{ "@metadata": { "authors": [ "EugeneZelenko", "Nike", "Purodha", "Shirayuki", "Umherirrender" ] }, "disableaccount-desc": "{{desc|name=Disable Account|url=https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:DisableAccount}}", "right-disableaccount": "{{doc-right|disableaccount}}", "action-disableaccount": "{{doc-action|disableaccount}}", "disableaccount": "{{doc-special|DisableAccount|unlisted=1}}", "disableaccount-user": "{{Identical|Username}}", "disableaccount-confirm": "{{doc-singularthey}}\nA system administrator here is one having access to the system the wiki is running on beyond that of a sysop or a bureaucrat. In Wikimedia terminology they have 'shell access'. This message refers to \"no return without direct database changes.\"\n\nUsed as label for the checkbox.\n\nThe confirmation message for this checkbox is:\n* {{msg-mw|Disableaccount-mustconfirm}}", "disableaccount-mustconfirm": "Used as confirmation message for the checkbox which has the following label:\n* {{msg-mw|Disableaccount-confirm}}", "disableaccount-nosuchuser": "Used as result of username validation. Parameters:\n* $1 - username", "disableaccount-success": "Used as success message. Parameters:\n* $1 - username", "logentry-block-disableaccount": "{{Logentry}}\nAdditional parameters:\n* $4 - username, for GENDER support" }