set terminal svg size 800,600 enhanced set termoption dashed set output "targets.svg" set object 1 rect from screen 0, 0, 0 to screen 1, 1, 0 behind set object 1 rect fc rgb "white" fillstyle solid 1.0 set title "RUBY\\_TARGETS support in Gentoo\n{/*0.7 based on latest version per slot \\@ `cat $(portageq portdir 2>/dev/null)/metadata/timestamp`}" set ylabel "Packages" set xlabel "Time" set xdata time set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d" set format x "%b %d" plot "data.txt" using 1:3 with lines lt 2 title "total", \ "data.txt" using 1:4 with lines lt 1 lc 1 title "ruby18", \ "data.txt" using 1:5 with lines lt 1 lc 2 title "ruby19", \ "data.txt" using 1:6 with lines lt 1 lc 3 title "ruby20", \ "data.txt" using 1:10 with lines lt 1 lc 7 title "ruby21", \ "data.txt" using 1:7 with lines lt 1 lc 4 title "jruby", \ "data.txt" using 1:8 with lines lt 1 lc 5 title "ree18", \ "data.txt" using 1:9 with lines lt 1 lc 6 title "rbx"