diff options
authorJesus Rivero <neurogeek@gentoo.org>2010-03-23 15:28:55 -0430
committerJesus Rivero <neurogeek@gentoo.org>2010-03-23 15:28:55 -0430
commit08ddb6cf8d49dcb7922049607f6af58805cfee01 (patch)
tree21da4c00c1a6ae91c109e0b522fb32a401779952 /metagen
parentRemoved __init__.py as metagen dir has one already (diff)
Moved all python files into the new metagen module
Diffstat (limited to 'metagen')
4 files changed, 331 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/metagen/meta_unittest.py b/metagen/meta_unittest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06208a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metagen/meta_unittest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+from metagenerator import MyMetadata
+def test1():
+ """1 herd specified"""
+ metadata = MyMetadata()
+ metadata.set_herd(("python"))
+ return metadata
+def test2():
+ """No herd specified, 1 maintainer"""
+ metadata = MyMetadata()
+ metadata.set_herd([""])
+ metadata.set_maintainer(["<pythonhead@gentoo.org>"],
+ ["Rob Cakebread"],
+ ["Maintainer description."]
+ )
+ return metadata
+def test3():
+ """1 herd, 1 maintainer"""
+ metadata = MyMetadata()
+ metadata.set_herd(["python"])
+ metadata.set_maintainer(["<pythonhead@gentoo.org>"],
+ ["Rob Cakebread"],
+ ["Maintainer description."]
+ )
+ return metadata
+def test4():
+ """2 herds, 1 maintainer"""
+ metadata = MyMetadata()
+ metadata.set_herd(["python", "gnome"])
+ metadata.set_maintainer(["pythonhead@gentoo.org"],
+ ["Rob Cakebread"],
+ ["Maintainer description."]
+ )
+ return metadata
+def test5():
+ """2 herds, 2 maintainers, longdesc"""
+ metadata = MyMetadata()
+ metadata.set_herd(["python", "gnome"])
+ metadata.set_maintainer(["goofy@gentoo.org", "pythonhead@gentoo.org"],
+ ["Goo Fi", "Rob Cakebread"],
+ ["Maintainer one.", "Maintainer two"]
+ )
+ metadata.set_longdescription("This packages does X Y and Z.")
+ return metadata
diff --git a/metagen/metagen.py b/metagen/metagen.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..37dfbb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metagen/metagen.py
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+NAME - metagen
+SYNOPSIS - Adds metadata.xml to current directory
+AUTHOR - Rob Cakebread <pythonhead@gentoo.org>
+USE - metagen --help
+EXAMPLES - man metagen
+import sys
+import re
+import os
+from optparse import OptionParser
+from commands import getstatusoutput
+from portage.output import red, blue
+import metagenerator
+def parse_echangelog_variable(name, email):
+ """Extract developer name and email from ECHANGELOG_USER variable"""
+ try:
+ e = os.environ["ECHANGELOG_USER"]
+ except KeyError:
+ print red("!!! Environmental variable ECHANGELOG_USER not set.")
+ print red("!!! Set ECHANGELOG_USER or use -e and -n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ try:
+ my_email = e[e.find("<") +1:e.find(">")]
+ except:
+ print red("!!! ECHANGELOG_USER not set properly")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ try:
+ my_name = e[0:e.find("<")-1]
+ except:
+ print red("!!! ECHANGELOG_USER not set properly")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if email:
+ email = "%s,%s" % (my_email, email)
+ else:
+ email = my_email
+ if name:
+ name = "%s,%s" % (my_name, name)
+ else:
+ name = my_name
+ return name, email
+def generate_xml(options):
+ """Returns metadata.xml text"""
+ metadata = metagenerator.MyMetadata()
+ if options.herd:
+ herds = options.herd.split(",")
+ else:
+ herds = ["no-herd"]
+ metadata.set_herd(herds)
+ if options.echangelog:
+ (options.name, options.email) = \
+ parse_echangelog_variable(options.name, options.email)
+ if options.email:
+ names, descs = [], []
+ if options.name:
+ names = options.name.split(",")
+ if options.desc:
+ descs = options.desc.split(",")
+ metadata.set_maintainer(options.email.split(","),
+ names,
+ descs
+ )
+ if options.long:
+ metadata.set_longdescription(options.long)
+ return "%s" % metadata
+def validate_xml(my_xml):
+ """Test for valid XML"""
+ #TODO validate against DTD
+ #This just makes sure its valid XML of some sort.
+ #Probably not necessary since repoma validates against DTD?
+ re_escape_quotes = re.compile('"')
+ s = re_escape_quotes.sub('\\"', my_xml)
+ cmd = "echo \"%s\" | xmllint --valid - 2>&1 > /dev/null" % s
+ return getstatusoutput(cmd)[0]
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ optParser = OptionParser()
+ optParser.add_option("-H", action="store", dest="herd", type="string",
+ help="Name of herd. If not specified, " +
+ "'no-herd' will be inserted. " +
+ "This requires either the -e or -m option.")
+ optParser.add_option("-e", action="store", dest="email", type="string",
+ help="Maintainer's email address")
+ optParser.add_option("-n", action="store", dest="name", type="string",
+ help="Maintainer's name")
+ optParser.add_option("-m", action="store_true", dest="echangelog",
+ default=False,
+ help="Use name and email address from ECHANGELOG_USER "+
+ "environmental variable. "+
+ "This is a shortcut for -e <email> -n <name>")
+ optParser.add_option("-d", action="store", dest="desc", type="string",
+ help="Description of maintainership")
+ optParser.add_option("-l", action="store", dest="long", type="string",
+ help="Long description of package.")
