diff options
authorDonnie Berkholz <>2005-01-20 05:41:05 +0000
committerDonnie Berkholz <>2005-01-20 05:41:05 +0000
commit350f86f63d2266074993f3c0364f7e8863cd95c4 (patch)
parentPush out updated patches. (diff)
(#71642) Drop vulnerable versions -- everyone's keyworded safely for a newer 6.7.0 or 6.8.0.
Package-Manager: portage-2.0.51-r13
6 files changed, 7 insertions, 2722 deletions
diff --git a/x11-base/xorg-x11/ChangeLog b/x11-base/xorg-x11/ChangeLog
index 293c33b71c5d..940026fea42e 100644
--- a/x11-base/xorg-x11/ChangeLog
+++ b/x11-base/xorg-x11/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# ChangeLog for x11-base/xorg-x11
# Copyright 2000-2005 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/x11-base/xorg-x11/ChangeLog,v 1.276 2005/01/20 05:37:21 spyderous Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/x11-base/xorg-x11/ChangeLog,v 1.277 2005/01/20 05:41:05 spyderous Exp $
+ 19 Jan 2005; Donnie Berkholz <>;
+ -xorg-x11-6.7.0-r2.ebuild, -xorg-x11-6.8.0-r1.ebuild:
+ (#71642) Drop vulnerable versions -- everyone's keyworded safely for a newer
+ 6.7.0 or 6.8.0.
19 Jan 2005; Donnie Berkholz <>;
diff --git a/x11-base/xorg-x11/Manifest b/x11-base/xorg-x11/Manifest
index e3a7fde1a507..2ba6db75ce85 100644
--- a/x11-base/xorg-x11/Manifest
+++ b/x11-base/xorg-x11/Manifest
@@ -1,14 +1,10 @@
MD5 ac1137a20503dcb8f9ba2939a2a766f6 metadata.xml 230
-MD5 6c24c8a3aa69cebf79e8633555073c36 xorg-x11-6.7.0-r2.ebuild 38088
-MD5 d548e768ef760adbe7776ac667dbda13 xorg-x11-6.8.0-r1.ebuild 41337
-MD5 d67bcfc05632e17d561b44e4aa9750b5 ChangeLog 66640
+MD5 63de64a4726cb3db9be94779407d274f ChangeLog 66849
MD5 5df2f2a61410cd228a397ed34616d841 xorg-x11-6.8.0-r4.ebuild 52326
MD5 29b2a67c2b664ace155cc6dc7a4e0201 xorg-x11-6.7.0-r3.ebuild 38112
MD5 b144bc782dbd17ab753f481c693aae85 xorg-x11-6.8.0-r3.ebuild 40084
MD5 c72c5ecb890d53668d41fa8a29d61f76 xorg-x11- 52336
MD5 610898dcad4638d382a55bfeeae3b317 xorg-x11- 52315
-MD5 a3314fbdc270d7d84ea14fd477b8d048 files/digest-xorg-x11-6.7.0-r2 904
-MD5 70facbdb85b7ef2bc9b9b702442eda7e files/digest-xorg-x11-6.8.0-r1 908
MD5 f14e22fa0891e99c1000c0d61d7e8a0c files/xpm-secfix-thomas.diff 55674
MD5 a3314fbdc270d7d84ea14fd477b8d048 files/digest-xorg-x11-6.7.0-r3 904
MD5 70facbdb85b7ef2bc9b9b702442eda7e files/digest-xorg-x11-6.8.0-r3 908
diff --git a/x11-base/xorg-x11/files/digest-xorg-x11-6.7.0-r2 b/x11-base/xorg-x11/files/digest-xorg-x11-6.7.0-r2
deleted file mode 100644
index 241dd1cb4cf9..000000000000
--- a/x11-base/xorg-x11/files/digest-xorg-x11-6.7.0-r2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-MD5 4d7d5fdc4ed56c144ef998302581478c eurofonts-X11.tar.bz2 8811
-MD5 01a21c248e5ac4ba02cbbea994fc774a xfsft-encodings-0.1.tar.bz2 11892
-MD5 d0fab996daf97adf095e2dad0bd9012e gentoo-cursors-tad-0.3.1.tar.bz2 1196991
-MD5 3d4ee581df78c9dacc6e97aa07a1af72 gemini-koi8-u.tar.bz2 439173
-MD5 02aadc16fe9ce67246dc5819e340ce9d xorg-x11-6.7.0-files-0.3.tar.bz2 9383
-MD5 3ecb6984da6bc656a4589fdfe6cef26c xorg-x11-6.7.0-patches-1.3.tar.bz2 88648
-MD5 22465263bae7a2e9f5ad77e172cf1ab5 X11R6.7.0-src1.tar.gz 30039655
-MD5 6ef4e8f7647a28f080c10ea1bcf01f79 X11R6.7.0-src2.tar.gz 5739983
-MD5 4c7144786522bbce383b21ace72bf669 X11R6.7.0-src3.tar.gz 10855793
-MD5 4f2ed6fe4378fe60b58b8b4c8487cab0 X11R6.7.0-src4.tar.gz 13044107
-MD5 87177e6e6ac5b2d7de6a032ee8641ec1 X11R6.7.0-src5.tar.gz 4384772
-MD5 f52fe308e14525e3fa1eeb9dcd6d83a6 X11R6.7.0-src6.tar.gz 3181606
-MD5 69aa33d9faa5d324c84943c2025f9d8e X11R6.7.0-src7.tar.gz 4624204
diff --git a/x11-base/xorg-x11/files/digest-xorg-x11-6.8.0-r1 b/x11-base/xorg-x11/files/digest-xorg-x11-6.8.0-r1
deleted file mode 100644
index aa62553b37f6..000000000000
--- a/x11-base/xorg-x11/files/digest-xorg-x11-6.8.0-r1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-MD5 4d7d5fdc4ed56c144ef998302581478c eurofonts-X11.tar.bz2 8811
-MD5 01a21c248e5ac4ba02cbbea994fc774a xfsft-encodings-0.1.tar.bz2 11892
-MD5 d0fab996daf97adf095e2dad0bd9012e gentoo-cursors-tad-0.3.1.tar.bz2 1196991
-MD5 3d4ee581df78c9dacc6e97aa07a1af72 gemini-koi8-u.tar.bz2 439173
-MD5 2f0a7db15809d4c2e41b8666a5a8a04f xorg-x11-6.8.0-files-0.4.tar.bz2 9964
-MD5 dd26b5883a0f755d3357be302ddf88fe xorg-x11-6.8.0-patches- 62194
-MD5 c31a2e1c226e659c2ff29abfe55386e3 X11R6.8.0-src1.tar.gz 30560275
-MD5 4089bb6efb6c5bc73fbcfc23fafcb0c8 X11R6.8.0-src2.tar.gz 5808901
-MD5 488a5ebbbdf48d974efbc3a0bde92bf4 X11R6.8.0-src3.tar.gz 10014266
-MD5 0ffaef789784ae16ca263e7ae60db656 X11R6.8.0-src4.tar.gz 13166526
-MD5 af129720efbe82a1a82505c23227f70b X11R6.8.0-src5.tar.gz 4386145
-MD5 4be7648c1512d5da7e738e500dd5ba30 X11R6.8.0-src6.tar.gz 3181068
-MD5 888ced8bc85fbd2bd4880dba23a7f44a X11R6.8.0-src7.tar.gz 5052439
diff --git a/x11-base/xorg-x11/xorg-x11-6.7.0-r2.ebuild b/x11-base/xorg-x11/xorg-x11-6.7.0-r2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d99e6793c73..000000000000
--- a/x11-base/xorg-x11/xorg-x11-6.7.0-r2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1298 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/x11-base/xorg-x11/xorg-x11-6.7.0-r2.ebuild,v 1.34 2005/01/02 02:21:38 cryos Exp $
-# Libraries which are now supplied in shared form that were not in the past
-# include:,,,,,
-# 16 July 2004 <>
-# TARGET: patchset 1.3
-# Nothing yet =)
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs x11 linux-info
-# Make sure Portage does _NOT_ strip symbols. We will do it later and make sure
-# that only we only strip stuff that are safe to strip ...
-# IUSE="gatos" disabled because gatos is broken on ~4.4 now (31 Jan 2004)
-IUSE="3dfx 3dnow cjk debug dlloader doc ipv6 mmx nls pam sdk sse static"
-# IUSE_INPUT_DEVICES="synaptics wacom"
-# Misc patches we may need to fetch ..
-# mirror://gentoo/${P}-drivers-via-${VIADRV_VER}.tar.bz2"
-# Latest Savage drivers:
-# Latest SIS drivers:
- mirror://gentoo/gentoo-cursors-tad-${XCUR_VER}.tar.bz2
- nls? ( mirror://gentoo/gemini-koi8-u.tar.bz2 )
- doc? (
- )"
- bigelow-holmes-urw-gmbh-luxi christopher-g-demetriou national-semiconductor
- nokia tektronix the-open-group todd-c-miller x-truetype xfree86-1.0
- MIT SGI-B BSD || ( FTL GPL-2 )"
-KEYWORDS="arm alpha amd64 hppa ia64 mips ppc ppc64 ~sparc x86"
-# Need portage-2.0.50_pre9 for `use !foo`
- >=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.3-r2
- >=sys-devel/flex-2.5.4a-r5
- >=dev-libs/expat-1.95.3
- >=media-libs/freetype-2.1.4
- >=media-libs/fontconfig-2.1-r1
- >=x11-base/opengl-update-1.7.2
- >=x11-misc/ttmkfdir-3.0.4
- >=sys-apps/sed-4
- sys-apps/util-linux
- dev-lang/perl
- media-libs/libpng
- >=sys-apps/portage-2.0.50_pre9
- !x11-base/xfree
- !virtual/xft
- !virtual/x11"
-# x11-libs/xft -- blocked because of interference with xorg's
-PDEPEND="x86? (
- 3dfx? ( >=media-libs/glide-v3-3.10 )
- input_devices_synaptics? ( x11-misc/synaptics )
- input_devices_wacom? ( x11-misc/linuxwacom )
- )
- alpha? (
- 3dfx? ( >=media-libs/glide-v3-3.10 )
- )
- x11-terms/xterm"
- virtual/opengl
- virtual/glu
- virtual/xft"
-DESCRIPTION="An X11 implementation maintained by the X.Org Foundation"
-cflag_setup() {
- # Set up CFLAGS
- filter-flags "-funroll-loops"
- ALLOWED_FLAGS="-fstack-protector -march -mcpu -O -O1 -O2 -O3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -g"
- # arch-specific section added by popular demand
- case "${ARCH}" in
- mips) ALLOWED_FLAGS="${ALLOWED_FLAGS} -mips1 -mips2 -mips3 -mips4 -mabi" ;;
- # -fomit-frame-pointer known to break things and is pointless
- # according to ciaranm
- sparc) filter-flags "-fomit-frame-pointer" ;;
- # gcc-3.3.2 causes invalid insn error
- hppa ) replace-cpu-flags 2.0 1.0 ;;
- esac
- # Recently there has been a lot of stability problem in Gentoo-land. Many
- # things can be the cause to this, but I believe that it is due to gcc3
- # still having issues with optimizations, or with it not filtering bad
- # combinations (protecting the user maybe from themselves) yet.
- #
- # This can clearly be seen in large builds like glibc, where too aggressive
- # CFLAGS cause the tests to fail miserbly.
- #
- # Quote from Nick Jones <>, who in my opinion
- # knows what he is talking about:
- #
- # People really shouldn't force code-specific options on... It's a
- # bad idea. The -march options aren't just to look pretty. They enable
- # options that are sensible (and include sse,mmx,3dnow when appropriate).
