# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/eclass/linux-info.eclass,v 1.96 2013/01/24 20:47:23 vapier Exp $ # @ECLASS: linux-info.eclass # @MAINTAINER: # kernel-misc@gentoo.org # @AUTHOR: # Original author: John Mylchreest <johnm@gentoo.org> # @BLURB: eclass used for accessing kernel related information # @DESCRIPTION: # This eclass is used as a central eclass for accessing kernel # related information for source or binary already installed. # It is vital for linux-mod.eclass to function correctly, and is split # out so that any ebuild behaviour "templates" are abstracted out # using additional eclasses. # # "kernel config" in this file means: # The .config of the currently installed sources is used as the first # preference, with a fall-back to bundled config (/proc/config.gz) if available. # # Before using any of the config-handling functions in this eclass, you must # ensure that one of the following functions has been called (in order of # preference), otherwise you will get bugs like #364041): # linux-info_pkg_setup # linux-info_get_any_version # get_version # get_running_version # A Couple of env vars are available to effect usage of this eclass # These are as follows: # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: KERNEL_DIR # @DESCRIPTION: # A string containing the directory of the target kernel sources. The default value is # "/usr/src/linux" # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: CONFIG_CHECK # @DESCRIPTION: # A string containing a list of .config options to check for before # proceeding with the install. # # e.g.: CONFIG_CHECK="MTRR" # # You can also check that an option doesn't exist by # prepending it with an exclamation mark (!). # # e.g.: CONFIG_CHECK="!MTRR" # # To simply warn about a missing option, prepend a '~'. # It may be combined with '!'. # # In general, most checks should be non-fatal. The only time fatal checks should # be used is for building kernel modules or cases that a compile will fail # without the option. # # This is to allow usage of binary kernels, and minimal systems without kernel # sources. # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: ERROR_<CFG> # @DESCRIPTION: # A string containing the error message to display when the check against CONFIG_CHECK # fails. <CFG> should reference the appropriate option used in CONFIG_CHECK. # # e.g.: ERROR_MTRR="MTRR exists in the .config but shouldn't!!" # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: KBUILD_OUTPUT # @DESCRIPTION: # A string passed on commandline, or set from the kernel makefile. It contains the directory # which is to be used as the kernel object directory. # There are also a couple of variables which are set by this, and shouldn't be # set by hand. These are as follows: # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: KV_FULL # @DESCRIPTION: # A read-only variable. It's a string containing the full kernel version. ie: 2.6.9-gentoo-johnm-r1 # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: KV_MAJOR # @DESCRIPTION: # A read-only variable. It's an integer containing the kernel major version. ie: 2 # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: KV_MINOR # @DESCRIPTION: # A read-only variable. It's an integer containing the kernel minor version. ie: 6 # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: KV_PATCH # @DESCRIPTION: # A read-only variable. It's an integer containing the kernel patch version. ie: 9 # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: KV_EXTRA # @DESCRIPTION: # A read-only variable. It's a string containing the kernel EXTRAVERSION. ie: -gentoo # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: KV_LOCAL # @DESCRIPTION: # A read-only variable. It's a string containing the kernel LOCALVERSION concatenation. ie: -johnm # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: KV_DIR # @DESCRIPTION: # A read-only variable. It's a string containing the kernel source directory, will be null if # KERNEL_DIR is invalid. # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: KV_OUT_DIR # @DESCRIPTION: # A read-only variable. It's a string containing the kernel object directory, will be KV_DIR unless # KBUILD_OUTPUT is used. This should be used for referencing .config. # And to ensure all the weirdness with crosscompile inherit toolchain-funcs versionator EXPORT_FUNCTIONS pkg_setup DEPEND="" RDEPEND="" # Overwritable environment Var's # --------------------------------------- KERNEL_DIR="${KERNEL_DIR:-${ROOT}usr/src/linux}" # Bug fixes # fix to bug #75034 case ${ARCH} in ppc) BUILD_FIXES="${BUILD_FIXES} TOUT=${T}/.tmp_gas_check";; ppc64) BUILD_FIXES="${BUILD_FIXES} TOUT=${T}/.tmp_gas_check";; esac # @FUNCTION: set_arch_to_kernel # @DESCRIPTION: # Set the env ARCH to match what the kernel expects. set_arch_to_kernel() { export ARCH=$(tc-arch-kernel); } # @FUNCTION: set_arch_to_portage # @DESCRIPTION: # Set the env ARCH to match what portage expects. set_arch_to_portage() { export ARCH=$(tc-arch); } # qeinfo "Message" # ------------------- # qeinfo is a quiet einfo call when EBUILD_PHASE # should not have visible output. qout() { local outputmsg type type=${1} shift outputmsg="${@}" case "${EBUILD_PHASE}" in depend) unset outputmsg;; clean) unset outputmsg;; preinst) unset outputmsg;; esac [ -n "${outputmsg}" ] && ${type} "${outputmsg}" } qeinfo() { qout einfo "${@}" ; } qewarn() { qout ewarn "${@}" ; } qeerror() { qout eerror "${@}" ; } # File Functions # --------------------------------------- # @FUNCTION: getfilevar # @USAGE: variable configfile # @RETURN: the value of the variable # @DESCRIPTION: # It detects the value of the variable defined in the file configfile. This is # done by including the configfile, and printing the variable with Make. # It WILL break if your makefile has missing dependencies! getfilevar() { local ERROR basefname basedname myARCH="${ARCH}" ERROR=0 [ -z "${1}" ] && ERROR=1 [ ! -f "${2}" ] && ERROR=1 if [ "${ERROR}" = 1 ] then echo -e "\n" eerror "getfilevar requires 2 variables, with the second a valid file." eerror " getfilevar <VARIABLE> <CONFIGFILE>" else basefname="$(basename ${2})" basedname="$(dirname ${2})" unset ARCH echo -e "e:\\n\\t@echo \$(${1})\\ninclude ${basefname}" | \ make -C "${basedname}" M="${S}" ${BUILD_FIXES} -s -f - 2>/dev/null ARCH=${myARCH} fi } # @FUNCTION: getfilevar_noexec # @USAGE: variable configfile # @RETURN: the value of the variable # @DESCRIPTION: # It detects the value of the variable defined in the file configfile. # This is done with sed matching an expression only. If the variable is defined, # you will run into problems. See getfilevar for those cases. getfilevar_noexec() { local ERROR basefname basedname mycat myARCH="${ARCH}" ERROR=0 mycat='cat' [ -z "${1}" ] && ERROR=1 [ ! -f "${2}" ] && ERROR=1 [ "${2%.gz}" != "${2}" ] && mycat='zcat' if [ "${ERROR}" = 1 ] then echo -e "\n" eerror "getfilevar_noexec requires 2 variables, with the second a valid file." eerror " getfilevar_noexec <VARIABLE> <CONFIGFILE>" else ${mycat} "${2}" | \ sed -n \ -e "/^[[:space:]]*${1}[[:space:]]*:\\?=[[:space:]]*\(.