# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=7 inherit linux-info systemd toolchain-funcs DESCRIPTION="Tvheadend is a TV streaming server and digital video recorder" HOMEPAGE="https://tvheadend.org/" SRC_URI="https://github.com/${PN}/${PN}/archive/v${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz" LICENSE="GPL-3" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~x86" IUSE="+capmt +constcw +cwc dbus debug dvbcsa dvben50221 +dvb +ffmpeg hdhomerun +imagecache +inotify iptv libressl satip systemd +timeshift uriparser xmltv zeroconf zlib" BDEPEND=" sys-devel/gettext virtual/pkgconfig" RDEPEND=" acct-user/tvheadend virtual/libiconv dbus? ( sys-apps/dbus ) dvbcsa? ( media-libs/libdvbcsa ) dvben50221? ( media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-apps ) ffmpeg? ( media-video/ffmpeg:0= ) hdhomerun? ( media-libs/libhdhomerun ) !libressl? ( dev-libs/openssl:0= ) libressl? ( dev-libs/libressl:= ) uriparser? ( dev-libs/uriparser ) zeroconf? ( net-dns/avahi ) zlib? ( sys-libs/zlib )" DEPEND=" ${RDEPEND} dvb? ( virtual/linuxtv-dvb-headers )" RDEPEND+=" dvb? ( media-tv/dtv-scan-tables ) xmltv? ( media-tv/xmltv )" REQUIRED_USE="dvbcsa? ( || ( capmt constcw cwc dvben50221 ) )" # Some patches from: # https://github.com/rpmfusion/tvheadend PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-4.0.9-use_system_queue.patch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-4.2.{1,8}-hdhomerun.patch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-4.2.2-dtv_scan_tables.patch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-4.2.7-python3.patch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-4.2.8-gcc9.patch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-4.2.8-no-dvb-fix.patch ) DOCS=( README.md ) pkg_setup() { use inotify && CONFIG_CHECK="~INOTIFY_USER" linux-info_pkg_setup } src_configure() { CC="$(tc-getCC)" \ PKG_CONFIG="${CHOST}-pkg-config" \ econf \ --disable-bundle \ --disable-ccache \ --disable-dvbscan \ --disable-ffmpeg_static \ --disable-hdhomerun_static \ --nowerror \ $(use_enable capmt) \ $(use_enable constcw) \ $(use_enable cwc) \ $(use_enable dbus dbus_1) \ $(use_enable debug trace) \ $(use_enable dvb linuxdvb) \ $(use_enable dvbcsa) \ $(use_enable dvben50221) \ $(use_enable ffmpeg libav) \ $(use_enable hdhomerun hdhomerun_client) \ $(use_enable imagecache) \ $(use_enable inotify) \ $(use_enable iptv) \ $(use_enable satip satip_server) \ $(use_enable satip satip_client) \ $(use_enable systemd libsystemd_daemon) \ $(use_enable timeshift) \ $(use_enable uriparser) \ $(use_enable zeroconf avahi) \ $(use_enable zlib) } src_compile() { emake CC="$(tc-getCC)" } src_install() { default newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/tvheadend.initd tvheadend newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/tvheadend.confd tvheadend use systemd && systemd_dounit "${FILESDIR}"/tvheadend.service } pkg_postinst() { elog "The Tvheadend web interface can be reached at:" elog "http://localhost:9981/" elog elog "Make sure that you change the default username" elog "and password via the Configuration / Access control" elog "tab in the web interface." . "${EROOT}"/etc/conf.d/tvheadend &>/dev/null if [[ ${TVHEADEND_CONFIG} = ${EPREFIX}/etc/tvheadend ]]; then echo ewarn "The HOME directory for the tvheadend user has changed from" ewarn "${EPREFIX}/etc/tvheadend to ${EPREFIX}/var/lib/tvheadend. The daemon will continue" ewarn "to use the old location until you update TVHEADEND_CONFIG in" ewarn "${EPREFIX}/etc/conf.d/tvheadend. Please manually move your existing files" ewarn "before you do so." fi }