- #
- # The next command strips CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS from nearly all flags. If
- # you do not like it, comment it, but do not bugreport if you run into
- # problems.
- #
- # <> (13 Oct 2002)
- strip-flags
-pkg_setup() {
- FILES_DIR="${WORKDIR}/files"
- EXCLUDED="${PATCHDIR}/excluded"
- # Set up CFLAG-related things
- cflag_setup
- # See bug #35468, circular pam-X11 dep
- if use pam && [ "`best_version x11-base/${PN}`" ]
- then
- einfo "Previous ${PN} installation detected"
- einfo "Enabling PAM features in ${PN}..."
- else
- einfo "Previous ${PN} installation NOT detected"
- einfo "Disabling PAM features in ${PN}..."
- einfo "You must remerge ${PN} to enable pam."
- einfo "See"
- fi
- if use static || use dlloader
- then
- # A static build disallows building the SDK.
- # See config/xf86.rules.
- # So does a DllModules YES (use dlloader) build (#50562)
- # The latter is pending a potential patch.
- if use sdk
- then
- die "The static and dlloader USE flags are currently incompatible with the sdk USE flag."
- fi
- fi
-host_def_setup() {
- ebegin "Setting up config/cf/host.def"
- cd ${S}; cp ${FILES_DIR}/site.def config/cf/host.def || die
- echo "#define XVendorString \"Gentoo Linux (The X.Org Foundation ${PV}, revision ${PR}-${PATCH_VER})\"" \
- >> config/cf/host.def
- # Pending and
- #
- #
- # Makes ld bail at link time on undefined symbols
- # Suggested by Mike Harris <>
- #echo "#define SharedLibraryLoadFlags -shared -Wl,-z,defs" \
- # >> config/cf/host.def
- # Enable i810 on x86_64 (RH #126687)
- echo "#define XF86ExtraCardDrivers i810" >> config/cf/host.def
- # FHS install locations for docs
- echo "#define ManDirectoryRoot /usr/share/man" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define DocDir /usr/share/doc/${PF}" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define FontDir /usr/share/fonts" >> config/cf/host.def
- # Make man4 and man7 stuff get 'x' suffix like everything else
- # Necessary so we can install to /usr/share/man without overwriting
- echo "#define DriverManDir \$(MANSOURCEPATH)4" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define DriverManSuffix 4x /* use just one tab or cpp will die */" \
- >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define MiscManDir \$(MANSOURCEPATH)7" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define MiscManSuffix 7x /* use just one tab or cpp will die */" \
- >> config/cf/host.def
- # Don't build xterm -- use external (#54051)
- echo "#define BuildXterm NO" >> config/cf/host.def
- # Xwrapper has been removed so we now need to use the set uid server
- # again, this mustve happened somewhere after 4.3.0 in the development.
- echo "#define InstallXserverSetUID YES" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define BuildServersOnly NO" >> config/cf/host.def
- # Don't use /lib64 ..
- # Replaces 0181_all_4.3.0-amd64-nolib64.patch
- echo "#define HaveLib64 NO" >> config/cf/host.def
- # Set location of DRM source to be installed
- echo "#define InstSrcDir ${ROOT}/usr/src/${PF}" >> config/cf/host.def
- # Bug #12775 .. fails with -Os.
- replace-flags "-Os" "-O2"
- if [ "`gcc-version`" != "2.95" ]
- then
- # Should fix bug #4189. gcc 3.x have problems with -march=pentium4
- # and -march=athlon-tbird
- # Seems fixed on 3.3 and higher
- if [ "`gcc-major-version`" -eq "3" -a "`gcc-minor-version`" -le "2" ]
- then
- replace-cpu-flags pentium4 pentium3
- replace-cpu-flags athlon athlon-tbird
- fi
- # Try a fix for #49310, see #50931 for more info. <spyderous>
- if [ "`is-flag -fomit-frame-pointer`" ]
- then
- replace-cpu-flags k6 k6-2 k6-3 i586
- fi
- # Without this, modules breaks with gcc3
- if [ "`gcc-version`" = "3.1" ]
- then
- append-flags "-fno-merge-constants"
- append-flags "-fno-merge-constants"
- fi
- fi
- if ( [ -e "${ROOT}/usr/src/linux" ] && \
- ! kernel_is "2" "2" ) || \
- [ "`uname -r | cut -d. -f1,2`" != "2.2" ]
- then
- echo "#define HasLinuxInput YES" >> config/cf/host.def
- fi
- echo "#define CcCmd $(tc-getCC)" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define OptimizedCDebugFlags ${CFLAGS} GccAliasingArgs" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define OptimizedCplusplusDebugFlags ${CXXFLAGS} GccAliasingArgs" >> config/cf/host.def
- if use static
- then
- echo "#define DoLoadableServer NO" >>config/cf/host.def
- else
- if use dlloader ; then
- einfo "Setting DoLoadableServer/MakeDllModules to YES for etdyn building"
- echo "#define DoLoadableServer YES" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define MakeDllModules YES" >> config/cf/host.def
- fi
- fi
- if use debug
- then
- echo "#define XFree86Devel YES" >> config/cf/host.def
- else
- echo "#define ExtraXInputDrivers acecad" >> config/cf/host.def
- # use less ram .. got this from Spider's makeedit.eclass :)
- echo "#define GccWarningOptions -Wno-return-type -w" \
- >> config/cf/host.def
- fi
- # Remove circular dep between pam and X11, bug #35468
- # If pam is in USE and we have X11, then we can enable PAM
- if use pam && [ "`best_version x11-base/xorg-x11`" ]
- then
- # If you want to have optional pam support, do it properly ...
- echo "#define HasPam YES" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define HasPamMisc YES" >> config/cf/host.def
- else
- echo "#define HasPam NO" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define HasPamMisc NO" >> config/cf/host.def
- fi
- if use x86 || use alpha
- then
- # build with glide3 support? (build the tdfx_dri.o module)
- if use 3dfx
- then
- echo "#define HasGlide3 YES" >> config/cf/host.def
- fi
- fi
- if use x86
- then
- # optimize Mesa for architecture
- if use mmx
- then
- echo "#define HasMMXSupport YES" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define MesaUseMMX YES" >> config/cf/host.def
- else
- echo "#define HasMMXSupport NO" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define MesaUseMMX NO" >> config/cf/host.def
- fi
- if use 3dnow
- then
- echo "#define Has3DNowSupport YES" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define MesaUse3DNow YES" >> config/cf/host.def
- else
- echo "#define Has3DNowSupport NO" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define MesaUse3DNow NO" >> config/cf/host.def
- fi
- if use sse
- then
- echo "#define HasKatmaiSupport YES" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define MesaUseKatmai YES" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define HasSSESupport YES" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define MesaUseSSE YES" >> config/cf/host.def
- else
- echo "#define HasKatmaiSupport NO" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define MesaUseKatmai NO" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define HasSSESupport NO" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define MesaUseSSE NO" >> config/cf/host.def
- fi
- # build with glide3 support? (build the tdfx_dri.o module)
- if use 3dfx
- then
- echo "#define HasGlide3 YES" >> config/cf/host.def
- fi
- # Compile the VIA driver
- # echo "#define XF86ExtraCardDrivers via" >> config/cf/host.def
- fi
- if use hppa
- then
- echo "#define DoLoadableServer NO" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define BuildXF86DRI NO" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#undef DriDrivers" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define XF86CardDrivers fbdev" >> config/cf/host.def
- fi
- if use alpha
- then
- echo "#define XF86CardDrivers mga nv tga s3virge sis rendition \
- i740 tdfx cirrus tseng fbdev \
- ati vga v4l glint" >> config/cf/host.def
- fi
- if use ppc
- then
- echo "#define XF86CardDrivers mga glint s3virge sis savage trident \
- chips tdfx fbdev ati DevelDrivers vga nv imstt \
- XF86OSCardDrivers XF86ExtraCardDrivers" >> config/cf/host.def
- fi
- if use ppc64
- then
- echo "#define MakeDllModules YES" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define XF86VgaHw YES" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define XF86FBDevHw YES" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define XF86CardDrivers fbdev v4l ati vga nv" >> config/cf/host.def
- fi
- if use sparc
- then
- echo "#define XF86CardDrivers sunffb sunleo suncg6 suncg3 suncg14 \
- suntcx sunbw2 glint mga tdfx ati savage vesa vga fbdev \
- XF86OSCardDrivers XF86ExtraCardDrivers \
- DevelDrivers" >> config/cf/host.def
- fi
- # The definitions for fontconfig
- echo "#define UseFontconfig YES" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define HasFontconfig YES" >> config/cf/host.def
- # Use the xorg Xft2 lib
- echo "#define SharedLibXft YES" >> config/cf/host.def
- # Set up docs building
- if use doc
- then
- local DOC="YES"
- else
- local DOC="NO"
- fi
- # with USE="X doc' circular dep w/ virtual/ghostscript
- # echo "#define HasGhostScript ${DOC}" >> config/cf/host.def
- # Caused issues, basic docs aren't installed
- #echo "#define BuildLinuxDocText ${DOC}" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define BuildLinuxDocHtml ${DOC}" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define BuildLinuxDocPS ${DOC}" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define BuildSpecsDocs ${DOC}" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define BuildHtmlManPages ${DOC}" >> config/cf/host.def
- # enable Japanese docs, optionally
- if use cjk
- then
- echo "#define InstallJapaneseDocs ${DOC}" >> config/cf/host.def
- fi
- # Native Language Support Fonts
- if use !nls
- then
- echo "#define BuildCyrillicFonts NO" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define BuildArabicFonts NO" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define BuildGreekFonts NO" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define BuildHebrewFonts NO" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define BuildThaiFonts NO" >> config/cf/host.def
- if use !cjk
- then
- echo "#define BuildCIDFonts NO" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define BuildJapaneseFonts NO" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define BuildKoreanFonts NO" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define BuildChineseFonts NO" >> config/cf/host.def
- fi
- fi
- if use ipv6
- then
- echo "#define BuildIPv6 YES" >> config/cf/host.def
- # In case Gentoo ever works on a system with IPv6 sockets that don't
- # also listen on IPv4 (see config/cf/X11.tmpl)
- echo "#define PreferXdmcpIPv6 YES" >> config/cf/host.def
- else
- echo "#define BuildIPv6 NO" >> config/cf/host.def
- fi
- # Will uncomment this after kde, qt, and *box ebuilds are alterered to use
- # it
- # if use xinerama
- # then
- # echo "#define BuildXinerama YES" >> config/cf/host.def
- # echo "#define BuildXineramaLibrary YES" >> config/cf/host.def
- # fi
- # End the host.def definitions here
- eend 0
-patch_setup() {
- einfo "Excluding patches..."
- # These have been applied upstream
- patch_exclude 1770 1771 1772 1773
- # This patch is just plain broken. Results in random failures.
- patch_exclude 0120*parallel-make
- # Hardened patches (both broken)
- patch_exclude 9960_all_4.3.0-exec-shield-GNU
- patch_exclude 9961_all_4.3.0-libGL-exec-shield
- # We dont have an implementation for S/390's yet...
