# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Id$ EAPI=6 : ${CMAKE_MAKEFILE_GENERATOR:=ninja} # (needed due to CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE != Gentoo) CMAKE_MIN_VERSION=3.7.0-r1 PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 ) inherit check-reqs cmake-utils flag-o-matic git-r3 multilib-minimal \ python-single-r1 toolchain-funcs pax-utils versionator DESCRIPTION="C language family frontend for LLVM" HOMEPAGE="http://llvm.org/" SRC_URI="" EGIT_REPO_URI="http://llvm.org/git/clang.git https://github.com/llvm-mirror/clang.git" # Keep in sync with sys-devel/llvm ALL_LLVM_TARGETS=( AArch64 AMDGPU ARM BPF Hexagon Lanai Mips MSP430 NVPTX PowerPC RISCV Sparc SystemZ X86 XCore ) ALL_LLVM_TARGETS=( "${ALL_LLVM_TARGETS[@]/#/llvm_targets_}" ) LLVM_TARGET_USEDEPS=${ALL_LLVM_TARGETS[@]/%/?} LICENSE="UoI-NCSA" SLOT="0/$(get_major_version)" KEYWORDS="" IUSE="debug default-compiler-rt default-libcxx +doc multitarget python +static-analyzer test xml elibc_musl kernel_FreeBSD ${ALL_LLVM_TARGETS[*]}" RDEPEND=" ~sys-devel/llvm-${PV}:=[debug=,${LLVM_TARGET_USEDEPS// /,},${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] static-analyzer? ( dev-lang/perl:* ) xml? ( dev-libs/libxml2:2=[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] ) ! clang-X.Y # - clang++, clang-cl, clang-cpp -> clang # we want to have: # - clang-X.Y # - clang++-X.Y, clang-cl-X.Y, clang-cpp-X.Y -> clang-X.Y # - clang, clang++, clang-cl, clang-cpp -> clang*-X.Y # also in CHOST variant for i in "${clang_tools[@]:1}"; do rm "${ED%/}/usr/bin/${i}" || die dosym "clang-${clang_version}" "/usr/bin/${i}-${clang_version}" dosym "${i}-${clang_version}" "/usr/bin/${i}" done # now create target symlinks for all supported ABIs for abi in $(get_all_abis); do local abi_chost=$(get_abi_CHOST "${abi}") for i in "${clang_tools[@]}"; do dosym "${i}-${clang_version}" \ "/usr/bin/${abi_chost}-${i}-${clang_version}" dosym "${abi_chost}-${i}-${clang_version}" \ "/usr/bin/${abi_chost}-${i}" done done # Remove unnecessary headers on FreeBSD, bug #417171 if use kernel_FreeBSD; then rm "${ED}"usr/lib/clang/${llvm_version}/include/{std,float,iso,limits,tgmath,varargs}*.h || die fi } multilib_src_install() { cmake-utils_src_install # move headers to include/ to get them checked for ABI mismatch # (then to the correct directory in src_install()) insinto /usr/include/clangrt doins -r "${ED}usr/$(get_libdir)/clang"/. rm -r "${ED}usr/$(get_libdir)/clang" || die } multilib_src_install_all() { if use python ; then pushd bindings/python/clang >/dev/null || die python_moduleinto clang python_domodule *.py popd >/dev/null || die fi python_fix_shebang "${ED}" if use static-analyzer; then python_optimize "${ED}"usr/share/scan-view fi }