+ optParser.add_option("-o", action="store", dest="output", type="string",
+ help="Specify location of output file.")
+ optParser.add_option("-f", action="store_true", dest="force", default=False,
+ help="Force overwrite of existing metadata.")
+ optParser.add_option("-v", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=True,
+ help="Verbose. Output of file to stdout. (default)")
+ optParser.add_option("-q", action="store_false", dest="verbose",
+ help="Squelch output of file to stdout.")
+ optParser.add_option("-Q", action="store_true", dest="no_write",
+ default=False,
+ help="Do not write file to disk.")
+ (options, remainingArgs) = optParser.parse_args()
+ if len(sys.argv) == 1:
+ optParser.print_help()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if options.desc or options.name:
+ if not options.email and not options.echangelog:
+ print red("!!! No maintainer's email address specified.")
+ print red("!!! Options -d and -n are only valid with -e or -m")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if options.herd == "no-herd" and not options.email and not options.echangelog:
+ print red("!!! You must specify a maintainer if you have no-herd.")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if not options.herd and not options.email and not options.echangelog:
+ print red("!!! You must specify at least a herd (-H) " +
+ "or maintainer's email address (-e)\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ txt = generate_xml(options)
+ error_status = validate_xml(txt)
+ if error_status < 0:
+ print red("!!! Error - Invalid XML")
+ print red("!!! Please report this bug with the options you used and the output:")
+ print error_status
+ print txt
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if options.verbose:
+ print "\n%s" % txt
+ out_file = "./metadata.xml"
+ if options.output:
+ out_file = options.output
+ if not options.no_write and os.path.exists(out_file):
+ if not options.force:
+ print red("!!! File %s exists." % out_file)
+ print red("!!! Use -f to force overwrite.")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if not options.no_write:
+ open("%s" % out_file, "w").writelines(txt)
+ print blue("%s written") % out_file
diff --git a/metagen/metagenerator.py b/metagen/metagenerator.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..99aad2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metagen/metagenerator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+import sys
+import jaxml
+from portage.output import red
+class MyMetadata(jaxml.XML_document):
+ """Create Gentoo Linux metadata.xml"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ jaxml.XML_document.__init__(self, "1.0", "UTF-8")
+ self._indentstring("\t")
+ self._text('<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM ' +
+ '"http://www.gentoo.org/dtd/metadata.dtd">')
+ self.pkgmetadata()
+ def set_herd(self, opt_herds=["no-herd"]):
+ """Set herd(s)"""
+ for my_herd in opt_herds:
+ self.herd(my_herd)
+ def set_maintainer(self, emails, names, descs):
+ """Set maintainer(s)'s email, name, desc"""
+ i = 0
+ for e in emails:
+ self._push("maintainer_level")
+ self.maintainer().email(e)
+ if names:
+ if len(names) > len(emails):
+ print red("!!! Nbr names > nbr emails")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if i <= len(names) -1:
+ self.name(names[i])
+ if descs:
+ if len(descs) > len(emails):
+ print red("!!! Nbr descs > nbr emails")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if i <= len(descs) -1:
+ self.description(descs[i])
+ self._pop("maintainer_level")
+ i += 1
+ def set_longdescription(self, longdesc):
+ """Set package's long description."""
+ self.longdescription(longdesc)
+def do_tests():
+ import meta_unittest
+ fails = 0
+ for func in dir(meta_unittest):
+ if func[0:4] == "test":
+ try:
+ exec "print meta_unittest.%s.__name__ + ':'," % func
+ exec "print meta_unittest.%s.__doc__" % func
+ exec "print meta_unittest.%s()" % func
+ except:
+ fails += 1
+ print "Test %s failed:" % func
+ print sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value
+ print "%s tests failed." % fails
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ do_tests()
diff --git a/metagen/test_cli b/metagen/test_cli
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8995050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metagen/test_cli
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#Should fail if ECHANGELOG_USER not set:
+echo 'metagen -m -Q'
+./metagen.py -m -Q
+echo 'metagen -e "someguy@gentoo.org" -d "Maint desc" -Q'
+./metagen.py -e "someguy@gentoo.org" -d "Maint desc" -Q
+echo 'metagen -e "someguy@gentoo.org" -n "Jon Doe" -d "Maint desc" -Q'
+./metagen.py -e "someguy@gentoo.org" -n "Jon Doe" -d "Maint desc" -Q
+#Should fail if ECHANGELOG_USER not set:
+echo 'metagen -m -H python -e "foo@bar.com" -d "Foo bar.","Chow fun" -Q'
+./metagen.py -m -H python -e "foo@bar.com" -d "Foo bar.","Chow fun" -Q
+#Should fail:
+echo 'metagen -H no-herd -Q'
+./metagen.py -H no-herd -Q
+#Should fail:
+echo 'metagen -l "Long desc" -Q'
+./metagen.py -l "Long desc" -Q
+#Should fail:
+echo 'metagen -d "Maintainer desc" -Q'
+./metagen.py -d "Maintainer desc" -Q