diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/views/cve/_filing.js.erb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 170 deletions
diff --git a/app/views/cve/_filing.js.erb b/app/views/cve/_filing.js.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index dc80767..0000000
--- a/app/views/cve/_filing.js.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-/** Filing **/
- { view: 'Popup', rect: '500 300', anchors: 'left top', id: 'file-1-popup', hideOnClick: false, relativeTo: uki('#popup'), childViews: [
- { view: 'Label', rect: '10 10 480 20', anchors: 'top', text: 'Select a package to file this bug against:', id: 'cve-file-1-title' },
- { view: 'ScrollableList', rect: '10 35 480 170', anchors: 'top left right bottom', id: 'cve-file-1-list' },
- { view: 'Label', rect: '10 210 480 20', anchors: 'top', text: 'Or manually enter a package atom:', id: 'cve-file-1-title2' },
- { view: 'TextField', rect: '10 235 480 22', anchors: 'left top right', placeholder: 'package atom', id: 'cve-file-1-atom' },
- { view: 'Button', rect: '345 265 70 24', anchors: 'bottom right', id: 'cve-file-1-cancel', text: 'Cancel' },
- { view: 'Button', rect: '420 265 70 24', anchors: 'bottom right', id: 'cve-file-1-go', text: 'Next' }
- ]
- }
- { view: 'Popup', rect: '650 400', anchors: 'left top', id: 'file-2-popup', hideOnClick: false, relativeTo: uki('#popup'), childViews: [
- { view: 'Label', rect: '10 10 630 20', anchors: 'top', text: 'Enter the information for filing the bug:', id: 'cve-file-2-title' },
- { view: 'ScrollPane', rect: '10 30 635 320', anchors: 'top left right bottom', id: 'cve-file-2-scroll', scrollableV: true, scrollableH: false, childViews: [
- { view: 'Label', rect: '10 10 600 400', anchors: 'top', text: '', id: 'cve-file-2-text', textSelectable: true, multiline: true},
- ] },
- { view: 'Button', rect: '495 365 70 24', anchors: 'bottom right', id: 'cve-file-2-cancel', text: 'Cancel' },
- { view: 'Button', rect: '570 365 70 24', anchors: 'bottom right', id: 'cve-file-2-go', text: 'File bug' }
- ]
- }
- function() {
- var sel = uki('Table').selectedRows();
- if (sel.length < 1) {
- alert("Please select at least one CVE.");
- return false;
- }
- // TODO: Avoid DoS'ing the package search by limiting the # of package to search for
- var popup = uki('#file-1-popup');
- // yes, this wants to be a global var
- cve_file_data = new Array();
- for (var i = 0; i < sel.length; i++) {
- cve_file_data.push(sel[i][0]);
- }
- new Ajax.Request('/cve/bug_package', {
- parameters: { cves: cve_file_data.join(',')},
- onSuccess: function(response) {
- uki('#cve-file-1-list').data(response.responseJSON['package_hints']);
- uki('#cve-file-1-atom').value('');
- uki('#cve-file-1-atom').focus();
- disableMainView();
- },
- onFailure: function(response) {
- alert("Could not process your request:\n\n" + response.responseText);
- return false;
- }
- });
- }
- function() {
- uki('#file-1-popup').hide();
- enableMainView();
- }
- function() {
- var package_name = "";
- if (uki('#cve-file-1-list').selectedIndex() > 0 && uki('#cve-file-1-atom').value() != '') {
- alert('Either select a package or enter something');
- return false;
- }
- if (uki('#cve-file-1-list').selectedIndex() < 0) {
- package_name = uki('#cve-file-1-atom').value();
- } else {
- package_name = uki('#cve-file-1-list').selectedRow();
- }
- if (package_name == undefined || package_name == "") {
- alert("Please select a package.");
- return false;
- }
- if (cve_file_data < 1) {
- alert("Error. Internal CVE list empty.");
- uki('#file-1-popup').hide();
- return;
- }
- new Ajax.Request('/cve/bug_preview', {
- parameters: { package: package_name, cves: cve_file_data.join(',') },
- onSuccess: function(response) {
- uki('#cve-file-2-text').html(response.responseText);
- uki('#cve-file-2-text').resizeToContents('height');
- uki('#file-1-popup').hide();
- uki('#file-2-popup').show();
- $('bug_title').focus();
- },
- onFailure: function(response) {
- alert("Could not process your request:\n\n" + response.responseText);
- return false;
- }
- });
- }
- function() {
- uki('#file-2-popup').hide();
- }
- function() {
- if (cve_file_data < 1) {
- alert("Error. Internal CVE list empty.");
- uki('#file-2-popup').hide();
- return;
- }
- if ($('wb_1').value == '--') {
- alert('Please select a whiteboard setting. If unsure use "??" instead.');
- $('wb_1').focus();
- return;
- }
- if (!($('add_comment').checked || $('add_cves').checked)) {
- alert("Adding the CVE description is strongly suggested!\n\nIf you do not want to add it, then you need at least to add a comment.");
- $('comment').focus();
- return;
- }
- uki('#cve-file-2-go').disabled(true);
- var params = {
- bug_title: $('bug_title').value,
- bug_type: $('type_1').checked,
- cc_maint: $('cc_maint').checked,
- cc_custom: $('custom_cc').value,
- wb_1: $('wb_1').value,
- wb_2: $('wb_2').value,
- wb_ext: $('wb_ext').value,
- add_comment: $('add_comment').checked,
- comment: $('comment').value,
- add_cves: $('add_cves').checked,
- package: $('package').value,
- cves: cve_file_data.join(',')
- };
- new Ajax.Request('/cve/bug', {
- parameters: params,
- onSuccess: function(response) {
- uki('#file-2-popup').hide();
- uki('#cve-file-2-go').disabled(false);
- reloadTable();
- },
- onFailure: function(response) {
- alert("Could not process your request:\n\n" + response.responseText);
- uki('#cve-file-2-go').disabled(false);
- }
- });
- }
-/** Filing end **/