diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'media-libs/ploticus')
4 files changed, 648 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/media-libs/ploticus/ChangeLog b/media-libs/ploticus/ChangeLog
index eb956995232c..c7cf6c459b2e 100644
--- a/media-libs/ploticus/ChangeLog
+++ b/media-libs/ploticus/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
# ChangeLog for media-libs/ploticus
# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-libs/ploticus/ChangeLog,v 1.7 2006/07/16 01:06:13 tsunam Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-libs/ploticus/ChangeLog,v 1.8 2006/07/16 02:09:32 dragonheart Exp $
+*ploticus-2.33 (16 Jul 2006)
+ 16 Jul 2006; Daniel Black <> +files/pl233src.patch,
+ -ploticus-2.30.ebuild, -ploticus-2.31.ebuild, +ploticus-2.33.ebuild:
+ version bump/old version removal
16 Jul 2006; Joshua Jackson <> ploticus-2.32.ebuild:
Stable x86; bug #140108
diff --git a/media-libs/ploticus/files/digest-ploticus-2.33 b/media-libs/ploticus/files/digest-ploticus-2.33
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9c0d732ddf29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-libs/ploticus/files/digest-ploticus-2.33
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+MD5 1e242200e7e52f7a24041c95f58f2fc1 pl233src.tar.gz 467168
+RMD160 ceb199a1b0925a8578ed1c73e2fa25be50b4f13c pl233src.tar.gz 467168
+SHA256 020b1dd3126c591a90dc89e94dde6598c59a524fd0571b40ee384f323a35ca53 pl233src.tar.gz 467168
diff --git a/media-libs/ploticus/files/pl233src.patch b/media-libs/ploticus/files/pl233src.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..50fc46e81356
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-libs/ploticus/files/pl233src.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
+diff -ruN pl233src.orig/src/Makefile pl233src/src/Makefile
+--- pl233src.orig/src/Makefile 2006-06-03 01:31:46.000000000 +1000
++++ pl233src/src/Makefile 2006-07-12 19:06:15.000000000 +1000
+@@ -123,11 +123,11 @@
+ #### For PNG (only) uncomment the following.. (this will use a version of GD that comes
+ #### bundled with ploticus; you need to have libpng and zlib ). Set GD16H if your
+ #### png.h or other header files are in a nonstandard place, eg GD16H = -I/home/scg/lib
+-ploticus: plpng
+-PLPNG = pl
+-GD16LIBS = -lpng -lz
+-GD16H =
++# ploticus: plpng
++# PLPNG = pl
++# GD16LIBS = -lpng -lz
++# GD16H =
++# ZFLAG = -DWZ
+ #### For pseudo-GIF (only) uncomment the following.. (this will use a version of GD that
+@@ -149,18 +149,18 @@
+ #### uncomment the following.. (gd 1.84+, libpng, zlib, libjpeg required). Set GD18H if your
+ #### png.h or other header files are in a nonstandard place, eg GD18H = -I/home/scg/lib
+-# ploticus: plgd18
+-# GD18LIBS = -lgd -lpng -lz -ljpeg
+-# GD18H =
++#ploticus: plgd18
++#GD18LIBS = -lgd -lpng -lz -ljpeg -lfreetype
++#GD18H =
+-# ZFLAG = -DWZ
+ #### For JPEG, WBMP, PNG, and FreeType2, using your copy of GD 1.84+, ######
+ #### uncomment the following.. (gd 1.84+, libpng, zlib, libjpeg, libfreetype ######
+ #### are all required). Set GDFONTPATH to directory containing .ttf files ######
+-# ploticus: plgd18
+-# GD18LIBS = -lgd -lpng -lz -ljpeg -lfreetype
++#ploticus: plgd18
++# GD18LIBS = -lgd -lpng -lz -ljpeg -lfreetype -lfreetype
+ # GD18H =
+ # ZFLAG = -DWZ
+@@ -170,6 +170,10 @@
+ # ploticus: plnogd
++ploticus: $(EXE)
+ ################################################################
+@@ -186,11 +190,11 @@
+ # MINGH = -I/home/scg/lib
+ ####
+ #### Otherwise, for no SWF capability, uncomment the following line..