- if use !s390
- then
- patch_exclude 7500
- fi
- # if use !gatos
- # then
- patch_exclude 9841_all_4.3.0-gatos-mesa
- # fi
- if use debug
- then
- patch_exclude 5901*acecad-debug
- fi
- # TDFX_RISKY - 16-bit, 1024x768 or higher on low-memory voodoo3's
- if use 3dfx && [ "${TDFX_RISKY}" = "yes" ]
- then
- patch_exclude 5850
- else
- patch_exclude 5851
- fi
- einfo "Done excluding patches"
-src_unpack() {
- # Unpack source and patches
- ebegin "Unpacking source"
- unpack X11R${PV}-src1.tar.gz
- unpack X11R${PV}-src2.tar.gz
- unpack X11R${PV}-src3.tar.gz
- unpack X11R${PV}-src4.tar.gz
- unpack X11R${PV}-src5.tar.gz
- eend 0
- if use doc
- then
- ebegin "Unpacking documentation"
- unpack X11R${PV}-src6.tar.gz
- unpack X11R${PV}-src7.tar.gz
- eend 0
- ebegin "Unpacking Gentoo files and patches"
- unpack ${P}-files-${FILES_VER}.tar.bz2 > /dev/null
- unpack ${P}-patches-${PATCH_VER}.tar.bz2 > /dev/null
- eend 0
- # Unpack TaD's gentoo cursors
- ebegin "Unpacking Gentoo cursors"
- unpack gentoo-cursors-tad-${XCUR_VER}.tar.bz2 > /dev/null
- eend 0
- # Unpack extra fonts stuff from Mandrake
- ebegin "Unpacking fonts"
- if use nls
- then
- unpack gemini-koi8-u.tar.bz2 > /dev/null
- fi
- unpack eurofonts-X11.tar.bz2 > /dev/null
- unpack xfsft-encodings-${XFSFT_ENC_VER}.tar.bz2 > /dev/null
- eend 0
- # Remove bum encoding
- rm -f ${WORKDIR}/usr/share/fonts/encodings/urdunaqsh-0.enc
- patch_setup
- # Bulk patching - based on patch name
- # Will create excluded stuff once it's needed
- cd ${WORKDIR}
- EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" \
- epatch ${PATCHDIR}
- cd ${S}
- host_def_setup
- cd ${S}
- if use doc
- then
- # These are not included anymore as they are obsolete
- for x in ${S}/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/{XF98Conf.cpp,XF98Config}
- do
- if [ -f ${x} ]
- then
- cp ${x} ${x}.orig
- grep -iv 'Load[[:space:]]*"\(pex5\|xie\)"' ${x}.orig > ${x}
- rm -f ${x}.orig
- fi
- done
- fi
-src_compile() {
- # Set MAKEOPTS to have proper -j? option ..
- get_number_of_jobs
- # If a user defines the MAKE_OPTS variable in /etc/make.conf instead of
- # MAKEOPTS, they'll redefine an internal xorg Makefile variable and the
- # xorg build will silently die. This is tricky to track down, so I'm
- # adding a preemptive fix for this issue by making sure that MAKE_OPTS is
- # unset. (drobbins, 08 Mar 2003)
- unset MAKE_OPTS
- einfo "Building xorg-x11..."
- FAST=1 emake World WORLDOPTS="" || die
- if use nls
- then
- cd ${S}/nls
- make || die
- cd ${S}
- fi
-pkgconfig_install() {
- # This one needs to be in /usr/lib
- insinto /usr/lib/pkgconfig
- doins ${D}/usr/X11R6/lib/pkgconfig/{xcursor,xft,xrender}.pc
- # Now remove the invalid xft.pc, and co ...
- rm -rf ${D}/usr/X11R6/lib/pkgconfig
-backward_compat_setup() {
- # Backwards compatibility for /usr/share move
- G_FONTDIRS="100dpi 75dpi CID Speedo TTF Type1 encodings local misc util"
- dodir /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/
- do
- dosym ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/${G_FONTDIR} /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/${G_FONTDIR}
- done
- dosym ${ROOT}/usr/share/man /usr/X11R6/man
- dosym ${ROOT}/usr/share/doc/${PF} /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc
-compose_files_setup() {
- # Hack from Mandrake (update ours that just created Compose files for
- # all locales)
- for x in $(find ${D}/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/ -mindepth 1 -type d)
- do
- # make empty Compose files for some locales
- # CJK must not have that file (otherwise XIM don't works some times)
- case `basename ${x}` in
- C|microsoft-*|iso8859-*|koi8-*)
- if [ ! -f ${x}/Compose ]
- then
- touch ${x}/Compose
- fi
- ;;
- ja*|ko*|zh*)
- if [ -r ${x}/Compose ]
- then
- rm -f ${x}/Compose
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- done
- # Another hack from Mandrake -- to fix dead + space for the us
- # international keyboard
- for i in ${D}/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/*/Compose
- do
- sed -i \
- -e 's/\(<dead_diaeresis> <space>\).*$/\1 : "\\"" quotedbl/' \
- -e "s/\(<dead_acute> <space>\).*$/\1 : \"'\" apostrophe/" \
- ${i}
- done
-etc_files_install() {
- insinto /etc/X11
- # Install example config file
- newins ${S}/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/xorg.conf xorg.conf.example
- exeinto /etc/X11
- # new session management script
- doexe ${FILES_DIR}/
- # new display manager script
- doexe ${FILES_DIR}/
- exeinto /etc/X11/Sessions
- for x in ${FILES_DIR}/Sessions/*
- do
- [ -f ${x} ] && doexe ${x}
- done
- insinto /etc/env.d
- doins ${FILES_DIR}/10xorg
- insinto /etc/X11/xinit
- doins ${FILES_DIR}/xinitrc
- exeinto /etc/X11/xdm
- doexe ${FILES_DIR}/Xsession ${FILES_DIR}/Xsetup_0
- insinto /etc/X11/fs
- newins ${FILES_DIR}/xfs.config config
- if use pam
- then
- insinto /etc/pam.d
- newins ${FILES_DIR}/xdm.pamd xdm
- # Need to fix console permissions first
- newins ${FILES_DIR}/xserver.pamd xserver
- fi
- exeinto /etc/init.d
- newexe ${FILES_DIR}/xdm.start xdm
- newexe ${FILES_DIR}/xfs.start xfs
- insinto /etc/conf.d
- newins ${FILES_DIR}/xfs.conf.d xfs
-setup_dynamic_libgl() {
- # next section is to setup the dynamic libGL stuff
- ebegin "Moving libGL and friends for dynamic switching"
- dodir /usr/lib/opengl/${PN}/{lib,extensions,include}
- local x=""
- for x in ${D}/usr/X11R6/lib/* \
- ${D}/usr/X11R6/lib/ \
- ${D}/usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.a \
- ${D}/usr/X11R6/lib/
- do
- if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]
- then
- # libGL.a cause problems with tuxracer, etc
- mv -f ${x} ${D}/usr/lib/opengl/${PN}/lib
- fi
- done
- for x in ${D}/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libglx*
- do
- if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]
- then
- mv -f ${x} ${D}/usr/lib/opengl/${PN}/extensions
- fi
- done
- # glext.h added for #54984
- for x in ${D}/usr/X11R6/include/GL/{gl.h,glx.h,glxtokens.h,glext.h}
- do
- if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]
- then
- mv -f ${x} ${D}/usr/lib/opengl/${PN}/include
- fi
- done
- # Since we added glext.h and don't have new opengl-update yet, do this
- # Avoids circular opengl-update/xorg-x11 dependency
- dosym /usr/lib/opengl/${PN}/include/glext.h /usr/X11R6/include/GL/
- eend 0
-strip_execs() {
- einfo "Stripping binaries and libraries..."
- # This bit I got from Redhat ... strip binaries and drivers ..
- # NOTE: We do NOT want to strip the drivers, modules or DRI modules!
- for x in $(find ${D}/ -type f -perm +0111 -exec file {} \; | \
- grep -v ' shared object,' | \
- sed -n -e 's/^\(.*\):[ ]*ELF.*, not stripped/\1/p')
- do
- if [ -f ${x} ]
- then
- # Dont do the modules ...
- if [ "${x/\/usr\/X11R6\/lib\/modules}" = "${x}" ]
- then
- echo "`echo ${x} | sed -e "s|${D}||"`"
- strip ${x} || :
- fi
- fi
- done
- # Now do the libraries ...
- for x in ${D}/usr/{lib,lib/opengl/${PN}/lib}/*.so.* \
- ${D}/usr/X11R6/{lib,lib/X11/locale/lib/common}/*.so.*
- do
- if [ -f ${x} ]
- then
- echo "`echo ${x} | sed -e "s|${D}||"`"
- strip --strip-debug ${x} || :
- fi
- done
-setup_config_files() {
- # Fix default config files after installing fonts to /usr/share/fonts
- sed -i "s:/usr/X116/lib/X11/fonts:${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts:g" \
- ${D}/etc/X11/xorg.conf.example
- sed -i "s:/usr/X116/lib/X11/fonts:${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts:g" \
- ${D}/etc/X11/fs/config
- # Work around upgrade problem where people have
- # Option "XkbRules" "xfree86" in their config file
- sed -i "s:^.*Option.*"XkbRules".*$::g" ${D}/etc/X11/xorg.conf.example
- # Fix any installed config files for installing fonts to /usr/share/fonts
- # This *needs* to be after all other installation so files aren't
- # overwritten.
- einfo "Preparing any installed configuration files for font move..."
- FILES="/etc/X11/xorg.conf
- /etc/X11/XF86Config
- /etc/fonts/fonts.conf
- /etc/fonts/local.conf
- /etc/X11/fs/config"
- for FILE in ${FILES}
- do
- if [ -e ${ROOT}${FILE} ]
- then
- DIR="$(dirname ${ROOT}${FILE})"
- if [ ! -d ${T}${DIR} ]
- then
- mkdir -p ${T}${DIR}
- fi
- cp ${ROOT}${FILE} ${T}${DIR}
- # New font paths
- sed -i "s,/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts,/usr/share/fonts,g" ${T}${FILE}
- # Work around upgrade problem where people have
- # Option "XkbRules" "xfree86" in their config file
- sed -i "s:^.*Option.*"XkbRules".*$::g" ${T}${FILE}
- dodir ${DIR}
- insinto ${DIR}
- doins ${T}${FILE}
- fi
- done
-src_install() {
- unset MAKE_OPTS
- einfo "Installing X11..."
- # gcc3 related fix. Do this during install, so that our
- # whole build will not be compiled without mmx instructions.
- if [ "`gcc-version`" != "2.95" ] && use x86
- then
- make install DESTDIR=${D} || \
- make CDEBUGFLAGS="${CDEBUGFLAGS} -mno-mmx" \
- install DESTDIR=${D} || die
- else
- make install DESTDIR=${D} || die
- fi
- if use sdk # || use gatos
- then
- einfo "Installing X11 SDK..."
- make install.sdk DESTDIR=${D} || die
- fi
- pkgconfig_install
- einfo "Installing man pages..."
- make DESTDIR=${D} || die
- einfo "Compressing man pages..."
- prepman /usr/X11R6
- if use nls
- then
- cd ${S}/nls
- make DESTDIR=${D} install || die
- fi
- backward_compat_setup
- # Fix permissions on locale/common/*.so
- for x in ${D}/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/lib/common/*.so*
- do
- if [ -f ${x} ]
- then
- fperms 0755 `echo ${x} | sed -e "s|${D}||"`
- fi
- done
- # Fix permissions on modules ...
- for x in $(find ${D}/usr/X11R6/lib/modules -name '*.o') \
- $(find ${D}/usr/X11R6/lib/modules -name '*.so')
- do
- if [ -f ${x} ]
- then
- fperms 0755 `echo ${x} | sed -e "s|${D}||"`
- fi
- done
- # We zap our CFLAGS in the host.def file, as hardcoded CFLAGS can
- # mess up other things that use xmkmf
- ebegin "Fixing lib/X11/config/host.def"
- cp ${D}/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/config/host.def ${T}
- awk '!/OptimizedCDebugFlags|OptimizedCplusplusDebugFlags|GccWarningOptions/ {print $0}' \
- ${T}/host.def > ${D}/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/config/host.def
- # theoretically, /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/config is a possible candidate for
- # config file management. If we find that people really worry about imake
- # stuff, we may add it. But for now, we leave the dir unprotected.
