diff options
76 files changed, 32 insertions, 3058 deletions
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-hermes/Manifest b/www-apps/horde-hermes/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa6e6ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-apps/horde-hermes/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+AUX HK-GW-Hermes_kolab.patch 18171 RMD160 18655c471609baa82b82b79154ed6020e8697021 SHA1 ce373f2916a8799ebfea77146bb2513be550ce52 SHA256 3d44dcbf1f37139b5d27484ceac07f104b480e7cd7f0feafbf806d83abc54b37
+DIST hermes-h3-1.0-rc1.tar.gz 347647 RMD160 1bcfe4f4f67deb635621d09eab54ca334ee9d2b1 SHA1 2ee7046cdd99850eeffc82623921c2412318baae SHA256 e0090e83b834ad2afd35ee10a91d07751b3f1765cd1bfcdf44a58e04d6e4e7bf
+EBUILD horde-hermes-1.0_rc1.ebuild 561 RMD160 b0dee130c6155441749b33a9cbc23b44d297df3c SHA1 a82e75e26310bc66b68f08844a3185a279576107 SHA256 61fa04c51aba12e445b55dec3cb9c7eae7f6dd4944d051ba559db11b8f25a001
+MISC metadata.xml 334 RMD160 9f538b44bb6b9f5f1333048dc3b4fa37dd930749 SHA1 5cc9b11a68af3956acff2c7511c8e36e5c08de89 SHA256 cfd983ccc65691bc91a60ac69ce09b4e6545f42dea3a57eab7e02efc5ae8e3f6
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-hermes/horde-hermes-1.0_rc1.ebuild b/www-apps/horde-hermes/horde-hermes-1.0_rc1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..981d623
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-apps/horde-hermes/horde-hermes-1.0_rc1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apps/horde-nag/horde-nag-2.2.ebuild,v 1.1 2008/06/01 21:47:04 vapier Exp $
+inherit horde
+DESCRIPTION="Hermes is a time-tracking application integrated with the Horde Framework."
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+EHORDE_PATCHES="$(use kolab && echo ${FILESDIR}/HK-GW-Hermes_kolab.patch)"
+RDEPEND="|| ( >=www-apps/horde-3.2 >=www-apps/horde-groupware-1 >=www-apps/horde-webmail-1 )"
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-hermes/metadata.xml b/www-apps/horde-hermes/metadata.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ca2c09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-apps/horde-hermes/metadata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
+ <email></email>
+Hermes is a time-tracking application integrated with the Horde Framework.
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-imp-kolab/ChangeLog b/www-apps/horde-imp-kolab/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index c841114..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-imp-kolab/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# ChangeLog for www-apps/horde-imp-kolab
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: $
- 25 Oct 2007; horde-imp-kolab-4.2_alpha.ebuild:
- Consider this stable in the context of this overlay.
- 23 Oct 2007; Gunnar Wrobel <> ChangeLog:
- Fixed metadata entries.
- 16 Oct 2007; Gunnar Wrobel <>
- -files/conf.php_horde-imp-kolab-20070713.config,
- -files/servers.php_horde-imp-kolab-20070713.config,
- +files/conf.php_4.2_alpha.config, +files/servers.php_4.2_alpha.config,
- +metadata.xml, +horde-imp-kolab-4.2_alpha.ebuild,
- -horde-imp-kolab-20070713.ebuild:
- -m Update to the latest horde release.
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-imp-kolab/Manifest b/www-apps/horde-imp-kolab/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index 011c806..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-imp-kolab/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-AUX conf.php_4.2_alpha.config 2788 RMD160 8e78bdfc6bd2030c9ede5e42f386be4c514a0b45 SHA1 bd4b0dba2d514cd4cff2a553517ec412a37c055f SHA256 f2fa7c658fa95f3b3f6987f537549796be75ba446a913d7c1e74f305750ab0a3
-MD5 4216a1490910407928d06da3f0981014 files/conf.php_4.2_alpha.config 2788
-RMD160 8e78bdfc6bd2030c9ede5e42f386be4c514a0b45 files/conf.php_4.2_alpha.config 2788
-SHA256 f2fa7c658fa95f3b3f6987f537549796be75ba446a913d7c1e74f305750ab0a3 files/conf.php_4.2_alpha.config 2788
-AUX servers.php_4.2_alpha.config 12271 RMD160 26db8c84630885e76fde486c2f1cacba704e6cfe SHA1 27ee4a3ae7c019c06410a853bd3f0400c8001065 SHA256 b1ac75545caf00a87ebd002b20da1a4e7b3f2571dbdb7e8ad6ebf4395bb986f3
-MD5 c33707ad8bb4dad0234b13f9c6743a1b files/servers.php_4.2_alpha.config 12271
-RMD160 26db8c84630885e76fde486c2f1cacba704e6cfe files/servers.php_4.2_alpha.config 12271
-SHA256 b1ac75545caf00a87ebd002b20da1a4e7b3f2571dbdb7e8ad6ebf4395bb986f3 files/servers.php_4.2_alpha.config 12271
-DIST imp-h3-4.2-alpha.tar.gz 4661703 RMD160 2fe5431257c0fd30d4651406c8971899a6a2afad SHA1 e289816432e57990048b89ad1ee729eb30dabb34 SHA256 8b82df494662b4ee9da8006d61634b5d0d6b40429a39420b2c300db2195ada9b
-EBUILD horde-imp-kolab-4.2_alpha.ebuild 561 RMD160 48fb85be91d1d9399fd822a22325742d0128ca61 SHA1 926c43462c016f2506be25b787326f8f2b50ec12 SHA256 d260ed705f23783eb686836fce28daae0cfc957cb347e39dcf7f1b139ea27cb3
-MD5 91db3613513753a3d2a7d0192d6373cf horde-imp-kolab-4.2_alpha.ebuild 561
-RMD160 48fb85be91d1d9399fd822a22325742d0128ca61 horde-imp-kolab-4.2_alpha.ebuild 561
-SHA256 d260ed705f23783eb686836fce28daae0cfc957cb347e39dcf7f1b139ea27cb3 horde-imp-kolab-4.2_alpha.ebuild 561
-MISC ChangeLog 692 RMD160 26a79926a7b99e9d7ac58a4ab3ce4ebebd5e25ee SHA1 6e7a56db6f4adaa01afbdad95bd1143c2c81f7c7 SHA256 e1bb9e5e902376b62af030430da0f5a3ad717dab77c2ed625d13c968eb4c555b
-MD5 35a328b82a3d223b3e5203f66f617a03 ChangeLog 692
-RMD160 26a79926a7b99e9d7ac58a4ab3ce4ebebd5e25ee ChangeLog 692
-SHA256 e1bb9e5e902376b62af030430da0f5a3ad717dab77c2ed625d13c968eb4c555b ChangeLog 692
-MISC metadata.xml 255 RMD160 00d1bf05efc8050697b679c64d4992fae7bf6145 SHA1 5988787daa740dee18325bf78b25c044877e25a2 SHA256 1d7904c945fbe3d9946d23bcd9f1b00ac8c94700c9121955d71a0301016cb968
-MD5 ea6f2a6e433525a4268b91fa5f51c706 metadata.xml 255
-RMD160 00d1bf05efc8050697b679c64d4992fae7bf6145 metadata.xml 255
-SHA256 1d7904c945fbe3d9946d23bcd9f1b00ac8c94700c9121955d71a0301016cb968 metadata.xml 255
-MD5 13721af442a501dea9ff1de4eb8717dd files/digest-horde-imp-kolab-4.2_alpha 253
-RMD160 89447ab592e6e3557d3d7b29501bc4f00b1dbb91 files/digest-horde-imp-kolab-4.2_alpha 253
-SHA256 bb9f6a978f291f1472c3b2a7acb3563531c71e8a42bdb0be0bfc656c56fce2b4 files/digest-horde-imp-kolab-4.2_alpha 253
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-imp-kolab/files/conf.php_4.2_alpha.config b/www-apps/horde-imp-kolab/files/conf.php_4.2_alpha.config
deleted file mode 100644
index dcc6173..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-imp-kolab/files/conf.php_4.2_alpha.config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-// $Horde: imp/config/conf.xml,v 1.105 2007/06/25 16:40:09 jan Exp $
-$conf['spell']['path'] = '/usr/bin/aspell';
-$conf['spell']['driver'] = 'aspell';
-$conf['utils']['gnupg'] = '/usr/bin/gpg';
-$conf['utils']['gnupg_keyserver'] = array('');
-$conf['utils']['gnupg_timeout'] = 10;
-$conf['utils']['openssl_cafile'] = '/etc/ssl/certs';
-$conf['utils']['openssl_binary'] = '/usr/bin/openssl';
-$conf['menu']['apps'] = array();
-$conf['user']['select_sentmail_folder'] = true;
-$conf['user']['allow_resume_all_in_drafts'] = false;
-$conf['user']['allow_folders'] = true;
-$conf['user']['allow_resume_all'] = false;
-$conf['user']['allow_view_source'] = true;
-$conf['user']['alternate_login'] = false;
-$conf['user']['redirect_on_logout'] = false;
-$conf['user']['select_view'] = true;
-$conf['server']['change_server'] = false;
-$conf['server']['change_port'] = false;
-$conf['server']['change_protocol'] = false;
-$conf['server']['change_smtphost'] = false;
-$conf['server']['change_smtpport'] = false;
-$conf['server']['server_list'] = 'none';
-$conf['server']['fixed_folders'] = array();
-$conf['server']['sort_limit'] = 0;
-$conf['server']['cache_folders'] = false;
-$conf['mailbox']['show_attachments'] = false;
-$conf['mailbox']['show_preview'] = true;
-$conf['mailbox']['show_xpriority'] = false;
-$conf['fetchmail']['show_account_colors'] = false;
-$conf['fetchmail']['size_limit'] = 4000000;
-$conf['mboxcache']['use_mboxcache'] = false;