+ #### If you plan to do a "make install", where do you want the executable(s) to be moved to?
+-BIN = /usr/local/bin
++BIN = /usr/bin
+ #### To set a hard-coded directory for prefabs files, uncomment & edit the following..
+@@ -260,8 +264,8 @@
+ LIBS = $(XLIBS) -lm $(ADDLIBS)
+ OBJ = proc_annotate.o proc_areadef.o proc_axis.o proc_bars.o proc_rect.o proc_breakaxis.o \
+@@ -277,44 +281,44 @@
+ pl: pl.o $(OBJ) $(XOBJ) gd00files gd13files
+- $(CC) pl.o $(FLAGS) $(OBJ) $(GD13) $(GD) $(XOBJ) $(LIBS) $(ZLIB) $(MING) -o $(PL)
++ $(CC) pl.o $(CFLAGS) $(OBJ) $(GD13) $(GD) $(XOBJ) $(LIBS) $(ZLIB) $(MING) -o $(PL)
+ plpng: pl.o $(OBJ) $(XOBJ) gd00files gd16files
+- $(CC) pl.o $(FLAGS) $(OBJ) $(GD16) $(GD) $(XOBJ) $(GD16LIBS) $(LIBS) $(MING) -o $(PLPNG)
++ $(CC) pl.o $(CFLAGS) $(OBJ) $(GD16) $(GD) $(XOBJ) $(GD16LIBS) $(LIBS) $(MING) -o $(PLPNG)
+ gd00files:
+- $(CC) -I./gd13 -I./ -c gdfontg.c gdfontl.c gdfontmb.c gdfonts.c gdfontt.c
++ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -I./gd13 -I./ -c gdfontg.c gdfontl.c gdfontmb.c gdfonts.c gdfontt.c
+ echo "done with gd00files" > gd00files
+ gd13files:
+- $(CC) -c $(WALL) grgd.c -DGD13 -DPLOTICUS -I./gd13 -o grgd13.o
++ $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(WALL) grgd.c -DGD13 -DPLOTICUS -I./gd13 -o grgd13.o
+ $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) devstuff.c -DGD13 -o devstuff13.o
+- $(CC) -c gd13.c -I./gd13
++ $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) gd13.c -I./gd13
+ echo "done with gd13files" > gd13files
+ gd16files:
+- $(CC) -c $(WALL) grgd.c -DGD16 -DPLOTICUS -I./ -I./gd16 -o grgd16.o
++ $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(WALL) grgd.c -DGD16 -DPLOTICUS -I./ -I./gd16 -o grgd16.o
+ $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) devstuff.c -DGD16 -o devstuff16.o
+- $(CC) -c -I./gd16 -I./ $(GD16H) gd16.c gd_io.c gd_io_dp.c gd_io_file.c gd_png.c
++ $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -I./gd16 -I./ $(GD16H) gd16.c gd_io.c gd_io_dp.c gd_io_file.c gd_png.c
+ echo "done with gd16files" > gd16files
+ devgrgd:
+- $(CC) -c $(WALL) grgd.c -DGD13 -DPLOTICUS -I./gd13 -o grgd13.o
++ $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(WALL) grgd.c -DGD13 -DPLOTICUS -I./gd13 -o grgd13.o
+ touch pcode.c
+ make
+ # GD18:
+ plgd18: pl.o $(OBJ) $(XOBJ) gd18files
+- $(CC) $(FLAGS) pl.o grgd.o devstuff.o $(OBJ) $(XOBJ) $(GD18LIBS) $(LIBS) $(MING) -o $(PL)
++ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) pl.o grgd.o devstuff.o $(OBJ) $(XOBJ) $(GD18LIBS) $(LIBS) $(MING) -o $(PL)
+ gd18files:
+- $(CC) -c grgd.c devstuff.c -DGD18 $(GDFREETYPE) $(GD18H) $(CFLAGS)
++ $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) grgd.c devstuff.c -DGD18 $(GDFREETYPE) $(GD18H) $(CFLAGS)
+ # NOGD:
+ plnogd: pl.o $(OBJ) $(XOBJ) nogdfiles
+- $(CC) $(FLAGS) pl.o devstuff.o $(OBJ) $(XOBJ) $(LIBS) $(ZLIB) $(MING) -o $(PL)
++ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) pl.o devstuff.o $(OBJ) $(XOBJ) $(LIBS) $(ZLIB) $(MING) -o $(PL)