- eend 0
- # EURO support
- ebegin "Euro Support..."
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${D}/usr/X11R6/lib" \
- ${D}/usr/X11R6/bin/bdftopcf -t ${WORKDIR}/Xlat9-8x14.bdf | \
- gzip -9 > ${D}/usr/share/fonts/misc/Xlat9-8x14-lat9.pcf.gz
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${D}/usr/X11R6/lib" \
- ${D}/usr/X11R6/bin/bdftopcf -t ${WORKDIR}/Xlat9-9x16.bdf | \
- gzip -9 > ${D}/usr/share/fonts/misc/Xlat9-9x16-lat9.pcf.gz
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${D}/usr/X11R6/lib" \
- ${D}/usr/X11R6/bin/bdftopcf -t ${WORKDIR}/Xlat9-10x20.bdf | \
- gzip -9 > ${D}/usr/share/fonts/misc/Xlat9-10x20-lat9.pcf.gz
- eend 0
- # Standard symlinks
- dodir /usr/{bin,include,lib}
- dosym ../X11R6/bin /usr/bin/X11
- dosym ../X11R6/include/X11 /usr/include/X11
- dosym ../X11R6/include/DPS /usr/include/DPS
- dosym ../X11R6/include/GL /usr/include/GL
- dosym ../X11R6/lib/X11 /usr/lib/X11
- dosym ../../usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb /etc/X11/xkb
- # Some critical directories
- keepdir /var/lib/xdm
- dosym ../../../var/lib/xdm /etc/X11/xdm/authdir
- # Remove invalid symlinks
- rm -f ${D}/usr/lib/libGL.*
- # Create required symlinks
- dosym /usr/X11R6/lib/
- dosym /usr/X11R6/lib/
- dosym /usr/X11R6/lib/
- # We move libGLU to /usr/lib now
- dosym /usr/lib/
- # .la files for libtool support
- insinto /usr/X11R6/lib
- doins ${FILES_DIR}/lib/*.la
- # Backwards compat, FHS, etc.
- dosym ../../usr/X11R6/bin/Xorg /etc/X11/X
- # Fix perms
- fperms 755 /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/geometry/sgi
- fperms 755 /usr/X11R6/bin/dga
- compose_files_setup
- # Yet more Mandrake
- ebegin "Encoding files for xfsft font server..."
- dodir /usr/share/fonts/encodings
- cp -a ${WORKDIR}/usr/share/fonts/encodings/* \
- ${D}/usr/share/fonts/encodings
- for x in ${D}/usr/share/fonts/encodings/{.,large}/*.enc
- do
- [ -f "${x}" ] && gzip -9 -f ${x}
- done
- eend 0
- if use nls
- then
- ebegin "gemini-koi8 fonts..."
- cd ${WORKDIR}/ukr
- gunzip *.Z
- gzip -9 *.pcf
- cd ${S}
- cp -a ${WORKDIR}/ukr ${D}/usr/share/fonts
- eend 0
- fi
- etc_files_install
- # we want* in /usr/lib
- mv ${D}/usr/X11R6/lib/libGLU.* ${D}/usr/lib
- setup_dynamic_libgl
- # Make the core cursor the default. People seem not to like whiteglass
- # for some reason.
- dosed 's:whiteglass:core:' /usr/share/cursors/${PN}/default/index.theme
- strip_execs
- # Install TaD's gentoo cursors
- insinto /usr/share/cursors/${PN}/gentoo/cursors
- doins ${WORKDIR}/cursors/gentoo/cursors/*
- insinto /usr/share/cursors/${PN}/gentoo-blue/cursors
- doins ${WORKDIR}/cursors/gentoo-blue/cursors/*
- insinto /usr/share/cursors/${PN}/gentoo-silver/cursors
- doins ${WORKDIR}/cursors/gentoo-silver/cursors/*
- # Remove xterm app-defaults, since we don't install xterm
- rm ${D}/etc/X11/app-defaults/{UXTerm,XTerm,XTerm-color}
- setup_config_files
-pkg_preinst() {
- do
- # Get rid of deprecated directories so our symlinks in the same location
- # work -- users shouldn't be placing fonts here so that should be fine,
- # they should be using ~/.fonts or /usr/share/fonts. <spyderous>
- if [ -d ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/${G_FONTDIR} ]
- then
- rm -rf ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/${G_FONTDIR}
- fi
- # clean out old fonts.* and encodings.dir files, as we
- # will regenerate them
- # Not Speedo or CID, as their fonts.scale files are "real"
- if [ "${G_FONTDIR}" != "CID" -a "${G_FONTDIR}" != "Speedo" ]
- then
- find ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/${G_FONTDIR} -type f -name 'fonts.*' \
- -exec rm -f {} \;
- find ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/${G_FONTDIR} -type f -name 'encodings.dir' \
- -exec rm -f {} \;
- fi
- done
- # No longer used by xorg-x11
- if [ -d ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype ]
- then
- rm -rf ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype
- fi
- if [ -L ${ROOT}/etc/X11/app-defaults ]
- then
- rm -f ${ROOT}/etc/X11/app-defaults
- fi
- if [ ! -L ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults ] && \
- [ -d ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults ]
- then
- if [ ! -d ${ROOT}/etc/X11/app-defaults ]
- then
- mkdir -p ${ROOT}/etc/X11/app-defaults
- fi
- mv -f ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults ${ROOT}/etc/X11
- fi
- if [ -L ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb ]
- then
- rm -f ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb
- fi
- if [ ! -L ${ROOT}/etc/X11/xkb ] && \
- [ -d ${ROOT}/etc/X11/xkb ]
- then
- if [ ! -d ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb ]
- then
- mkdir -p ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/lib/X11
- fi
- mv -f ${ROOT}/etc/X11/xkb ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/lib/X11
- fi
- # clean the dynamic libGL stuff's home to ensure
- # we don't have stale libs floating around
- if [ -d ${ROOT}/usr/lib/opengl/${PN} ]
- then
- rm -rf ${ROOT}/usr/lib/opengl/${PN}/*
- fi
- # make sure we do not have any stale files lying around
- # that could break things.
- rm -f ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/lib/libGL*
-font_setup() {
- # These cause ttmkfdir to segfault :/
- rm -f ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/encodings/iso8859-6.8x.enc.gz
- rm -f ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/encodings/iso8859-6.16.enc.gz
- # ********************************************************************
- # A note about fonts and needed files:
- #
- # 1) Create /usr/share/fonts/encodings/encodings.dir
- #
- # 2) Create fonts.scale for TrueType fonts (need to do this before
- # we create fonts.dir files, else fonts.dir files will be
- # invalid for TrueType fonts...)
- #
- # 3) Now Generate fonts.dir files.
- #
- # CID fonts is a bit more involved, but as we do not install any,
- # thus I am not going to bother.
- #
- # <> (20 Oct 2002)
- #
- # ********************************************************************
- ebegin "Generating encodings.dir..."
- # Create the encodings.dir in /usr/share/fonts/encodings
- ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/bin/mkfontdir -n \
- -e ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/encodings \
- -e ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/encodings/large \
- -- ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/encodings
- eend 0
- if [ -x ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/bin/ttmkfdir ]
- then
- ebegin "Creating fonts.scale files..."
- for x in $(find ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/* -type d -maxdepth 1)
- do
- [ -z "$(ls ${x}/)" ] && continue
- [ "$(ls ${x}/)" = "fonts.cache-1" ] && continue
- # Only generate .scale files if truetype, opentype or type1
- # fonts are present ...
- # First truetype (ttf,ttc)
- # NOTE: ttmkfdir does NOT work on type1 fonts (#53753)
- # Also, there is no way to regenerate Speedo/CID fonts.scale
- # <> 2 August 2004
- if [ "${x/encodings}" = "${x}" -a \
- -n "$(find ${x} -iname '*.tt[cf]' -print)" ]
- then
- ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/bin/ttmkfdir -x 2 \
- -e ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/encodings/encodings.dir \
- -o ${x}/fonts.scale -d ${x}
- # Next type1 and opentype (pfa,pfb,otf,otc)
- elif [ "${x/encodings}" = "${x}" -a \
- -n "$(find ${x} -iname '*.[po][ft][abcf]' -print)" ]
- then
- ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/bin/mkfontscale \
- -a ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/encodings/encodings.dir \
- -- ${x}
- fi
- done
- eend 0
- fi
- ebegin "Generating fonts.dir files..."
- for x in $(find ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/* -type d -maxdepth 1)
- do
- [ -z "$(ls ${x}/)" ] && continue
- [ "$(ls ${x}/)" = "fonts.cache-1" ] && continue
- if [ "${x/encodings}" = "${x}" ]
- then
- ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/bin/mkfontdir \
- -e ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/encodings \
- -e ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/encodings/large \
- -- ${x}
- fi
- done
- eend 0
- ebegin "Generating Xft cache..."
- for x in $(find ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/* -type d -maxdepth 1)
- do
- [ -z "$(ls ${x}/)" ] && continue
- [ "$(ls ${x}/)" = "fonts.cache-1" ] && continue
- # Only generate XftCache files if there are truetype
- # fonts present ...
- if [ "${x/encodings}" = "${x}" -a \
- -n "$(find ${x} -iname '*.[otps][pft][cfad]' -print)" ]
- then
- ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/bin/xftcache ${x} &> /dev/null
- fi
- done
- eend 0
- ebegin "Fixing permissions..."
- find ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/ -type f -name 'font.*' \
- -exec chmod 0644 {} \;
- eend 0
- # danarmak found out that fc-cache should be run AFTER all the above
- # stuff, as otherwise the cache is invalid, and has to be run again
- # as root anyway
- if [ -x ${ROOT}/usr/bin/fc-cache ]
- then
- ebegin "Creating FC font cache..."
- HOME="/root" ${ROOT}/usr/bin/fc-cache
- eend 0
- fi
-print_info() {
- if use 3dfx
- then
- echo
- einfo "If using a 3DFX card, and you had \"3dfx\" in your USE flags,"
- einfo "please merge media-libs/glide-v3 if you have not done so yet"
- einfo "by doing:"
- einfo
- einfo " # emerge media-libs/glide-v3"
- echo
- fi
- echo
- einfo "Please note that the xcursors are in /usr/share/cursors/${PN}"
- einfo "Any custom cursor sets should be placed in that directory"
- echo
- einfo "If you wish to set system-wide default cursors, please set"
- einfo "them in /usr/local/share/cursors/${PN} so that future"
- einfo "emerges will not overwrite those settings"
- echo
- einfo "Listening on TCP is disabled by default with startx."
- einfo "To enable it, edit /usr/X11R6/bin/startx."
- echo
- echo
- ewarn "BEWARE:"
- ewarn "Font installation location has MOVED to:"
- ewarn "/usr/share/fonts"
- ewarn "Run etc-update to update your config files."
- ewarn "Old locations for fonts, docs and man pages"
- ewarn "are deprecated."
- echo
- ewarn "The configuration file has changed from that in XFree86."
- ewarn "It is xorg.conf instead of XF86Config."
- einfo "You may use xorgcfg, X -configure, or xorgconfig"
- einfo "to create xorg.conf."
- einfo "If XF86Config exists and xorg.conf does not, it will still"
- einfo "read XF86Config."
- # Try to get people to read /usr/share/fonts move
- ebeep 5
- epause 10
-pkg_postinst() {
- env-update
- if [ "${ROOT}" = "/" ]
- then
- local x=""
- umask 022
- font_setup
- # Switch to the xorg implementation.
- # Use new opengl-update that will not reset user selected
- # OpenGL interface ...
