diff options
authorMichał Górny <>2024-02-10 18:15:26 +0100
committerMichał Górny <>2024-02-10 18:27:12 +0100
commitdf5b3ea2291e49851432ff06dd1f844e08a65348 (patch)
tree9c100cf588b7674d4a038dbb0e8dcb85a9843971 /sys-libs
parentsys-libs/libcxx: Add 19.0.0_pre20240210 snapshot (diff)
sys-libs/libomp: Add 19.0.0_pre20240210 snapshot
Signed-off-by: Michał Górny <>
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-libs')
2 files changed, 159 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sys-libs/libomp/Manifest b/sys-libs/libomp/Manifest
index ee17fe3b0158..7b3bc59d4d95 100644
--- a/sys-libs/libomp/Manifest
+++ b/sys-libs/libomp/Manifest
@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ DIST llvm-project-17.0.6.src.tar.xz.sig 438 BLAKE2B 186e75b6a0fbfe1e85408589c149
DIST llvm-project-18.1.0rc2.src.tar.xz 131993176 BLAKE2B 8df1e34a54214975efe1b9a649753a2dc20c04e3c763bd8648000f48dd18f27ccfdc597ff6e68e0f408310493dfa92f48c7eee53376501e8ebc3b7c614809c15 SHA512 b595bb5d029723fee4e8f8edeaddd6fdcd48d668f66f4239e3208fd19d3a3622e8e4f90ae3fa4b1216fca1621d6c6b6ebf4d99dec7febff2457d0ceb79e8617a
DIST llvm-project-18.1.0rc2.src.tar.xz.sig 566 BLAKE2B c765549386a92883bd348d9be25a3c92b1e66a1bac71385ef99978ec2af413a7616a2d9699c57554d927f95b80a3584572557d26e3df16b2ff6678359d5fd6b0 SHA512 83bb4c133f34faec8a0109689ed7aa18222c9a803ba8c95c571a18e854726024f106a1c8e3a820020255c426b7fa8bda26789ff1546972e233fbe3e3ab3a8e91
DIST llvm-project-78b4e7c5e349d8c101b50affbd260eb109748f8f.tar.gz 207433034 BLAKE2B ab7189fe82b5a9309348b499130295b3057dbb263ad9c60b1748e4ea92be3a85f0160baa1408dde5516650994951d9f948223d2d6260492a07b07dde51a51ff9 SHA512 366ecb02720d2b550ebeca989abf74ca1c93b2585a95fa378f44edc6c3329ee4e1548f5fa2cf7a19e59bc817abe6cc8850841415227380114c59b58867959a5a
+DIST llvm-project-8884ba43a8485bebef5c4d41e7ed457e3fa84f07.tar.gz 205853916 BLAKE2B 115809efbf062ced32ffe61b25e65e44a0b3c293f68bf40fc4d9e596cd077fc4781a059ad24c4dc7a139c6ec884a6a183ebac06535f2498116266695e19daf00 SHA512 cb496111ec72163a1872fa9a14f8963108d3185f4464a74cc45d26ccc5071bc36895618b81c29063cde0564a50017a0194da4dc559a046a12550d9ab0d9b8347
diff --git a/sys-libs/libomp/libomp-19.0.0_pre20240210.ebuild b/sys-libs/libomp/libomp-19.0.0_pre20240210.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ce432b31535d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-libs/libomp/libomp-19.0.0_pre20240210.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{10..12} )
+inherit flag-o-matic cmake-multilib linux-info llvm-utils
+inherit python-single-r1 toolchain-funcs
+DESCRIPTION="OpenMP runtime library for LLVM/clang compiler"
+LICENSE="Apache-2.0-with-LLVM-exceptions || ( UoI-NCSA MIT )"
+ +debug gdb-plugin hwloc offload ompt test
+ llvm_targets_AMDGPU llvm_targets_NVPTX
+ gdb-plugin? ( ${PYTHON_REQUIRED_USE} )
+RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
+ gdb-plugin? ( ${PYTHON_DEPS} )
+ hwloc? ( >=sys-apps/hwloc-2.5:0=[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
+ offload? (
