diff options
authorMichael Orlitzky <>2023-03-06 21:21:29 -0500
committerMichael Orlitzky <>2023-03-06 21:21:29 -0500
commit7135e536f02938f9980e4f17c1c71960c63fb2ca (patch)
parentapp-office/libreoffice: forward ~riscv keyword to live ebuild (diff)
net-analyzer/nagios-core: drop 4.4.8
Signed-off-by: Michael Orlitzky <>
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 267 deletions
diff --git a/net-analyzer/nagios-core/Manifest b/net-analyzer/nagios-core/Manifest
index 55ab91ada6a4..d8a5a830ece7 100644
--- a/net-analyzer/nagios-core/Manifest
+++ b/net-analyzer/nagios-core/Manifest
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
DIST nagios-4.4.7.tar.gz 11340759 BLAKE2B 4316e6cfc7f576d0fe5ba075aba2931dc850c97fe84b124eceeefaa6c01563c0639c8cecf751e086d5a6f9c0a1079f7e9bd013f961956d7d59536dea4516cf86 SHA512 92adc74e687bcbbd742075c8c7222d42c90795a4eb7582e3f1f492349db8200c61f390bf3c4cab4b023c5c111353a43f5dd687b0ee5ab6a8775444e06d42517b
-DIST nagios-4.4.8.tar.gz 11339420 BLAKE2B 785705824a5a47d5f20ac0f3d756d51d6362e230514e486e1dc1fa10488a9f7ca724cc96635f2965aac1bb9dc76dee3cf2ab4e2c1be77b239540b87d1a139a21 SHA512 56448628e54b9467d14978b039fc7b37f48be624757a1bd9fe16810101f3ce4a5d740e1c9c367d2b3a8bc408a56bdf295955d8b73d5d74ee92f4750b908e88a7
DIST nagios-4.4.9.tar.gz 11339450 BLAKE2B 9f99c889ebd070130cbb8bfdbb91b6b0e340a66134b2f2f20d98df08319f713db5a51a9070199e4f842876e06b52b4b0cb65dd2c40fb26508a184db3a36a5650 SHA512 59279cd35f329394481e4b3d3f5c3e2418125adeef98f0a8551c2ccf62720459e54c18f8a914be72fb5c2300ab7a69e115f262bfe3aedcf7226380621b32cd8c
DIST nagios-core-gentoo-icons-20141125.tar 40960 BLAKE2B 31c1953e1160c7c7b89606b72b1a80407e4c1b7a7938b40bd1c577cd0c309dd88ca6b775d692a9b846dbf67736537fa9c91e56aa15fdd447769608ca525bff09 SHA512 bf109879cddd6136b76baba55d0b60b2596e37431dcf5ce0905d34a9fa292ebf7e4bde82d9a084362c486e8fac344c76d88f9298b1b85541ed70ffd608493766
diff --git a/net-analyzer/nagios-core/nagios-core-4.4.8.ebuild b/net-analyzer/nagios-core/nagios-core-4.4.8.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index e0583cea138b..000000000000
--- a/net-analyzer/nagios-core/nagios-core-4.4.8.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit systemd toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="Nagios core - monitoring daemon, web GUI, and documentation"
-# The name of the directory into which our Gentoo icons will be
-# extracted, and also the basename of the archive containing it.
- web? (${GENTOO_ICONS}.tar )"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86"
-IUSE="apache2 classicui lighttpd +web vim-syntax"
-# In pkg_postinst(), we change the group of the Nagios configuration
-# directory to that of the web server user. It can't belong to both
-# apache/lighttpd groups at the same time, so we block this combination
-# for our own sanity.
-# This could be made to work, but we would need a better way to allow
-# the web user read-only access to Nagios's configuration directory.
-REQUIRED_USE="apache2? ( !lighttpd )"
-# Note, we require one of the apache2 CGI modules:
-# * mod_cgi (USE=apache2_modules_cgi)
-# * mod_cgid (USE=apache2_modules_cgid)
-# * mod_fcgid (www-apache/mod_fcgid)
-# We just don't care /which/ one. And of course PHP supports both CGI
-# (USE=cgi) and FastCGI (USE=fpm). We're pretty lenient with the
-# dependencies, and expect the user not to do anything /too/
-# stupid. (For example, installing Apache with only FastCGI support, and
-# PHP with only CGI support.)