+ nogdfiles:
+ $(CC) -c devstuff.c $(CFLAGS)
+@@ -322,7 +326,7 @@
+ install:
+- mv $(EXE) $(BIN)
++ mv $(EXE) $(DESTDIR)$(BIN)
+ clean:
+ $(RMCOM) *.o gd??files
+diff -ruN pl233src.orig/src/Makefile.orig pl233src/src/Makefile.orig
+--- pl233src.orig/src/Makefile.orig 1970-01-01 10:00:00.000000000 +1000
++++ pl233src/src/Makefile.orig 2006-06-03 01:31:46.000000000 +1000
+@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
++######## This Makefile will build the PL program. To build libploticus, see Makefile_api
++######## Root is not required to build ploticus.
++######## This Makefile is READY TO GO for Linux and PNG. For other platforms or
++######## configurations just follow the simple 3-step procedure to choose OS platform,
++######## options, etc.
++######## Then type: make clean; make
++######## The executable(s) will be placed into this directory. Move them to your desired
++######## bin manually or use "make install" (which may require root)
++######## After building, set environment variable PLOTICUS_PREFABS to the full pathname
++######## of the ./prefabs directory.
++######## Unless specifically disabled herein, all ploticus builds can produce PostScript,
++######## EPS, and SVG without needing any external libraries. X11 is available by default
++######## on unix, and requires xlib. Image file output (PNG, GIF, etc) is created using
++######## the GD library (see Step 2 below) which may require certain libraries. GD code
++######## is bundled with ploticus, or you can use your own copy (1.84+) if desired.
++######## SWF output can be enabled if desired (see Step 3).
++######## PLOTICUS data display engine. Software, documentation, and examples.
++######## Copyright 1998-2005 Stephen C. Grubb (
++######## Covered by GPL; see the file ./Copyright for details.
++# defaults..
++CC = gcc
++RMCOM = rm -f
++XOBJ = x11.o interact.o
++PL = pl
++PLPNG = plpng
++BIN = ./
++EXE = pl
++######## Step 1. Select an OS platform. #######
++######## All others should be commented out. #######
++#### For Linux uncomment the following.. #######################
++XLIBS = -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11
++INCLUDEDIRS = -I/usr/X11R6/include
++#### Note: for 64 bit platform I used: XLIBS = -L/usr/X11R6/lib64
++#### For Solaris 2.x uncomment the following.. #################
++# XLIBS = -L/usr/openwin/lib -lX11
++# INCLUDEDIRS = -I/usr/openwin/include
++#### For FreeBSD uncomment the following.. #####################
++# XLIBS = -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11
++# INCLUDEDIRS = -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/local/include
++# ADDLIBS = -L/usr/local/lib
++#### For Windows/NT/MinGW uncomment the following.. ############
++# RMCOM = del
++# XOBJ =
++#### For Max OS X uncomment the following.. ######################
++# CC = cc
++#### with X11..
++# XLIBS = -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11
++# INCLUDEDIRS = -I/usr/X11R6/include
++#### without X11..