- echo
- if [ "`${ROOT}/usr/sbin/opengl-update --get-implementation`" = "xfree" ]
- then
- ${ROOT}/usr/sbin/opengl-update ${PN}
- else
- ${ROOT}/usr/sbin/opengl-update --use-old ${PN}
- fi
- fi
- for x in $(find ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/locale/ -mindepth 1 -type d)
- do
- # Remove old compose files we might have created incorrectly
- # CJK must not have that file (otherwise XIM don't works some times)
- case `basename ${x}` in
- ja*|ko*|zh*)
- if [ -r "${x}/Compose" ]
- then
- rm -f ${x}/Compose
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- done
- # These need to be owned by root and the correct permissions
- # (bug #8281)
- for x in ${ROOT}/tmp/.{ICE,X11}-unix
- do
- if [ ! -d ${x} ]
- then
- mkdir -p ${x}
- fi
- chown root:root ${x}
- chmod 1777 ${x}
- done
- if use ppc64
- then
- #The problem about display driver is fixed.
- cd ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers
- mv
- mv
- mv
- ld -shared -o ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/ ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/ ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/linux/ ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/ ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/ ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/
- ld -rpath ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers -shared -o
- ld -rpath ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers -shared -o
- #The problem about DRI module and GLX module is fixed.
- cd ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions
- mv
- mv
- ld -rpath ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions -shared -o
- ld -rpath ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions -shared -o
- fi
- print_info
-pkg_prerm() {
- if use ppc64
- then
- cd ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers
- mv
- mv
- mv
- cd ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions
- mv
- mv
- fi
-pkg_postrm() {
- # Fix problematic links
- if [ -x ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/bin/Xorg ]
- then
- ln -snf ../X11R6/bin ${ROOT}/usr/bin/X11
- ln -snf ../X11R6/include/X11 ${ROOT}/usr/include/X11
- ln -snf ../X11R6/include/DPS ${ROOT}/usr/include/DPS
- ln -snf ../X11R6/include/GL ${ROOT}/usr/include/GL
- ln -snf ../X11R6/lib/X11 ${ROOT}/usr/lib/X11
- fi
diff --git a/x11-base/xorg-x11/xorg-x11-6.8.0-r1.ebuild b/x11-base/xorg-x11/xorg-x11-6.8.0-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f431b240151..000000000000
--- a/x11-base/xorg-x11/xorg-x11-6.8.0-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1392 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/x11-base/xorg-x11/xorg-x11-6.8.0-r1.ebuild,v 1.37 2005/01/02 02:21:38 cryos Exp $
-# Set TDFX_RISKY to "yes" to get 16-bit, 1024x768 or higher on low-memory
-# voodoo3 cards.
-# Libraries which are now supplied in shared form that were not in the past
-# include:,,,,,
-# 11 August 2004 <>
-# TARGET: patchset 0.2
-# Nothing yet =)
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs x11 linux-info
-# Make sure Portage does _NOT_ strip symbols. We will do it later and make sure
-# that only we only strip stuff that are safe to strip ...
-# IUSE="gatos" disabled because gatos is broken on ~4.4 now (31 Jan 2004)
-IUSE="3dfx 3dnow bitmap-fonts cjk debug dlloader dmx doc hardened
- insecure-drivers ipv6 mmx nls pam sdk sse static xprint"
-# IUSE_INPUT_DEVICES="synaptics wacom"
-# Misc patches we may need to fetch ..
-# mirror://gentoo/${P}-drivers-via-${VIADRV_VER}.tar.bz2"
-# Latest Savage drivers:
-# Latest SIS drivers:
- mirror://gentoo/gentoo-cursors-tad-${XCUR_VER}.tar.bz2
- nls? ( mirror://gentoo/gemini-koi8-u.tar.bz2 )
- doc? (
- )"
- bigelow-holmes-urw-gmbh-luxi christopher-g-demetriou national-semiconductor
- nokia tektronix the-open-group todd-c-miller x-truetype xfree86-1.0
- MIT SGI-B BSD || ( FTL GPL-2 )"
-KEYWORDS="arm alpha amd64 hppa ia64 mips ~ppc sparc x86 ~ppc64"
-# Need portage-2.0.50_pre9 for `use !foo`
- >=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.3-r2
- >=sys-devel/flex-2.5.4a-r5
- >=dev-libs/expat-1.95.3
- >=media-libs/freetype-2.1.4
- >=media-libs/fontconfig-2.1-r1
- >=x11-base/opengl-update-1.7.2
- >=x11-misc/ttmkfdir-3.0.9-r2
- >=sys-apps/sed-4
- sys-apps/util-linux
- dev-lang/perl
- media-libs/libpng
- >=sys-apps/portage-2.0.50_pre9
- !x11-base/xfree
- !virtual/xft
- !virtual/x11"
-# x11-libs/xft -- blocked because of interference with xorg's
-PDEPEND="x86? (
- 3dfx? ( >=media-libs/glide-v3-3.10 )
- input_devices_synaptics? ( x11-misc/synaptics )
- input_devices_wacom? ( x11-misc/linuxwacom )
- )
- alpha? (
- 3dfx? ( >=media-libs/glide-v3-3.10 )
- )
- x11-terms/xterm"
- virtual/opengl
- virtual/glu
- virtual/xft"
-DESCRIPTION="An X11 implementation maintained by the X.Org Foundation"
-cflag_setup() {
- # Set up CFLAGS
- filter-flags "-funroll-loops"
- ALLOWED_FLAGS="-fstack-protector -march -mcpu -O -O1 -O2 -O3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -g -gstabs+ -gstabs -ggdb"
- # arch-specific section added by popular demand
- case "${ARCH}" in
- mips) ALLOWED_FLAGS="${ALLOWED_FLAGS} -mtune -mips1 -mips2 -mips3 -mips4 -mabi" ;;
- # -fomit-frame-pointer known to break things and is pointless
- # according to ciaranm
- # And hardened compiler must be softened. -- fmccor, 20.viii.04
- sparc) filter-flags "-fomit-frame-pointer"
- if use hardened
- then
- einfo "Softening gcc for sparc"
- append-flags "-fno-pie -fno-PIE"
- fi
- ;;
- # gcc-3.3.2 causes invalid insn error
- hppa ) replace-cpu-flags 2.0 1.0 ;;
- esac
- # Recently there has been a lot of stability problem in Gentoo-land. Many
- # things can be the cause to this, but I believe that it is due to gcc3
- # still having issues with optimizations, or with it not filtering bad
- # combinations (protecting the user maybe from themselves) yet.
- #
- # This can clearly be seen in large builds like glibc, where too aggressive
- # CFLAGS cause the tests to fail miserbly.
- #
- # Quote from Nick Jones <>, who in my opinion
- # knows what he is talking about:
- #
- # People really shouldn't force code-specific options on... It's a
- # bad idea. The -march options aren't just to look pretty. They enable
- # options that are sensible (and include sse,mmx,3dnow when appropriate).
- #
- # The next command strips CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS from nearly all flags. If
- # you do not like it, comment it, but do not bugreport if you run into
- # problems.
- #
- # <> (13 Oct 2002)
- strip-flags
-pkg_setup() {
- FILES_DIR="${WORKDIR}/files"
- EXCLUDED="${PATCHDIR}/excluded"
- # Set up CFLAG-related things
- cflag_setup
- # See bug #35468, circular pam-X11 dep
- if use pam && best_version x11-base/${PN}
- then
- einfo "Previous ${PN} installation detected"
- einfo "Enabling PAM features in ${PN}..."
- else
- einfo "Previous ${PN} installation NOT detected"
- einfo "Disabling PAM features in ${PN}..."
- einfo "You must remerge ${PN} to enable pam."
- einfo "See"
- fi
- if use static || use dlloader
- then
- # A static build disallows building the SDK.
- # See config/xf86.rules.
- # So does a DllModules YES (use dlloader) build (#50562)
- # The latter is pending a potential patch.
- if use sdk
- then
- die "The static and dlloader USE flags are currently incompatible with the sdk USE flag."
- fi
- fi
- if use dmx && use doc
- then
- die "The dmx and doc USE flags are temporarily incompatible and result in a dead build."
- fi
- # on amd64 we need /usr/X11R6/lib64/X11/locale/lib to be a symlink
- # created by the emul lib ebuild in order for adobe acrobat, staroffice,
- # and a few other apps to work.
- use amd64 && get_libdir_override lib64
- # lib32 isnt a supported configuration (yet?)
- [ "${CONF_LIBDIR}" == "lib32" ] && get_libdir_override lib
- # Echo a message to the user about bitmap-fonts
- if ! use bitmap-fonts
- then
- ewarn "Please emerge this with USE=\"bitmap-fonts\" to enable"
- ewarn "75dpi and 100dpi fonts. Your GTK+-1.2 fonts may look"
- ewarn "screwy otherwise"
- ebeep 5
- epause 10
- fi
-host_def_setup() {
- HOSTCONF=config/cf/host.def
- ebegin "Setting up ${HOSTCONF}"
- cd ${S}; cp ${FILES_DIR}/site.def ${HOSTCONF} || die
- echo "#define XVendorString \"Gentoo Linux (The X.Org Foundation ${PV}, revision ${PR}-${PATCH_VER})\"" \
- >> ${HOSTCONF}
- # Pending and
- #
- #
- # Makes ld bail at link time on undefined symbols
- # Suggested by Mike Harris <>
- #echo "#define SharedLibraryLoadFlags -shared -Wl,-z,defs" \
- # >> ${HOSTCONF}
- # Enable i810 on x86_64 (RH #126687)
- echo "#define XF86ExtraCardDrivers i810" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- # FHS install locations for docs
- echo "#define ManDirectoryRoot /usr/share/man" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- echo "#define DocDir /usr/share/doc/${PF}" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- echo "#define FontDir /usr/share/fonts" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- # Make man4 and man7 stuff get 'x' suffix like everything else
- # Necessary so we can install to /usr/share/man without overwriting
- echo "#define DriverManDir \$(MANSOURCEPATH)4" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- echo "#define DriverManSuffix 4x /* use just one tab or cpp will die */" \
- >> ${HOSTCONF}
- echo "#define MiscManDir \$(MANSOURCEPATH)7" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- echo "#define MiscManSuffix 7x /* use just one tab or cpp will die */" \
- >> ${HOSTCONF}
- # Don't build xterm -- use external (#54051)
- echo "#define BuildXterm NO" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- # Xwrapper has been removed so we now need to use the set uid server
- # again, this mustve happened somewhere after 4.3.0 in the development.
- echo "#define InstallXserverSetUID YES" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- echo "#define BuildServersOnly NO" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- # Don't use /lib64 if $(get_libdir) != lib64
- # Replaces 0181_all_4.3.0-amd64-nolib64.patch
- if [ "$(get_libdir)" == "lib64" ] ; then
- echo "#define HaveLib64 YES" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- else
- echo "#define HaveLib64 NO" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- fi
- # Set location of DRM source to be installed
- echo "#define InstSrcDir ${ROOT}/usr/src/${PF}" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- # Bug #12775 .. fails with -Os.
