# ChangeLog for net-misc/omniORB # Copyright 2002 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.; Distributed under the GPL # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-misc/omniORB/ChangeLog,v 1.6 2002/08/10 04:34:22 george Exp $ *omniORB-305 (25 Jul 2002) 09 Aug 2002; George Shapovalov omniORB-305.ebuild : fixed the ldconfig complaint issue: this version was creating symlinks to the libs and dolib was copying them as regular files. Changed to cp -d one issue remains: ebuild omniORB-305.ebuild qmerge or emerge omniORB -b will break while invokying pkg_postinst function - FILESDIR gets assigned path under ${D} instead of the right one (plain emerge works fine) However this is a portage issue (and has been noticed for a few other packages) Submitted a bug report, should go away as it gets fixed in portage. 08 Aug 2002; phoen][x files/omniORB.305 omniORB-305.ebuild : Bumped the init.d file to omniORB.305; removed notifd from and fixed the killall command. Incorporated this change in the ebuild. 25 Jul 2002; George Shapovalov omniORB-305.ebuild : new version fixes few bugs. Also omniORBpy is included, however omniNotify is not (and is absent form the site) BTW, omniORB is now on sourceforge, old location looks deserted for some time. sandbox violation in omniORB-304-r6.ebuild reported by Jean-Michel Smith corrected omniORB-304-r6.ebuild and mkomnistubs submitted by Matthias Sessler *omniORB-304-r7 (11 Jul 2002) 11 Jul 2002; Brandon Low omniORB-304-r7.ebuild : Misc ebuild updates ( from 's tree) plust adding in the omniORB folks' bugfixes patch. *omniORB-304-r6 (09 Jul 2002) 09 Jul 2002; phoen][x omniORB-304-r6.ebuild : Added KEYWORDS, LICENSE, SLOT. 1 Feb 2002; G.Bevin ChangeLog : Added initial ChangeLog which should be updated whenever the package is updated in any way. This changelog is targetted to users. This means that the comments should well explained and written in clean English. The details about writing correct changelogs are explained in the skel.ChangeLog file which you can find in the root directory of the portage repository. *omniORB-304 (?? ???? ????) 09 Jul 2002; phoen][x omniORB-304.ebuild : Added KEYWORDS, LICENSE, SLOT.