++# XLIBS =
++#### For AIX 3.2.5, HP-UX 10.20 uncomment the following.. ########
++# XLIBS = -L /usr/X11/lib -lX11
++# INCLUDEDIRS = -I/usr/X11/include
++## ..note for HP-UX it was necessary to do: ln gd_io.h gd16 by hand to get the png compiled
++#### For SunOS4, Irix, other BSD uncomment the following.. #######
++# XLIBS = -L/usr/lib -lX11
++# INCLUDEDIRS = -I/usr/include
++## ..note the following additional lines were necessary on the Irix system we used: CC = cc FLAGS = -o32
++#### For UnixWare uncomment the following.. ######################
++# XLIBS = -L/usr/X11/lib -lX11
++# INCLUDEDIRS = -I/usr/X11/include
++# ADDLIBS = -lnsl -lresolv -L/usr/ucblib -lucb
++## ..note: the following was necessary on the UnixWare system we used: CC = cc
++#### For MPE/iX uncomment the following.. ########################
++# XLIBS = -L/usr/local/lib -lX11
++# INCLUDEDIRS = -I/usr/local/include
++# CC = /usr/local/bin/gcc
++#### For Cygwin uncomment the following.. ########################
++# XLIBS = -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11
++# INCLUDEDIRS = -I/usr/X11R6/include
++######## Step 2. GD image options ########
++######## Ploticus uses the GD library ( ########
++######## for image creation (PNG, JPEG, WBMP, pseudo-GIF). ########
++######## Several capability combinations are available. ########
++######## Choose ONE of the following... all others should ########
++######## be commented out. ########
++#### For PNG (only) uncomment the following.. (this will use a version of GD that comes
++#### bundled with ploticus; you need to have libpng and zlib ). Set GD16H if your
++#### png.h or other header files are in a nonstandard place, eg GD16H = -I/home/scg/lib
++ploticus: plpng
++PLPNG = pl
++GD16LIBS = -lpng -lz
++GD16H =
++#### For pseudo-GIF (only) uncomment the following.. (this will use a version of GD that
++#### comes bundled with ploticus; no additional libs required)
++# ploticus: pl
++#### For both pseudo-GIF & PNG uncomment the following.. (this will use a version of GD
++#### that comes bundled with ploticus; no additional libs required). Set GD16H if your
++#### png.h or other header files are in a nonstandard place, eg GD16H = -I/home/scg/lib
++# ploticus: pl plpng
++# EXE = pl plpng
++# GD16LIBS = -lpng -lz
++# GD16H =
++#### For JPEG, WBMP, and PNG (without FreeType2), using your copy of GD 1.84+,
++#### uncomment the following.. (gd 1.84+, libpng, zlib, libjpeg required). Set GD18H if your
++#### png.h or other header files are in a nonstandard place, eg GD18H = -I/home/scg/lib
++# ploticus: plgd18
++# GD18LIBS = -lgd -lpng -lz -ljpeg
++# GD18H =
++# ZFLAG = -DWZ
++#### For JPEG, WBMP, PNG, and FreeType2, using your copy of GD 1.84+, ######
++#### uncomment the following.. (gd 1.84+, libpng, zlib, libjpeg, libfreetype ######
++#### are all required). Set GDFONTPATH to directory containing .ttf files ######
++# ploticus: plgd18
++# GD18LIBS = -lgd -lpng -lz -ljpeg -lfreetype
++# GD18H =
++# ZFLAG = -DWZ
++#### To disable all GD image support uncomment the following.. ######################
++# ploticus: plnogd
++######## Step 3. Some other things you might ############
++######## want control over.. ############
++#### If you want SWF (flash) output capability
++#### uncomment the following. You need to have ming library. If necessary change -lming to location of ming.
++#### Note, was successful with ming 0.2a... but problems were noted when attempting with later ming versions..
++# MING = -lming
++# ..and if your ming.h is in a nonstandard place add a line like this:
++# MINGH = -I/home/scg/lib
++#### Otherwise, for no SWF capability, uncomment the following line..