-$conf['msgsettings']['filtering']['words'] = './config/filter.txt';
-$conf['msgsettings']['filtering']['replacement'] = '****';
-$conf['spam']['reporting'] = false;
-$conf['notspam']['reporting'] = false;
-$conf['print']['add_printedby'] = false;
-$conf['msg']['prepend_header'] = true;
-$conf['msg']['append_trailer'] = false;
-$conf['compose']['allow_receipts'] = true;
-$conf['compose']['special_characters'] = true;
-$conf['compose']['use_vfs'] = true;
-$conf['compose']['link_all_attachments'] = false;
-$conf['compose']['link_attachments_notify'] = true;
-$conf['compose']['link_attachments'] = true;
-$conf['compose']['attach_size_limit'] = 0;
-$conf['compose']['attach_count_limit'] = 0;
-$conf['compose']['reply_limit'] = 200000;
-$conf['hooks']['vinfo'] = false;
-$conf['hooks']['postlogin'] = false;
-$conf['hooks']['postsent'] = false;
-$conf['hooks']['signature'] = false;
-$conf['hooks']['trailer'] = false;
-$conf['hooks']['fetchmail_filter'] = false;
-$conf['hooks']['mbox_redirect'] = true;
-$conf['hooks']['mbox_icon'] = true;
-$conf['hooks']['spam_bounce'] = false;
-$conf['maillog']['use_maillog'] = true;
-$conf['sentmail']['driver'] = 'none';
-$conf['tasklist']['use_tasklist'] = true;
-$conf['notepad']['use_notepad'] = true;
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-imp-kolab/files/digest-horde-imp-kolab-4.2_alpha b/www-apps/horde-imp-kolab/files/digest-horde-imp-kolab-4.2_alpha
deleted file mode 100644
index ed63a99..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-imp-kolab/files/digest-horde-imp-kolab-4.2_alpha
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 441858870a7c00af9eb00c298370cee6 imp-h3-4.2-alpha.tar.gz 4661703
-RMD160 2fe5431257c0fd30d4651406c8971899a6a2afad imp-h3-4.2-alpha.tar.gz 4661703
-SHA256 8b82df494662b4ee9da8006d61634b5d0d6b40429a39420b2c300db2195ada9b imp-h3-4.2-alpha.tar.gz 4661703
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-imp-kolab/files/servers.php_4.2_alpha.config b/www-apps/horde-imp-kolab/files/servers.php_4.2_alpha.config
deleted file mode 100644
index 344a397..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-imp-kolab/files/servers.php_4.2_alpha.config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
- * $Horde: imp/config/servers.php.dist,v 1.77 2006/10/10 14:13:03 jan Exp $
- *
- * This file is where you specify what mail servers people using your
- * installation of IMP can log in to.
- *
- * Properties that can be set for each server:
- *
- * name: This is the plaintext, english name that you want displayed
- * to people if you are using the drop down server list.
- *
- * server: The hostname of the mail server to connect to.
- *
- * hordeauth: If this parameter is present and true, then IMP will attempt
- * to use the user's existing credentials (the username/password
- * they used to log in to Horde) to log in to this source. If this
- * parameter is 'full', the username will be used unmodified;
- * otherwise everything after and including the first @ in the
- * username will be stripped off before attempting authentication.
- *
- * protocol: One of the following strings:
- * + 'imap/notls'
- * + 'imap/ssl'
- * + 'imap/tls'
- * + 'pop3/notls'
- * + 'pop3/ssl'
- * + 'pop3/tls'
- *
- * If using 'pop3/*' you will connect to a POP3 mail server and
- * all folder options will be automatically turned off (POP3 does
- * not support folders). If you want folders (and for much
- * improved performance) it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that IMAP should
- * be used instead.
- *
- * NOTE: Due to limitations within PHP, IMP can only support auto-
- * detection of namespace parameters with IMAP TLS connections
- * (e.g 'imap/tls') if using PHP version 5.1.0 or greater.
- * If using a version of PHP less than 5.1.0, the following
- * options are available:
- * 1. RECOMMENDED - If a secure IMAP connection is needed, use
- * a direct connection to a SSL enabled IMAP port
- * (e.g. 'imap/ssl').
- * 2. If you absolutely must use TLS, then it is REQUIRED to
- * define the 'namespace' parameter (see below).
- *
- * The ssl and tls options will only work if you've compiled PHP
- * against a SSL-enabled version of c-client, used the
- * --with-imap-ssl and --with-openssl flags when compiling PHP,
- * and you have a mail server server which supports SSL.
- *
- * ** The test script can help automatically determine the **
- * ** correct protocol value to use. See the 'Testing IMP' **
- * ** section of imp/docs/INSTALL for instructions on how to **
- * ** access the test script. **
- *
- * NOTE - If you are using a self-signed server certificate with
- * either imap/ssl, imap/tls, pop3/ssl, or pop3/tls, you MUST add
- * '/novalidate-cert' to the end of the protocol string. For imap,
- * this would be 'imap/ssl/novalidate-cert' or
- * 'imap/tls/novalidate-cert', and for pop3 it would be
- * 'pop3/ssl/novalidate-cert' or 'pop3/tls/novalidate-cert'. This
- * is necessary to tell c-client not to complain about the lack of
- * a valid CA on the certificate.
- *
- * port: The port that the mail service/protocol you selected runs on.
- * Default values:
- * 'pop3' 110
- * 'pop3s' 995
- * 'imap' 143
- * 'imaps' 993
- *
- * ** The test script can help automatically determine the **
- * ** correct port value to use. See the 'Testing IMP' section **
- * ** of imp/docs/INSTALL for instructions on how to access the **
- * ** test script. **
- *
- * maildomain: What to put after the @ when sending mail. i.e. if you want
- * all mail to look like 'From:' set
- * maildomain to ''. It is generally useful when
- * the sending host is different from the mail receiving host. This
- * will also be used to complete unqualified addresses when
- * composing mail.
- *
- * smtphost: If specified, and $conf['mailer']['type'] is set to 'smtp',
- * IMP will use this host for outbound SMTP connections. This
- * value overrides any existing $conf['mailer']['params']['host']
- * value at runtime.
- *
- * smtpport: If specified, and $conf['mailer']['type'] is set to 'smtp',
- * IMP will use this port for outbound SMTP connections. This value
- * overrides any existing $conf['mailer']['params']['port'] value at
- * runtime.
- *
- * THOSE SERVERS. If you only have one server, or have multiple
- * servers with no username clashes, or have full
- * usernames, you DO NOT need a realm setting. If you set one, an
- * '@' symbol plus the realm will be appended to the username that
- * users log in to IMP with to create the username that Horde treats
- * the user as. So with a realm of '', the username
- * 'jane' would be treated by Horde (NOT your IMAP/POP server) as
- * '', and the username '' would be
- * treated as '' - an occasion where you
- * probably don't need a realm setting.
- *
- * preferred: Only useful if you want to use the same servers.php file
- * for different machines: if the hostname of the IMP machine is
- * identical to one of those in the preferred list, then the
- * corresponding option in the select box will include SELECTED
- * (i.e. it is selected per default). Otherwise the first entry
- * in the list is selected.
- *
- * quota: Use this if you want to display a users quota status on various
- * IMP pages. Set 'driver' equal to the mailserver and 'params'
- * equal to any extra parameters needed by the driver (see the
- * comments located at the top of imp/lib/Quota/[quotadriver].php
- * for the parameters needed for each driver).
- *
- * Currently available drivers:
- * false -- Disable quota checking (DEFAULT)
- *
- * 'command' -- Use the UNIX quota command to determine quotas
- * 'courier' -- Use the Courier-IMAP server to handle quotas
- * You must be connecting to a Courier-IMAP server
- * to use this driver
- * 'cyrus' -- Use the Cyrus IMAP server to handle quotas
- * You must be connecting to a Cyrus IMAP server
- * to use this driver
- * 'logfile' -- Allow quotas on servers where IMAP Quota
- * commands are not supported, but quota info
- * appears in the servers messages log for the IMAP
- * server.