*\)\$/{ s,^[^=]*[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*,,g ; s,[[:space:]]*\$,,g ; p }" fi } # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: _LINUX_CONFIG_EXISTS_DONE # @INTERNAL # @DESCRIPTION: # This is only set if one of the linux_config_*exists functions has been called. # We use it for a QA warning that the check for a config has not been performed, # as linux_chkconfig* in non-legacy mode WILL return an undefined value if no # config is available at all. _LINUX_CONFIG_EXISTS_DONE= linux_config_qa_check() { local f="$1" if [ -z "${_LINUX_CONFIG_EXISTS_DONE}" ]; then ewarn "QA: You called $f before any linux_config_exists!" ewarn "QA: The return value of $f will NOT guaranteed later!" fi } # @FUNCTION: linux_config_src_exists # @RETURN: true or false # @DESCRIPTION: # It returns true if .config exists in a build directory otherwise false linux_config_src_exists() { export _LINUX_CONFIG_EXISTS_DONE=1 [ -s "${KV_OUT_DIR}/.config" ] } # @FUNCTION: linux_config_bin_exists # @RETURN: true or false # @DESCRIPTION: # It returns true if .config exists in /proc, otherwise false linux_config_bin_exists() { export _LINUX_CONFIG_EXISTS_DONE=1 [ -s "/proc/config.gz" ] } # @FUNCTION: linux_config_exists # @RETURN: true or false # @DESCRIPTION: # It returns true if .config exists otherwise false # # This function MUST be checked before using any of the linux_chkconfig_* # functions. linux_config_exists() { linux_config_src_exists || linux_config_bin_exists } # @FUNCTION: require_configured_kernel # @DESCRIPTION: # This function verifies that the current kernel is configured (it checks against the existence of .config) # otherwise it dies. require_configured_kernel() { if ! linux_config_src_exists; then qeerror "Could not find a usable .config in the kernel source directory." qeerror "Please ensure that ${KERNEL_DIR} points to a configured set of Linux sources." qeerror "If you are using KBUILD_OUTPUT, please set the environment var so that" qeerror "it points to the necessary object directory so that it might find .config." die "Kernel not configured; no .config found in ${KV_OUT_DIR}" fi } # @FUNCTION: linux_chkconfig_present # @USAGE: option # @RETURN: true or false # @DESCRIPTION: # It checks that CONFIG_<option>=y or CONFIG_<option>=m is present in the current kernel .config # If linux_config_exists returns false, the results of this are UNDEFINED. You # MUST call linux_config_exists first. linux_chkconfig_present() { linux_config_qa_check linux_chkconfig_present local RESULT config config="${KV_OUT_DIR}/.config" [ ! -f "${config}" ] && config="/proc/config.gz" RESULT="$(getfilevar_noexec CONFIG_${1} "${config}")" [ "${RESULT}" = "m" -o "${RESULT}" = "y" ] && return 0 || return 1 } # @FUNCTION: linux_chkconfig_module # @USAGE: option # @RETURN: true or false # @DESCRIPTION: # It checks that CONFIG_<option>=m is present in the current kernel .config # If linux_config_exists returns false, the results of this are UNDEFINED. You # MUST call linux_config_exists first. linux_chkconfig_module() { linux_config_qa_check linux_chkconfig_module local RESULT config config="${KV_OUT_DIR}/.config" [ ! -f "${config}" ] && config="/proc/config.gz" RESULT="$(getfilevar_noexec CONFIG_${1} "${config}")" [ "${RESULT}" = "m" ] && return 0 || return 1 } # @FUNCTION: linux_chkconfig_builtin # @USAGE: option # @RETURN: true or false # @DESCRIPTION: # It checks that CONFIG_<option>=y is present in the current kernel .config # If linux_config_exists returns false, the results of this are UNDEFINED. You # MUST call linux_config_exists first. linux_chkconfig_builtin() { linux_config_qa_check linux_chkconfig_builtin local RESULT config config="${KV_OUT_DIR}/.config" [ ! -f "${config}" ] && config="/proc/config.gz" RESULT="$(getfilevar_noexec CONFIG_${1} "${config}")" [ "${RESULT}" = "y" ] && return 