diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sci-biology/ncbi-tools++/files/ncbi-tools++-2010.06.15-gcc47.patch')
1 files changed, 643 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sci-biology/ncbi-tools++/files/ncbi-tools++-2010.06.15-gcc47.patch b/sci-biology/ncbi-tools++/files/ncbi-tools++-2010.06.15-gcc47.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..36718d161ac0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-biology/ncbi-tools++/files/ncbi-tools++-2010.06.15-gcc47.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,643 @@
+ include/algo/gnomon/gnomon_model.hpp | 8 +-
+ include/corelib/ncbiexpt.hpp | 4 +-
+ include/corelib/ncbimisc.hpp | 2 +
+ include/corelib/ncbiobj.hpp | 2 +-
+ include/corelib/ncbistl.hpp | 2 +-
+ include/corelib/ncbistr.hpp | 2 +-
+ include/serial/impl/stltypes.hpp | 14 +-
+ include/serial/iterator.hpp | 6 +-
+ include/util/bitset/bmfunc.h | 263 +++++++++++++------------
+ include/util/bitset/bmserial.h | 6 +-
+ include/util/linkedset.hpp | 8 +-
+ include/util/rangemap.hpp | 2 +-
+ src/algo/blast/gumbel_params/njn_approx.hpp | 1 +
+ src/algo/blast/gumbel_params/sls_alp_data.hpp | 1 +
+ src/serial/stdtypes.cpp | 8 +-
+ 15 files changed, 167 insertions(+), 162 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/include/algo/gnomon/gnomon_model.hpp b/include/algo/gnomon/gnomon_model.hpp
+index 66e7765..ca4d765 100644
+--- a/include/algo/gnomon/gnomon_model.hpp
++++ b/include/algo/gnomon/gnomon_model.hpp
+@@ -627,11 +627,11 @@ public:
+ CModelCluster(TSignedSeqRange limits) : m_limits(limits) {}
+ void Insert(const Model& a) {
+ m_limits.CombineWith(a.Limits());
+- push_back(a);
++ this->push_back(a);
+ }
+ void Splice(CModelCluster& c) { // elements removed from c and inserted into *this
+ m_limits.CombineWith(c.Limits());
+- splice(list<Model>::end(),c);
++ this->splice(list<Model>::end(),c);
+ }
+ TSignedSeqRange Limits() const { return m_limits; }
+ bool operator<(const CModelCluster& c) const { return Precede(m_limits, c.m_limits); }
+@@ -663,9 +663,9 @@ class NCBI_XALGOGNOMON_EXPORT CModelClusterSet : public set<Cluster> {
+ pair<Titerator,Titerator> lim = set<Cluster>::equal_range(clust);
+ for(Titerator it = lim.first; it != lim.second;) {
+ clust.Splice(const_cast<Cluster&>(*it));
+- erase(it++);
++ this->erase(it++);
+ }
+- const_cast<Cluster&>(*insert(lim.second,Cluster(clust.Limits()))).Splice(clust);
++ const_cast<Cluster&>(*this->insert(lim.second,Cluster(clust.Limits()))).Splice(clust);
+ }
+ };
+diff --git a/include/corelib/ncbiexpt.hpp b/include/corelib/ncbiexpt.hpp
+index 1d3cce3..1055d66 100644
+--- a/include/corelib/ncbiexpt.hpp
++++ b/include/corelib/ncbiexpt.hpp
+@@ -843,7 +843,7 @@ const TTo* UppermostCast(const TFrom& from)
+ exception_class(const exception_class& other) \
+ : base_class(other) \
+ { \
+- x_Assign(other); \
++ this->x_Assign(other); \
+ } \
+ public: \
+ virtual ~exception_class(void) throw() {} \
+@@ -1166,7 +1166,7 @@ public:
+ : TBase( other)
+ {
+ m_Errno = other.m_Errno;
+- x_Assign(other);
++ this->x_Assign(other);
+ }
+ /// Destructor.
