diff options
authorPacho Ramos <>2013-09-14 12:27:37 +0000
committerPacho Ramos <>2013-09-14 12:27:37 +0000
commit841513fb300323801c47fa18385562c7bf02c0df (patch)
parentCleanup old. Fixes bug #479054 (diff)
Install upstream unit files (#482596)
Package-Manager: portage-2.2.4/cvs/Linux x86_64 Manifest-Sign-Key: 0xA188FBD4
3 files changed, 199 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/sci-geosciences/gpsd/ChangeLog b/sci-geosciences/gpsd/ChangeLog
index e73d49d23017..bd359e8ac8fe 100644
--- a/sci-geosciences/gpsd/ChangeLog
+++ b/sci-geosciences/gpsd/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# ChangeLog for sci-geosciences/gpsd
# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-geosciences/gpsd/ChangeLog,v 1.111 2013/08/27 17:59:55 floppym Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-geosciences/gpsd/ChangeLog,v 1.112 2013/09/14 12:27:32 pacho Exp $
+*gpsd-3.9-r1 (14 Sep 2013)
+ 14 Sep 2013; Pacho Ramos <> +gpsd-3.9-r1.ebuild:
+ Install upstream unit files (#482596)
27 Aug 2013; Mike Gilbert <> gpsd-9999.ebuild:
Refactor python-stuff in src_prepare into python_prepare_all.
diff --git a/sci-geosciences/gpsd/Manifest b/sci-geosciences/gpsd/Manifest
index 76127b5ce40b..d321d1f23c75 100644
--- a/sci-geosciences/gpsd/Manifest
+++ b/sci-geosciences/gpsd/Manifest
@@ -41,14 +41,15 @@ EBUILD gpsd-2.96-r1.ebuild 2843 SHA256 0cbac9e58788391572d823ef1f7febae91cdefbde
EBUILD gpsd-3.6.ebuild 4452 SHA256 993f9eb7c4086131600a791079ac88ac0cd7204412abaa140d279a17404a2e07 SHA512 1fc00ca20b7ec143cb5ae8acd767e0382f1d5020e472a3eb0e20cb1b137995c21e7ba67302435c4bf61eed31861ec4daad6651f1a48309be960f99bd051ad9cd WHIRLPOOL fa876c2507ae3d0e565c97abb1dcd401a3e4d4a3c525f9dc3f1dd461aaf0bf792ea4cb9dbff48be355e17c3cf8b2d06f1b00dea606f3e6790a7c4e994601f318
EBUILD gpsd-3.7.ebuild 4632 SHA256 b84369682237063c571645b001f40c60d7de5da53dfa510bc1b94c0746a1a13b SHA512 703e36a2ab8a967fcfe4313050ad2b1d8e32eedcac89cfa72491deeb0c1e3e42c28b5ac5b5394a544acfcce0ee568c5dfa1366508ff9754a589cef09e555111b WHIRLPOOL a5ceaa85bbe12dc4c75f15dfedc70e587f254af24d28a4e9328ea1d29d83c5429cfa511b7a269a005a61890f8edadacbb7d6b8e187699b266881fd9192029506
EBUILD gpsd-3.8.ebuild 5150 SHA256 6ee13a2fc5af0410b2195113904dcc3b62893ea4764dbe837a4debebbe01bbbb SHA512 6726ed6a738d33cb9988584b08358cb721e88342ac504cde34ca933324c5ce3ee77121e2f9f1885d056b3044a126b0ffc65ddba602c653fd56d03d945bf4d418 WHIRLPOOL 9f8727ffb57d3c1516c57410f47c46ba255add79540611ab4c9213fbaa8cdf54d3be028c2b1fd5b6b67da6d5544c62d512860630e6b3383c2c3811457989bd3b
+EBUILD gpsd-3.9-r1.ebuild 5134 SHA256 75ebe4f83ea17eac28619b7abc12749727add3759312415ef40aaa4a07a22c67 SHA512 1462719c8e45ed2320e63c43a57bccd9a92406814962f661fb144721c619ab36dff7b8e364926b0282e17d1cc5ca3b41f4daea419d50c0b0440246e05a64e311 WHIRLPOOL 1505d588986443ef409c5e0d703128ec87293ee10871dbd9fbdc083f36d029bd1a52835d7f7ae0f994820298d13abec51e6175fbb8a82442ed364504eae8782c
EBUILD gpsd-3.9.ebuild 4938 SHA256 24790e251a0e6ddbf153d0439c1f5fdf11b5963f821b5a3e6d180ffc6cf470c5 SHA512 87c02ecbe75abd74563dbd2ca04c3773651c07fed7978cae414d8f0ff42fc0e6d6f22ca94b9c6f057269cc3763d2ff8a1d9dc31694ec9308f848de942dfe2ad3 WHIRLPOOL 7ce9c568a207cd113bcf053e1d5370ce793db023afee4d3cf6fc54ccd628ceeb8b16cae841b2a93e6c095ea5721ebc26a647c851414423e96a561780220b8479