++#### If you plan to do a "make install", where do you want the executable(s) to be moved to?
++BIN = /usr/local/bin
++#### To set a hard-coded directory for prefabs files, uncomment & edit the following..
++#### If done, users won't be required to have PLOTICUS_PREFABS environment variable defined.
++#### This option not available for win32
++# PREFABS_DIR = "/usr/lib/ploticus"
++#### For LOCALE support (non-roman alphabets & collation), uncomment the following..
++# LOCALEOBJ = localef.o
++#### SVG output is always available by default.
++#### If you want compressed SVG (.svgz), and you selected "GIF only" or "disable GD" above,
++#### uncomment the following. You need to have zlib. If necessary change -lz to location of zlib.
++# ZLIB = -lz
++# ZFLAG = -DWZ
++#### To completely remove X11 output capability from any of the above unix builds, uncomment the following..
++# XLIBS =
++# XOBJ =
++#### To completely remove PostScript / EPS output capability, uncomment the following..
++#### To completely remove SVG output capability, uncomment the following..
++#### To completely remove safety limits on cpu time uncomment the following line..
++#### To see all possible compiler warnings, uncomment the following line..
++# WALL = -Wall
++######## Done. Now save this file and type: make clean; make ###########
++######## ###########
++######## FYI... additional Makefile statement examples:
++######## eg: GD16LIBS = /home/scg/lib/libpng.a /home/scg/lib/libz.a
++######## eg: GD16H = -I/home/scg/lib
++######## GD18LIBS = -L /home/scg/lib -lgd -lpng -lz -ljpeg -lfreetype
++######## GD18H = -I/home/scg/lib/freetype-2.0.4/include -I/home/scg/lib/gd-1.8.4
++######## eg: GD18H = -I/home/scg/lib/gd-1.8.4 -I/home/scg/lib/jpeg-6b -I/home/scg/lib -I/home/scg/lib/freetype-2.0.4/include
++######## eg: MINGH = -I/home/scg/lib
++######## eg: MING = /home/scg/lib/libming.a
++#### for basic gd build..
++GD13 = grgd13.o devstuff13.o gd13.o
++GD16 = grgd16.o devstuff16.o gd16.o gd_io.o gd_io_dp.o gd_io_file.o gd_png.o
++GD = gdfontg.o gdfontl.o gdfontmb.o gdfonts.o gdfontt.o
++LIBS = $(XLIBS) -lm $(ADDLIBS)
++OBJ = proc_annotate.o proc_areadef.o proc_axis.o proc_bars.o proc_rect.o proc_breakaxis.o \
++ proc_categories.o proc_curvefit.o proc_settings.o proc_defineunits.o proc_drawcommands.o \
++ proc_getdata.o proc_import.o proc_legend.o proc_legendentry.o proc_line.o proc_lineplot.o \
++ proc_page.o proc_pie.o proc_print.o proc_rangebar.o proc_rangesweep.o proc_usedata.o \
++ proc_scatterplot.o proc_vector.o proc_symbol.o proc_processdata.o proc_tabulate.o proc_venndisk.o clickmap.o\
++ plhead.o execscriptfile.o execline.o lib.o details.o parse.o units.o preliminaries.o \
++ process_arg.o plvalue_subst.o cats.o fieldnames.o autorange.o nearest.o select.o memstuff.o \
++ color.o plg.o init.o arrow.o mark.o block.o pcode.o ps.o svg.o swf.o stub.o winscale.o lineclip.o smoothfit.o \
++ condex.o dates.o dbinterface.o err.o functions.o glroutines.o reslimits.o secondaryops.o \
++ shell.o sinterp.o tdhkit.o times.o value.o value_subst.o variable.o custom.o datetime.o \
++pl: pl.o $(OBJ) $(XOBJ) gd00files gd13files
++ $(CC) pl.o $(FLAGS) $(OBJ) $(GD13) $(GD) $(XOBJ) $(LIBS) $(ZLIB) $(MING) -o $(PL)
++plpng: pl.o $(OBJ) $(XOBJ) gd00files gd16files
