends on MySQL/PostgreSQL or LDAP,"
- elog "uncomment the specified rc_named_* lines in your"
- elog "/etc/conf.d/named config to ensure they'll start before bind"
- einfo
- }
- einfo "If you'd like to run bind in a chroot AND this is a new"
- einfo "install OR your bind doesn't already run in a chroot:"
- einfo "1) Uncomment and set the CHROOT variable in /etc/conf.d/named."
- einfo "2) Run \`emerge --config '=${CATEGORY}/${PF}'\`"
- einfo
- CHROOT=$(source /etc/conf.d/named 2>/dev/null; echo ${CHROOT})
- if [[ -n ${CHROOT} ]]; then
- elog "NOTE: As of net-dns/bind-9.4.3_p5-r1 the chroot part of the init-script got some major changes!"
- elog "To enable the old behaviour (without using mount) uncomment the"
- elog "CHROOT_NOMOUNT option in your /etc/conf.d/named config."
- elog "If you decide to use the new/default method, ensure to make backup"
- elog "first and merge your existing configs/zones to /etc/bind and"
- elog "/var/bind because bind will now mount the needed directories into"
- elog "the chroot dir."
- fi
- ewarn
- ewarn "NOTE: /var/bind/ has been renamed to /var/bind/named.cache"
- ewarn "you may need to fix your named.conf!"
- ewarn
- ewarn "NOTE: If you upgrade from <net-dns/bind-9.4.3_p5-r1, you may encounter permission problems"
- ewarn "To fix the permissions do:"
- ewarn "chown root:named /{etc,var}/bind /var/{run,log}/named /var/bind/{sec,pri,dyn}"
- ewarn "chown root:named /var/bind/named.cache /var/bind/pri/{127,localhost}.zone /etc/bind/{bind.keys,named.conf}"
- ewarn "chmod 0640 /var/bind/named.cache /var/bind/pri/{127,localhost}.zone /etc/bind/{bind.keys,named.conf}"
- ewarn "chmod 0750 /etc/bind /var/bind/pri"
- ewarn "chmod 0770 /var/{run,log}/named /var/bind/{,sec,dyn}"
- ewarn
-pkg_config() {
- CHROOT=$(source /etc/conf.d/named; echo ${CHROOT})
- CHROOT_NOMOUNT=$(source /etc/conf.d/named; echo ${CHROOT_NOMOUNT})
- CHROOT_GEOIP=$(source /etc/conf.d/named; echo ${CHROOT_GEOIP})
- if [[ -z "${CHROOT}" ]]; then
- eerror "This config script is designed to automate setting up"
- eerror "a chrooted bind/named. To do so, please first uncomment"
- eerror "and set the CHROOT variable in '/etc/conf.d/named'."
- die "Unset CHROOT"
- fi
- if [[ -d "${CHROOT}" ]]; then
- ewarn "NOTE: As of net-dns/bind-9.4.3_p5-r1 the chroot part of the init-script got some major changes!"
- ewarn "To enable the old behaviour (without using mount) uncomment the"
- ewarn "CHROOT_NOMOUNT option in your /etc/conf.d/named config."
- ewarn
- ewarn "${CHROOT} already exists... some things might become overridden"
- ewarn "press CTRL+C if you don't want to continue"
- sleep 10
- fi
- echo; einfo "Setting up the chroot directory..."
- mkdir -m 0750 -p ${CHROOT}
- mkdir -m 0755 -p ${CHROOT}/{dev,etc,var/{run,log}}
- mkdir -m 0750 -p ${CHROOT}/etc/bind
- mkdir -m 0770 -p ${CHROOT}/var/{bind,{run,log}/named}
- # As of bind 9.8.0
- if has_version net-dns/bind[gost]; then
- if [ "$(get_libdir)" = "lib64" ]; then
- mkdir -m 0755 -p ${CHROOT}/usr/lib64/engines
- ln -s lib64 ${CHROOT}/usr/lib
- else
- mkdir -m 0755 -p ${CHROOT}/usr/lib/engines
- fi
- fi
- chown root:named ${CHROOT} ${CHROOT}/var/{bind,{run,log}/named} ${CHROOT}/etc/bind
- mknod ${CHROOT}/dev/null c 1 3
- chmod 0666 ${CHROOT}/dev/null
- mknod ${CHROOT}/dev/zero c 1 5
- chmod 0666 ${CHROOT}/dev/zero
- if use urandom; then
- mknod ${CHROOT}/dev/urandom c 1 9
- chmod 0666 ${CHROOT}/dev/urandom
- else
- mknod ${CHROOT}/dev/random c 1 8
- chmod 0666 ${CHROOT}/dev/random
- fi
- if [ "${CHROOT_NOMOUNT:-0}" -ne 0 ]; then
- cp -a /etc/bind ${CHROOT}/etc/
- cp -a /var/bind ${CHROOT}/var/
- fi
- if [ "${CHROOT_GEOIP:-0}" -eq 1 ]; then
- mkdir -m 0755 -p ${CHROOT}/usr/share/GeoIP
- fi
- elog "You may need to add the following line to your syslog-ng.conf:"
- elog "source jail { unix-stream(\"${CHROOT}/dev/log\"); };"