+diff --git a/include/corelib/ncbimisc.hpp b/include/corelib/ncbimisc.hpp
+index 87236c7..b540038 100644
+--- a/include/corelib/ncbimisc.hpp
++++ b/include/corelib/ncbimisc.hpp
+@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@
+ # include <ctype.h>
+ #endif
++// for free()
++#include <stdlib.h>
+ #if defined(_DEBUG) && !defined(NCBI_NO_STRICT_CTYPE_ARGS)
+diff --git a/include/corelib/ncbiobj.hpp b/include/corelib/ncbiobj.hpp
+index de4c454..084a041 100644
+--- a/include/corelib/ncbiobj.hpp
++++ b/include/corelib/ncbiobj.hpp
+@@ -2128,7 +2128,7 @@ public:
+ CIRef<Interface, TThisType> ref(
+ dynamic_cast<Interface*>(proxy->GetLockedObject()), *this);
+ if (ref.NotNull()) {
+- Unlock(ref.GetPointer());
++ this->Unlock(ref.GetPointer());
+ }
+ return ref;
+ }
+diff --git a/include/corelib/ncbistl.hpp b/include/corelib/ncbistl.hpp
+index afd71d2..38768c4 100644
+--- a/include/corelib/ncbistl.hpp
++++ b/include/corelib/ncbistl.hpp
+@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
+ #include <common/ncbi_export.h>
++#include <string>
+ // Get rid of some warnings in MSVC++ 6.00
+ #if (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+diff --git a/include/corelib/ncbistr.hpp b/include/corelib/ncbistr.hpp
+index e515dc6..5800223 100644
+--- a/include/corelib/ncbistr.hpp
++++ b/include/corelib/ncbistr.hpp
+@@ -2439,7 +2439,7 @@ public:
+ : TBase(other)
+ {
+ m_Pos = other.m_Pos;
+- x_Assign(other);
++ this->x_Assign(other);
+ }
+ /// Destructor.
+diff --git a/include/serial/impl/stltypes.hpp b/include/serial/impl/stltypes.hpp
+index abfa8b8..28254ae 100644
+--- a/include/serial/impl/stltypes.hpp
++++ b/include/serial/impl/stltypes.hpp
+@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ public:
+ }
+ static bool InitIterator(TTypeInfoIterator& iter)
+ {
+- TStlIterator stl_iter = Get(iter.GetContainerPtr()).begin();
++ TStlIterator stl_iter = CStlClassInfoFunctionsIBase::Get(iter.GetContainerPtr()).begin();
+ if ( sizeof(TStlIterator) <= sizeof(iter.m_IteratorData) ) {
+ void* data = &iter.m_IteratorData;
+ new (data) TStlIterator(stl_iter);
+@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ public:
+ else {
+ iter.m_IteratorData = new TStlIterator(stl_iter);
+ }
+- return stl_iter != Get(iter.GetContainerPtr()).end();
++ return stl_iter != CStlClassInfoFunctionsIBase::Get(iter.GetContainerPtr()).end();
+ }
+ static void ReleaseIterator(TTypeInfoIterator& iter)
+ {
+@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ public:
+ static bool NextElement(TTypeInfoIterator& iter)
+ {
+- return ++It(iter) != Get(iter.GetContainerPtr()).end();
++ return ++It(iter) != CStlClassInfoFunctionsIBase::Get(iter.GetContainerPtr()).end();
+ }
+ static TObjectPtr GetElementPtr(const TTypeInfoIterator& iter)
+ {
+@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ public:
+ static bool EraseElement(TTypeInfoIterator& iter)
+ {
+- TStlIterator& it = It(iter);
++ TStlIterator& it = CStlClassInfoFunctionsI::It(iter);
+ Container* c = static_cast<Container*>(iter.GetContainerPtr());
+ it = c->erase(it);
+ return it != c->end();
+@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ public:
+ static void EraseAllElements(TTypeInfoIterator& iter)
+ {
+ Container* c = static_cast<Container*>(iter.GetContainerPtr());
+- c->erase(It(iter), c->end());
++ c->erase(CStlClassInfoFunctionsI::It(iter), c->end());
