Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Change random punctuation and play with svn:keywords.Nathan Phillip Brink (binki)2011-10-071-14/+14
* Change random punctuation and play with svn:keywords.Nathan Phillip Brink (binki)2011-10-071-2/+2
* Remove extraneous eval instead of just committing a new Manifest.Nathan Phillip Brink (binki)2011-10-073-15/+18
* Remove extraneous eval.Nathan Phillip Brink (binki)2011-10-061-15/+15
* app-office/unoconv: app-office/unoconv moved to gentoo-x86, bug 262083 is fixed.Nathan Phillip Brink (binki)2011-10-068-97/+0
* dev-ruby/grit: Take advantage of RUBY_S's github support.Nathan Phillip Brink (binki)2011-10-061-2/+22
* dev-ruby/grit: Take advantage of RUBY_S's github support.Nathan Phillip Brink (binki)2011-10-062-3/+7
* media-gfx/mcomix: New ebuild for bug #365849Moritz Brunner2011-10-054-0/+50
* media-sound/mixxx: Modifed flags patch to remove CCCOM and CXXCOM overrides t...Alex Barker (KWhat)2011-10-054-36/+8
* www-apps/davical: New version of davicallebarjack2011-10-055-6/+40
* dev-php/awl: New version of the awl librarylebarjack2011-10-053-3/+7
* www-apps/wwwsqldesigner: Initial ebuild for wwwsqldesigner, bug #385545. Than...Moritz Schlarb (moschlar)2011-10-044-0/+57
* app-cdr/furiusisomount: New Ebuild for bug 261362, thanks to Tommy[D], hwoara...Moritz Schlarb (moschlar)2011-10-014-0/+94
* media-sound/mixxx: Added env vars for installation phase.Alex Barker (KWhat)2011-09-294-5/+11
* media-sound/mixxx: Added additional Linux 3.0 support patch from upstream.Alex Barker (KWhat)2011-09-284-4/+18
* Revert "media-sound/mixxx: Added additional Linux 3.0 support patch from upst...Michał Górny2011-09-284-18/+4
* media-sound/mixxx: Added additional Linux 3.0 support patch from upstream.Alex Barker (KWhat)2011-09-284-4/+18
* net-mail/postfix-logwatch: Version bump to v1.39.07.Martin Jackson2011-09-273-3/+7
* net-mail/amavis-logwatch: Fix DEPEND/RDEPEND mixup.Martin Jackson2011-09-263-4/+7
* net-mail/postfix-logwatch: Version bump to v1.39.06.Martin Jackson2011-09-263-17/+18
* Remove <herd>no-herd</herd>.Michał Górny2011-09-241362-1914/+681
* Drop <herd/> from metadata skel, following policy change.Michał Górny2011-09-231-1/+0
* app-shells/rush: rekeyword, works on ~amd64 as well.Pavel Sanda (ps)2011-09-203-3/+6
* Add contact e-mail on Zope mask.Michał Górny2011-09-181-1/+2
* dev-python/django-evolution: dev-python/django-evolution bumpJames Broadhead (hangfire)2011-09-183-5/+15
* media-video/ periscope: New ebuild for bug 383499 - thanks to jbergstroem, To...Alexander van der Mey (alexandervdm)2011-09-184-0/+51
* net-p2p/transmission-remote-gtk: in gx86.Michał Górny2011-09-184-53/+0
* Revert "New build for bug 383499 - thanks to Tommy[D] and jbergstroem for rev...Michał Górny2011-09-182-33/+0
* Mask Zope packages for removal because of unsatisfied deps.Michał Górny2011-09-181-0/+15
* Mask media-libs/libinstrudeo for removal because of removed dep.Michał Górny2011-09-181-0/+5
* app-misc/navit: Update speechd dep.Michał Górny2011-09-183-5/+20
* games-misc/fortune-mod-giovine01: Drop keywords from a live ebuild.Michał Górny2011-09-183-3/+19
* media-fonts/openfontlibrary: Fix whitespace.Michał Górny2011-09-183-23/+39
* New build for bug 383499 - thanks to Tommy[D] and jbergstroem for reviewingAlexander van der Mey (alexandervdm)2011-09-182-0/+33
* Automatic update to use.local.descMichał Górny2011-09-181-0/+4
* Automatic update to categoriesMichał Górny2011-09-181-0/+1
* kde-misc/kdirstat: Add missing metadata.xml.Michał Górny2011-09-183-1/+23
* Automatic update to use.local.descMichał Górny2011-09-181-2/+1
* Automatic update to categoriesMichał Górny2011-09-181-0/+1
* media-fonts/openfontlibrary: New Ebuild for bug 383279: installing fonts from...Thomas Fischer (f15h)2011-09-164-0/+132
* app-misc/japanese-vocabulary: Added ~amd64 for bug 166275 after consultation ...Christian Asseburg (Zoominee)2011-09-163-5/+9
* dev-python/pylibmc: Version bump. Fix test and rearrange variablesJohan Bergström (jbergstroem)2011-09-163-8/+11
* x11-drivers/asus-switcheroo: Relax kernel checks and increase life expectency.Nathan Phillip Brink (binki)2011-09-163-8/+7
* x11-drivers/asus-switcheroo: Updating to allow use of /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ a...Michał Górny2011-09-164-2/+128
* Revert "x11-drivers/asus-switcheroo: Updating to allow use of /etc/X11/xorg.c...Michał Górny2011-09-164-128/+2
* x11-drivers/asus-switcheroo: Updating to allow use of /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ a...Michał Górny2011-09-164-2/+128
* Revert "x11-drivers/asus-switcheroo: Updating to allow use of /etc/X11/xorg.c...Michał Górny2011-09-164-128/+2
* media-sound/gogglesmm: Ebuild fix, remove autotools_utils depJames Broadhead (hangfire)2011-09-163-12/+15
* mail-filter/libdkim: Drop old.Peter Volkov2011-09-143-37/+4
* dev-lang/dmd: Version bump and removal of no-execstack patch.Marco Leise (mleise)2011-09-145-4/+268