- * 'mdaemon' -- Use Mdaemon servers to handle quotas
- * 'mercury32' -- Use Mercury/32 servers to handle quotas
- * 'sql' -- Use arbitrary SQL queries to handle quotas
- *
- * admin: Use this if you want to enable mailbox management for administrators
- * via Horde's user administration interface. The mailbox management
- * gets enabled if you let IMP handle the Horde authentication with the
- * 'application' authentication driver. Your IMAP server needs to
- * support mailbox management via IMAP commands.
- * Do not define this value if you do not want mailbox management.
- *
- * acl: Use this if you want to use Access Control Lists (folder sharing)
- * Set 'driver' equal to the type of ACL your server supports and
- * 'params' to an array containing any additional parameters the
- * driver needs. Not all IMAP servers currently support this
- * feature.
- *
- * At present the only drivers supported are 'rfc2086' and 'rfc4314' (in
- * Horde 3.1+), neither of which require any parameters.
- *
- * SECURITY NOTE: If you do not have the PEAR Auth_SASL module
- * installed, the 'rfc2086' driver will send user passwords to the
- * IMAP server in plain text when retrieving ACLs.
- *
- *
- * *** The following options should NOT be set unless you REALLY know what ***
- * *** (the default if the parameters are not set) SHOULD BE USED! ***
- *
- * namespace: The list of namespaces that exist on the server. This entry
- * must be an array. Example:
- * 'namespace' => array('#shared/', '#news/', '#ftp/', '#public/')
- * This parameter must be set if using a TLS connection.
- * Additionally, this parameter may be set if not using a TLS
- * connection and you want to allow access to namespaces that may
- * not be publicly advertised by the IMAP server (see RFC
- * 2342 [3]). These additional namespaces will be added to the list
- * of available namespaces returned by the server.
- *
- * imap_config: Manually set IMAP server configuration information. Please see
- * for information on this
- * HORDE PROJECT. This entry must be an array with the following
- * elements:
- * 'children' - (boolean) Whether the IMAP server supports the
- * CHILDREN command.
- * 'namespace' - (array) The namespace configuration of the
- * server. See the return from
- * IMAP_Client::namespace() (located in
- * imp/lib/IMAP/Client.php) for the structure of
- * this array.
- * 'search_charset' - (array) A list of charsets the IMAP server
- * supports for searches.
- *
- * timeout: Manually set server timeouts. This option only works with PHP >=
- * 4.3.3. This entry must be an array with the following possible
- * elements (if an element is missing, the default value is used):
- * IMAP_OPENTIMEOUT - (integer) The timeout for open actions.
- * IMAP_READTIMEOUT - (integer) The timeout for read actions.
- * IMAP_WRITETIMEOUT - (integer) The timeout for write actions.
- * IMAP_CLOSETIMEOUT - (integer) The timeout for close actions.
- *
- * login_tries: Manually set the number of login tries we make to the server.
- * The PHP imap_open() function will try to login 3 times to a
- * server before failing. This value indicates the number of
- * times we call imap_open() before IMP fails (we pause one second
- * between imap_open() calls). The default value is 3 (meaning IMP
- * may attempt to login to the server 9 times). If you have a
- * mail server that will lock out an account if a certain number
- * of incorrect login attempts occur within a certain period of
- * time, you may want to set this to a lower value. The minimum
- * value for this setting is 1.
- */
-if ($GLOBALS['conf']['kolab']['enabled']) {
- require_once 'Horde/Kolab.php';
- if (!is_callable('Kolab', 'getServer')) {
- $server = $GLOBALS['conf']['kolab']['imap']['server'];
- } else {
- $server = Kolab::getServer('imap');
- }
- $servers['kolab'] = array(
- 'name' => 'Kolab Cyrus IMAP Server',
- 'server' => $server,
- 'hordeauth' => 'full',
- 'protocol' => 'imap/notls/novalidate-cert',
- 'port' => $GLOBALS['conf']['kolab']['imap']['port'],
- 'maildomain' => $GLOBALS['conf']['kolab']['imap']['maildomain'],
- 'realm' => '',
- 'preferred' => '',
- 'quota' => array(
- 'driver' => 'imap',
- 'params' => array(),
- ),
- 'acl' => array(
- 'driver' => 'rfc2086',
- ),
- );
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-imp-kolab/horde-imp-kolab-4.2_alpha.ebuild b/www-apps/horde-imp-kolab/horde-imp-kolab-4.2_alpha.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f818c9..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-imp-kolab/horde-imp-kolab-4.2_alpha.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apps/horde-imp/horde-imp-4.1.ebuild,v 1.1 2006/03/09 23:34:00 vapier Exp $
-inherit horde-kolab-r4 eutils
-DESCRIPTION="Horde IMP provides webmail access to IMAP/POP3 mailboxes"
-KEYWORDS="x86 amd64"
-IUSE="crypt kolab"
- crypt? ( app-crypt/gnupg )"
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-imp-kolab/metadata.xml b/www-apps/horde-imp-kolab/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e25a412..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-imp-kolab/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
- <maintainer>
- <email></email>
- <name>Gunnar Wrobel</name>
- </maintainer>
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-ingo-kolab/ChangeLog b/www-apps/horde-ingo-kolab/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index aed5b15..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-ingo-kolab/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# ChangeLog for www-apps/horde-ingo-kolab
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: $
- 25 Oct 2007; horde-ingo-kolab-1.2_alpha.ebuild:
- Consider this stable in the context of this overlay.
- 23 Oct 2007; Gunnar Wrobel <> ChangeLog:
- Fixed metadata entries.
- 16 Oct 2007; Gunnar Wrobel <>
- -files/conf.php_horde-ingo-kolab-20070713.config,
- -files/backends.php_horde-ingo-kolab-20070713.config,
- +files/backends.php_1.2_alpha.config, +files/conf.php_1.2_alpha.config,
- +metadata.xml, +horde-ingo-kolab-1.2_alpha.ebuild,
- -horde-ingo-kolab-20070713.ebuild:
- -m Update to the latest horde release.
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-ingo-kolab/Manifest b/www-apps/horde-ingo-kolab/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index e7e67e0..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-ingo-kolab/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-AUX backends.php_1.2_alpha.config 2180 RMD160 10607e86ea6cbfd81323297ea000743dfaf48c80 SHA1 264d1103a785dadaf0001e2d98589c9450d20c39 SHA256 55a8d62f83d5f801ed14ee805ea35977e3f047beb6d14b7148afe68e9d58151c
-MD5 5390a5f892382ebaf622ddb834cc4143 files/backends.php_1.2_alpha.config 2180
-RMD160 10607e86ea6cbfd81323297ea000743dfaf48c80 files/backends.php_1.2_alpha.config 2180
-SHA256 55a8d62f83d5f801ed14ee805ea35977e3f047beb6d14b7148afe68e9d58151c files/backends.php_1.2_alpha.config 2180
-AUX conf.php_1.2_alpha.config 656 RMD160 234083c3bc7b598e2d287452167398b366c7133b SHA1 8cb57184d67a5fab69cf4dd37e64f6acf0c949c4 SHA256 47cd29e691850cb880e3a8e22acbf0f4dcabcb9240675d505108ec8f528c60ab
-MD5 9190e524123eb3d6956928723145ceed files/conf.php_1.2_alpha.config 656
-RMD160 234083c3bc7b598e2d287452167398b366c7133b files/conf.php_1.2_alpha.config 656
-SHA256 47cd29e691850cb880e3a8e22acbf0f4dcabcb9240675d505108ec8f528c60ab files/conf.php_1.2_alpha.config 656
-DIST ingo-h3-1.2-alpha.tar.gz 1457486 RMD160 9f17d5ea03a72b4d1778f8c5a2766c30bb8b0867 SHA1 ab3a0b3cca268e814d3ef23a5deab33bb5fe737a SHA256 51731076e8189c7cbcf1dc201a68e2c8fcd1199e9ddd91d5289bf836cbfb31de
-EBUILD horde-ingo-kolab-1.2_alpha.ebuild 541 RMD160 7c76a9c9d824c6b91d0e4d40646cf4d81305c75a SHA1 90944fde7ac5c9e2f54e587ed3252e57284cf536 SHA256 7b8fd2e91ac8d0b033c9872c3e82efbb4309c27074845c5b329beaf9b92e5e6c
-MD5 6978f80f25e90e626237d05973a9a3bf horde-ingo-kolab-1.2_alpha.ebuild 541
-RMD160 7c76a9c9d824c6b91d0e4d40646cf4d81305c75a horde-ingo-kolab-1.2_alpha.ebuild 541
-SHA256 7b8fd2e91ac8d0b033c9872c3e82efbb4309c27074845c5b329beaf9b92e5e6c horde-ingo-kolab-1.2_alpha.ebuild 541
-MISC ChangeLog 700 RMD160 7b6f0220d692dacd0076a52ae6a56666c6f2e0e2 SHA1 7634aeb0ec839da999e1fd2949a00238c7f77fe3 SHA256 6808d446ce047ce00cb7f7b6a2dda22389dbeb115061c6177baaa8e1b660aced
-MD5 32f82572330f8f3148761b056b9ca497 ChangeLog 700
-RMD160 7b6f0220d692dacd0076a52ae6a56666c6f2e0e2 ChangeLog 700
-SHA256 6808d446ce047ce00cb7f7b6a2dda22389dbeb115061c6177baaa8e1b660aced ChangeLog 700
-MISC metadata.xml 255 RMD160 00d1bf05efc8050697b679c64d4992fae7bf6145 SHA1 5988787daa740dee18325bf78b25c044877e25a2 SHA256 1d7904c945fbe3d9946d23bcd9f1b00ac8c94700c9121955d71a0301016cb968
-MD5 ea6f2a6e433525a4268b91fa5f51c706 metadata.xml 255
-RMD160 00d1bf05efc8050697b679c64d4992fae7bf6145 metadata.xml 255
-SHA256 1d7904c945fbe3d9946d23bcd9f1b00ac8c94700c9121955d71a0301016cb968 metadata.xml 255
-MD5 39cc10738c1196e9ec9565a780335b8a files/digest-horde-ingo-kolab-1.2_alpha 256
-RMD160 c670fc6c20b2c122ae494550a5ae6981f326d760 files/digest-horde-ingo-kolab-1.2_alpha 256
-SHA256 62cdf543c2f2d199cca7b58a632e426d103c0421edd6e7bc51cbed931017f54b files/digest-horde-ingo-kolab-1.2_alpha 256
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-ingo-kolab/files/backends.php_1.2_alpha.config b/www-apps/horde-ingo-kolab/files/backends.php_1.2_alpha.config
deleted file mode 100644
index 55019ec..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-ingo-kolab/files/backends.php_1.2_alpha.config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
- * $Horde: ingo/config/backends.php.dist,v 2006/02/02 22:57:31 jan Exp $
- *
- * Ingo works purely on a preferred mechanism for server selection. There are
- * a number of properties that you can set for each backend:
- *
- * driver: The Ingo_Driver driver to use to get the script to the
- * backend server. Valid options:
- * 'null' -- No backend server
- * 'timsieved' -- Cyrus timsieved server
- * 'vfs' -- Use Horde VFS
- *
- * preferred: This is the field that is used to choose which server is
- * used. The value for this field may be a single string or an
- * array of strings containing the hostnames to use with this
- * server.
