target = $this->getLanguage()->getCode(); $this->totals = MessageGroupStats::getEmptyStats(); } public function isIncludable() { return true; } protected function getGroupName() { return 'wiki'; } public function execute( $par ) { $request = $this->getRequest(); $this->purge = $request->getVal( 'action' ) === 'purge'; if ( $this->purge && !$request->wasPosted() ) { $this->showPurgeForm(); return; } $this->table = new StatsTable(); $this->setHeaders(); $this->outputHeader(); $out = $this->getOutput(); $out->addModules( 'ext.translate.special.languagestats' ); $params = explode( '/', $par ); if ( isset( $params[0] ) && trim( $params[0] ) ) { $this->target = $params[0]; } if ( isset( $params[1] ) ) { $this->noComplete = (bool)$params[1]; } if ( isset( $params[2] ) ) { $this->noEmpty = (bool)$params[2]; } // Whether the form has been submitted, only relevant if not including $submitted = !$this->including() && $request->getVal( 'x' ) === 'D'; // Default booleans to false if the form was submitted foreach ( $this->targetValueName as $key ) { $this->target = $request->getVal( $key, $this->target ); } $this->noComplete = $request->getBool( 'suppresscomplete', $this->noComplete && !$submitted ); $this->noEmpty = $request->getBool( 'suppressempty', $this->noEmpty && !$submitted ); if ( !$this->including() ) { $out->addHelpLink( 'Help:Extension:Translate/Statistics_and_reporting' ); $this->addForm(); } if ( $this->isValidValue( $this->target ) ) { $this->outputIntroduction(); $stats = $this->loadStatistics( $this->target, MessageGroupStats::FLAG_CACHE_ONLY ); $output = $this->getTable( $stats ); if ( $this->incomplete ) { $out->wrapWikiMsg( "
", 'translate-langstats-incomplete' ); // $this->purge is only true if request was posted DeferredUpdates::addCallableUpdate( function () { $flags = $this->purge ? MessageGroupStats::FLAG_NO_CACHE : 0; $this->loadStatistics( $this->target, $flags ); } ); } if ( $this->nothing ) { $out->wrapWikiMsg( "
", 'translate-mgs-nothing' ); } $out->addHTML( $output ); } elseif ( $submitted ) { $this->invalidTarget(); } } /** * Get stats * @param string $target For which target to get stats * @param int $flags See MessageGroupStats for possible flags * @return array[] */ protected function loadStatistics( $target, $flags ) { return MessageGroupStats::forLanguage( $target, $flags ); } /** * Return the list of allowed values for target here. * @param string $value * @return array */ protected function isValidValue( $value ) { $langs = Language::fetchLanguageNames(); return isset( $langs[$value] ); } /** * Called when the target is unknown. */ protected function invalidTarget() { $this->getOutput()->wrapWikiMsg( "
", 'translate-page-no-such-language' ); } protected function showPurgeForm() { $formDescriptor[ 'intro' ] = [ 'type' => 'info', 'vertical-label' => true, 'raw' => true, 'default' => $this->msg( 'confirm-purge-top' )->parse() ]; $context = new DerivativeContext( $this->getContext() ); $requestValues = $this->getRequest()->getQueryValues(); HTMLForm::factory( 'ooui', $formDescriptor, $context ) ->setWrapperLegendMsg( 'confirm-purge-title' ) ->setSubmitTextMsg( 'confirm_purge_button' ) ->addHiddenFields( $requestValues ) ->show(); } /** * HTMLForm for the top form rendering. */ protected function addForm() { $formDescriptor[ 'language' ] = [ 'type' => 'text', 'name' => 'language', 'id' => 'language', 'label' => $this->msg( 'translate-language-code-field-name' )->text(), 'size' => 10, 'default' => $this->target, ]; $formDescriptor[ 'suppresscomplete' ] = [ 'type' => 'check', 'label' => $this->msg( 'translate-suppress-complete' )->text(), 'name' => 'suppresscomplete', 'id' => 'suppresscomplete', 'default' => $this->noComplete, ]; $formDescriptor[ 'suppressempty' ] = [ 'type' => 'check', 'label' => $this->msg( 'translate-ls-noempty' )->text(), 'name' => 'suppressempty', 'id' => 'suppressempty', 'default' => $this->noEmpty, ]; $context = new DerivativeContext( $this->getContext() ); $context->setTitle( $this->getPageTitle() ); // Remove subpage $htmlForm = HTMLForm::factory( 'ooui', $formDescriptor, $context ); /* Since these pages are in the tabgroup with Special:Translate, * it makes sense to retain the selected group/language parameter * on post requests even when not relevant to the current page. */ $val = $this->getRequest()->getVal( 'group' ); if ( $val !