+ }
+ static void SetIteratorFunctions(CStlOneArgTemplate* info)
+@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ public:
+ }
+ static bool EraseElement(TTypeInfoIterator& iter)
+ {
+- TStlIterator& it = It(iter);
++ TStlIterator& it = CStlClassInfoFunctionsI_set::It(iter);
+ Container* c = static_cast<Container*>(iter.GetContainerPtr());
+ TStlIterator erase = it++;
+ c->erase(erase);
+@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ public:
+ static void EraseAllElements(TTypeInfoIterator& iter)
+ {
+ Container* c = static_cast<Container*>(iter.GetContainerPtr());
+- c->erase(It(iter), c->end());
++ c->erase(CStlClassInfoFunctionsI_set::It(iter), c->end());
+ }
+ static void SetIteratorFunctions(CStlOneArgTemplate* info)
+diff --git a/include/serial/iterator.hpp b/include/serial/iterator.hpp
+index eabb01b..402d7ac 100644
+--- a/include/serial/iterator.hpp
++++ b/include/serial/iterator.hpp
+@@ -491,13 +491,13 @@ protected:
+ CTypeIteratorBase(TTypeInfo needType, const TBeginInfo& beginInfo)
+ : m_NeedType(needType)
+ {
+- Init(beginInfo);
++ this->Init(beginInfo);
+ }
+ CTypeIteratorBase(TTypeInfo needType, const TBeginInfo& beginInfo,
+ const string& filter)
+ : m_NeedType(needType)
+ {
+- Init(beginInfo, filter);
++ this->Init(beginInfo, filter);
+ }
+ virtual bool CanSelect(const CConstObjectInfo& object)
+@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ public:
+ CTypesIteratorBase<Parent>& operator=(const TBeginInfo& beginInfo)
+ {
+- Init(beginInfo);
++ this->Init(beginInfo);
+ return *this;
+ }
+diff --git a/include/util/bitset/bmfunc.h b/include/util/bitset/bmfunc.h
+index bf09e2d..5489213 100644
+--- a/include/util/bitset/bmfunc.h
++++ b/include/util/bitset/bmfunc.h
+@@ -1794,6 +1794,72 @@ void gap_and_to_bitset(unsigned* dest, const T* buf)
+ }
+ }
++ Function calculates number of 1 bits in the given array of words in
++ the range between left anf right bits (borders included)
++ Make sure the addresses are aligned.
++ @ingroup bitfunc
++bm::id_t bit_block_calc_count_range(const bm::word_t* block,
++ bm::word_t left,
++ bm::word_t right)
++ BM_ASSERT(left <= right);
++ unsigned nword, nbit;
++ nbit = left & bm::set_word_mask;
++ const bm::word_t* word =
++ block + (nword = unsigned(left >> bm::set_word_shift));
++ if (left == right) // special case (only 1 bit to check)
++ {
++ return (*word >> nbit) & 1;
++ }
++ bm::id_t count = 0;
++ unsigned acc;
++ unsigned bitcount = right - left + 1;
++ if (nbit) // starting position is not aligned
++ {
++ unsigned right_margin = nbit + (right - left);
++ if (right_margin < 32)
++ {
++ unsigned mask =
++ block_set_table<true>::_right[nbit] &
++ block_set_table<true>::_left[right_margin];
++ acc = *word & mask;
++ BM_INCWORD_BITCOUNT(count, acc);
++ return count;
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ acc = *word & block_set_table<true>::_right[nbit];
++ BM_INCWORD_BITCOUNT(count, acc);
++ bitcount -= 32 - nbit;
++ }
++ ++word;
++ }
++ // now when we are word aligned, we can count bits the usual way
++ for ( ;bitcount >= 32; bitcount -= 32)
++ {
++ acc = *word++;
++ BM_INCWORD_BITCOUNT(count, acc);
++ }
++ if (bitcount) // we have a tail to count
++ {
++ acc = (*word) & block_set_table<true>::_left[bitcount-1];
++ BM_INCWORD_BITCOUNT(count, acc);
++ }
++ return count;
+ /*!