- *
- * hordeauth: Ingo uses the current logged in username and password. If
- * you want the full username@realm to be used to connect then
- * set this to 'full' otherwise set this to true and just the
- * username will be used to connect to the driver.
- *
- * params: An array containing any additional information that the
- * Ingo_Driver class needs.
- *
- * script: The type of Ingo_Script driver this server uses.
- * Valid options:
- * 'imap' -- IMAP client side filtering
- * 'maildrop' -- Maildrop scripts
- * 'procmail' -- Procmail scripts
- * 'sieve' -- Sieve scripts
- *
- * scriptparams: An array containing any additional information that the
- * Ingo_Script driver needs.
- */
-/* Kolab Example (using Sieve) */
-if ($GLOBALS['conf']['kolab']['enabled']) {
- $backends['kolab'] = array(
- 'driver' => 'timsieved',
- 'preferred' => '',
- 'hordeauth' => 'full',
- 'params' => array(
- 'hostspec' => $GLOBALS['conf']['kolab']['imap']['server'],
- 'logintype' => 'PLAIN',
- 'port' => $GLOBALS['conf']['kolab']['imap']['sieveport'],
- 'scriptname' => 'kmail-vacation.siv'
- ),
- 'script' => 'sieve',
- 'scriptparams' => array()
- );
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-ingo-kolab/files/conf.php_1.2_alpha.config b/www-apps/horde-ingo-kolab/files/conf.php_1.2_alpha.config
deleted file mode 100644
index e93e946..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-ingo-kolab/files/conf.php_1.2_alpha.config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-// $Horde: ingo/config/conf.xml,v 1.20 2007/07/27 16:55:13 jan Exp $
-$conf['menu']['apps'] = array();
-$conf['storage']['driver'] = 'prefs';
-$conf['storage']['maxblacklist'] = 0;
-$conf['storage']['maxwhitelist'] = 0;
-$conf['rules']['userheader'] = true;
-$conf['rules']['usefolderapi'] = true;
-$conf['spam']['enabled'] = true;
-$conf['spam']['header'] = 'X-Spam-Level';
-$conf['spam']['char'] = '*';
-$conf['spam']['compare'] = 'string';
-$conf['hooks']['vacation_addresses'] = false;
-$conf['hooks']['vacation_only'] = true;
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-ingo-kolab/files/digest-horde-ingo-kolab-1.2_alpha b/www-apps/horde-ingo-kolab/files/digest-horde-ingo-kolab-1.2_alpha
deleted file mode 100644
index b3be32e..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-ingo-kolab/files/digest-horde-ingo-kolab-1.2_alpha
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 258d3850ccc8813f9327bf2d3fa63bed ingo-h3-1.2-alpha.tar.gz 1457486
-RMD160 9f17d5ea03a72b4d1778f8c5a2766c30bb8b0867 ingo-h3-1.2-alpha.tar.gz 1457486
-SHA256 51731076e8189c7cbcf1dc201a68e2c8fcd1199e9ddd91d5289bf836cbfb31de ingo-h3-1.2-alpha.tar.gz 1457486
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-ingo-kolab/horde-ingo-kolab-1.2_alpha.ebuild b/www-apps/horde-ingo-kolab/horde-ingo-kolab-1.2_alpha.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c1259c..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-ingo-kolab/horde-ingo-kolab-1.2_alpha.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apps/horde-ingo/horde-ingo-1.1.ebuild,v 1.1 2006/03/09 23:34:46 vapier Exp $
-inherit horde-kolab-r4
-DESCRIPTION="e-mail filter rules manager for Horde IMP"
-KEYWORDS="x86 amd64"
- >=www-apps/horde-kolab-3.2_alpha"
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-ingo-kolab/metadata.xml b/www-apps/horde-ingo-kolab/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e25a412..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-ingo-kolab/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
- <maintainer>
- <email></email>
- <name>Gunnar Wrobel</name>
- </maintainer>
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-kolab-all/ChangeLog b/www-apps/horde-kolab-all/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c71629..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-kolab-all/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# ChangeLog for www-apps/horde-kolab-all
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: $
- 25 Oct 2007; horde-kolab-all-3.ebuild:
- Consider this stable in the context of this overlay.
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-kolab-all/Manifest b/www-apps/horde-kolab-all/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index 72b6b19..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-kolab-all/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-EBUILD horde-kolab-all-3.ebuild 935 RMD160 d51170b9adbcedefd257da22c66c36cd7d693281 SHA1 22bbea1b33954ab0a02db6629091ccd390c9ec21 SHA256 efebee6707864493a770fe7b5c3af86682fa4684773a86c5baa2efc76e44d531
-MD5 3118336358eaa4fcb0dc9f3c621f8701 horde-kolab-all-3.ebuild 935
-RMD160 d51170b9adbcedefd257da22c66c36cd7d693281 horde-kolab-all-3.ebuild 935
-SHA256 efebee6707864493a770fe7b5c3af86682fa4684773a86c5baa2efc76e44d531 horde-kolab-all-3.ebuild 935
-MISC ChangeLog 240 RMD160 060d8198719ac80e0024b8c4d4fd604248232507 SHA1 7f042dd0de3df905e8ea04609f6ae429102ba5f1 SHA256 0a3c69fbc08516d67e8543473ae7a56968e62704f4d4e532e5310c9b5fdeff88
-MD5 beb4c1ab51e320f8476753d68ec86ace ChangeLog 240
-RMD160 060d8198719ac80e0024b8c4d4fd604248232507 ChangeLog 240
-SHA256 0a3c69fbc08516d67e8543473ae7a56968e62704f4d4e532e5310c9b5fdeff88 ChangeLog 240
-MISC metadata.xml 255 RMD160 00d1bf05efc8050697b679c64d4992fae7bf6145 SHA1 5988787daa740dee18325bf78b25c044877e25a2 SHA256 1d7904c945fbe3d9946d23bcd9f1b00ac8c94700c9121955d71a0301016cb968
-MD5 ea6f2a6e433525a4268b91fa5f51c706 metadata.xml 255
-RMD160 00d1bf05efc8050697b679c64d4992fae7bf6145 metadata.xml 255
-SHA256 1d7904c945fbe3d9946d23bcd9f1b00ac8c94700c9121955d71a0301016cb968 metadata.xml 255
-MD5 d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e files/digest-horde-kolab-all-3 0
-RMD160 9c1185a5c5e9fc54612808977ee8f548b2258d31 files/digest-horde-kolab-all-3 0
-SHA256 e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 files/digest-horde-kolab-all-3 0
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-kolab-all/files/digest-horde-kolab-all-3 b/www-apps/horde-kolab-all/files/digest-horde-kolab-all-3
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-kolab-all/files/digest-horde-kolab-all-3
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-kolab-all/horde-kolab-all-3.ebuild b/www-apps/horde-kolab-all/horde-kolab-all-3.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index ab21758..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-kolab-all/horde-kolab-all-3.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apps/horde-sork/horde-sork-0.ebuild,v 1.4 2005/05/02 02:51:33 vapier Exp $
-inherit eutils
-DESCRIPTION="Kolab horde meta package"
-KEYWORDS="x86 amd64"
-# this is just a meta package
-pkg_setup() {
- if ! built_with_use net-mail/kolabd horde ; then
- eerror "You MUST re-emerge kolabd with the horde use flag"
- eerror "enabled!"