== null ) { $htmlForm->addHiddenField( 'group', $val ); } $htmlForm ->addHiddenField( 'x', 'D' ) // To detect submission ->setMethod( 'get' ) ->setSubmitTextMsg( 'translate-ls-submit' ) ->setWrapperLegendMsg( 'translate-mgs-fieldset' ) ->prepareForm() ->displayForm( false ); } /** * Output something helpful to guide the confused user. */ protected function outputIntroduction() { $languageName = TranslateUtils::getLanguageName( $this->target, $this->getLanguage()->getCode() ); $rcInLangLink = $this->getLinkRenderer()->makeKnownLink( SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Translate', '!recent' ), $this->msg( 'languagestats-recenttranslations' )->text(), [], [ 'action' => 'proofread', 'language' => $this->target ] ); $out = $this->msg( 'languagestats-stats-for', $languageName )->rawParams( $rcInLangLink ) ->parseAsBlock(); $this->getOutput()->addHTML( $out ); } /** * If workflow states are configured, adds a workflow states column */ protected function addWorkflowStatesColumn() { global $wgTranslateWorkflowStates; if ( $wgTranslateWorkflowStates ) { $this->states = $this->getWorkflowStates(); // An array where keys are state names and values are numbers $this->table->addExtraColumn( $this->msg( 'translate-stats-workflow' ) ); } } protected function getWorkflowStateValue( $target ) { return isset( $this->states[$target] ) ? $this->states[$target] : ''; } /** * If workflow states are configured, adds a cell with the workflow state to the row, * @param String $target Whose workflow state do we want, such as language code or group id. * @param String $state The workflow state id * @return string Html */ protected function getWorkflowStateCell( $target, $state ) { // This will be set by addWorkflowStatesColumn if needed if ( !isset( $this->states ) ) { return ''; } if ( $state === '' ) { return "\n\t\t" . $this->table->element( '', '', -1 ); } if ( $this instanceof SpecialMessageGroupStats ) { // Same for every language $group = MessageGroups::getGroup( $this->target ); $stateConfig = $group->getMessageGroupStates()->getStates(); } else { // The message group for this row $group = MessageGroups::getGroup( $target ); $stateConfig = $group->getMessageGroupStates()->getStates(); } $sortValue = -1; $stateColor = ''; if ( isset( $stateConfig[$state] ) ) { $sortIndex = array_flip( array_keys( $stateConfig ) ); $sortValue = $sortIndex[$state] + 1; if ( is_string( $stateConfig[$state] ) ) { // BC for old configuration format $stateColor = $stateConfig[$state]; } elseif ( isset( $stateConfig[$state]['color'] ) ) { $stateColor = $stateConfig[$state]['color']; } } $stateMessage = $this->msg( "translate-workflow-state-$state" ); $stateText = $stateMessage->isBlank() ? $state : $stateMessage->text(); return "\n\t\t" . $this->table->element( $stateText, $stateColor, $sortValue ); } /** * Returns the table itself. * @param array $stats * @return string HTML */ protected function getTable( $stats ) { $table = $this->table; $this->addWorkflowStatesColumn(); $out = ''; $structure = MessageGroups::getGroupStructure(); foreach ( $structure as $item ) { $out .= $this->makeGroupGroup( $item, $stats ); } if ( $out ) { $table->setMainColumnHeader( $this->msg( 'translate-ls-column-group' ) ); $out = $table->createHeader() . "\n" . $out; $out .