+ \brief Compute bitcount of bit block AND masked by GAP block.
+@@ -1825,6 +1891,72 @@ bm::id_t gap_bitset_and_count(const unsigned* block, const T* buf)
+ return count;
+ }
++ Function calculates if there is any number of 1 bits
++ in the given array of words in the range between left anf right bits
++ (borders included). Make sure the addresses are aligned.
++ @ingroup bitfunc
++bm::id_t bit_block_any_range(const bm::word_t* block,
++ bm::word_t left,
++ bm::word_t right)
++ BM_ASSERT(left <= right);
++ unsigned nbit = left; // unsigned(left & bm::set_block_mask);
++ unsigned nword = unsigned(nbit >> bm::set_word_shift);
++ nbit &= bm::set_word_mask;
++ const bm::word_t* word = block + nword;
++ if (left == right) // special case (only 1 bit to check)
++ {
++ return (*word >> nbit) & 1;
++ }
++ unsigned acc;
++ unsigned bitcount = right - left + 1;
++ if (nbit) // starting position is not aligned
++ {
++ unsigned right_margin = nbit + (right - left);
++ if (right_margin < 32)
++ {
++ unsigned mask =
++ block_set_table<true>::_right[nbit] &
++ block_set_table<true>::_left[right_margin];
++ acc = *word & mask;
++ return acc;
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ acc = *word & block_set_table<true>::_right[nbit];
++ if (acc)
++ return acc;
++ bitcount -= 32 - nbit;
++ }
++ ++word;
++ }
++ // now when we are word aligned, we can check bits the usual way
++ for ( ;bitcount >= 32; bitcount -= 32)
++ {
++ acc = *word++;
++ if (acc)
++ return acc;
++ }
++ if (bitcount) // we have a tail to count
++ {
++ acc = (*word) & block_set_table<true>::_left[bitcount-1];
++ if (acc)
++ return acc;
++ }
++ return 0;
+ /*!
+ \brief Bitcount test of bit block AND masked by GAP block.
+@@ -2939,137 +3071,6 @@ bm::id_t bit_block_calc_count_change(const bm::word_t* block,
+ }
+- Function calculates number of 1 bits in the given array of words in
+- the range between left anf right bits (borders included)
+- Make sure the addresses are aligned.
+- @ingroup bitfunc
+-bm::id_t bit_block_calc_count_range(const bm::word_t* block,
+- bm::word_t left,
+- bm::word_t right)
+- BM_ASSERT(left <= right);
+- unsigned nword, nbit;
+- nbit = left & bm::set_word_mask;
+- const bm::word_t* word =
+- block + (nword = unsigned(left >> bm::set_word_shift));
+- if (left == right) // special case (only 1 bit to check)
+- {
+- return (*word >> nbit) & 1;
+- }
+- bm::id_t count = 0;
+- unsigned acc;
+- unsigned bitcount = right - left + 1;
+- if (nbit) // starting position is not aligned
+- {
+- unsigned right_margin = nbit + (right - left);
+- if (right_margin < 32)
+- {
+- unsigned mask =
+- block_set_table<true>::_right[nbit] &
+- block_set_table<true>::_left[right_margin];
+- acc = *word & mask;
+- BM_INCWORD_BITCOUNT(count, acc);
+- return count;
+- }
+- else
+- {
+- acc = *word & block_set_table<true>::_right[nbit];
+- BM_INCWORD_BITCOUNT(count, acc);
+- bitcount -= 32 - nbit;
+- }
+- ++word;
+- }
+- // now when we are word aligned, we can count bits the usual way
+- for ( ;bitcount >= 32; bitcount -= 32)
+- {
+- acc = *word++;
+- BM_INCWORD_BITCOUNT(count, acc);
+- }
+- if (bitcount) // we have a tail to count
+- {
+- acc = (*word) & block_set_table<true>::_left[bitcount-1];
+- BM_INCWORD_BITCOUNT(count, acc);
+- }
+- return count;
+- Function calculates if there is any number of 1 bits
+- in the given array of words in the range between left anf right bits
+- (borders included). Make sure the addresses are aligned.