- die "Current kolabd installation does not support horde-kolab!"
- fi
-src_unpack() { :;}
-src_install() { :;}
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-kolab-all/metadata.xml b/www-apps/horde-kolab-all/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e25a412..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-kolab-all/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
- <maintainer>
- <email></email>
- <name>Gunnar Wrobel</name>
- </maintainer>
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-kolab/ChangeLog b/www-apps/horde-kolab/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index ff6142b..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-kolab/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# ChangeLog for www-apps/horde-kolab
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: $
- 25 Oct 2007; horde-kolab-3.2_alpha.ebuild:
- Consider this stable in the context of this overlay.
- 23 Oct 2007; Gunnar Wrobel <> ChangeLog:
- Fixed metadata entries.
- 16 Oct 2007; Gunnar Wrobel <>
- horde-kolab-3.2_alpha.ebuild:
- Fix removal of the horde framework.
- 16 Oct 2007; Gunnar Wrobel <>
- -files/hooks.php_horde-kolab-3.2_alpha.config,
- -files/conf.php_horde-kolab-3.2_alpha.config,
- -files/registry.php_horde-kolab-3.2_alpha.config, ++, ++, ++,
- horde-kolab-3.2_alpha.ebuild:
- Fixed the config file names.
- 16 Oct 2007; Gunnar Wrobel <>
- +files/hooks.php_horde-kolab-3.2_alpha.config,
- +files/conf.php_horde-kolab-3.2_alpha.config,
- +files/registry.php_horde-kolab-3.2_alpha.config,
- +files/horde-kolab-conf-3.2_alpha.template,
- -files/hooks.php_horde-kolab-20070713.config,
- -files/conf.php_horde-kolab-20070713.config,
- -files/registry.php_horde-kolab-20070713.config,
- -files/horde-kolab-conf-20070713.template, +metadata.xml,
- +horde-kolab-3.2_alpha.ebuild:
- Update to the latest horde release.
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-kolab/Manifest b/www-apps/horde-kolab/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ec04f5..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-kolab/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-AUX conf.php_3.2_alpha.config 4094 RMD160 970b017d5e4df48f3086b864c3420388ed77d0d7 SHA1 fc9ec47a731ebe6202a9c0a977357e0cb17aeb8a SHA256 9d2e77b596d5ad5366f318f4c6a8eb69462be850e5f9d87a217f3f03c0e1d7c3
-MD5 315d775ee9eba864798d578fc0f86f57 files/conf.php_3.2_alpha.config 4094
-RMD160 970b017d5e4df48f3086b864c3420388ed77d0d7 files/conf.php_3.2_alpha.config 4094
-SHA256 9d2e77b596d5ad5366f318f4c6a8eb69462be850e5f9d87a217f3f03c0e1d7c3 files/conf.php_3.2_alpha.config 4094
-AUX hooks.php_3.2_alpha.config 7444 RMD160 74e7a9bb990da2f3fe4a8f6e7148d5906fdd5e1c SHA1 f2384174b6e2f70eb0096580c595881d90faab56 SHA256 f286828b74821e83420b2ec5cb6a8d1e8f908e87a2fb327682ce350f32ccc824
-MD5 e478cd01113460521e514198bed11fce files/hooks.php_3.2_alpha.config 7444
-RMD160 74e7a9bb990da2f3fe4a8f6e7148d5906fdd5e1c files/hooks.php_3.2_alpha.config 7444
-SHA256 f286828b74821e83420b2ec5cb6a8d1e8f908e87a2fb327682ce350f32ccc824 files/hooks.php_3.2_alpha.config 7444
-AUX horde-kolab-conf-3.2_alpha.template 682 RMD160 1addc6e3afac541ae92ebe0d14a0ae6e91ed04d4 SHA1 2a2444ea96760a5c300121f00a71188ca72e99be SHA256 2e33e088ae6f0c5c1b7484c64a1c7a051805d6359e922cc2afa411986d9f84e1
-MD5 a24a4b35a0852ebed73f1e537043898c files/horde-kolab-conf-3.2_alpha.template 682
-RMD160 1addc6e3afac541ae92ebe0d14a0ae6e91ed04d4 files/horde-kolab-conf-3.2_alpha.template 682
-SHA256 2e33e088ae6f0c5c1b7484c64a1c7a051805d6359e922cc2afa411986d9f84e1 files/horde-kolab-conf-3.2_alpha.template 682
-AUX registry.php_3.2_alpha.config 18168 RMD160 0c0a77c9f621153b725d77e64a4fdddd0f2685ca SHA1 2b443263d7a0490bd211de51540c37956108409f SHA256 3167afdeeedbe331979f9bc5af2f71f84377f4763957552fd6d4ed8629993ab2
-MD5 dd61aa6e53816fedb396623d24eb40d3 files/registry.php_3.2_alpha.config 18168
-RMD160 0c0a77c9f621153b725d77e64a4fdddd0f2685ca files/registry.php_3.2_alpha.config 18168
-SHA256 3167afdeeedbe331979f9bc5af2f71f84377f4763957552fd6d4ed8629993ab2 files/registry.php_3.2_alpha.config 18168
-DIST horde-3.2-alpha.tar.gz 6997065 RMD160 603d28d5151da8a2d773df043eb77d03c1ae4383 SHA1 14751b38243864a51174c236228bdb1ecb043aa5 SHA256 2db789603d2656c36ab06184b118cc2b01a3bea2bb102695e75831ab6513b92d
-EBUILD horde-kolab-3.2_alpha.ebuild 1418 RMD160 946fe30e2ef29c5097a3590fd20469658e138fba SHA1 7e0aac57a9093980dec9ab8e143cc7b1a09ca708 SHA256 161c7c136adafce457b89c0f5e2f7004681540c995c70ed941006bda3a8e1517
-MD5 4d7ba82a4d2cc01df22d43a7a726d3d5 horde-kolab-3.2_alpha.ebuild 1418
-RMD160 946fe30e2ef29c5097a3590fd20469658e138fba horde-kolab-3.2_alpha.ebuild 1418
-SHA256 161c7c136adafce457b89c0f5e2f7004681540c995c70ed941006bda3a8e1517 horde-kolab-3.2_alpha.ebuild 1418
-MISC ChangeLog 1243 RMD160 eace15b85d1ed59eefa0b4b7c726165672f8ce6d SHA1 de638f1108f067195164c8290a5e3906dfc3498c SHA256 1644428df0f07bec959ffe890ab5914e0ecb09db5f5474a03fee4556114f66a2
-MD5 f9676a12826a21e3b860f661113368a4 ChangeLog 1243
-RMD160 eace15b85d1ed59eefa0b4b7c726165672f8ce6d ChangeLog 1243
-SHA256 1644428df0f07bec959ffe890ab5914e0ecb09db5f5474a03fee4556114f66a2 ChangeLog 1243
-MISC metadata.xml 255 RMD160 00d1bf05efc8050697b679c64d4992fae7bf6145 SHA1 5988787daa740dee18325bf78b25c044877e25a2 SHA256 1d7904c945fbe3d9946d23bcd9f1b00ac8c94700c9121955d71a0301016cb968
-MD5 ea6f2a6e433525a4268b91fa5f51c706 metadata.xml 255
-RMD160 00d1bf05efc8050697b679c64d4992fae7bf6145 metadata.xml 255
-SHA256 1d7904c945fbe3d9946d23bcd9f1b00ac8c94700c9121955d71a0301016cb968 metadata.xml 255
-MD5 63098923a7d50a7eed9b8dfa97468ac2 files/digest-horde-kolab-3.2_alpha 250
-RMD160 d410e928c6b835f8ec53fd098f7e530185de702e files/digest-horde-kolab-3.2_alpha 250
-SHA256 9dc719c38ee614c447c519fb1a3874d1f1d8d8cb08fa4e2d209a2109843bb04a files/digest-horde-kolab-3.2_alpha 250
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-kolab/files/conf.php_3.2_alpha.config b/www-apps/horde-kolab/files/conf.php_3.2_alpha.config
deleted file mode 100644
index db18808..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-kolab/files/conf.php_3.2_alpha.config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-// $Horde: horde/config/conf.xml,v 1.194 2007/07/30 15:47:32 chuck Exp $
-$conf['vhosts'] = false;
-$conf['debug_level'] = E_ALL;
-$conf['max_exec_time'] = 0;
-$conf['compress_pages'] = true;
-$conf['umask'] = 077;
-$conf['use_ssl'] = 2;
-$conf['server']['name'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
-$conf['server']['port'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];
-$conf['safe_ips'] = array();
-$conf['session']['name'] = 'Horde';
-$conf['session']['use_only_cookies'] = false;
-$conf['session']['cache_limiter'] = 'nocache';
-$conf['session']['timeout'] = 3600;
-$conf['cookie']['domain'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
-$conf['cookie']['path'] = '/horde';
-$conf['sql'] = NULL;
-$conf['auth']['admins'] = array('manager');
-$conf['auth']['checkip'] = true;
-$conf['auth']['checkbrowser'] = true;
-$conf['auth']['alternate_login'] = false;
