# ChangeLog for sys-fs/vhba # Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-fs/vhba/ChangeLog,v 1.2 2008/05/20 18:08:38 zzam Exp $ 20 May 2008; Matthias Schwarzott vhba-1.0.0.ebuild: Remove redundant linux-info_pkg_setup call. *vhba-1.0.0 (19 May 2008) 19 May 2008; Marcelo Goes +files/vhba-1.0.0-makefile.patch, +files/vhba-1.0.0-scatterlist.patch, +files/vhba-1.0.0-scsicmnd.patch, +metadata.xml, +vhba-1.0.0.ebuild: Add vhba for bug 198672 - userspace cdemu. Thanks to Daniel Lin , Daniel Fullmer , Sebastian Stammler , Rafal Muzylo , Jan Bessai , Pham Ngoc Hai , Petr Sykora , Dirk Best , Marcel Schmedes , Vladi , Ambroz BIzjak and anyone I missed.