diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'net-libs/libinfinity')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 71 deletions
diff --git a/net-libs/libinfinity/Manifest b/net-libs/libinfinity/Manifest
index 33e74907b809..5bf977384e2f 100644
--- a/net-libs/libinfinity/Manifest
+++ b/net-libs/libinfinity/Manifest
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
-DIST libinfinity-0.5.4.tar.gz 1452217 SHA256 04004fc1097e0e45945180f844b1f7cef62db18390d752c8abca78253192f6c4 SHA512 3586865b0cbae7a7397fc819613eb336901daf9d99cc7bcab72e8b38ee10aa1df8b737872c83ff409b29eae8e3667ea81565d624e8357d7506f138677536b4ae WHIRLPOOL 20c5baf2b69f4b5d0a4846510e999f4f477ae3afe4df39e0e45f65c3c0d092ed52b21ff59fc712b265a8614286c1fce07510d3850b20dea6a32257d06407c373
DIST libinfinity-0.6.7.tar.gz 1989993 SHA256 4ca20160221de2b139e2d32efd1e7fdec0b2e429041d807f23a35bb6da6fbcc1 SHA512 9142badee0976019937c29d9badd404d64e49031007863c254c312d999b9790fa4f2ff80ac982b709744e1bfa532b1bc331b3bf1d55aac3ac70c9cae6a7afd3b WHIRLPOOL eb2f35e870b001c7d35b8be0042de1b2de4775a23020c9ed700b215ec5f189831640ab1e817940db7d87db988a6901a6d5a75143600c710f7221120b90f694e4
diff --git a/net-libs/libinfinity/libinfinity-0.5.4.ebuild b/net-libs/libinfinity/libinfinity-0.5.4.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index ec6cbbf0a489..000000000000
--- a/net-libs/libinfinity/libinfinity-0.5.4.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-inherit autotools-utils eutils versionator user
-MY_PV=$(get_version_component_range 1-2)
-DESCRIPTION="An implementation of the Infinote protocol written in GObject-based C"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-IUSE="avahi doc gtk server static-libs"
- dev-libs/libxml2
- net-libs/gnutls
- sys-libs/pam
- virtual/gsasl
- avahi? ( net-dns/avahi )
- gtk? ( x11-libs/gtk+:3 )"
- virtual/pkgconfig
- sys-devel/gettext
- doc? ( dev-util/gtk-doc )"
-pkg_setup() {
- if use server ; then
- enewgroup infinote 100
- enewuser infinote 100 /bin/bash /var/lib/infinote infinote
- fi
-src_configure() {
- local myeconfargs=(
- $(use_enable doc gtk-doc)
- $(use_with gtk inftextgtk)
- $(use_with gtk infgtk)
- $(use_with gtk gtk3)
- $(use_with server infinoted)
- $(use_with avahi)
- $(use_with avahi libdaemon)
- )
- autotools-utils_src_configure
-src_install() {
- autotools-utils_src_install
- if use server ; then
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}/infinoted.initd" infinoted
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}/infinoted.confd" infinoted
- keepdir /var/lib/infinote
- fowners infinote:infinote /var/lib/infinote
- fperms 770 /var/lib/infinote
- dosym /usr/bin/infinoted-${MY_PV} /usr/bin/infinoted
- elog "Add local users who should have local access to the documents"
- elog "created by infinoted to the infinote group."
- elog "The documents are saved in /var/lib/infinote per default."
- fi