-$conf['auth']['redirect_on_logout'] = false;
-$conf['auth']['params']['login_block'] = true;
-$conf['auth']['params']['login_block_count'] = 3;
-$conf['auth']['params']['login_block_time'] = 5;
-$conf['auth']['driver'] = 'kolab';
-$conf['signup']['allow'] = false;
-$conf['log']['priority'] = PEAR_LOG_NOTICE;
-$conf['log']['ident'] = 'HORDE';
-$conf['log']['params'] = array();
-$conf['log']['name'] = '/tmp/horde.log';
-$conf['log']['params']['append'] = true;
-$conf['log']['type'] = 'file';
-$conf['log']['enabled'] = true;
-$conf['log_accesskeys'] = false;
-$conf['prefs']['driver'] = 'kolab';
-$conf['alarms']['driver'] = false;
-$conf['datatree']['driver'] = 'null';
-$conf['group']['driver'] = 'datatree';
-$conf['group']['cache'] = false;
-$conf['share']['no_sharing'] = false;
-$conf['share']['cache'] = true;
-$conf['share']['driver'] = 'kolab';
-$conf['cache']['default_lifetime'] = 1800;
-$conf['cache']['params']['dir'] = Horde::getTempDir();
-$conf['cache']['params']['sub'] = 0;
-$conf['cache']['params']['gc'] = 86400;
-$conf['cache']['driver'] = 'file';
-$conf['token']['driver'] = 'none';
-$conf['mailer']['params']['auth'] = '0';
-$conf['mailer']['type'] = 'smtp';
-$conf['mailformat']['brokenrfc2231'] = false;
-$conf['tmpdir'] = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../tmp/';
-$conf['vfs']['params']['vfsroot'] = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../tmp';
-$conf['vfs']['type'] = 'file';
-$conf['sessionhandler']['type'] = 'none';
-$conf['image']['convert'] = '/usr/bin/convert';
-$conf['mime']['magic_db'] = '/etc/mime.types';
-$conf['problems']['email'] = '';
-$conf['problems']['maildomain'] = '';
-$conf['problems']['tickets'] = false;
-$conf['menu']['apps'] = array();
-$conf['menu']['always'] = false;
-$conf['menu']['links']['help'] = 'all';
-$conf['menu']['links']['help_about'] = true;
-$conf['menu']['links']['options'] = 'authenticated';
-$conf['menu']['links']['problem'] = 'all';
-$conf['menu']['links']['login'] = 'all';
-$conf['menu']['links']['logout'] = 'authenticated';
-$conf['hooks']['permsdenied'] = false;
-$conf['hooks']['username'] = false;
-$conf['hooks']['preauthenticate'] = false;
-$conf['hooks']['postauthenticate'] = false;
-$conf['hooks']['authldap'] = false;
-$conf['hooks']['groupldap'] = false;
-$conf['portal']['fixed_blocks'] = array();
-$conf['accounts']['driver'] = 'null';
-$conf['user']['verify_from_addr'] = false;
-$conf['imsp']['enabled'] = false;
-$conf['kolab']['ldap']['server'] = 'localhost';
-$conf['kolab']['ldap']['port'] = 389;
-$conf['kolab']['ldap']['basedn'] = 'dc=example,dc=com';
-$conf['kolab']['ldap']['phpdn'] = 'cn=nobody,cn=internal,dc=example,dc=com';
-$conf['kolab']['ldap']['phppw'] = 'dummy';
-$conf['kolab']['imap']['server'] = 'localhost';
-$conf['kolab']['imap']['port'] = 143;
-$conf['kolab']['imap']['sieveport'] = 2000;
-$conf['kolab']['imap']['virtdomains'] = true;
-$conf['kolab']['imap']['maildomain'] = '';
-$conf['kolab']['smtp']['server'] = 'localhost';
-$conf['kolab']['smtp']['port'] = 25;
-$conf['kolab']['misc']['multidomain'] = false;
-$conf['kolab']['enabled'] = true;
-$conf['memcache']['enabled'] = false;
-if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/kolab.php')) {
- require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/kolab.php');
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-kolab/files/digest-horde-kolab-3.2_alpha b/www-apps/horde-kolab/files/digest-horde-kolab-3.2_alpha
deleted file mode 100644
index fb15c9b..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-kolab/files/digest-horde-kolab-3.2_alpha
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 1de0cdbf07c990db1eafb4c19b9a2ae6 horde-3.2-alpha.tar.gz 6997065
-RMD160 603d28d5151da8a2d773df043eb77d03c1ae4383 horde-3.2-alpha.tar.gz 6997065
-SHA256 2db789603d2656c36ab06184b118cc2b01a3bea2bb102695e75831ab6513b92d horde-3.2-alpha.tar.gz 6997065
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-kolab/files/hooks.php_3.2_alpha.config b/www-apps/horde-kolab/files/hooks.php_3.2_alpha.config
deleted file mode 100644
index fab46b3..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-kolab/files/hooks.php_3.2_alpha.config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
- * Horde Hooks configuration file.
- *
- *
- * This file is where you define any hooks, for preferences or general Horde
- * use, that your installation uses. The functions in this file can vastly
- * change how your installation behaves, so make sure to test out any changes
- * here before doing them in a production environment.
- *
- * Hook function names are automatically determined. The format of the name
- * is:
- *
- * _<type of hook>_hook_<name of hook>.
- *
- * Types of hooks that are defined in this file are 'prefs' (hooks to set the
- * value of preferences), 'horde' (hooks for the Horde Framework scripts) and
- * 'app' (where app is any Horde application name, like 'imp') hooks that are
- * application specific.
- *
- * So, a hook to set the preference 'theme' would be named
- * "_prefs_hook_theme".
- *
- * NOTE 1: Having a hook function in this file does NOT mean that the hook
- * will automatically be used. YOU MUST enable the hook. For preferences, set
- * 'hook' => true in that preferences attributes; for other hooks, there will
- * be a configuration option in each application's conf.php file such as
- * $conf['hooks']['hookname'] which must be set to true.
- *
- * NOTE 2: Preferences hooks are ONLY executed on login. Preferences are
- * cached during a users session and, to avoid unnecessary overhead every time
- * a preference is accessed, the results of hooks are cached as well. This
- * leads to ...
- *
- * NOTE 3: Any preference that is NOT LOCKED, that is set by a hook, WILL BE
- * SAVED WITH THAT VALUE. This means several things:
- * 1) Users will get the results of the hook set for them in their
- * preferences.
- * 2) By virtue of this, the next time they log in and load their
- * preferences, the hook will NOT be called, because in their last session,
- * we saved the results of the hook for them. However, if the preference is
- * locked, the result of the hook will never be saved.
- *
- * $Horde: horde/config/hooks.php.dist,v 1.109 2007/01/03 06:26:08 slusarz Exp $
- */
-// Default Kolab hooks:
-if (!empty($GLOBALS['conf']['kolab']['enabled'])) {
- require_once 'Horde/Kolab.php';
- if (!function_exists('_username_hook_frombackend')) {
- function _username_hook_frombackend($userID)
- {
- // Connect to the LDAP server.
- $ds = ldap_connect(
- $GLOBALS['conf']['kolab']['ldap']['server'],
- $GLOBALS['conf']['kolab']['ldap']['port']
- );
- if (!$ds) {
- return $userID;
- }
- ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
- // Bind anonymously.
- $result = @ldap_bind($ds);
- if (!$result) {
- return $userID;
- }
- // Find the user's DN.
- $result = ldap_search(
- $ds,
- $GLOBALS['conf']['kolab']['ldap']['basedn'],
- 'uid=' . $userID
- );
- $entry = ldap_first_entry($ds, $result);
- if ($entry === false) {
- // The user already authenticated with his email address.