++ $(CC) pl.o $(FLAGS) $(OBJ) $(GD16) $(GD) $(XOBJ) $(GD16LIBS) $(LIBS) $(MING) -o $(PLPNG)
++ $(CC) -I./gd13 -I./ -c gdfontg.c gdfontl.c gdfontmb.c gdfonts.c gdfontt.c
++ echo "done with gd00files" > gd00files
++ $(CC) -c $(WALL) grgd.c -DGD13 -DPLOTICUS -I./gd13 -o grgd13.o
++ $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) devstuff.c -DGD13 -o devstuff13.o
++ $(CC) -c gd13.c -I./gd13
++ echo "done with gd13files" > gd13files
++ $(CC) -c $(WALL) grgd.c -DGD16 -DPLOTICUS -I./ -I./gd16 -o grgd16.o
++ $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) devstuff.c -DGD16 -o devstuff16.o
++ $(CC) -c -I./gd16 -I./ $(GD16H) gd16.c gd_io.c gd_io_dp.c gd_io_file.c gd_png.c
++ echo "done with gd16files" > gd16files
++ $(CC) -c $(WALL) grgd.c -DGD13 -DPLOTICUS -I./gd13 -o grgd13.o
++ touch pcode.c
++ make
++# GD18:
++plgd18: pl.o $(OBJ) $(XOBJ) gd18files
++ $(CC) $(FLAGS) pl.o grgd.o devstuff.o $(OBJ) $(XOBJ) $(GD18LIBS) $(LIBS) $(MING) -o $(PL)
++ $(CC) -c grgd.c devstuff.c -DGD18 $(GDFREETYPE) $(GD18H) $(CFLAGS)
++# NOGD:
++plnogd: pl.o $(OBJ) $(XOBJ) nogdfiles
++ $(CC) $(FLAGS) pl.o devstuff.o $(OBJ) $(XOBJ) $(LIBS) $(ZLIB) $(MING) -o $(PL)
++ $(CC) -c devstuff.c $(CFLAGS)
++ mv $(EXE) $(BIN)
++ $(RMCOM) *.o gd??files
+diff -ruN pl233src.orig/src/interact.c pl233src/src/interact.c
+--- pl233src.orig/src/interact.c 2005-01-13 07:28:57.000000000 +1100
++++ pl233src/src/interact.c 2006-07-12 19:03:34.000000000 +1000
+@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@
+ /* =================================== */
+ /* GETCLICK wait until a key or button is hit.. */
+ /* when using postscript, this will do a showpage and return. */
++#ifndef NOX11
+ int
+ PLG_getclick()
+ {
+@@ -87,6 +88,7 @@
+ return( Egetkey( &x, &y, &e ) );
+ }
+ /* ================================ */
+ /* HE This gets called by the X11 driver when we are waiting for an event
+diff -ruN pl233src.orig/src/tdhkit.h pl233src/src/tdhkit.h
+--- pl233src.orig/src/tdhkit.h 2006-06-01 03:36:04.000000000 +1000
++++ pl233src/src/tdhkit.h 2006-07-12 19:03:34.000000000 +1000
+@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
+ #define DATAMAXLEN 256 /* max length of one field - should be same value as VARMAXLEN */
+ /* Variables list */
+-#define MAXVAR 200 /* max number of variables */
++#define MAXVAR 2000 /* max number of variables */
+ #define VARMAXLEN 256 /* max length of variable contents - should be same value as DATAMAXLEN */
+ /* Variable name size */
diff --git a/media-libs/ploticus/ploticus-2.33.ebuild b/media-libs/ploticus/ploticus-2.33.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0e6f127b042e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-libs/ploticus/ploticus-2.33.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-libs/ploticus/ploticus-2.33.ebuild,v 1.1 2006/07/16 02:09:32 dragonheart Exp $
+inherit eutils toolchain-funcs
+DESCRIPTION="A command line application for producing graphs and charts"
+KEYWORDS="~ppc ~x86"
+IUSE="gd flash nls cpulimit svg svgz truetype X"
+ gd? ( >=media-libs/gd-1.84 media-libs/jpeg )
+ flash? ( =media-libs/ming-0.2a )
+ truetype? ( =media-libs/freetype-2* )
+ X? ( || ( x11-libs/libX11 virtual/x11 ) )"
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ # Fixes a problem with NOX11.