+ dev-libs/libffi:=[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ ~sys-devel/llvm-${PV}[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}]
+ llvm_targets_AMDGPU? ( dev-libs/rocr-runtime:= )
+ )
+# tests:
+# - dev-python/lit provides the test runner
+# - sys-devel/llvm provide test utils (e.g. FileCheck)
+# - sys-devel/clang provides the compiler to run tests
+ dev-lang/perl
+ offload? (
+ llvm_targets_AMDGPU? ( sys-devel/clang )
+ llvm_targets_NVPTX? ( sys-devel/clang )
+ virtual/pkgconfig
+ )
+ test? (
+ $(python_gen_cond_dep '
+ dev-python/lit[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+ ')
+ sys-devel/clang
+ )
+LLVM_COMPONENTS=( openmp cmake llvm/include )
+kernel_pds_check() {
+ if use kernel_linux && kernel_is -lt 4 15 && kernel_is -ge 4 13; then
+ local ERROR_SCHED_PDS="\
+PDS scheduler versions >= 0.98c < 0.98i (e.g. used in kernels >= 4.13-pf11
+< 4.14-pf9) do not implement sched_yield() call which may result in horrible
+performance problems with libomp. If you are using one of the specified
+kernel versions, you may want to disable the PDS scheduler."
+ check_extra_config
+ fi
+pkg_pretend() {
+ kernel_pds_check
+pkg_setup() {
+ if use gdb-plugin || use test; then
+ python-single-r1_pkg_setup
+ fi
+multilib_src_configure() {
+ use offload && llvm_prepend_path "${LLVM_MAJOR}"
+ # LTO causes issues in other packages building, #870127
+ filter-lto
+ # LLVM_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS=NO does not guarantee this for us, #614844
+ use debug || local -x CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS} -DNDEBUG"
+ local build_omptarget=OFF
+ # upstream disallows building libomptarget when sizeof(void*) != 8
+ if use offload &&
+ "$(tc-getCC)" ${CFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} -c -x c - -o /dev/null \
+ <<-EOF &>/dev/null
+ int test[sizeof(void *) == 8 ? 1 : -1];
+ then
+ build_omptarget=ON
+ fi
+ local libdir="$(get_libdir)"
+ local mycmakeargs=(
+ -DOPENMP_LIBDIR_SUFFIX="${libdir#lib}"
+ -DLIBOMP_USE_HWLOC=$(usex hwloc)
+ -DLIBOMP_OMPD_GDB_SUPPORT=$(multilib_native_usex gdb-plugin)
+ -DLIBOMP_OMPT_SUPPORT=$(usex ompt)
+ # do not install & aliases
+ # disable unnecessary hack copying stuff back to srcdir
+ # prevent trying to access the GPU
+ )
+ if [[ ${build_omptarget} == ON ]]; then
+ local ffi_cflags=$($(tc-getPKG_CONFIG) --cflags-only-I libffi)
+ local ffi_ldflags=$($(tc-getPKG_CONFIG) --libs-only-L libffi)
+ mycmakeargs+=(
+ -DFFI_INCLUDE_DIR="${ffi_cflags#-I}"
+ -DFFI_LIBRARY_DIR="${ffi_ldflags#-L}"
+ )
+ if has "${CHOST%%-*}" aarch64 powerpc64le x86_64; then
+ mycmakeargs+=(
+ )
+ else
+ mycmakeargs+=(
+ )
+ fi
+ fi
+ use test && mycmakeargs+=(
+ # this project does not use standard LLVM cmake macros
+ -DOPENMP_LIT_ARGS="$(get_lit_flags)"
+ -DOPENMP_TEST_C_COMPILER="$(type -P "${CHOST}-clang")"
+ -DOPENMP_TEST_CXX_COMPILER="$(type -P "${CHOST}-clang++")"
+ )
+ addpredict /dev/nvidiactl
+ cmake_src_configure
+multilib_src_test() {
+ # respect TMPDIR!
+ local -x LIT_PRESERVES_TMP=1
+ cmake_build check-libomp