EBUILD gpsd-9999.ebuild 4961 SHA256 80cbaa1fd9bf4b90e0c3b6696304f1b9305d4e9a50c5b2ad1c40533476142d75 SHA512 b9b7df1dcf676c2f9997cd53836c01c9f2c7d5a09f991f3dbc229a68aea09365c4d174c87387cdd05a14530beda5f79adcf6e86d11549dd2f58ff99ee8309062 WHIRLPOOL 42fe2cc67acd108ecea1db84cfad63f826d6b57ad99f802a8d050f5a75414d63b58a9ead13f031852f3cf47b14dbefce6893a47d86e5e7f030d117c54f55a3cd
-MISC ChangeLog 19377 SHA256 3843a37deb6f080ff455cebbecbfe1dee098702664b99de26858711f5c2ec8ff SHA512 5657054277af4508e53cd65f9d0c85274e337866f9cc33cac0c6a0bcfdd6e54dc426b58d875270f94fe6cb56c759b2f0256b2e612da36ae4ecd0fe0f8fd3e295 WHIRLPOOL f91cf8d5e9517ee07e8fbdccd8e5db545f8244d77c2c23ace187c67407ab2ef6e64aae350c83a26a6122f77898a8e371588b692c25a1fe40aa6b866bf708b5da
+MISC ChangeLog 19511 SHA256 a6fb915b0f7924b1b0377a2e09df0dbc906c7690558061e2f5bae4d119738b09 SHA512 d5960e28da953d914332eb5ed87d453c7c57ac7b557e1a988b27d1f60518da45a61372b85ee7f5e4ba465c51495f8f83345d4fce9984f6fcab72723688aa3e9d WHIRLPOOL 02a0a8a0cc6854ff73b2c11df61dca310cbcc5303091e7caf6be9107adc9c04414f5a6167cb003c96ec595920ae4729dc3d048ced8b6d67f0bfec0a37857cd4b
MISC metadata.xml 736 SHA256 9993f65382c0c6fdca76f6dc814dceb6f2bd010446cd8316f793a2e31f6322b3 SHA512 01ed36d89c34d562578f2aaad1c07c9db27fb29faca64775b44ee9fad111248f5f210e778efd5fb7530b4c9ebdf5778d23bd0922a2ec405243a9aa187c1c40cd WHIRLPOOL 0c7735a3536fea5bbeab753a8d4b06803eec683d650ae56b72ad241cca1ca2ed8c00376faf944f3611f0cae4a8098fa7141bc0dd508e24afda38be6f44703d57
-Version: GnuPG v2.0.21 (GNU/Linux)
+Version: GnuPG v2.0.20 (GNU/Linux)
diff --git a/sci-geosciences/gpsd/gpsd-3.9-r1.ebuild b/sci-geosciences/gpsd/gpsd-3.9-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c476cbeb9f8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-geosciences/gpsd/gpsd-3.9-r1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-geosciences/gpsd/gpsd-3.9-r1.ebuild,v 1.1 2013/09/14 12:27:32 pacho Exp $
+PYTHON_DEPEND="python? 2:2.6"
+inherit eutils udev user multilib distutils scons-utils systemd toolchain-funcs
+if [[ ${PV} == "9999" ]] ; then
+ EGIT_REPO_URI="git://"
+ inherit git-2
+ SRC_URI="mirror://nongnu/${PN}/${P}.tar.gz"
+ KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~ppc ~ppc64 ~x86"
+DESCRIPTION="GPS daemon and library to support USB/serial GPS devices and various GPS/mapping clients"
+ aivdm ashtech earthmate evermore fury fv18 garmin garmintxt
+ geostar gpsclock itrax mtk3301 navcom nmea nmea2000 ntrip
+ oceanserver oncore rtcm104v2 rtcm104v3 sirf superstar2 tnt
+ tripmate tsip ubx
+IUSE="${IUSE_GPSD_PROTOCOLS} bluetooth cxx debug dbus ipv6 latency_timing ncurses ntp python qt4 +shm +sockets systemd test udev usb X"
+REQUIRED_USE="X? ( python )
+ gpsd_protocols_nmea2000? ( gpsd_protocols_aivdm )"
+RDEPEND="X? ( dev-python/pygtk:2 )
+ ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses )
+ bluetooth? ( net-wireless/bluez )
+ usb? ( virtual/libusb:1 )
+ dbus? (
+ sys-apps/dbus
+ dev-libs/dbus-glib
+ )
+ ntp? ( || ( net-misc/ntp net-misc/chrony ) )
+ systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd )
+ qt4? ( dev-qt/qtgui:4 )"
+ virtual/pkgconfig
+ test? ( sys-devel/bc )"
+# xml packages are for man page generation
+if [[ ${PV} == "9999" ]] ; then
+ app-text/xmlto
+ =app-text/docbook-xml-dtd-4.1*"
+pkg_setup() {
+ use python && python_pkg_setup
+src_unpack() {
+ default
+ # Make sure our list matches the source.