- replace-flags "-Os" "-O2"
- if [ "`gcc-version`" != "2.95" ]
- then
- # Should fix bug #4189. gcc 3.x have problems with -march=pentium4
- # and -march=athlon-tbird
- # Seems fixed on 3.3 and higher
- if [ "`gcc-major-version`" -eq "3" -a "`gcc-minor-version`" -le "2" ]
- then
- replace-cpu-flags pentium4 pentium3
- replace-cpu-flags athlon athlon-tbird
- fi
- #to fix #57602 for now, thanks Spanky
- [ "$(gcc-version)" == "3.4" ] && use x86 && test_flag -mno-sse2 && append-flags -mno-sse2
- # Try a fix for #49310, see #50931 for more info. <spyderous>
- if [ "`is-flag -fomit-frame-pointer`" ]
- then
- replace-cpu-flags k6 k6-2 k6-3 i586
- fi
- # Without this, modules breaks with gcc3
- if [ "`gcc-version`" = "3.1" ]
- then
- append-flags "-fno-merge-constants"
- append-flags "-fno-merge-constants"
- fi
- fi
- if ( [ -e "${ROOT}/usr/src/linux" ] && \
- ! kernel_is "2" "2" ) || \
- [ "`uname -r | cut -d. -f1,2`" != "2.2" ]
- then
- echo "#define HasLinuxInput YES" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- fi
- echo "#define CcCmd $(tc-getCC)" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- echo "#define OptimizedCDebugFlags ${CFLAGS} GccAliasingArgs" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- echo "#define OptimizedCplusplusDebugFlags ${CXXFLAGS} GccAliasingArgs" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- if use static
- then
- echo "#define DoLoadableServer NO" >>${HOSTCONF}
- else
- if use dlloader ; then
- einfo "Setting DoLoadableServer/MakeDllModules to YES."
- echo "#define DoLoadableServer YES" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- echo "#define MakeDllModules YES" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- fi
- fi
- use_build debug XFree86Devel
- use_build debug BuildDebug
- use_build debug DebuggableLibraries
- if use !debug
- then
- echo "#define ExtraXInputDrivers acecad" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- # use less ram .. got this from Spider's makeedit.eclass :)
- echo "#define GccWarningOptions -Wno-return-type -w" \
- >> ${HOSTCONF}
- fi
- # Remove circular dep between pam and X11, bug #35468
- # If pam is in USE and we have X11, then we can enable PAM
-# if use pam && [ "`best_version x11-base/xorg-x11`" ]
- if [ "`best_version x11-base/xorg-x11`" ]
- then
- # If you want to have optional pam support, do it properly ...
- use_build pam HasPam
- use_build pam HasPamMisc
- fi
- if use x86 || use alpha
- then
- # build with glide3 support? (build the tdfx_dri.o module)
- if use 3dfx
- then
- echo "#define HasGlide3 YES" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- fi
-# This won't work unless we can disable building the tdfx stuff
-# entirely :/
-# use_build 3dfx HasGlide3
- fi
- if use x86
- then
- # optimize Mesa for architecture
- use_build mmx HasMMXSupport
- use_build mmx MesaUseMMX
- use_build 3dnow Has3DNowSupport
- use_build 3dnow MesaUse3DNow
- use_build sse HasKatmaiSupport
- use_build sse MesaUseKatmai
- use_build sse HasSSESupport
- use_build sse MesaUseSSE
- # Compile the VIA driver
- # echo "#define XF86ExtraCardDrivers via" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- fi
- if use hppa
- then
- echo "#define DoLoadableServer NO" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- echo "#define BuildXF86DRI NO" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#undef DriDrivers" >> config/cf/host.def
- echo "#define XF86CardDrivers fbdev" >> config/cf/host.def
- fi
- if use alpha
- then
- echo "#define XF86CardDrivers mga nv tga s3virge sis rendition \
- i740 tdfx cirrus tseng fbdev \
- ati vga v4l glint" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- fi
- if use ppc
- then
- echo "#define XF86CardDrivers mga glint s3virge sis savage trident \
- chips tdfx fbdev ati DevelDrivers vga nv imstt \
- XF86OSCardDrivers XF86ExtraCardDrivers" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- fi
- if use ppc64
- then
- echo "#define MakeDllModules YES" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- echo "#define XF86VgaHw YES" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- echo "#define XF86FBDevHw YES" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- echo "#define XF86CardDrivers fbdev v4l ati vga nv" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- fi
- if use sparc
- then
- echo "#define XF86CardDrivers sunffb sunleo suncg6 suncg3 suncg14 \
- suntcx sunbw2 glint mga tdfx ati savage vesa vga fbdev \
- XF86OSCardDrivers XF86ExtraCardDrivers \
- DevelDrivers" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- if use hardened
- then
- einfo "Softening the assembler so cfb modules will play nice with sunffb"
- echo "#define AsCmd CcCmd -c -x assembler -fno-pie -fno-PIE" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- echo "#define ModuleAsCmd CcCmd -c -x assembler -fno-pie -fno-PIE" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- fi
- if ( [ -e "${ROOT}/usr/src/linux" ] && \
- ! kernel_is "2" "6" ) || \
- [ "`uname -r | cut -d. -f1,2`" != "2.6" ]
- then
- einfo "Building for kernels less than 2.6 requires special treatment"
- echo "#define UseDeprecatedKeyboardDriver YES" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- einfo "Avoid bug #46593 for sparc32-SMP with kernel 2.4.xx"
- echo "/* Add a line to avoid bug #56593 on sparc32 */" >> \
- programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/ati/r128_driver.c
- fi
- fi
- # The definitions for fontconfig
- echo "#define UseFontconfig YES" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- echo "#define HasFontconfig YES" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- # Use the xorg Xft2 lib
- echo "#define SharedLibXft YES" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- # with USE="X doc' circular dep w/ virtual/ghostscript
- # echo "#define HasGhostScript ${DOC}" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- # Caused issues, basic docs aren't installed
- use_build doc BuildLinuxDocText
- use_build doc BuildLinuxDocPS
- use_build doc BuildSpecsDocs
- use_build doc BuildHtmlManPages
- use_build doc InstallHardcopyDocs
- # enable Japanese docs, optionally
- use doc && use_build cjk InstallJapaneseDocs
- # Native Language Support Fonts
- use_build nls BuildCyrillicFonts
- use_build nls BuildArabicFonts
- use_build nls BuildGreekFonts
- use_build nls BuildHebrewFonts
- use_build nls BuildThaiFonts
- if use nls
- then
- use_build cjk BuildCIDFonts
- use_build cjk BuildJapaneseFonts
- use_build cjk BuildKoreanFonts
- use_build cjk BuildChineseFonts
- fi
- # Crappy bitmap fonts
- use_build bitmap-fonts Build75DpiFonts
- use_build bitmap-fonts Build100DpiFonts
- use_build dmx BuildDmx
- use_build insecure-drivers BuildDevelDRIDrivers
- if use ipv6
- then
- # In case Gentoo ever works on a system with IPv6 sockets that don't
- # also listen on IPv4 (see config/cf/X11.tmpl)
- echo "#define PreferXdmcpIPv6 YES" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- fi
- use_build ipv6 BuildIPv6
- # Ajax is the man for getting this going for us
- echo "#define ProPoliceSupport YES" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- # Make xprint optional
- use_build xprint BuildXprint
- # Build libXp even when xprint is off. It's just for clients, server
- if ! use xprint
- then
- echo "#define BuildXprintLib YES" >> ${HOSTCONF}
- fi
- # End the host.def definitions here
- eend 0
-patch_setup() {
- einfo "Excluding patches..."
- # These have been applied upstream
- patch_exclude 1770 1771 1772 1773
- # This patch is just plain broken. Results in random failures.
- patch_exclude 0120*parallel-make
- # Hardened patches (both broken)
- patch_exclude 9960_all_4.3.0-exec-shield-GNU
- patch_exclude 9961_all_4.3.0-libGL-exec-shield
- # this patch comments out the Xserver line in xdm's config
- # We only want it here
- if use !s390
- then
- patch_exclude 7500
- fi
- # if use !gatos
- # then
- patch_exclude 9841_all_4.3.0-gatos-mesa
- # fi
- if use debug
- then
- patch_exclude 5901*acecad-debug
- fi
- # TDFX_RISKY - 16-bit, 1024x768 or higher on low-memory voodoo3's
- if use 3dfx && [ "${TDFX_RISKY}" = "yes" ]
- then
- patch_exclude 5850
- else
- patch_exclude 5851
- fi
- einfo "Done excluding patches"
-src_unpack() {
- # Unpack source and patches
- ebegin "Unpacking source"
-# unpack ${P}.tar.bz2
- unpack X11R${PV}-src{1,2,3,4,5}.tar.gz
- eend 0
- if use doc
- then
- ebegin "Unpacking documentation"
- unpack X11R${PV}-src{6,7}.tar.gz
- eend 0
- fi
- ebegin "Unpacking Gentoo files and patches"
- unpack ${P}-files-${FILES_VER}.tar.bz2 > /dev/null
- unpack ${P}-patches-${PATCH_VER}.tar.bz2 > /dev/null
- eend 0
- # Unpack TaD's gentoo cursors
- ebegin "Unpacking Gentoo cursors"
- unpack gentoo-cursors-tad-${XCUR_VER}.tar.bz2 > /dev/null
- eend 0
- # Unpack extra fonts stuff from Mandrake
- ebegin "Unpacking fonts"
- if use nls
- then
- unpack gemini-koi8-u.tar.bz2 > /dev/null
- fi
- unpack eurofonts-X11.tar.bz2 > /dev/null
- unpack xfsft-encodings-${XFSFT_ENC_VER}.tar.bz2 > /dev/null
- eend 0
- # Remove bum encoding
- rm -f ${WORKDIR}/usr/share/fonts/encodings/urdunaqsh-0.enc
- patch_setup
- # Bulk patching - based on patch name
- # Will create excluded stuff once it's needed
- cd ${WORKDIR}
- EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" \
- epatch ${PATCHDIR}
- cd ${S}
- host_def_setup
- cd ${S}
- if use doc
- then
- # These are not included anymore as they are obsolete
- for x in ${S}/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/{XF98Conf.cpp,XF98Config}
- do
- if [ -f ${x} ]
- then
- cp ${x} ${x}.orig
- grep -iv 'Load[[:space:]]*"\(pex5\|xie\)"' ${x}.orig > ${x}
- rm -f ${x}.orig
- fi
- done
- fi
-src_compile() {
- # Set MAKEOPTS to have proper -j? option ..
- get_number_of_jobs
- # If a user defines the MAKE_OPTS variable in /etc/make.conf instead of
- # MAKEOPTS, they'll redefine an internal xorg Makefile variable and the
- # xorg build will silently die. This is tricky to track down, so I'm
- # adding a preemptive fix for this issue by making sure that MAKE_OPTS is
- # unset. (drobbins, 08 Mar 2003)
- unset MAKE_OPTS
- einfo "Building xorg-x11..."
- if use debug
- then
- chmod u+x ${S}/config/util/
- FAST=1 ${S}/config/util/ World WORLDOPTS="" || die
- else
- FAST=1 emake World WORLDOPTS="" || die
- fi
- if use nls
- then
- cd ${S}/nls
- make || die
- cd ${S}
- fi
-pkgconfig_install() {
- # This one needs to be in /usr/lib
- insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig
- doins ${D}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig/*.pc
- # Now remove the invalid xft.pc, and co ...
