diff options
authorUlrich Müller <>2015-11-22 14:27:45 +0100
committerUlrich Müller <>2015-11-22 14:37:01 +0100
commit7b3ebbc0eeb0ad18db170c1ffc38dee3da8eff7d (patch)
treeade94e68edfe05e4c389ecf06eaafcdb72c65ade /dev-lisp/clozurecl
parentdev-python/python-heatclient: remove version 0.5.0 (diff)
dev-lisp/clozurecl: QA: Revert "fix bug with the ~e format"
Apparently EAPI 6 still breaks infra's metadata generation, therefore temporarily reverting this. This reverts commit 80832b5eb0eb27505045760cff5e04230d4f08e2.
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-lisp/clozurecl')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 222 deletions
diff --git a/dev-lisp/clozurecl/clozurecl-1.11-r1.ebuild b/dev-lisp/clozurecl/clozurecl-1.11-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a39a3a71920..000000000000
--- a/dev-lisp/clozurecl/clozurecl-1.11-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-inherit eutils multilib toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="Common Lisp implementation, derived from Digitool's MCL product"
- x86? (${PV}/${MY_P}-linuxx86.tar.gz )
- amd64? (${PV}/${MY_P}-linuxx86.tar.gz )
- doc? ( )"
- # ppc? (${PV}/${MY_P}-linuxppc.tar.gz )
- # ppc64? (${PV}/${MY_P}-linuxppc.tar.gz )"
-# KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~x86"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
- !dev-lisp/openmcl"
-PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}"/ccl-format.patch )
-src_configure() {
- if use x86; then
- CCL_RUNTIME=lx86cl; CCL_HEADERS=x86-headers; CCL_KERNEL=linuxx8632
- elif use amd64; then
- CCL_RUNTIME=lx86cl64; CCL_HEADERS=x86-headers64; CCL_KERNEL=linuxx8664
- elif use ppc; then
- CCL_RUNTIME=ppccl; CCL_HEADERS=headers; CCL_KERNEL=linuxppc
- elif use ppc64; then
- CCL_RUNTIME=ppccl64; CCL_HEADERS=headers64; CCL_KERNEL=linuxppc64
- fi
-src_prepare() {
- default
- cp /usr/share/common-lisp/source/asdf/build/asdf.lisp tools/ || die
-src_compile() {
- emake -C lisp-kernel/${CCL_KERNEL} clean
- emake -C lisp-kernel/${CCL_KERNEL} all CC="$(tc-getCC)"
- ./${CCL_RUNTIME} -n -b -Q -e '(ccl:rebuild-ccl :full t)' -e '(ccl:quit)' || die "Compilation failed"
- # remove non-owner write permissions on the full-image
- chmod go-w ${CCL_RUNTIME}{,.image} || die
- esvn_clean
-src_install() {
- local install_dir=/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}
- exeinto ${install_dir}
- # install executable
- doexe ${CCL_RUNTIME}
- # install core image
- cp ${CCL_RUNTIME}.image "${D}"/${install_dir} || die
- # install optional libraries
- dodir ${install_dir}/tools
- cp tools/*fsl "${D}"/${install_dir}/tools || die
- # until we figure out which source files are necessary for runtime
- # optional features and which aren't, we install all sources
- find . -type f -name '*fsl' -delete || die
- rm -f lisp-kernel/${CCL_KERNEL}/*.o || die
- cp -a compiler level-0 level-1 lib library \
- lisp-kernel scripts tools xdump contrib \
- "${D}"/${install_dir} || die
- cp -a ${CCL_HEADERS} "${D}"/${install_dir} || die
- make_wrapper ccl "${install_dir}/${CCL_RUNTIME}"
- echo "CCL_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY=${install_dir}" > "${ENVD}"
- doenvd "${ENVD}"
- dodoc doc/release-notes.txt
- use doc && dodoc "${DISTDIR}"/ccl.html
- use doc && dodoc -r examples
diff --git a/dev-lisp/clozurecl/files/ccl-format.patch b/dev-lisp/clozurecl/files/ccl-format.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c2df37c2b870..000000000000
--- a/dev-lisp/clozurecl/files/ccl-format.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-diff -r -U1 ccl.orig/lib/format.lisp ccl/lib/format.lisp
---- ccl.orig/lib/format.lisp 2015-11-07 02:10:10.000000000 +0600
-+++ ccl/lib/format.lisp 2015-11-20 22:51:51.736191995 +0600
-@@ -1296,5 +1296,2 @@
- ;;; Given a non-negative floating point number, SCALE-EXPONENT returns a
-@@ -1305,41 +1302,74 @@
--(defconstant long-log10-of-2 0.30103d0)
--(defun scale-exponent (x)
-- (if (floatp x )
-- (scale-expt-aux (abs x) 0.0d0 1.0d0 1.0d1 1.0d-1 long-log10-of-2)
-- (report-bad-arg x 'float)))
--#|this is the slisp code that was in the place of the error call above.