+ local src_protocols=$(echo $(
+ sed -n '/GPS protocols/,/Time service/{s:#.*::;s:[(",]::g;p}' "${S}"/SConstruct | awk '{print $1}' | LC_ALL=C sort
+ ) )
+ if [[ ${src_protocols} != ${GPSD_PROTOCOLS[*]} ]] ; then
+ eerror "Detected protocols: ${src_protocols}"
+ eerror "Ebuild protocols: ${GPSD_PROTOCOLS[*]}"
+ die "please sync ebuild & source"
+ fi
+src_prepare() {
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-3.8-ldflags.patch
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-3.4-no-man-gen.patch
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-3.7-rpath.patch
+ # Avoid useless -L paths to the install dir
+ sed -i \
+ -e '/^env.Prepend(LIBPATH=.installdir(.libdir.).)$/d' \
+ SConstruct || die
+ # Extract python info out of SConstruct so we can use saner distribute
+ if use python ; then
+ pyvar() { sed -n "/^ *$1 *=/s:.*= *::p" SConstruct ; }
+ local pybins=$(pyvar python_progs)
+ local pysrcs=$(sed -n '/^ *python_extensions = {/,/}/{s:^ *::;s:os[.]sep:"/":g;p}' SConstruct)
+ local packet=$(python -c "${pysrcs}; print(python_extensions['gps/packet'])")
+ local client=$(python -c "${pysrcs}; print(python_extensions['gps/clienthelpers'])")
+ sed \
+ -e "s|@VERSION@|$(pyvar gpsd_version)|" \
+ -e "s|@URL@|$(pyvar website)|" \
+ -e "s|@EMAIL@|$(pyvar devmail)|" \
+ -e "s|@SCRIPTS@|${pybins}|" \
+ -e "s|@GPS_PACKET_SOURCES@|${packet}|" \
+ -e "s|@GPS_CLIENT_SOURCES@|${client}|" \
+ -e "s|@SCRIPTS@|$(pyvar python_progs)|" \
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${PN} > || die
+ distutils_src_prepare
+ fi
+src_configure() {
+ myesconsargs=(
+ prefix="${EPREFIX}/usr"
+ libdir="\$prefix/$(get_libdir)"
+ udevdir="$(udev_get_udevdir)"
+ chrpath=False
+ gpsd_user=gpsd
+ gpsd_group=uucp
+ strip=False
+ python=False
+ $(use_scons bluetooth bluez)
+ $(use_scons cxx libgpsmm)
+ $(use_scons debug clientdebug)
+ $(use_scons dbus dbus_export)
+ $(use_scons ipv6)
+ $(use_scons latency_timing timing)
+ $(use_scons ncurses)
+ $(use_scons ntp ntpshm)
+ $(use_scons ntp pps)
+ $(use_scons shm shm_export)
+ $(use_scons sockets socket_export)
+ $(use_scons systemd)
+ $(use_scons qt4 libQgpsmm)
+ $(use_scons usb)
+ )
+ # enable specified protocols
+ local protocol
+ for protocol in ${GPSD_PROTOCOLS[@]} ; do
+ myesconsargs+=( $(use_scons gpsd_protocols_${protocol} ${protocol}) )
+ done
+src_compile() {
+ export CHRPATH=
+ tc-export CC CXX PKG_CONFIG
+ escons
+ use python && distutils_src_compile
+src_install() {
+ DESTDIR="${D}" escons install $(usex udev udev-install "")
+ newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/gpsd.conf-2 gpsd
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/gpsd.init-2 gpsd
+ if use systemd; then
+ systemd_dounit "${S}"/systemd/gpsd.service
+ systemd_dounit "${S}"/systemd/gpsd.socket
+ fi
+ if use python ; then
+ distutils_src_install
+ # Delete all X related packages if user doesn't want them
+ if ! use X ; then
+ local p
+ for p in $(grep -Il 'import .*pygtk' *) ; do
+ find "${D}"/usr/bin -name "${p}*" -delete
+ done
+ fi
+ fi
+pkg_preinst() {
+ # Run the gpsd daemon as gpsd and group uucp; create it here
+ # as it doesn't seem to be needed during compile/install ...
+ enewuser gpsd -1 -1 -1 "uucp"
+pkg_postinst() {
+ use python && distutils_pkg_postinst
+pkg_postrm() {
+ use python && distutils_pkg_postrm