- rm -rf ${D}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig
-backward_compat_setup() {
- # Backwards compatibility for /usr/share move
- G_FONTDIRS="CID Speedo TTF Type1 encodings local misc util"
- if use bitmap-fonts
- then
- G_FONTDIRS="${G_FONTDIRS} 75dpi 100dpi"
- fi
- dodir /usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/X11/fonts/
- do
- dosym ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/${G_FONTDIR} /usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/X11/fonts/${G_FONTDIR}
- done
- dosym ${ROOT}/usr/share/man /usr/X11R6/man
- dosym ${ROOT}/usr/share/doc/${PF} /usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/X11/doc
-compose_files_setup() {
- # Hack from Mandrake (update ours that just created Compose files for
- # all locales)
- for x in $(find ${D}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/X11/locale/ -mindepth 1 -type d)
- do
- # make empty Compose files for some locales
- # CJK must not have that file (otherwise XIM don't works some times)
- case `basename ${x}` in
- C|microsoft-*|iso8859-*|koi8-*)
- if [ ! -f ${x}/Compose ]
- then
- touch ${x}/Compose
- fi
- ;;
- ja*|ko*|zh*)
- if [ -r ${x}/Compose ]
- then
- rm -f ${x}/Compose
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- done
- # Another hack from Mandrake -- to fix dead + space for the us
- # international keyboard
- for i in ${D}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/X11/locale/*/Compose
- do
- sed -i \
- -e 's/\(<dead_diaeresis> <space>\).*$/\1 : "\\"" quotedbl/' \
- -e "s/\(<dead_acute> <space>\).*$/\1 : \"'\" apostrophe/" \
- ${i}
- done
-etc_files_install() {
- insinto /etc/X11
- # Install example config file
- newins ${S}/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/xorg.conf xorg.conf.example
- exeinto /etc/X11
- # new session management script
- doexe ${FILES_DIR}/
- # new display manager script
- doexe ${FILES_DIR}/
- exeinto /etc/X11/Sessions
- for x in ${FILES_DIR}/Sessions/*
- do
- [ -f ${x} ] && doexe ${x}
- done
- insinto /etc/env.d
- doins ${FILES_DIR}/10xorg
- insinto /etc/X11/xinit
- doins ${FILES_DIR}/xinitrc
- exeinto /etc/X11/xdm
- doexe ${FILES_DIR}/Xsession ${FILES_DIR}/Xsetup_0
- insinto /etc/X11/fs
- newins ${FILES_DIR}/xfs.config config
- if use pam
- then
- insinto /etc/pam.d
- newins ${FILES_DIR}/xdm.pamd xdm
- # Need to fix console permissions first
- newins ${FILES_DIR}/xserver.pamd xserver
- fi
- exeinto /etc/init.d
- newexe ${FILES_DIR}/xdm.start xdm
- newexe ${FILES_DIR}/xfs.start xfs
- insinto /etc/conf.d
- newins ${FILES_DIR}/xfs.conf.d xfs
-setup_dynamic_libgl() {
- # next section is to setup the dynamic libGL stuff
- ebegin "Moving libGL and friends for dynamic switching"
- dodir /usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/${PN}/{$(get_libdir),extensions,include}
- local x=""
- for x in ${D}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/* \
- ${D}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/ \
- ${D}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/libGL.a \
- ${D}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/
- do
- if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]
- then
- # libGL.a cause problems with tuxracer, etc
- mv -f ${x} ${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/${PN}/$(get_libdir)
- fi
- done
- for x in ${D}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/modules/extensions/libglx*
- do
- if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]
- then
- mv -f ${x} ${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/${PN}/extensions
- fi
- done
- # glext.h added for #54984
- for x in ${D}/usr/X11R6/include/GL/{gl.h,glx.h,glxtokens.h,glext.h}
- do
- if [ -f ${x} -o -L ${x} ]
- then
- mv -f ${x} ${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/${PN}/include
- fi
- done
- # Since we added glext.h and don't have new opengl-update yet, do this
- # Avoids circular opengl-update/xorg-x11 dependency
- dosym /usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/${PN}/include/glext.h /usr/X11R6/include/GL/
- # Even if libdir isnt lib, we need a lib symlink for opengl-update and
- # friends. See bug 62990 for more info.
- if [ "$(get_libdir)" != "lib" ]
- then
- dosym $(get_libdir) /usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/${PN}/lib
- fi
- eend 0
-strip_execs() {
- if use debug
- then
- ewarn "Debug build turned on by USE=debug"
- ewarn "NOT stripping binaries and libraries"
- else
- einfo "Stripping binaries and libraries..."
- # This bit I got from Redhat ... strip binaries and drivers ..
- # NOTE: We do NOT want to strip the drivers, modules or DRI modules!
- for x in $(find ${D}/ -type f -perm +0111 -exec file {} \; | \
- grep -v ' shared object,' | \
- sed -n -e 's/^\(.*\):[ ]*ELF.*, not stripped/\1/p')
- do
- if [ -f ${x} ]
- then
- # Dont do the modules ...
- if [ "${x/\/usr\/X11R6\/$(get_libdir)\/modules}" = "${x}" ]
- then
- echo "`echo ${x} | sed -e "s|${D}||"`"
- strip ${x} || :
- fi
- fi
- done
- # Now do the libraries ...
- for x in ${D}/usr/{$(get_libdir),$(get_libdir)/opengl/${PN}/$(get_libdir)}/*.so.* \
- ${D}/usr/X11R6/{$(get_libdir),$(get_libdir)/X11/locale/$(get_libdir)/common}/*.so.*
- do
- if [ -f ${x} ]
- then
- echo "`echo ${x} | sed -e "s|${D}||"`"
- strip --strip-debug ${x} || :
- fi
- done
- fi
-setup_config_files() {
- # Fix default config files after installing fonts to /usr/share/fonts
- sed -i "s:/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/X11/fonts:${ROOT}usr/share/fonts:g" \
- ${D}/etc/X11/xorg.conf.example
- sed -i "s:/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/X11/fonts:${ROOT}usr/share/fonts:g" \
- ${D}/etc/X11/fs/config
- # Work around upgrade problem where people have
- # Option "XkbRules" "xfree86" in their config file
- sed -i "s:^.*Option.*"XkbRules".*$::g" ${D}/etc/X11/xorg.conf.example
-update_config_files() {
- # Fix any installed config files for installing fonts to /usr/share/fonts
- # This *needs* to be after all other installation so files aren't
- # overwritten.
- if [ "${ROOT}" = "/" ]
- then
- einfo "Preparing any installed configuration files for font move..."
- FILES="/etc/X11/xorg.conf
- /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
- /etc/X11/XF86Config
- /etc/X11/fs/config"
- # /etc/fonts/fonts.conf
- # /etc/fonts/local.conf
- for FILE in ${FILES}
- do
- if [ -e ${FILE} ]
- then
- # New font paths
- sed "s,/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/X11/fonts,/usr/share/fonts,g" \
- ${ROOT}${FILE} > ${IMAGE}${FILE}
- if [ "${FILE}" = "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" ] || [ "${FILE}" = "/etc/X11/XF86Config" ] || [ "${FILE}" = "/etc/X11/XF86Config-4" ]
- then
- # "keyboard" driver is deprecated and will be removed,
- # switch to "kbd"
- sed -i 's~^\([ \t]*Driver[ \t]\+\)"[kK]eyboard"~\1"kbd"~' \
- # Work around upgrade problem where people have
- # Option "XkbRules" "xfree86" in their config file
- sed -i "s:^.*Option.*\"XkbRules\".*$::g" \
- fi
- fi
- done
- fi
-src_install() {
- unset MAKE_OPTS
- einfo "Installing X11..."
- # gcc3 related fix. Do this during install, so that our
- # whole build will not be compiled without mmx instructions.
- if [ "`gcc-version`" != "2.95" ] && use x86
- then
- make install DESTDIR=${D} || \
- make CDEBUGFLAGS="${CDEBUGFLAGS} -mno-mmx" \
- install DESTDIR=${D} || die
- else
- make install DESTDIR=${D} || die
- fi
- if use sdk
- then
- einfo "Installing X11 SDK..."
- make install.sdk DESTDIR=${D} || die
- fi
- pkgconfig_install
- einfo "Installing man pages..."
- make DESTDIR=${D} || die
- einfo "Compressing man pages..."
- prepman /usr/X11R6
- if use nls
- then
- cd ${S}/nls
- make DESTDIR=${D} install || die
- fi
- backward_compat_setup
- # Fix permissions on locale/common/*.so
- for x in ${D}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/X11/locale/$(get_libdir)/common/*.so*
- do
- if [ -f ${x} ]
- then
- fperms 0755 `echo ${x} | sed -e "s|${D}||"`
- fi
- done
- # Fix permissions on modules ...
- for x in $(find ${D}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/modules -name '*.o') \
- $(find ${D}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/modules -name '*.so')
- do
- if [ -f ${x} ]
- then
- fperms 0755 `echo ${x} | sed -e "s|${D}||"`
- fi
- done
- # We zap our CFLAGS in the host.def file, as hardcoded CFLAGS can
- # mess up other things that use xmkmf
- ebegin "Fixing $(get_libdir)/X11/config/host.def"
- cp ${D}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/X11/config/host.def ${T}
- awk '!/OptimizedCDebugFlags|OptimizedCplusplusDebugFlags|GccWarningOptions/ {print $0}' \
- ${T}/host.def > ${D}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/X11/config/host.def
- # theoretically, /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/config is a possible candidate for
- # config file management. If we find that people really worry about imake
- # stuff, we may add it. But for now, we leave the dir unprotected.
- eend 0
- # EURO support
- ebegin "Euro Support..."
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${D}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)" \
- ${D}/usr/X11R6/bin/bdftopcf -t ${WORKDIR}/Xlat9-8x14.bdf | \
- gzip -9 > ${D}/usr/share/fonts/misc/Xlat9-8x14-lat9.pcf.gz
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${D}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)" \
- ${D}/usr/X11R6/bin/bdftopcf -t ${WORKDIR}/Xlat9-9x16.bdf | \
- gzip -9 > ${D}/usr/share/fonts/misc/Xlat9-9x16-lat9.pcf.gz
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${D}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)" \
- ${D}/usr/X11R6/bin/bdftopcf -t ${WORKDIR}/Xlat9-10x20.bdf | \
- gzip -9 > ${D}/usr/share/fonts/misc/Xlat9-10x20-lat9.pcf.gz
- eend 0
- # Standard symlinks
- dodir /usr/{bin,include,$(get_libdir)}
- dosym ../X11R6/bin /usr/bin/X11
- dosym ../X11R6/include/X11 /usr/include/X11
- dosym ../X11R6/include/DPS /usr/include/DPS
- dosym ../X11R6/include/GL /usr/include/GL
- dosym ../X11R6/$(get_libdir)/X11 /usr/$(get_libdir)/X11
- dosym ../../usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/X11/xkb /etc/X11/xkb
- # Some critical directories
- keepdir /var/lib/xdm
- dosym ../../../var/lib/xdm /etc/X11/xdm/authdir
- # Remove invalid symlinks
- rm -f ${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)/libGL.*
- # Create required symlinks
- dosym /usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/
- dosym /usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/
- dosym /usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/
- # We move libGLU to /usr/lib now
- dosym /usr/$(get_libdir)/
- # .la files for libtool support
- insinto /usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)
- doins ${FILES_DIR}/lib/*.la
- # Backwards compat, FHS, etc.
- dosym ../../usr/X11R6/bin/Xorg /etc/X11/X
- # Fix perms
- fperms 755 /usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/X11/xkb/geometry/sgi
- fperms 755 /usr/X11R6/bin/dga
- compose_files_setup
- # Yet more Mandrake
- ebegin "Encoding files for xfsft font server..."
- dodir /usr/share/fonts/encodings
- cp -a ${WORKDIR}/usr/share/fonts/encodings/* \
- ${D}/usr/share/fonts/encodings
- for x in ${D}/usr/share/fonts/encodings/{.,large}/*.enc
- do
- [ -f "${x}" ] && gzip -9 -f ${x}
- done
- eend 0
- if use nls
- then
- ebegin "gemini-koi8 fonts..."
- cd ${WORKDIR}/ukr
- gunzip *.Z
- gzip -9 *.pcf
- cd ${S}
- cp -a ${WORKDIR}/ukr ${D}/usr/share/fonts
- eend 0
- fi
- etc_files_install
- # we want* in /usr/lib
- mv ${D}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/libGLU.* ${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)
- setup_dynamic_libgl
- # Make the core cursor the default. People seem not to like whiteglass
- # for some reason.