-# Another annoyance is that the upstream Makefile uses app-arch/unzip to
-# extract a snapshot of AngularJS, but that's only needed when USE=web.
-# The dependencies checked by the configure script. All of these are
-# also runtime dependencies; that's why ./configure checks for them.
- acct-user/nagios
- virtual/mailx
- dev-lang/perl:="
-# In addition to the things that the ./configure script checks for,
-# we also need to be able to unzip stuff on the build host.
-# We need the apache/lighttpd groups in src_install() for the things
-# installed as the --with-command-group argument, so they go here too.
-# The groups are also needed at runtime, but that is ensured by apache
-# and lighttpd themselves being in RDEPEND.
- apache2? ( acct-group/apache )
- lighttpd? ( acct-group/lighttpd )
- web? ( app-arch/unzip )"
-# This is linked into /usr/bin/nagios{,tats}
- web? (
- media-libs/gd[jpeg,png]
- lighttpd? ( www-servers/lighttpd[php] )
- apache2? (
- || (
- www-servers/apache[${MOD_ALIAS},apache2_modules_cgi]
- www-servers/apache[${MOD_ALIAS},apache2_modules_cgid]
- ( www-servers/apache[${MOD_ALIAS}] www-apache/mod_fcgid ) )
- || (
- dev-lang/php:*[apache2]
- dev-lang/php:*[cgi]
- dev-lang/php:*[fpm] )
- )
- )
- vim-syntax? ( app-vim/nagios-syntax )"
-src_configure() {
- local myconf
- if use !apache2 && use !lighttpd ; then
- myconf="${myconf} --with-command-group=nagios"
- else
- if use apache2 ; then
- myconf="${myconf} --with-command-group=apache"
- myconf="${myconf} --with-httpd-conf=/etc/apache2/conf.d"
- elif use lighttpd ; then
- myconf="${myconf} --with-command-group=lighttpd"
- fi
- fi
- # We pass "unknown" as the init type because we don't want it to
- # guess. Later on, we'll manually install both OpenRC and systemd
- # services.
- econf ${myconf} \
- --prefix="${EPREFIX}/usr" \
- --bindir="${EPREFIX}/usr/sbin" \
- --localstatedir="${EPREFIX}/var/lib/nagios" \
- --sysconfdir="${EPREFIX}/etc/nagios" \
- --libexecdir="${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)/nagios/plugins" \
- --with-cgibindir="${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)/nagios/cgi-bin" \
- --with-webdir="${EPREFIX}/usr/share/nagios/htdocs" \
- --with-init-type="unknown"
- # The paths in the web server configuration files need to match
- # those passed to econf above.
- cp "${FILESDIR}/99_nagios4-r1.conf" \
- "${FILESDIR}/lighttpd_nagios4-r1.conf" \
- "${T}/" || die "failed to create copies of web server conf files"
- sed -e "s|@CGIBINDIR@|${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)/nagios/cgi-bin|g" \
- -e "s|@WEBDIR@|${EPREFIX}/usr/share/nagios/htdocs|" \
- -i "${T}/99_nagios4-r1.conf" \
- -i "${T}/lighttpd_nagios4-r1.conf" \
- || die "failed to substitute paths into web server conf files"
-src_compile() {
- emake CC="$(tc-getCC)" nagios
- if use web; then
- # Only compile the CGIs/HTML when USE=web is set.
- emake CC="$(tc-getCC)" cgis html
- fi
-src_install() {
- dodoc Changelog THANKS UPGRADING
- # There is no way to install the CGIs unstripped from the top-level
- # makefile, so descend into base/ here. The empty INSTALL_OPTS
- # ensures that root:root: owns the nagios executables.
- cd "${S}/base" || die
- emake INSTALL_OPTS="" DESTDIR="${D}" install-unstripped
- cd "${S}" || die
- # Otherwise this gets installed as 770 and you get "access denied"
- # for some reason or other when starting nagios. The permissions
- # on nagiostats are just for consistency (these should both get
- # fixed upstream).
- fperms 775 /usr/sbin/nagios /usr/sbin/nagiostats
- # INSTALL_OPTS are needed for most of install-basic, but we don't
- # want them on the LIBEXECDIR, argh.