0 || return 1 } # @FUNCTION: linux_chkconfig_string # @USAGE: option # @RETURN: CONFIG_<option> # @DESCRIPTION: # It prints the CONFIG_<option> value of the current kernel .config (it requires a configured kernel). # If linux_config_exists returns false, the results of this are UNDEFINED. You # MUST call linux_config_exists first. linux_chkconfig_string() { linux_config_qa_check linux_chkconfig_string local config config="${KV_OUT_DIR}/.config" [ ! -f "${config}" ] && config="/proc/config.gz" getfilevar_noexec "CONFIG_${1}" "${config}" } # Versioning Functions # --------------------------------------- # @FUNCTION: kernel_is # @USAGE: [-lt -gt -le -ge -eq] major_number [minor_number patch_number] # @RETURN: true or false # @DESCRIPTION: # It returns true when the current kernel version satisfies the comparison against the passed version. # -eq is the default comparison. # # @CODE # For Example where KV = 2.6.9 # kernel_is 2 4 returns false # kernel_is 2 returns true # kernel_is 2 6 returns true # kernel_is 2 6 8 returns false # kernel_is 2 6 9 returns true # @CODE # Note: duplicated in kernel-2.eclass kernel_is() { # if we haven't determined the version yet, we need to. linux-info_get_any_version # Now we can continue local operator test value case ${1#-} in lt) operator="-lt"; shift;; gt) operator="-gt"; shift;; le) operator="-le"; shift;; ge) operator="-ge"; shift;; eq) operator="-eq"; shift;; *) operator="-eq";; esac [[ $# -gt 3 ]] && die "Error in kernel-2_kernel_is(): too many parameters" : $(( test = (KV_MAJOR << 16) + (KV_MINOR << 8) + KV_PATCH )) : $(( value = (${1:-${KV_MAJOR}} << 16) + (${2:-${KV_MINOR}} << 8) + ${3:-${KV_PATCH}} )) [ ${test} ${operator} ${value} ] } get_localversion() { local lv_list i x # ignore files with ~ in it. for i in $(ls ${1}/localversion* 2>/dev/null); do [[ -n ${i//*~*} ]] && lv_list="${lv_list} ${i}" done for i in ${lv_list}; do x="${x}$(<${i})" done x=${x/ /} echo ${x} } # Check if the Makefile is valid for direct parsing. # Check status results: # - PASS, use 'getfilevar' to extract values # - FAIL, use 'getfilevar_noexec' to extract values # The check may fail if: # - make is not present # - corruption exists in the kernel makefile get_makefile_extract_function() { local a='' b='' mkfunc='getfilevar' a="$(getfilevar VERSION ${KERNEL_MAKEFILE})" b="$(getfilevar_noexec VERSION ${KERNEL_MAKEFILE})" [[ "${a}" != "${b}" ]] && mkfunc='getfilevar_noexec' echo "${mkfunc}" } # internal variable, so we know to only print the warning once get_version_warning_done= # @FUNCTION: get_version # @DESCRIPTION: # It gets the version of the kernel inside KERNEL_DIR and populates the KV_FULL variable # (if KV_FULL is already set it does nothing). # # The kernel version variables (KV_MAJOR, KV_MINOR, KV_PATCH, KV_EXTRA and KV_LOCAL) are also set. # # The KV_DIR is set using the KERNEL_DIR env var, the KV_DIR_OUT is set using a valid # KBUILD_OUTPUT (in a decreasing priority list, we look for the env var, makefile var or the # symlink /lib/modules/${KV_MAJOR}.${KV_MINOR}.${KV_PATCH}${KV_EXTRA}/build). get_version() { local kbuild_output mkfunc tmplocal # no need to execute this twice assuming KV_FULL is populated. # we can force by unsetting KV_FULL [ -n "${KV_FULL}" ] && return 0 # if we dont know KV_FULL, then we need too. # make sure KV_DIR isnt set since we need to work it out via KERNEL_DIR unset KV_DIR # KV_DIR will contain the full path to the sources directory we should use [ -z "${get_version_warning_done}" ] && \ qeinfo "Determining the location of the kernel source code" [ -h "${KERNEL_DIR}" ] && KV_DIR="$(readlink -f ${KERNEL_DIR})" [ -d "${KERNEL_DIR}" ] && KV_DIR="${KERNEL_DIR}" if [ -z "${KV_DIR}" ] then if [ -z "${get_version_warning_done}" ]; then get_version_warning_done=1 qeerror "Unable to find kernel sources at ${KERNEL_DIR}" #qeinfo "This package requires Linux sources." if [ "${KERNEL_DIR}" == "/usr/src/linux" ] ; then qeinfo "Please make sure that ${KERNEL_DIR} points at your running kernel, " qeinfo "(or the kernel you wish to build against)." qeinfo "Alternatively, set the KERNEL_DIR environment variable to the kernel sources location" else qeinfo "Please ensure that the KERNEL_DIR environment variable points at full Linux sources of the kernel you wish to compile against." fi fi return 1 fi if [ -z "${get_version_warning_done}" ]; then qeinfo "Found kernel source directory:" qeinfo " ${KV_DIR}" fi if [ ! -s "${KV_DIR}/Makefile" ] then if [ -z "${get_version_warning_done}" ]; then get_version_warning_done=1 qeerror "Could not find a Makefile in the kernel source directory." qeerror "Please ensure that ${KERNEL_DIR} points to a complete set of Linux sources" fi return 1 fi # OK so now we know our sources directory, but they might be using # KBUILD_OUTPUT, and we need this for .config and localversions-* # so we better find it eh? # do we pass KBUILD_OUTPUT on the CLI? OUTPUT_DIR="${OUTPUT_DIR:-${KBUILD_OUTPUT}}" # keep track of it KERNEL_MAKEFILE="${KV_DIR}/Makefile" # Decide the function used to extract makefile variables. mkfunc="$(get_makefile_extract_function "${KERNEL_MAKEFILE}")" # And if we didn't pass it, we can take a nosey in the Makefile kbuild_output="$(${mkfunc} KBUILD_OUTPUT ${KERNEL_MAKEFILE})" OUTPUT_DIR="${OUTPUT_DIR:-${kbuild_output}}" # And contrary to existing functions I feel we shouldn't trust the # directory name to find version information as this seems insane. # so we parse ${KERNEL_MAKEFILE} KV_MAJOR="$(${mkfunc} VERSION ${KERNEL_MAKEFILE})" KV_MINOR="$(${mkfunc} PATCHLEVEL ${KERNEL_MAKEFILE})" KV_PATCH="$(${mkfunc} SUBLEVEL ${KERNEL_MAKEFILE})" KV_EXTRA="$(${mkfunc} EXTRAVERSION ${KERNEL_MAKEFILE})" if [ -z "${KV_MAJOR}" -o -z "${KV_MINOR}" -o -z "${KV_PATCH}" ] then if [ -z "${get_version_warning_done}" ]; then get_version_warning_done=1 qeerror "Could not detect kernel version." qeerror "Please ensure that ${KERNEL_DIR} points to a complete set of Linux sources." fi return 1 fi # and in newer versions we can also pull LOCALVERSION if it is set. # but before we do this, we need to find if we use a different object directory. # This *WILL* break if the user is using localversions, but we assume it was # caught before this if they are. OUTPUT_DIR="${OUTPUT_DIR:-/lib/modules/${KV_MAJOR}.${KV_MINOR}.${KV_PATCH}${KV_EXTRA}/build}" [ -h "${OUTPUT_DIR}" ] && KV_OUT_DIR="$(readlink -f ${OUTPUT_DIR})" [ -d "${OUTPUT_DIR}" ] && KV_OUT_DIR="${OUTPUT_DIR}" if [ -n "${KV_OUT_DIR}" ]; then qeinfo "Found kernel object directory:" qeinfo " ${KV_OUT_DIR}" fi # and if we STILL have not got it, then we better just set it to KV_DIR KV_OUT_DIR="${KV_OUT_DIR:-${KV_DIR}}" # Grab the kernel release from the output directory. # TODO: we MUST detect kernel.release being out of date, and 'return 1' from # this function. if [ -s "${KV_OUT_DIR}"/include/config/kernel.release ]; then KV_LOCAL=$(<"${KV_OUT_DIR}"/include/config/kernel.release) elif [ -s "${KV_OUT_DIR}"/.kernelrelease ]; then KV_LOCAL=$(<"${KV_OUT_DIR}"/.kernelrelease) else KV_LOCAL= fi # KV_LOCAL currently contains the full release; discard the first bits. tmplocal=${KV_LOCAL#${KV_MAJOR}.${KV_MINOR}.