- dosed 's:whiteglass:core:' /usr/share/cursors/${PN}/default/index.theme
- strip_execs
- # Install TaD's gentoo cursors
- insinto /usr/share/cursors/${PN}/gentoo/cursors
- doins ${WORKDIR}/cursors/gentoo/cursors/*
- insinto /usr/share/cursors/${PN}/gentoo-blue/cursors
- doins ${WORKDIR}/cursors/gentoo-blue/cursors/*
- insinto /usr/share/cursors/${PN}/gentoo-silver/cursors
- doins ${WORKDIR}/cursors/gentoo-silver/cursors/*
- # Remove xterm app-defaults, since we don't install xterm
-# rm ${D}/etc/X11/app-defaults/{UXTerm,XTerm,XTerm-color}
- # For Battoussai's gatos stuffs:
- if use sdk
- then
- insinto /usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/Server/include
- doins ${S}/extras/drm/shared/drm.h
- fi
- # Remove the /etc/rc.d nonsense -- not everyone is RedHat
- rm -rf ${D}/etc/rc.d
- setup_config_files
-pkg_preinst() {
- update_config_files
- do
- # Get rid of deprecated directories so our symlinks in the same location
- # work -- users shouldn't be placing fonts here so that should be fine,
- # they should be using ~/.fonts or /usr/share/fonts. <spyderous>
- if [ -d ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/X11/fonts/${G_FONTDIR} ]
- then
- # local directory is for sysadmin-added fonts, so save it
- # Note: if we did this in src_install(), we would bring fonts from
- # the build machine to the install machine rather than just moving
- # fonts on the install machine.
- if [ "${G_FONTDIR}" = "local" ]
- then
- mv ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/X11/fonts/${G_FONTDIR} \
- ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/
- else
- rm -rf ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/X11/fonts/${G_FONTDIR}
- fi
- fi
- # clean out old fonts.* and encodings.dir files, as we
- # will regenerate them
- # Not Speedo or CID, as their fonts.scale files are "real"
- if [ "${G_FONTDIR}" != "CID" -a "${G_FONTDIR}" != "Speedo" ]
- then
- find ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/${G_FONTDIR} -type f -name 'fonts.*' \
- -exec rm -f {} \;
- find ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/${G_FONTDIR} -type f -name 'encodings.dir' \
- -exec rm -f {} \;
- fi
- done
- # No longer used by xorg-x11
- if [ -d ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/X11/fonts/truetype ]
- then
- rm -rf ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/X11/fonts/truetype
- fi
- if [ -L ${ROOT}/etc/X11/app-defaults ]
- then
- rm -f ${ROOT}/etc/X11/app-defaults
- fi
- if [ ! -L ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/X11/app-defaults ] && \
- [ -d ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/X11/app-defaults ]
- then
- if [ ! -d ${ROOT}/etc/X11/app-defaults ]
- then
- mkdir -p ${ROOT}/etc/X11/app-defaults
- fi
- mv -f ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/X11/app-defaults ${ROOT}/etc/X11
- fi
- if [ -L ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/X11/xkb ]
- then
- rm -f ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/X11/xkb
- fi
- if [ ! -L ${ROOT}/etc/X11/xkb ] && \
- [ -d ${ROOT}/etc/X11/xkb ]
- then
- if [ ! -d ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/X11/xkb ]
- then
- mkdir -p ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/X11
- fi
- mv -f ${ROOT}/etc/X11/xkb ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/X11
- fi
- # clean the dynamic libGL stuff's home to ensure
- # we don't have stale libs floating around
- if [ -d ${ROOT}/usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/${PN} ]
- then
- rm -rf ${ROOT}/usr/$(get_libdir)/opengl/${PN}/*
- fi
- # make sure we do not have any stale files lying around
- # that could break things.
- rm -f ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/libGL*
-font_setup() {
- # These cause ttmkfdir to segfault :/
- rm -f ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/encodings/iso8859-6.8x.enc.gz
- rm -f ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/encodings/iso8859-6.16.enc.gz
-# rm -f ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/encodings/large/cns11643-1.enc
-# rm -f ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/encodings/large/cns11643-2.enc
-# rm -f ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/encodings/large/cns11643-3.enc
-# rm -f ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/encodings/suneu-greek.enc
- # ********************************************************************
- # A note about fonts and needed files:
- #
- # 1) Create /usr/share/fonts/encodings/encodings.dir
- #
- # 2) Create fonts.scale for TrueType fonts (need to do this before
- # we create fonts.dir files, else fonts.dir files will be
- # invalid for TrueType fonts...)
- #
- # 3) Now Generate fonts.dir files.
- #
- # CID fonts is a bit more involved, but as we do not install any,
- # thus I am not going to bother.
- #
- # <> (20 Oct 2002)
- #
- # ********************************************************************
- ebegin "Generating encodings.dir..."
- # Create the encodings.dir in /usr/share/fonts/encodings
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)" \
- ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/bin/mkfontdir -n \
- -e ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/encodings \
- -e ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/encodings/large \
- -- ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/encodings
- eend 0
- if [ -x ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/bin/ttmkfdir ]
- then
- ebegin "Creating fonts.scale files..."
- for x in $(find ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/* -type d -maxdepth 1)
- do
- [ -z "$(ls ${x}/)" ] && continue
- [ "$(ls ${x}/)" = "fonts.cache-1" ] && continue
- # Only generate .scale files if truetype, opentype or type1
- # fonts are present ...
- # First truetype (ttf,ttc)
- # NOTE: ttmkfdir does NOT work on type1 fonts (#53753)
- # Also, there is no way to regenerate Speedo/CID fonts.scale
- # <> 2 August 2004
- if [ "${x/encodings}" = "${x}" -a \
- -n "$(find ${x} -iname '*.tt[cf]' -print)" ]
- then
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)" \
- ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/bin/ttmkfdir -x 2 \
- -e ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/encodings/encodings.dir \
- -o ${x}/fonts.scale -d ${x}
- # Next type1 and opentype (pfa,pfb,otf,otc)
- elif [ "${x/encodings}" = "${x}" -a \
- -n "$(find ${x} -iname '*.[po][ft][abcf]' -print)" ]
- then
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)" \
- ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/bin/mkfontscale \
- -a ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/encodings/encodings.dir \
- -- ${x}
- fi
- done
- eend 0
- fi
- ebegin "Generating fonts.dir files..."
- for x in $(find ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/* -type d -maxdepth 1)
- do
- [ -z "$(ls ${x}/)" ] && continue
- [ "$(ls ${x}/)" = "fonts.cache-1" ] && continue
- if [ "${x/encodings}" = "${x}" ]
- then
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)" \
- ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/bin/mkfontdir \
- -e ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/encodings \
- -e ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/encodings/large \
- -- ${x}
- fi
- done
- eend 0
- ebegin "Generating Xft cache..."
- for x in $(find ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/* -type d -maxdepth 1)
- do
- [ -z "$(ls ${x}/)" ] && continue
- [ "$(ls ${x}/)" = "fonts.cache-1" ] && continue
- # Only generate XftCache files if there are truetype
- # fonts present ...
- if [ "${x/encodings}" = "${x}" -a \
- -n "$(find ${x} -iname '*.[otps][pft][cfad]' -print)" ]
- then
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)" \
- ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/bin/xftcache ${x} &> /dev/null
- fi
- done
- eend 0
- ebegin "Fixing permissions..."
- find ${ROOT}/usr/share/fonts/ -type f -name 'font.*' \
- -exec chmod 0644 {} \;
- eend 0
- # danarmak found out that fc-cache should be run AFTER all the above
- # stuff, as otherwise the cache is invalid, and has to be run again
- # as root anyway
- if [ -x ${ROOT}/usr/bin/fc-cache ]
- then
- ebegin "Creating FC font cache..."
- HOME="/root" ${ROOT}/usr/bin/fc-cache
- eend 0
- fi
-print_info() {
- if use 3dfx
- then
- echo
- einfo "If using a 3DFX card, and you had \"3dfx\" in your USE flags,"
- einfo "please merge media-libs/glide-v3 if you have not done so yet"
- einfo "by doing:"
- einfo
- einfo " # emerge media-libs/glide-v3"
- echo
- fi
- echo
- einfo "Please note that the xcursors are in /usr/share/cursors/${PN}"
- einfo "Any custom cursor sets should be placed in that directory"
- echo
- einfo "If you wish to set system-wide default cursors, please set"
- einfo "them in /usr/local/share/cursors/${PN} so that future"
- einfo "emerges will not overwrite those settings"
- echo
- einfo "Listening on TCP is disabled by default with startx."
- einfo "To enable it, edit /usr/X11R6/bin/startx."
- echo
- echo
- ewarn "BEWARE:"
- ewarn "Font installation location has MOVED to:"
- ewarn "/usr/share/fonts"
- ewarn "Run etc-update to update your config files."
- ewarn "Old locations for fonts, docs and man pages"
- ewarn "are deprecated."
- echo
- ewarn "The configuration file has changed from that in XFree86."
- ewarn "It is xorg.conf instead of XF86Config."
- einfo "You may use xorgcfg, X -configure, or xorgconfig"
- einfo "to create xorg.conf."
- einfo "If XF86Config exists and xorg.conf does not, it will still"
- einfo "read XF86Config."
- # Try to get people to read /usr/share/fonts move
- ebeep 5
- epause 10
-pkg_postinst() {
- env-update
- if [ "${ROOT}" = "/" ]
- then
- local x=""
- umask 022
- font_setup
- # Switch to the xorg implementation.
- # Use new opengl-update that will not reset user selected
- # OpenGL interface ...
- echo
- if [ "`${ROOT}/usr/sbin/opengl-update --get-implementation`" = "xfree" ]
- then
- ${ROOT}/usr/sbin/opengl-update ${PN}
- else
- ${ROOT}/usr/sbin/opengl-update --use-old ${PN}
- fi
- fi
- for x in $(find ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/X11/locale/ -mindepth 1 -type d)
- do
- # Remove old compose files we might have created incorrectly
- # CJK must not have that file (otherwise XIM don't works some times)
- case `basename ${x}` in
- ja*|ko*|zh*)
- if [ -r "${x}/Compose" ]
- then
- rm -f ${x}/Compose
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- done
- # These need to be owned by root and the correct permissions
- # (bug #8281)
- for x in ${ROOT}/tmp/.{ICE,X11}-unix
- do
- if [ ! -d ${x} ]
- then
- mkdir -p ${x}
- fi
- chown root:root ${x}
- chmod 1777 ${x}
- done
- if use ppc64
- then
- #The problem about display driver is fixed.
- cd ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/modules/drivers
- mv
- mv
- mv
- ld -shared -o ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/modules/drivers/ ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/modules/drivers/ ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/modules/linux/ ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/modules/ ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/modules/ ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/modules/
- ld -rpath ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/modules/drivers -shared -o
- ld -rpath ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/modules/drivers -shared -o
- #The problem about DRI module and GLX module is fixed.
- cd ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/modules/extensions
- mv
- mv
- ld -rpath ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/modules/extensions -shared -o
- ld -rpath ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/modules/extensions -shared -o
- fi
- print_info
-pkg_prerm() {
- if use ppc64
- then
- cd ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/modules/drivers
- mv
- mv
- mv
- cd ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/$(get_libdir)/modules/extensions
- mv
- mv
- fi
-pkg_postrm() {
- # Fix problematic links
- if [ -x ${ROOT}/usr/X11R6/bin/Xorg ]
- then
- ln -snf ../X11R6/bin ${ROOT}/usr/bin/X11
- ln -snf ../X11R6/include/X11 ${ROOT}/usr/include/X11
- ln -snf ../X11R6/include/DPS ${ROOT}/usr/include/DPS
- ln -snf ../X11R6/include/GL ${ROOT}/usr/include/GL
- ln -snf ../X11R6/$(get_libdir)/X11 ${ROOT}/usr/$(get_libdir)/X11
- fi