- return $userID;
- }
- $email = ldap_get_values($ds, $entry, 'mail');
- return $email[0];
- }
- function _imp_hook_mbox_redirect($mailbox)
- {
- switch (Kolab::getMailboxType($mailbox)) {
- case 'event':
- return $GLOBALS['registry']->get('webroot', 'kronolith');
- case 'task':
- return $GLOBALS['registry']->get('webroot', 'nag');
- case 'note':
- return $GLOBALS['registry']->get('webroot', 'mnemo');
- case 'contact':
- return $GLOBALS['registry']->get('webroot', 'turba');
- default:
- return '';
- }
- }
- function _imp_hook_mbox_icons()
- {
- static $icons;
- if (!empty($icons)) {
- return $icons;
- }
- $folders = Kolab::listFolders();
- $icons = array();
- foreach ($folders as $folder) {
- $name = preg_replace('/^{[^}]+}/', '', $folder[0]);
- switch ($folder[1]) {
- case 'event':
- $icons[$name] = array(
- 'icon' => 'kronolith.png',
- 'icondir' => $GLOBALS['registry']->getImageDir('kronolith'),
- 'alt' => _("Calendar")
- );
- break;
- case 'task':
- $icons[$name] = array(
- 'icon' => 'nag.png',
- 'icondir' => $GLOBALS['registry']->getImageDir('nag'),
- 'alt' => _("Tasks")
- );
- break;
- case 'note':
- $icons[$name] = array(
- 'icon' => 'mnemo.png',
- 'icondir' => $GLOBALS['registry']->getImageDir('mnemo'),
- 'alt' => _("Notes")
- );
- break;
- case 'contact':
- $icons[$name] = array(
- 'icon' => 'turba.png',
- 'icondir' => $GLOBALS['registry']->getImageDir('turba'),
- 'alt' => _("Contacts")
- );
- break;
- }
- }
- return $icons;
- }
- }
- if (!function_exists('_horde_hook_preauthenticate')) {
- function _horde_hook_preauthenticate($userID, $credential, $realm)
- {
- /**
- * In multidomain mode we authenticate against the home server
- * of the user, so first we have to query the global ldap server
- * for the users 'kolabHomeserver' entry and then we modify the
- * PHP session variables to use the home server.
- */
- $ds = ldap_connect(
- $GLOBALS['conf']['kolab']['ldap']['server'],
- $GLOBALS['conf']['kolab']['ldap']['port']
- );
- if (!$ds) {
- return false;
- }
- // Bind anonymously.
- $result = @ldap_bind($ds,
- $GLOBALS['conf']['kolab']['ldap']['binddn'],
- $GLOBALS['conf']['kolab']['ldap']['bindpw']
- );
- if (!$result) {
- return false;
- }
- // Find the user's DN.
- $result = ldap_search(
- $ds,
- $GLOBALS['conf']['kolab']['ldap']['basedn'],
- "uid=$userID"
- );
- $entry = ldap_first_entry($ds, $result);
- if ($entry === false) {
- return false;
- }
- $result = ldap_get_values($ds, $entry, 'kolabHomeserver');
- if (!$result) {
- // 'manager' has no 'kolabHomserver' set, so don't treat it as error
- $homeserver = $GLOBALS['conf']['kolab']['imap']['server'];
- } else {
- // We found a valid homeserver
- $homeserver = $result[0];
- }
- $_SESSION['kolabHomeserver'] = $homeserver;
- return true;
- }
- }
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-kolab/files/horde-kolab-conf-3.2_alpha.template b/www-apps/horde-kolab/files/horde-kolab-conf-3.2_alpha.template
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c3208e..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-kolab/files/horde-kolab-conf-3.2_alpha.template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-$conf['log']['name'] = '/tmp/horde.log';
-$conf['cookie']['domain'] = '@@@fqdnhostname@@@';
-$conf['problems']['email'] = 'postmaster@@@@postfix-mydomain@@@';
-$conf['problems']['maildomain'] = '@@@postfix-mydomain@@@';
-$conf['kolab']['ldap']['server'] = '@@@fqdnhostname@@@';
-$conf['kolab']['ldap']['basedn'] = '@@@base_dn@@@';
-$conf['kolab']['ldap']['phpdn'] = '@@@php_dn@@@';
-$conf['kolab']['ldap']['phppw'] = '@@@php_pw@@@';
-$conf['kolab']['imap']['server'] = '@@@fqdnhostname@@@';
-$conf['kolab']['imap']['maildomain'] = '@@@postfix-mydomain@@@';
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-kolab/files/registry.php_3.2_alpha.config b/www-apps/horde-kolab/files/registry.php_3.2_alpha.config
deleted file mode 100644
index 289e8af..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-kolab/files/registry.php_3.2_alpha.config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,570 +0,0 @@
- * registry.php -- Horde application registry.
- *
- * $Horde: horde/config/registry.php.dist,v 1.294 2006/11/24 10:39:09 jan Exp $
- *
- * This configuration file is used by Horde to determine which Horde
- * applications are installed and where, as well as how they interact.
- *
- * Application registry
- * --------------------
- * The following settings register installed Horde applications.
- * By default, Horde assumes that the application directories live
- * inside the horde directory.
- *
- * Attribute Type Description
- * --------- ---- -----------
- * fileroot string The base filesystem path for the module's files.
- * webroot string The base URI for the module.
- * jsuri string The base URI for static javascript files.
- * jsfs string The base filesystem path for static javascript files.
- * themesuri string The base URI for the themes. This can be used to
- * serve all icons and style sheets from a separate
- * server.
- * themesfs string The base file system directory for the themes.
- * icon string The URI for an icon to show in menus for the module.
- * Setting this will override the default theme-based
- * logic in the code.
- * name string The name used in menus and descriptions for a module
- * status string 'inactive', 'hidden', 'notoolbar', 'heading',
- * 'block', 'admin', or 'active'.
- * provides string Service types the module provides.
- * initial_page string The initial (default) page (filename) for the module.
- * templates string The filesystem path to the templates directory.
- * menu_parent string The name of the 'heading' group that this app should
- * show up under.
- * target string The (optional) target frame for the link.
- * url string The (optional) URL of 'heading' entries.
- */
-// We try to automatically determine the proper webroot for Horde here. This
-// still assumes that applications live under horde/. If this results in
-// incorrect results for you, simply change the 'webroot' setting in the
-// 'horde' stanza below.
-$this->applications['horde'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/..',
- 'webroot' => _detect_webroot(),
- 'initial_page' => 'login.php',
- 'name' => _("Horde"),
- 'status' => 'active',
- 'templates' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../templates',
- 'provides' => 'horde',
-$this->applications['mimp'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../mimp',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/mimp',
- 'name' => _("Mobile Mail"),
- 'status' => 'notoolbar',
-$this->applications['dimp'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../dimp',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/dimp',
- 'name' => _("Dynamic Mail"),
- 'status' => 'notoolbar',
-$this->applications['imp'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../imp',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/imp',
- 'name' => _("Mail"),
- 'status' => 'active',
- 'provides' => array('mail', 'contacts/favouriteRecipients')
-$this->applications['ingo'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../ingo',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/ingo',
- 'name' => _("Filters"),
- 'status' => 'active',
- 'provides' => array('mail/blacklistFrom', 'mail/showBlacklist', 'mail/whitelistFrom', 'mail/showWhitelist', 'mail/applyFilters', 'mail/canApplyFilters', 'mail/showFilters'),
- 'menu_parent' => 'imp'
-$this->applications['sam'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../sam',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/sam',
- 'name' => _("Spam"),
- 'status' => 'inactive',
- // Uncomment this line if you want Sam to handle the blacklist filter
- // instead of Ingo:
- // 'provides' => array('mail/blacklistFrom', 'mail/showBlacklist', 'mail/whitelistFrom', 'mail/showWhitelist'),
- 'menu_parent' => 'imp'
-$this->applications['forwards'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../forwards',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/forwards',
- 'name' => _("Forwards"),
- 'status' => 'inactive',
- 'provides' => 'forwards',
- 'menu_parent' => 'imp',
-$this->applications['vacation'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../vacation',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/vacation',
- 'name' => _("Vacation"),
- 'status' => 'inactive',
- 'provides' => 'vacation',
- 'menu_parent' => 'imp'
-$this->applications['imp-folders'] = array(
- 'status' => 'block',
- 'app' => 'imp',
- 'blockname' => 'tree_folders',
- 'menu_parent' => 'imp',
-$this->applications['organizing'] = array(
- 'name' => _("Organizing"),
- 'status' => 'heading',
-$this->applications['turba'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../turba',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/turba',
- 'name' => _("Address Book"),
- 'status' => 'active',
- 'provides' => array('contacts', 'clients'),
- 'menu_parent' => 'organizing'
-$this->applications['turba-menu'] = array(
- 'status' => 'block',
- 'app' => 'turba',
- 'blockname' => 'tree_menu',
- 'menu_parent' => 'turba',
-$this->applications['kronolith'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../kronolith',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/kronolith',
- 'name' => _("Calendar"),
- 'status' => 'active',
- 'provides' => 'calendar',
- 'menu_parent' => 'organizing'
-$this->applications['kronolith-alarms'] = array(
- 'status' => 'block',
- 'app' => 'kronolith',
- 'blockname' => 'tree_alarms',
- 'menu_parent' => 'kronolith',
-$this->applications['kronolith-menu'] = array(
- 'status' => 'block',
- 'app' => 'kronolith',
- 'blockname' => 'tree_menu',
- 'menu_parent' => 'kronolith',
-$this->applications['nag'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../nag',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/nag',
- 'name' => _("Tasks"),
- 'status' => 'active',
- 'provides' => 'tasks',
- 'menu_parent' => 'organizing'
-$this->applications['nag-alarms'] = array(
- 'status' => 'block',
- 'app' => 'nag',
- 'blockname' => 'tree_alarms',
- 'menu_parent' => 'nag',
-$this->applications['nag-menu'] = array(
- 'status' => 'block',
- 'app' => 'nag',
- 'blockname' => 'tree_menu',
- 'menu_parent' => 'nag',
