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Diffstat (limited to 'cvs2svn_lib/changeset_graph_link.py')
1 files changed, 149 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cvs2svn_lib/changeset_graph_link.py b/cvs2svn_lib/changeset_graph_link.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d0cc9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cvs2svn_lib/changeset_graph_link.py
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+# (Be in -*- python -*- mode.)
+# ====================================================================
+# Copyright (c) 2006-2008 CollabNet. All rights reserved.
+# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
+# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
+# are also available at http://subversion.tigris.org/license-1.html.
+# If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a
+# newer version instead, at your option.
+# This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
+# individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision
+# history and logs, available at http://cvs2svn.tigris.org/.
+# ====================================================================
+"""Keep track of counts of different types of changeset links."""
+# A cvs_item doesn't depend on any cvs_items in either pred or succ:
+# A cvs_item depends on one or more cvs_items in pred but none in succ:
+# A cvs_item depends on one or more cvs_items in succ but none in pred:
+# A cvs_item depends on one or more cvs_items in both pred and succ:
+class ChangesetGraphLink(object):
+ def __init__(self, pred, changeset, succ):
+ """Represent a link in a loop in a changeset graph.
+ This is the link that goes from PRED -> CHANGESET -> SUCC.
+ We are mainly concerned with how many CVSItems have LINK_PRED,
+ LINK_SUCC, and LINK_PASSTHRU type links to the neighboring
+ commitsets. If necessary, this class can also break up CHANGESET
+ into multiple changesets."""
+ self.pred = pred
+ self.pred_ids = set(pred.cvs_item_ids)
+ self.changeset = changeset
+ self.succ_ids = set(succ.cvs_item_ids)
+ self.succ = succ
+ # A count of each type of link for cvs_items in changeset
+ # (indexed by LINK_* constants):
+ link_counts = [0] * 4
+ for cvs_item in list(changeset.iter_cvs_items()):
+ link_counts[self.get_link_type(cvs_item)] += 1
+ [self.pred_links, self.succ_links, self.passthru_links] = link_counts[1:]
+ def get_link_type(self, cvs_item):
+ """Return the type of links from CVS_ITEM to self.PRED and self.SUCC.
+ The return value is one of LINK_NONE, LINK_PRED, LINK_SUCC, or
+ retval = LINK_NONE
+ if cvs_item.get_pred_ids() & self.pred_ids:
+ retval |= LINK_PRED
+ if cvs_item.get_succ_ids() & self.succ_ids:
+ retval |= LINK_SUCC
+ return retval
+ def get_links_to_move(self):
+ """Return the number of items that would be moved to split changeset."""
+ return min(self.pred_links, self.succ_links) \
+ or max(self.pred_links, self.succ_links)
+ def is_breakable(self):
+ """Return True iff breaking the changeset will do any good."""
+ return self.pred_links != 0 or self.succ_links != 0
+ def __cmp__(self, other):
+ """Compare SELF with OTHER in terms of which would be better to break.
+ The one that is better to break is considered the lesser."""
+ return (
+ - cmp(int(self.is_breakable()), int(other.is_breakable()))
+ or cmp(self.passthru_links, other.passthru_links)
+ or cmp(self.get_links_to_move(), other.get_links_to_move())
+ )
+ def break_changeset(self, changeset_key_generator):
+ """Break up self.changeset and return the fragments.
+ Break it up in such a way that the link is weakened as efficiently
+ as possible."""
+ if not self.is_breakable():
+ raise ValueError('Changeset is not breakable: %r' % self.changeset)
+ pred_items = []
+ succ_items = []
+ # For each link type, should such CVSItems be moved to the
+ # changeset containing the predecessor items or the one containing
+ # the successor items?
+ destination = {
+ LINK_PRED : pred_items,
+ LINK_SUCC : succ_items,
+ }
+ if self.pred_links == 0:
+ destination[LINK_NONE] = pred_items
+ destination[LINK_PASSTHRU] = pred_items
+ elif self.succ_links == 0:
+ destination[LINK_NONE] = succ_items
+ destination[LINK_PASSTHRU] = succ_items
+ elif self.pred_links < self.succ_links:
+ destination[LINK_NONE] = succ_items
+ destination[LINK_PASSTHRU] = succ_items
+ else:
+ destination[LINK_NONE] = pred_items
+ destination[LINK_PASSTHRU] = pred_items
+ for cvs_item in self.changeset.iter_cvs_items():
+ link_type = self.get_link_type(cvs_item)
+ destination[link_type].append(cvs_item.id)
+ # Create new changesets of the same type as the old one:
+ return [
+ self.changeset.create_split_changeset(
+ changeset_key_generator.gen_id(), pred_items),
+ self.changeset.create_split_changeset(
+ changeset_key_generator.gen_id(), succ_items),
+ ]
+ def __str__(self):
+ return 'Link<%x>(%d, %d, %d)' % (
+ self.changeset.id,
+ self.pred_links, self.succ_links, self.passthru_links)