-- before floatp was put in place of shortfloatp.
-- ;(scale-expt-aux x (%sp-l-float 0) (%sp-l-float 1) %long-float-ten
-- ; %long-float-one-tenth long-log10-of-2)))
--; this dies with floating point overflow (?) if fed least-positive-double-float
--(defun scale-expt-aux (x zero one ten one-tenth log10-of-2)
-- (let ((exponent (nth-value 1 (decode-float x))))
-- (if (= x zero)
-- (values zero 1)
-- (let* ((e (round (* exponent log10-of-2)))
-- (x (if (minusp e) ;For the end ranges.
-- (* x ten (expt ten (- -1 e)))
-- (/ x ten (expt ten (1- e))))))
-- (do ((d ten (* d ten))
-- (y x (/ x d))
-- (e e (1+ e)))
-- ((< y one)
-- (do ((m ten (* m ten))
-- (z y (* z m))
-- (e e (1- e)))
-- ((>= z one-tenth) (values x e)))))))))
--(defun scale-exponent (n)
-- (let ((exp (nth-value 1 (decode-float n))))
-- (values (round (* exp long-log10-of-2)))))
-+(defconstant single-float-min-e
-+ (nth-value 1 (decode-float least-positive-single-float)))
-+(defconstant double-float-min-e
-+ (nth-value 1 (decode-float least-positive-double-float)))
-+;;; Adapted from CMUCL.
-+;; This is a modified version of the scale computation from Burger and
-+;; Dybvig's paper "Printing floating-point quickly and accurately."
-+;; We only want the exponent, so most things not needed for the
-+;; computation of the exponent have been removed. We also implemented
-+;; the floating-point log approximation given in Burger and Dybvig.
-+;; This is very noticeably faster for large and small numbers. It is
-+;; slower for intermediate sized numbers.
-+(defun accurate-scale-exponent (v)
-+ (declare (type float v))
-+ (if (zerop v)
-+ 1
-+ (let ((float-radix 2) ; b
-+ (float-digits (float-digits v)) ; p
-+ (min-e
-+ (etypecase v
-+ (single-float single-float-min-e)
-+ (double-float double-float-min-e))))
-+ (multiple-value-bind (f e)
-+ (integer-decode-float v)
-+ (let ( ;; FIXME: these even tests assume normal IEEE rounding
-+ ;; mode. I wonder if we should cater for non-normal?
-+ (high-ok (evenp f)))
-+ ;; We only want the exponent here.
-+ (labels ((flog (x)
-+ (declare (type (float (0.0)) x))
-+ (let ((xd (etypecase x
-+ (single-float
-+ (float x 1d0))
-+ (double-float
-+ x))))
-+ (ceiling (- (the (double-float -400d0 400d0)
-+ (log xd 10d0))
-+ 1d-10))))
-+ (fixup (r s m+ k)
-+ (if (if high-ok
-+ (>= (+ r m+) s)
-+ (> (+ r m+) s))
-+ (+ k 1)
-+ k))
-+ (scale (r s m+)
-+ (let* ((est (flog v))
-+ (scale (the integer (10-to-e (abs est)))))
-+ (if (>= est 0)
-+ (fixup r (* s scale) m+ est)
-+ (fixup (* r scale) s (* m+ scale) est)))))
-+ (let (r s m+)
-+ (if (>= e 0)
-+ (let* ((be (expt float-radix e))
-+ (be1 (* be float-radix)))
-+ (if (/= f (expt float-radix (1- float-digits)))
-+ (setf r (* f be 2)
-+ s 2
-+ m+ be)
-+ (setf r (* f be1 2)
-+ s (* float-radix 2)
-+ m+ be1)))
-+ (if (or (= e min-e)
-+ (/= f (expt float-radix (1- float-digits))))
-+ (setf r (* f 2)
-+ s (* (expt float-radix (- e)) 2)
-+ m+ 1)
-+ (setf r (* f float-radix 2)
-+ s (* (expt float-radix (- 1 e)) 2)
-+ m+ float-radix)))
-+ (scale r s m+))))))))
-@@ -1922,3 +1952,3 @@
- (format-error "incompatible values for k and d")))
-- (when (not exp) (setq exp (scale-exponent number)))
-+ (when (not exp) (setq exp (accurate-scale-exponent (abs number))))