+ # Changes the install directory and comments all flash and gd-related
+ # options. (These options will be selectively uncommented later.)
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/${MY_P}.patch
+src_compile() {
+ cd src
+ # ploticus may be compiled using the external libgd, a libgd provided with
+ # the package, or no gd support at all.
+ local MO=""
+ if useq gd; then
+ # PNG and JPEG are supported by default.
+ GD18LIBS="-lgd -lpng -lz -ljpeg"
+ # Note that truetype works only with the external gd lib.
+ if useq truetype; then
+ GD18LIBS="${GD18LIBS} -lfreetype"
+ fi
+ # Set the graphics formats support.
+ # Use the external libgd.
+ MO="${MO} ZFLAG=-DWZ GD18H= GD16H= GDLEVEL=-DGD18=1 plgd18"
+ EXE="plpng"
+ GD16LIBS="${GD18LIBS}"
+ GD18LIBS="${GD18LIBS}"
+ else
+ # No support for libgd at all.
+ # Note that gif and truetype do not work without gd.
+ EXE=plnogd
+ fi
+ # Support for non-roman alphabets and collation.
+ if useq nls; then
+ fi
+ # Support for compressed or uncompressed svg. svgz implies svg. If the
+ # external gd library is used, the svgz format will always be available if
+ # ploticus was compiled with support for svg (even if the svgz flag was not
+ # specified and even if the -svgz flag was used).
+ if useq svgz; then
+ MO="${MO} ZLIB=-lz ZFLAG=-DWZ"
+ elif ! useq svg; then
+ fi
+ # Support for X11 output.
+ if ! useq X; then
+ fi
+ # Support for Flash output.
+ if useq flash; then
+ MO="${MO} MING=-lming"
+ else
+ fi
+ # Support for limiting CPU utilization. (Enabled by default.)
+ if ! useq cpulimit; then
+ fi
+ emake "CC=$(tc-getCC)" ${MO} EXE="${EXE}" GD18LIBS="${GD18LIBS}" \
+ GD16LIBS="${GD16LIBS}" \
+ PREFABS_DIR=/usr/share/ploticus/prefabs ploticus || die
+src_test() {
+ cd ${S}/pltestsuite
+ export PATH="${S}/src:${PATH}"
+ #sed -i -e "s:PL=.*:PL=${S}/src/pl:" run_script_test
+ local TESTS="gif png jpeg eps"
+ useq svg && TESTS="${TESTS} svg"
+ useq svgz && TESTS="${TESTS} svgz"
+ for TEST in ${TESTS};
+ do
+ echo "Testing ${TEST}"
+ echo -e "${TEST}\n" | ./run_script_test
+ cat Diag.out
+ done
+src_install() {
+ dodoc README
+ cd ${S}/src
+ mkdir -p ${D}usr/bin
+ if useq gd; then
+ EXE="pl plpng"
+ else
+ EXE=pl
+ fi
+ emake DESTDIR=${D} EXE="${EXE}" install || die
+ PL_TARGET=/usr/share/${PN}
+ insinto ${PL_TARGET}/prefabs
+ doins ${S}/prefabs/*
+ insinto ${PL_TARGET}/testsuite
+ doins ${S}/pltestsuite/*