#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2007 Charlie Shepherd from operator import attrgetter import sys try: from pkgcore.util import commandline from pkgcore.restrictions.boolean import OrRestriction except ImportError: print >> sys.stderr, 'Cannot import pkgcore!' print >> sys.stderr, 'Verify it is properly installed and/or ' \ 'PYTHONPATH is set correctly.' if '--debug' not in sys.argv: print >> sys.stderr, 'Add --debug to the commandline for a traceback.' else: raise sys.exit(1) class OptionParser(commandline.OptionParser): def __init__(self, **kwargs): commandline.OptionParser.__init__( self, description=__doc__, usage='%prog [options]', **kwargs) self.add_option('--repo', action='callback', type='string', callback=commandline.config_callback, callback_args=('repo',), help='repo to use (default from domain if omitted).') self.add_option('--verbose', '-v', action='store_true', default=False, help='print packages that have not changed too') self.add_option('--quiet', '-q', action='store_true', default=False, help="don't print changed useflags") self.add_option('--print_type', '-t', type="choice", choices=("slotted_atom", "versioned_atom", "cpvstr"), default="cpvstr", help='''type of atom to output: 'versioned_atom' : a valid versioned atom, 'slotted_atom' : a valid slotted atom, 'cpvstr' : the cpv of the package''') def check_values(self, values, args): values, args = commandline.OptionParser.check_values( self, values, args) domain = values.config.get_default('domain') values.vdb = domain.vdb[0] if not values.repo: values.repo = domain.repos[1] values.restrict = OrRestriction(*commandline.convert_to_restrict(args)) values.outputter = attrgetter(values.print_type) return values, () def main(options, out, err): repo = options.repo for built in options.vdb.itermatch(options.restrict): current = repo.match(built.versioned_atom) if current: current = current[0] oldflags = built.iuse & built.use newflags = current.iuse & built.use if (newflags != oldflags) or (current.iuse ^ built.iuse): changed_flags = (oldflags ^ newflags) | (current.iuse ^ built.iuse) if options.quiet: out.write(options.outputter(current)) else: out.write("for package %s, %d flags have changed:\n\t%s" % (current.cpvstr, len(changed_flags), ' '.join(changed_flags))) else: if options.verbose: out.write("%s is the same as it was before" % current.cpvstr) if __name__ == '__main__': commandline.main({None: (OptionParser, main)})