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install-basic
- fowners root:root /usr/$(get_libdir)/nagios/plugins
- # Don't make the configuration owned by the nagios user, because
- # then he can edit nagios.cfg and trick nagios into running as root
- # and doing his bidding.
- emake INSTALL_OPTS="" DESTDIR="${D}" install-config
- # No INSTALL_OPTS used in install-commandmode, thankfully.
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install-commandmode
- # The build system installs these directories, but portage assumes
- # that the build system doesn't know what it's doing so we have to
- # keepdir them, too. I guess you'll have to manually re-check the
- # upstream build system forever to see if this is still necessary.
- keepdir /var/lib/nagios{,/archives,/rw,/spool,/spool/checkresults}
- if use web; then
- # There is no way to install the CGIs unstripped from the
- # top-level makefile, so descend into cgi/ here. The empty
- # INSTALL_OPTS ensures that root:root: owns the CGI executables.
- cd "${S}/cgi" || die
- emake INSTALL_OPTS="" DESTDIR="${D}" install-unstripped
- cd "${S}" || die
- # install-html installs the new exfoliation theme
- emake INSTALL_OPTS="" DESTDIR="${D}" install-html
- if use classicui; then
- # This overwrites the already-installed exfoliation theme
- emake INSTALL_OPTS="" DESTDIR="${D}" install-classicui
- fi
- # Install cute Gentoo icons (bug #388323), setting their
- # owner, group, and mode to match those of the rest of Nagios's
- # images.
- insinto /usr/share/nagios/htdocs/images/logos
- doins "${WORKDIR}/${GENTOO_ICONS}"/*.*
- fi
- # The ./configure script for nagios detects the init system on the
- # build host, which is wrong for all sorts of reasons. We've gone
- # to great lengths above to avoid running "install-init" -- even
- # indirectly -- and so now we must install whatever service files
- # we need by hand.
- newinitd startup/openrc-init nagios
- systemd_newunit startup/default-service nagios.service
- if use web ; then
- if use apache2 ; then
- # Install the Nagios configuration file for Apache.
- insinto "/etc/apache2/modules.d"
- newins "${T}/99_nagios4-r1.conf" "99_nagios4.conf"
- elif use lighttpd ; then
- # Install the Nagios configuration file for Lighttpd.
- insinto /etc/lighttpd
- newins "${T}/lighttpd_nagios4-r1.conf" nagios.conf
- else
- ewarn "${CATEGORY}/${PF} only supports apache or lighttpd"
- ewarn "out of the box. Since you are not using one of them, you"
- ewarn "will have to configure your webserver yourself."
- fi
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- if use web; then
- if use apache2 || use lighttpd ; then
- if use apache2; then
- elog "To enable the Nagios web front-end, please edit"
- elog "${ROOT}/etc/conf.d/apache2 and add \"-D NAGIOS -D PHP\""
- elog "to APACHE2_OPTS. Then Nagios will be available at,"
- elog
- elif use lighttpd; then
- elog "To enable the Nagios web front-end, please add"
- elog "'include \"nagios.conf\"' to the lighttpd configuration"
- elog "file at ${ROOT}/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf. Then Nagios"
- elog "will be available at,"
- elog
- fi
- elog " http://localhost/nagios/"
- fi
- fi
- elog
- elog "If your kernel has /proc protection, nagios"
- elog "will not be happy as it relies on accessing the proc"
- elog "filesystem. You can fix this by adding nagios into"
- elog "the group wheel, but this is not recomended."
- elog
- if [ -n "${REPLACING_VERSIONS}" ]; then
- ewarn "The local state directory for nagios has changed in v4.4.5,"
- ewarn "from ${EROOT}/var/nagios to ${EROOT}/var/lib/nagios. If you"
- ewarn "wish to migrate your state to the new location, first stop"
- ewarn "nagios and then run"
- ewarn ""
- ewarn " diff --recursive --brief ${EROOT}/var/nagios ${EROOT}/var/lib/nagios"
- ewarn ""
- ewarn "to identify any files that should be moved to the new"
- ewarn "location. They can simply be moved with \"mv\" before"
- ewarn "restarting nagios."
- fi