${KV_PATCH}${KV_EXTRA}} # If the updated local version was not changed, the tree is not prepared. # Clear out KV_LOCAL in that case. # TODO: this does not detect a change in the localversion part between # kernel.release and the value that would be generated. if [ "$KV_LOCAL" = "$tmplocal" ]; then KV_LOCAL= else KV_LOCAL=$tmplocal fi # And we should set KV_FULL to the full expanded version KV_FULL="${KV_MAJOR}.${KV_MINOR}.${KV_PATCH}${KV_EXTRA}${KV_LOCAL}" qeinfo "Found sources for kernel version:" qeinfo " ${KV_FULL}" return 0 } # @FUNCTION: get_running_version # @DESCRIPTION: # It gets the version of the current running kernel and the result is the same as get_version() if the # function can find the sources. get_running_version() { KV_FULL=$(uname -r) if [[ -f ${ROOT}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/source/Makefile && -f ${ROOT}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/build/Makefile ]]; then KERNEL_DIR=$(readlink -f ${ROOT}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/source) KBUILD_OUTPUT=$(readlink -f ${ROOT}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/build) unset KV_FULL get_version return $? elif [[ -f ${ROOT}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/source/Makefile ]]; then KERNEL_DIR=$(readlink -f ${ROOT}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/source) unset KV_FULL get_version return $? elif [[ -f ${ROOT}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/build/Makefile ]]; then KERNEL_DIR=$(readlink -f ${ROOT}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/build) unset KV_FULL get_version return $? else # This handles a variety of weird kernel versions. Make sure to update # tests/linux-info:get_running_version.sh if you want to change this. local kv_full=${KV_FULL//[-+_]*} KV_MAJOR=$(get_version_component_range 1 ${kv_full}) KV_MINOR=$(get_version_component_range 2 ${kv_full}) KV_PATCH=$(get_version_component_range 3 ${kv_full}) KV_EXTRA="${KV_FULL#${KV_MAJOR}.${KV_MINOR}${KV_PATCH:+.${KV_PATCH}}}" : ${KV_PATCH:=0} fi return 0 } # This next function is named with the eclass prefix to avoid conflicts with # some old versionator-like eclass functions. # @FUNCTION: linux-info_get_any_version # @DESCRIPTION: # This attempts to find the version of the sources, and otherwise falls back to # the version of the running kernel. linux-info_get_any_version() { get_version if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then ewarn "Unable to calculate Linux Kernel version for build, attempting to use running version" get_running_version fi } # ebuild check functions # --------------------------------------- # @FUNCTION: check_kernel_built # @DESCRIPTION: # This function verifies that the current kernel sources have been already prepared otherwise it dies. check_kernel_built() { # if we haven't determined the version yet, we need to require_configured_kernel get_version local versionh_path if kernel_is -ge 3 7; then versionh_path="include/generated/uapi/linux/version.h" else versionh_path="include/linux/version.h" fi if [ ! -f "${KV_OUT_DIR}/${versionh_path}" ] then eerror "These sources have not yet been prepared." eerror "We cannot build against an unprepared tree." eerror "To resolve this, please type the following:" eerror eerror "# cd ${KV_DIR}" eerror "# make oldconfig" eerror "# make modules_prepare" eerror eerror "Then please try merging this module again." die "Kernel sources need compiling first" fi } # @FUNCTION: check_modules_supported # @DESCRIPTION: # This function verifies that the current kernel support modules (it checks CONFIG_MODULES=y) otherwise it dies. check_modules_supported() { # if we haven't determined the version yet, we need too. require_configured_kernel get_version if ! linux_chkconfig_builtin "MODULES"; then eerror "These sources do not support loading external modules." eerror "to be able to use this module please enable \"Loadable modules support\"" eerror "in your kernel, recompile and then try merging this module again." die "No support for external modules in ${KV_FULL} config" fi } # @FUNCTION: check_extra_config # @DESCRIPTION: # It checks the kernel config options specified by CONFIG_CHECK. It dies only when a required config option (i.e. # the prefix ~ is not used) doesn't satisfy the directive. check_extra_config() { local config negate die error reworkmodulenames local soft_errors_count=0 hard_errors_count=0 config_required=0 # store the value of the QA check, because otherwise we won't catch usages # after if check_extra_config is called AND other direct calls are done # later. local old_LINUX_CONFIG_EXISTS_DONE="${_LINUX_CONFIG_EXISTS_DONE}" # if we haven't determined the version yet, we need to linux-info_get_any_version # Determine if we really need a .config. The only time when we don't need # one is when all of the CONFIG_CHECK options are prefixed with "~". for config in ${CONFIG_CHECK}; do if [[ "${config:0:1}" != "~" ]]; then config_required=1 break fi done if [[ ${config_required} == 0 ]]; then # In the case where we don't require a .config, we can now bail out # if the user has no .config as there is nothing to do. Otherwise # code later will cause a failure due to missing .config. if ! linux_config_exists; then ewarn "Unable to check for the following kernel config options due" ewarn "to absence of any configured kernel sources or compiled" ewarn "config:" for config in ${CONFIG_CHECK}; do local_error="ERROR_${config#\~}" msg="${!local_error}" if [[ "x${msg}" == "x" ]]; then local_error="WARNING_${config#\~}" msg="${!local_error}" fi ewarn " - ${config#\~}${msg:+ - }${msg}" done ewarn "You're on your own to make sure they are set if needed." export LINUX_CONFIG_EXISTS_DONE="${old_LINUX_CONFIG_EXISTS_DONE}" return 0 fi else require_configured_kernel fi einfo "Checking for suitable kernel configuration options..." for config in ${CONFIG_CHECK} do # if we specify any fatal, ensure we honor them die=1 error=0 negate=0 reworkmodulenames=0 if [[ ${config:0:1} == "~" ]]; then die=0 config=${config:1} elif [[ ${config:0:1} == "@" ]]; then die=0 reworkmodulenames=1 config=${config:1} fi if [[ ${config:0:1} == "!" ]]; then negate=1 config=${config:1} fi if [[ ${negate} == 1 ]]; then linux_chkconfig_present ${config} && error=2 elif [[ ${reworkmodulenames} == 1 ]]; then local temp_config="${config//*:}" i n config="${config//:*}" if linux_chkconfig_present ${config}; then for i in ${MODULE_NAMES}; do n="${i//${temp_config}}" [[ -z ${n//\(*} ]] && \ MODULE_IGNORE="${MODULE_IGNORE} ${temp_config}" done error=2 fi else linux_chkconfig_present ${config} || error=1 fi if [[ ${error} > 0 ]]; then local report_func="eerror" local_error local_error="ERROR_${config}" local_error="${!local_error}" if [[ -z "${local_error}" ]]; then # using old, deprecated format. local_error="${config}_ERROR" local_error="${!local_error}" fi if [[ ${die} == 0 && -z "${local_error}" ]]; then #soft errors can be warnings local_error="WARNING_${config}" local_error="${!local_error}" if [[ -n "${local_error}" ]] ; then report_func="ewarn" fi fi if [[ -z "${local_error}" ]]; then [[ ${error} == 1 ]] \ && local_error="is not set when it should be." \ || local_error="should not be set. But it is." local_error="CONFIG_${config}:\t ${local_error}" fi if [[ ${die} == 0 ]]; then ${report_func} " ${local_error}" soft_errors_count=$[soft_errors_count + 1] else ${report_func} " ${local_error}" hard_errors_count=$[hard_errors_count + 1] fi fi done if [[ ${hard_errors_count} > 0 ]]; then eerror "Please check to make sure these options are set correctly." eerror "Failure to do so may cause unexpected problems." eerror "Once you have satisfied these options, please try merging" eerror "this package again." export LINUX_CONFIG_EXISTS_DONE="${old_LINUX_CONFIG_EXISTS_DONE}" die "Incorrect kernel configuration options" elif [[ ${soft_errors_count} > 0 ]]; then ewarn "Please check to make sure these options are set correctly." ewarn "Failure to do so may cause unexpected problems." else eend 0 fi export LINUX_CONFIG_EXISTS_DONE="${old_LINUX_CONFIG_EXISTS_DONE}" } check_zlibinflate() { # if we haven't determined the version yet, we need to require_configured_kernel get_version # although I restructured this code - I really really really dont support it! # bug #27882 - zlib routines are only linked into the kernel # if something compiled into the kernel calls them # # plus, for the cloop module, it appears that there's no way # to get cloop.o to include a static zlib if CONFIG_MODVERSIONS # is on local INFLATE local DEFLATE einfo "Determining the usability of ZLIB_INFLATE support in your kernel" ebegin "checking ZLIB_INFLATE" linux_chkconfig_builtin CONFIG_ZLIB_INFLATE eend $? [ "$?" != 0 ] && die ebegin "checking ZLIB_DEFLATE" linux_chkconfig_builtin CONFIG_ZLIB_DEFLATE eend $? [ "$?" != 0 ] && die local LINENO_START local LINENO_END local SYMBOLS local x LINENO_END="$(grep -n 'CONFIG_ZLIB_INFLATE y' ${KV_DIR}/lib/Config.in | cut -d : -f 1)" LINENO_START="$(head -n $LINENO_END ${KV_DIR}/lib/Config.in | grep -n 'if \[' | tail -n 1 | cut -d : -f 1)" (( LINENO_AMOUNT = $LINENO_END - $LINENO_START )) (( LINENO_END = $LINENO_END - 1 )) SYMBOLS="$(head -n $LINENO_END ${KV_DIR}/lib/Config.in | tail -n $LINENO_AMOUNT | sed -e 's/^.*\(CONFIG_[^\" ]*\).*/\1/g;')" # okay, now we have a list of symbols # we need to check each one in turn, to see whether it is set or not for x in $SYMBOLS ; do if [ "${!x}" = "y" ]; then # we have a winner! einfo "${x} ensures zlib is linked into your kernel - excellent" return 0 fi done eerror eerror "This kernel module requires ZLIB library support." eerror "You have enabled zlib support in your kernel, but haven't enabled" eerror "enabled any option that will ensure that zlib is linked into your" eerror "kernel." eerror eerror "Please ensure that you enable at least one of these options:" eerror for x in $SYMBOLS ; do eerror " * $x" done eerror eerror "Please remember to recompile and install your kernel, and reboot" eerror "into your new kernel before attempting to load this kernel module." die "Kernel doesn't include zlib support" } ################################ # Default pkg_setup # Also used when inheriting linux-mod to force a get_version call # @FUNCTION: linux-info_pkg_setup # @DESCRIPTION: # Force a get_version() call when inherited from linux-mod.eclass and then check if the kernel is configured # to support the options specified in CONFIG_CHECK (if not null) linux-info_pkg_setup() { linux-info_get_any_version if kernel_is 2 4; then if [ "$( gcc-major-version )" -eq "4" ] ; then echo ewarn "Be warned !! >=sys-devel/gcc-4.0.0 isn't supported with" ewarn "linux-2.4 (or modules building against a linux-2.4 kernel)!" echo ewarn "Either switch to another gcc-version (via gcc-config) or use a" ewarn "newer kernel that supports gcc-4." echo ewarn "Also be aware that bugreports about gcc-4 not working" ewarn "with linux-2.4 based ebuilds will be closed as INVALID!" echo epause 10 fi fi [ -n "${CONFIG_CHECK}" ] && check_extra_config; }