+- @ingroup bitfunc
+-bm::id_t bit_block_any_range(const bm::word_t* block,
+- bm::word_t left,
+- bm::word_t right)
+- BM_ASSERT(left <= right);
+- unsigned nbit = left; // unsigned(left & bm::set_block_mask);
+- unsigned nword = unsigned(nbit >> bm::set_word_shift);
+- nbit &= bm::set_word_mask;
+- const bm::word_t* word = block + nword;
+- if (left == right) // special case (only 1 bit to check)
+- {
+- return (*word >> nbit) & 1;
+- }
+- unsigned acc;
+- unsigned bitcount = right - left + 1;
+- if (nbit) // starting position is not aligned
+- {
+- unsigned right_margin = nbit + (right - left);
+- if (right_margin < 32)
+- {
+- unsigned mask =
+- block_set_table<true>::_right[nbit] &
+- block_set_table<true>::_left[right_margin];
+- acc = *word & mask;
+- return acc;
+- }
+- else
+- {
+- acc = *word & block_set_table<true>::_right[nbit];
+- if (acc)
+- return acc;
+- bitcount -= 32 - nbit;
+- }
+- ++word;
+- }
+- // now when we are word aligned, we can check bits the usual way
+- for ( ;bitcount >= 32; bitcount -= 32)
+- {
+- acc = *word++;
+- if (acc)
+- return acc;
+- }
+- if (bitcount) // we have a tail to count
+- {
+- acc = (*word) & block_set_table<true>::_left[bitcount-1];
+- if (acc)
+- return acc;
+- }
+- return 0;
+diff --git a/include/util/bitset/bmserial.h b/include/util/bitset/bmserial.h
+index 519cd2b..00f6c01 100644
+--- a/include/util/bitset/bmserial.h
++++ b/include/util/bitset/bmserial.h
+@@ -1381,7 +1381,7 @@ deserializer<BV, DEC>::deserialize_gap(unsigned char btype, decoder_type& dec,
+ case set_block_arrgap:
+ case set_block_arrgap_egamma:
+ {
+- unsigned arr_len = read_id_list(dec, btype, this->id_array_);
++ unsigned arr_len = this->read_id_list(dec, btype, this->id_array_);
+ gap_len = gap_set_array(gap_temp_block_, this->id_array_, arr_len);
+ break;
+ }
+@@ -1390,7 +1390,7 @@ deserializer<BV, DEC>::deserialize_gap(unsigned char btype, decoder_type& dec,
+ (sizeof(gap_word_t) == 2 ? dec.get_16() : dec.get_32());
+ case set_block_arrgap_egamma_inv:
+ case set_block_arrgap_inv:
+- gap_len = read_gap_block(dec, btype, gap_temp_block_, gap_head);
++ gap_len = this->read_gap_block(dec, btype, gap_temp_block_, gap_head);
+ break;
+ default:
+@@ -2763,7 +2763,7 @@ serial_stream_iterator<DEC>::get_gap_block(bm::gap_word_t* dst_block)
+ this->block_type_ == set_block_bit_1bit);
+ BM_ASSERT(dst_block);
+- read_gap_block(this->decoder_,
++ this->read_gap_block(this->decoder_,
+ this->block_type_,
+ dst_block,
+ this->gap_head_);
+diff --git a/include/util/linkedset.hpp b/include/util/linkedset.hpp
+index 0d2cba1..1d09a28 100644
+--- a/include/util/linkedset.hpp
++++ b/include/util/linkedset.hpp
+@@ -422,10 +422,10 @@ public:
+ {
+ iterator iter = m_Container.insert(value);
+ if ( iter == begin() )
+- insertToStart(get(iter));
++ this->insertToStart(get(iter));
+ else {
+ iterator prev = iter;
+- insertAfter(get(--prev), get(iter));
++ this->insertAfter(get(--prev), get(iter));
+ }
+ return iter;
+ }