= Html::closeElement( 'tbody' ); $out .= Html::openElement( 'tfoot' ); $out .= $table->makeTotalRow( $this->msg( 'translate-languagestats-overall' ), $this->totals ); $out .= Html::closeElement( 'tfoot' ); $out .= Html::closeElement( 'table' ); return $out; } else { $this->nothing = true; return ''; } } /** * Creates a html table row for given (top-level) message group. * If $item is an array, meaning that the first group is an * AggregateMessageGroup and the latter are its children, it will recurse * and create rows for them too. * @param MessageGroup|MessageGroup[] $item * @param array $cache Cache as returned by MessageGroupStats::forLanguage * @param MessageGroup|null $parent MessageGroup (do not use, used internally only) * @return string */ protected function makeGroupGroup( $item, array $cache, MessageGroup $parent = null ) { if ( !is_array( $item ) ) { return $this->makeGroupRow( $item, $cache, $parent ); } // The first group in the array is the parent AggregateMessageGroup $out = ''; $top = array_shift( $item ); $out .= $this->makeGroupRow( $top, $cache, $parent ); // Rest are children foreach ( $item as $subgroup ) { $out .= $this->makeGroupGroup( $subgroup, $cache, $top ); } return $out; } /** * Actually creates the table for single message group, unless it * is blacklisted or hidden by filters. * @param MessageGroup $group * @param array $cache * @param MessageGroup|null $parent * @return string */ protected function makeGroupRow( MessageGroup $group, array $cache, MessageGroup $parent = null ) { $groupId = $group->getId(); if ( $this->table->isBlacklisted( $groupId, $this->target ) !== null ) { return ''; } $stats = $cache[$groupId]; $total = $stats[MessageGroupStats::TOTAL]; $translated = $stats[MessageGroupStats::TRANSLATED]; $fuzzy = $stats[MessageGroupStats::FUZZY]; // Quick checks to see whether filters apply if ( $this->noComplete && $fuzzy === 0 && $translated === $total ) { return ''; } if ( $this->noEmpty && $translated === 0 && $fuzzy === 0 ) { return ''; } if ( $total === null ) { $this->incomplete = true; } // Calculation of summary row values if ( !$group instanceof AggregateMessageGroup && !isset( $this->statsCounted[$groupId] ) ) { $this->totals = MessageGroupStats::multiAdd( $this->totals, $stats ); $this->statsCounted[$groupId] = true; } $state = $this->getWorkflowStateValue( $groupId ); // Place any state checks like $this->incomplete above this $params = $stats; $params[] = $state; $params[] = md5( $groupId ); $params[] = $this->getLanguage()->getCode(); $params[] = md5( $this->target ); $cachekey = wfMemcKey( __METHOD__, implode( '-', $params ) ); $cacheval = wfGetCache( CACHE_ANYTHING )->get( $cachekey ); if ( is_string( $cacheval ) ) { return $cacheval; } $extra = []; if ( $translated === $total ) { $extra = [ 'action' => 'proofread' ]; } $rowParams = []; $rowParams['data-groupid'] = $groupId; $rowParams['class'] = get_class( $group ); if ( $parent ) { $rowParams['data-parentgroup'] = $parent->getId(); } $out = "\t" . Html::openElement( 'tr', $rowParams ); $out .= "\n\t\t" . Html::rawElement( 'td', [], $this->table->makeGroupLink( $group, $this->target, $extra ) ); $out .= $this->table->makeNumberColumns( $stats ); $out .= $this->getWorkflowStateCell( $groupId, $state ); $out .= "\n\t" . Html::closeElement( 'tr' ) . "\n"; wfGetCache( CACHE_ANYTHING )->set( $cachekey, $out, 3600 * 24 ); return $out; } protected function getWorkflowStates( $field = 'tgr_group', $filter = 'tgr_lang' ) { $db = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA ); $res = $db->select( 'translate_groupreviews', [ 'tgr_state', $field ], [ $filter => $this->target ], __METHOD__ ); $states = []; foreach ( $res as $row ) { $states[$row->$field] = $row->tgr_state; } return $states; } }