diff options
authorAnthony G. Basile <>2017-09-01 20:14:25 -0400
committerAnthony G. Basile <>2017-09-01 20:14:25 -0400
commit9577a2e9108f48dc19beca28264c0af227567aac (patch)
tree62c639f4a486320e595f84e8d986cf8b9c1f0174 /plugins/jetpack/modules/comment-likes.php
parentUpdate akismet 3.3.4 (diff)
Update jetpack 5.2.1
Signed-off-by: Anthony G. Basile <>
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/jetpack/modules/comment-likes.php')
1 files changed, 186 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/modules/comment-likes.php b/plugins/jetpack/modules/comment-likes.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cf6dd1a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/jetpack/modules/comment-likes.php
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+ * Module Name: Comment Likes
+ * Module Description: Increase visitor engagement by adding a Like button to comments.
+ * Sort Order: 39
+ * Recommendation Order: 17
+ * First Introduced: 5.1
+ * Requires Connection: Yes
+ * Auto Activate: No
+ * Module Tags: Social
+ * Additional Search Queries: like widget, like button, like, likes
+ */
+Jetpack::dns_prefetch( array(
+ '//',
+ '//',
+ '//',
+ '//',
+ '//',
+ '//',
+ '//',
+) );
+require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/likes/jetpack-likes-master-iframe.php';
+require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/likes/jetpack-likes-settings.php';
+class Jetpack_Comment_Likes {
+ public static function init() {
+ static $instance = NULL;
+ if ( ! $instance ) {
+ $instance = new Jetpack_Comment_Likes;
+ }
+ return $instance;
+ }
+ private function __construct() {
+ $this->settings = new Jetpack_Likes_Settings();
+ $this->blog_id = Jetpack_Options::get_option( 'id' );
+ $this->url = home_url();
+ $this->url_parts = parse_url( $this->url );
+ $this->domain = $this->url_parts['host'];
+ add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'frontend_init' ) );
+ add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this, 'admin_init' ) );
+ if ( ! Jetpack::is_module_active( 'likes' ) ) {
+ $active = Jetpack::get_active_modules();
+ if ( ! in_array( 'sharedaddy', $active ) && ! in_array( 'publicize', $active ) ) {
+ // we don't have a sharing page yet
+ add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this->settings, 'sharing_menu' ) );
+ }
+ if ( in_array( 'publicize', $active ) && ! in_array( 'sharedaddy', $active ) ) {
+ // we have a sharing page but not the global options area
+ add_action( 'pre_admin_screen_sharing', array( $this->settings, 'sharing_block' ), 20 );
+ add_action( 'pre_admin_screen_sharing', array( $this->settings, 'updated_message' ), -10 );
+ }
+ if( ! in_array( 'sharedaddy', $active ) ) {
+ add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this->settings, 'process_update_requests_if_sharedaddy_not_loaded' ) );
+ add_action( 'sharing_global_options', array( $this->settings, 'admin_settings_showbuttonon_init' ), 19 );
+ add_action( 'sharing_admin_update', array( $this->settings, 'admin_settings_showbuttonon_callback' ), 19 );
+ add_action( 'admin_init', array( $this->settings, 'add_meta_box' ) );
+ } else {
+ add_filter( 'sharing_meta_box_title', array( $this->settings, 'add_likes_to_sharing_meta_box_title' ) );
+ add_action( 'start_sharing_meta_box_content', array( $this->settings, 'meta_box_content' ) );
+ }
+ add_action( 'save_post', array( $this->settings, 'meta_box_save' ) );
+ add_action( 'edit_attachment', array( $this->settings, 'meta_box_save' ) );
+ add_action( 'sharing_global_options', array( $this->settings, 'admin_settings_init' ), 20 );
+ add_action( 'sharing_admin_update', array( $this->settings, 'admin_settings_callback' ), 20 );
+ }
+ }
+ public function admin_init() {
+ add_filter( 'manage_edit-comments_columns', array( $this, 'add_like_count_column' ) );
+ add_action( 'manage_comments_custom_column', array( $this, 'comment_likes_edit_column' ), 10, 2 );
+ add_action( 'admin_print_styles-edit-comments.php', array( $this, 'enqueue_admin_styles_scripts' ) );
