# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 inherit toolchain-funcs DESCRIPTION="skarnet.org's small and secure supervision software suite" HOMEPAGE="https://www.skarnet.org/software/s6/" SRC_URI="https://www.skarnet.org/software/${PN}/${P}.tar.gz" LICENSE="ISC" SLOT="0/$(ver_cut 1-2)" KEYWORDS="amd64 ~arm x86" IUSE="+execline static static-libs" REQUIRED_USE="static? ( static-libs )" RDEPEND="execline? ( >=dev-lang/execline-[static-libs?] ) >=dev-libs/skalibs-[static-libs?] " DEPEND="${RDEPEND}" HTML_DOCS=( doc/. ) src_prepare() { default # Avoid QA warning for LDFLAGS addition sed -i -e 's/.*-Wl,--hash-style=both$/:/' configure || die sed -i -e '/AR := /d' -e '/RANLIB := /d' Makefile || die } src_configure() { tc-export AR CC RANLIB local myconf=( --bindir=/bin --dynlibdir=/usr/$(get_libdir) --libdir=/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN} --with-dynlib=/usr/$(get_libdir) --with-lib=/usr/$(get_libdir)/execline --with-lib=/usr/$(get_libdir)/skalibs --with-sysdeps=/usr/$(get_libdir)/skalibs $(usex execline '' '--disable-execline' ) --enable-shared $(use_enable static allstatic) $(use_enable static static-libc) $(use_enable static-libs static) ) econf "${myconf[@]}" }