+@@ -433,10 +433,10 @@ public:
+ void erase(iterator iter)
+ {
+ if ( iter == begin() )
+- removeFromStart(get(iter));
++ this->removeFromStart(get(iter));
+ else {
+ iterator prev = iter;
+- removeAfter(get(--prev), get(iter));
++ this->removeAfter(get(--prev), get(iter));
+ }
+ m_Container.erase(iter);
+ }
+diff --git a/include/util/rangemap.hpp b/include/util/rangemap.hpp
+index 22cf3dd..b30b39d 100644
+--- a/include/util/rangemap.hpp
++++ b/include/util/rangemap.hpp
+@@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ public:
+ // insert element
+ iterator ret;
+ ret.m_Range = range_type::GetWhole();
+- ret.m_SelectIter = insertLevel(selectKey);
++ ret.m_SelectIter = this->insertLevel(selectKey);
+ ret.m_SelectIterEnd = this->m_SelectMap.end();
+ ret.m_LevelIter = ret.m_SelectIter->second.insert(value);
+ return ret;
+diff --git a/src/algo/blast/gumbel_params/njn_approx.hpp b/src/algo/blast/gumbel_params/njn_approx.hpp
+index a79da93..5909cdf 100644
+--- a/src/algo/blast/gumbel_params/njn_approx.hpp
++++ b/src/algo/blast/gumbel_params/njn_approx.hpp
+@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ Contents:
+ #include <corelib/ncbistl.hpp>
+ #include <float.h>
++#include <math.h>
+ BEGIN_SCOPE(blast)
+diff --git a/src/algo/blast/gumbel_params/sls_alp_data.hpp b/src/algo/blast/gumbel_params/sls_alp_data.hpp
+index 5cee936..9ff4a4c 100644
+--- a/src/algo/blast/gumbel_params/sls_alp_data.hpp
++++ b/src/algo/blast/gumbel_params/sls_alp_data.hpp
+@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ Contents: Contains input data
+ #include <float.h>
+ #include <ctime>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
++#include <math.h>
+ #include <limits>
+ #ifndef NCBI_OS_MSWIN
+diff --git a/src/serial/stdtypes.cpp b/src/serial/stdtypes.cpp
+index 6eb0ac3..cdf5356 100644
+--- a/src/serial/stdtypes.cpp
++++ b/src/serial/stdtypes.cpp
+@@ -720,7 +720,7 @@ public:
+ if ( IsSigned() ) {
+ // signed -> unsigned
+ // check for negative value
+- if ( IsNegative(value) )
++ if ( CPrimitiveTypeInfoIntFunctions::IsNegative(value) )
+ ThrowIntegerOverflow();
+ }
+ if ( sizeof(value) > sizeof(result) ) {
+@@ -751,7 +751,7 @@ public:
+ // unsigned -> signed
+ if ( sizeof(value) == sizeof(result) ) {
+ // same size - check for sign change only
+- if ( IsNegative(result) )
++ if ( CPrimitiveTypeInfoIntFunctions::IsNegative(result) )
+ ThrowIntegerOverflow();
+ }
+ }
+@@ -786,7 +786,7 @@ public:
+ if ( IsSigned() ) {
+ // signed -> unsigned
+ // check for negative value
+- if ( IsNegative(value) )
++ if ( CPrimitiveTypeInfoIntFunctions::IsNegative(value) )
+ ThrowIntegerOverflow();
+ }
+ if ( sizeof(value) > sizeof(result) ) {
+@@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ public:
+ // unsigned -> signed
+ if ( sizeof(value) == sizeof(result) ) {
+ // same size - check for sign change only
+- if ( IsNegative(result) )
++ if ( CPrimitiveTypeInfoIntFunctions::IsNegative(result) )
+ ThrowIntegerOverflow();
+ }
+ }