+ }
+ public function comment_likes_edit_column( $column_name, $comment_id ) {
+ if ( 'comment_likes' !== $column_name ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $permalink = get_permalink( get_the_ID() );
+ ?>
+ <a
+ data-comment-id="<?php echo absint( $comment_id ); ?>"
+ data-blog-id="<?php echo absint( $this->blog_id ); ?>"
+ class="comment-like-count"
+ id="comment-like-count-<?php echo absint( $comment_id ); ?>"
+ href="<?php echo esc_url( $permalink ); ?>#comment-<?php echo absint( $comment_id ); ?>"
+ >
+ <span class="like-count">0</span>
+ </a>
+ <?php
+ }
+ function enqueue_admin_styles_scripts() {
+ wp_enqueue_style( 'comment-like-count', plugins_url( 'comment-likes/admin-style.css', __FILE__ ), array(), JETPACK__VERSION );
+ wp_enqueue_script( 'comment-like-count', plugins_url( 'comment-likes/comment-like-count.js', __FILE__ ), array( 'jquery' ), JETPACK__VERSION );
+ }
+ public function add_like_count_column( $columns ) {
+ $columns['comment_likes'] = '<span class="vers"></span>';
+ return $columns;
+ }
+ public function frontend_init() {
+ if ( is_admin() ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'load_styles_register_scripts' ) );
+ add_filter( 'comment_text', array( $this, 'comment_likes' ), 10, 2 );
+ }
+ public function load_styles_register_scripts() {
+ if ( ! wp_style_is( 'open-sans', 'registered' ) ) {
+ wp_register_style( 'open-sans', '', array(), JETPACK__VERSION );
+ }
+ wp_enqueue_style( 'jetpack_likes', plugins_url( 'likes/style.css', __FILE__ ), array( 'open-sans' ), JETPACK__VERSION );
+ wp_enqueue_script( 'postmessage', plugins_url( '_inc/postmessage.js', JETPACK__PLUGIN_FILE ), array( 'jquery' ), JETPACK__VERSION, false );
+ wp_enqueue_script( 'jetpack_resize', plugins_url( '_inc/jquery.jetpack-resize.js' , JETPACK__PLUGIN_FILE ), array( 'jquery' ), JETPACK__VERSION, false );
+ wp_enqueue_script( 'jetpack_likes_queuehandler', plugins_url( 'likes/queuehandler.js' , __FILE__ ), array( 'jquery', 'postmessage', 'jetpack_resize' ), JETPACK__VERSION, true );
+ }
+ public function comment_likes( $content, $comment = null ) {
+ if ( empty( $comment ) ) {
+ return $content;
+ }
+ if ( ! $this->settings->is_likes_visible() ) {
+ return $content;
+ }
+ $comment_id = get_comment_ID();
+ if ( empty( $comment_id ) && ! empty( $comment->comment_ID ) ) {
+ $comment_id = $comment->comment_ID;
+ }
+ if ( empty( $content ) || empty( $comment_id ) ) {
+ return $content;
+ }
+ // In case master iframe hasn't been loaded. This could be the case when Post Likes module is disabled,
+ // or on pages on which we have comments but post likes are disabled.
+ if ( false === has_action( 'wp_footer', 'jetpack_likes_master_iframe' ) ) {
+ add_action( 'wp_footer', 'jetpack_likes_master_iframe', 21 );
+ }
+ $uniqid = uniqid();
+ $src = sprintf( '$d&amp;comment_id=%2$d&amp;origin=%3$s&amp;obj_id=%1$d-%2$d-%4$s', $this->blog_id, $comment_id, $this->domain, $uniqid );
+ $name = sprintf( 'like-comment-frame-%1$d-%2$d-%3$s', $this->blog_id, $comment_id, $uniqid );
+ $wrapper = sprintf( 'like-comment-wrapper-%1$d-%2$d-%3$s', $this->blog_id, $comment_id, $uniqid );
+ $html = '';
+ $html .= "<div class='jetpack-comment-likes-widget-wrapper jetpack-likes-widget-unloaded' id='$wrapper' data-src='$src' data-name='$name'>";
+ $html .= "<div class='likes-widget-placeholder comment-likes-widget-placeholder comment-likes'><span class='loading'>" . esc_html__( 'Loading...', 'jetpack' ) . "</span></div>";
+ $html .= "<div class='comment-likes-widget jetpack-likes-widget comment-likes'><span class='comment-like-feedback'></span>";
+ $html .= "<span class='sd-text-color'></span><a class='sd-link-color'></a>";
+ $html .= '</div></div>';
+ /**
+ * Filters the Comment Likes button content.
+ *
+ * @module comment-likes
+ *
+ * @since 5.1.0
+ *
+ * @param string $html Comment Likes button content.
+ */
+ $like_button = apply_filters( 'comment_like_button', $html );
+ return $content . $like_button;
+ }