diff options
authorViolet Purcell <>2023-08-02 19:44:28 -0400
committerFlorian Schmaus <>2023-08-03 09:45:27 +0200
commit0bebe3a941aedb5fdeb148c24b4f4b3771c09954 (patch)
tree0faae8ae6cd0907e4a6a6e9f1b2b220e2df606d2 /net-dns
parentnet-ftp/filezilla: add dev-libs/boost as dependency for version 3.65.0 (diff)
net-dns/knot: add 3.2.9
Includes fix for bug in knsupdate: Signed-off-by: Violet Purcell <> Closes: Signed-off-by: Florian Schmaus <>
Diffstat (limited to 'net-dns')
2 files changed, 122 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net-dns/knot/Manifest b/net-dns/knot/Manifest
index e1aa6387d36b..c52dee9cd1eb 100644
--- a/net-dns/knot/Manifest
+++ b/net-dns/knot/Manifest
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
DIST knot-3.1.5.tar.xz 1414500 BLAKE2B c05fcd9e99d4c7dba03ad9fd9a1131ca4c2556d4911640ef929e68d4caea26ae69ddc61fa19f8c3c4f29efcd0c4c2e47593e86a0ac1826cc96c25f2fe4145bab SHA512 3a8cf04a2d65e04343a70009d43796ae00bf09e34348119b55ba70dac7deb7ff42906d88ef0e413d33dec28a952396a51781dee96727c0c2047b4c5ade54e6fa
DIST knot-3.1.9.tar.xz 1441408 BLAKE2B 383829107bef6b35cbef3c531bc91050e7742ca930bf6645c25cab04203ee360837808c3b5342089ce9ba9ee704290ab95b2f76172577d251c6a9c18796245a0 SHA512 e4ba1c006edcde2dc820e74c39df7a8b8983dfb2d8b8845ac759c6c67dfaabc5aae38282995ed92879a683665c0c179502858631c89ad53c2738f79df951eef7
DIST knot-3.2.2.tar.xz 1632748 BLAKE2B 185567dc883f946570fe60cd7d01d96162c5f13ac84330e5551c293b5011c162401fd25ddbdb43bf9242e13c3cdc8225be107dc579619fe54c05335601cd27ae SHA512 29fadb96c1ea525c6183f9e7552f4ad370579b67d74aec1910a92d561cc2c5656fd7876015f29161d279a07c23643f6584308bf9fa0e74d351b17af54e5e9a7f
+DIST knot-3.2.9.tar.xz 1642600 BLAKE2B 2c81b2afa96c6077778c3458b2ddeeb8b47ea99607ba755a904278f9755a32171738418ea442b1e6b4afcebe0db2c86e68845d38f8e78342b8354411d1e34af8 SHA512 baf8da222e38198c85fa62e45e71b29ddac7c90433b811710ace1e0395e6e7b5d63547ce8f3a62792ee11259ec2e36d6ddd8fff999416f9171671444a95086cf
diff --git a/net-dns/knot/knot-3.2.9.ebuild b/net-dns/knot/knot-3.2.9.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c7ee613bcd99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-dns/knot/knot-3.2.9.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2023 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit flag-o-matic systemd
+# subslot: libknot major.libdnssec major.libzscanner major
+DESCRIPTION="High-performance authoritative-only DNS server"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~riscv ~x86"
+ "+cookies"
+ "+dnsproxy"
+ "dnstap"
+ "geoip"
+ "+noudp"
+ "+onlinesign"
+ "+queryacl"
+ "+rrl"
+ "+stats"
+ "+synthrecord"
+ "+whoami"
+IUSE="doc caps doh +fastparser idn +libidn2 quic systemd +utils xdp ${KNOT_MODULES[@]}"
+ acct-group/knot
+ acct-user/knot
+ dev-db/lmdb:=
+ dev-libs/libedit
+ dev-libs/userspace-rcu:=
+ dev-python/lmdb:=
+ net-libs/gnutls:=
+ caps? ( sys-libs/libcap-ng )
+ dnstap? (
+ dev-libs/fstrm
+ dev-libs/protobuf-c:=
+ )
+ doh? ( net-libs/nghttp2:= )
+ geoip? ( dev-libs/libmaxminddb:= )
+ idn? (
+ !libidn2? ( net-dns/libidn:0= !net-dns/libidn2 )
+ libidn2? ( net-dns/libidn2:= )
+ )
+ quic? ( net-libs/ngtcp2:=[gnutls] )
+ systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd:= )
+ xdp? (
+ dev-libs/libbpf:=
+ net-libs/libmnl:=
+ )
+ virtual/pkgconfig
+ doc? ( dev-python/sphinx )
+src_configure() {
+ local u
+ local my_conf=(
+ --with-storage="${EPREFIX}/var/lib/${PN}"
+ --with-rundir="${EPREFIX}/var/run/${PN}"
+ $(use_enable caps cap_ng)
+ $(use_enable fastparser)
+ $(use_enable dnstap)
+ $(use_enable doc documentation)
+ $(use_enable quic)
+ $(use_enable utils utilities)
+ $(use_enable xdp)
+ --enable-systemd=$(usex systemd)
+ $(use_with idn libidn)
+ $(use_with doh libnghttp2)
+ )
+ for u in "${KNOT_MODULES[@]#+}"; do
+ my_conf+=("$(use_with ${u} module-${u})")
+ done
+ if use riscv; then
+ append-libs -latomic
+ fi
+ econf "${my_conf[@]}"
+src_compile() {
+ default
+ use doc && emake -C doc html
+src_test() {
+ emake check
+src_install() {
+ use doc && local HTML_DOCS=( doc/_build/html/{*.html,*.js,_sources,_static} )
+ default
+ rmdir "${D}/var/run/${PN}" "${D}/var/run/" || die
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}/knot.init" knot
+ if use systemd; then
+ systemd_newunit "${FILESDIR}/knot-1.service" knot.service
+ fi
+ find "${D}" -name '*.la' -delete || die
+ keepdir /var/lib/knot