-$this->applications['mnemo'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../mnemo',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/mnemo',
- 'name' => _("Notes"),
- 'status' => 'active',
- 'provides' => 'notes',
- 'menu_parent' => 'organizing'
-$this->applications['mnemo-menu'] = array(
- 'status' => 'block',
- 'app' => 'mnemo',
- 'blockname' => 'tree_menu',
- 'menu_parent' => 'mnemo',
-$this->applications['genie'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../genie',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/genie',
- 'name' => _("Wishlist"),
- 'status' => 'inactive',
- 'provides' => 'wishlist',
- 'menu_parent' => 'organizing'
-$this->applications['trean'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../trean',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/trean',
- 'name' => _("Bookmarks"),
- 'status' => 'inactive',
- 'provides' => 'bookmarks',
- 'menu_parent' => 'organizing'
-$this->applications['trean-menu'] = array(
- 'status' => 'block',
- 'app' => 'trean',
- 'blockname' => 'tree_menu',
- 'menu_parent' => 'trean',
-$this->applications['devel'] = array(
- 'name' => _("Development"),
- 'status' => 'heading',
-$this->applications['chora'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../chora',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/chora',
- 'name' => _("Version Control"),
- 'status' => 'active',
- 'menu_parent' => 'devel'
-$this->applications['chora-menu'] = array(
- 'status' => 'block',
- 'app' => 'chora',
- 'blockname' => 'tree_menu',
- 'menu_parent' => 'chora',
-$this->applications['whups'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../whups',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/whups',
- 'name' => _("Tickets"),
- 'status' => 'inactive',
- 'provides' => 'tickets',
- 'menu_parent' => 'devel'
-$this->applications['luxor'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../luxor',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/luxor',
- 'name' => _("X-Ref"),
- 'status' => 'inactive',
- 'menu_parent' => 'devel'
-$this->applications['info'] = array(
- 'name' => _("Information"),
- 'status' => 'heading',
-$this->applications['klutz'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../klutz',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/klutz',
- 'name' => _("Comics"),
- 'status' => 'inactive',
- 'provides' => 'comics',
- 'menu_parent' => 'info'
-$this->applications['occam'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../occam',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/occam',
- 'name' => _("Courses"),
- 'status' => 'inactive',
- 'menu_parent' => 'info'
-$this->applications['mottle'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../mottle',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/mottle',
- 'name' => _("MOTD"),
- 'status' => 'inactive',
- 'menu_parent' => 'info'
-$this->applications['jonah'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../jonah',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/jonah',
- 'name' => _("News"),
- 'status' => 'inactive',
- 'provides' => 'news',
- 'menu_parent' => 'info'
-$this->applications['jonah-menu'] = array(
- 'status' => 'block',
- 'app' => 'jonah',
- 'blockname' => 'tree_menu',
- 'menu_parent' => 'jonah',
-$this->applications['goops'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../goops',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/goops',
- 'name' => _("Search Engines"),
- 'status' => 'inactive',
- 'menu_parent' => 'info'
-$this->applications['office'] = array(
- 'name' => _("Office"),
- 'status' => 'heading',
-$this->applications['juno'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../juno',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/juno',
- 'name' => _("Accounting"),
- 'status' => 'inactive',
- 'menu_parent' => 'office'
-$this->applications['midas'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../midas',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/midas',
- 'name' => _("Ads"),
- 'status' => 'inactive',
- 'menu_parent' => 'office'
-$this->applications['hylax'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../hylax',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/hylax',
- 'name' => _("Faxes"),
- 'status' => 'inactive',
- 'menu_parent' => 'office',
-$this->applications['sesha'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../sesha',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/sesha',
- 'name' => _("Inventory"),
- 'status' => 'inactive',
- // Uncomment this line if you want Sesha to provide queue and version
- // names instead of Whups:
- // 'provides' => array('tickets/listQueues', 'tickets/getQueueDetails', 'tickets/listVersions', 'tickets/getVersionDetails'),
- 'menu_parent' => 'office',
-$this->applications['thor'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../thor',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/thor',
- 'name' => _("Projects"),
- 'status' => 'inactive',
- 'provides' => 'projects',
- 'menu_parent' => 'office'
-$this->applications['rakim'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../rakim',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/rakim',
- 'name' => _("Support"),
- 'status' => 'inactive',
- 'menu_parent' => 'office'
-$this->applications['hermes'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../hermes',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/hermes',
- 'name' => _("Time Tracking"),
- 'status' => 'inactive',
- 'menu_parent' => 'office',
- 'provides' => 'time'
-$this->applications['hermes-stopwatch'] = array(
- 'status' => 'block',
- 'app' => 'hermes',
- 'blockname' => 'tree_stopwatch',
- 'menu_parent' => 'hermes',
-$this->applications['hermes-menu'] = array(
- 'status' => 'block',
- 'app' => 'hermes',
- 'blockname' => 'tree_menu',
- 'menu_parent' => 'hermes',
-$this->applications['myaccount'] = array(
- 'name' => _("My Account"),
- 'status' => 'heading',
-$this->applications['gollem'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../gollem',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/gollem',
- 'name' => _("File Manager"),
- 'status' => 'active',
- 'menu_parent' => 'myaccount',
- 'provides' => 'files',
-$this->applications['gollem-menu'] = array(
- 'status' => 'block',
- 'app' => 'gollem',
- 'blockname' => 'tree_menu',
- 'menu_parent' => 'gollem',
-$this->applications['passwd'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../passwd',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/passwd',
- 'name' => _("Password"),
- 'status' => 'active',
- 'menu_parent' => 'myaccount'
-$this->applications['jeta'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../jeta',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/jeta',
- 'name' => _("SSH"),
- 'status' => 'inactive',
- 'menu_parent' => 'myaccount'
-$this->applications['website'] = array(
- 'name' => _("Web Site"),
- 'status' => 'heading',
-$this->applications['giapeto'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../giapeto',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/giapeto',
- 'name' => _("CMS"),
- 'status' => 'inactive',
- 'provides' => 'cms',
- 'menu_parent' => 'website'
-$this->applications['agora'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../agora',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/agora',
- 'name' => _("Forums"),
- 'status' => 'inactive',
- 'provides' => 'forums',
- 'menu_parent' => 'website'
-$this->applications['ulaform'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../ulaform',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/ulaform',
- 'name' => _("Forms"),
- 'status' => 'inactive',
- 'menu_parent' => 'website'
-$this->applications['volos'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../volos',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/volos',
- 'name' => _("Guestbook"),
- 'status' => 'inactive',
- 'menu_parent' => 'website'
-$this->applications['ansel'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../ansel',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/ansel',
- 'name' => _("Photos"),
- 'status' => 'inactive',
- 'provides' => 'images',
- 'menu_parent' => 'website'
-$this->applications['scry'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../scry',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/scry',
- 'name' => _("Polls"),
- 'status' => 'inactive',
- 'provides' => 'polls',
- 'menu_parent' => 'website'
-$this->applications['merk'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../merk',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/merk',
- 'name' => _("Shopping"),
- 'status' => 'inactive',
- 'provides' => 'shop',
- 'menu_parent' => 'website'
-$this->applications['swoosh'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../swoosh',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/swoosh',
- 'name' => _("SMS Messaging"),
- 'status' => 'inactive',
- 'provides' => 'sms',
- 'menu_parent' => 'website'
-$this->applications['wicked'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../wicked',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/wicked',
- 'name' => _("Wiki"),
- 'status' => 'inactive',
- 'provides' => 'wiki',
- 'menu_parent' => 'website'
-$this->applications['vilma'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../vilma',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/vilma',
- 'name' => _("Mail Admin"),
- 'status' => 'inactive',
- 'menu_parent' => 'administration'
-$this->applications['nic'] = array(
- 'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../nic',
- 'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/nic',
- 'name' => _("Network Tools"),
- 'status' => 'active',
- 'menu_parent' => 'administration'
-function _detect_webroot()
- // Note for Windows users: the below assumes that your PHP_SELF variable
- // uses forward slashes. If it does not, you'll have to tweak this.
- if (isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_URL']) || isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])) {
- $path = empty($_SERVER['SCRIPT_URL']) ?
- $hordedir = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', __FILE__);
- $hordedir = basename(preg_replace(';/config/registry.php$;', '', $hordedir));
- if (preg_match(';/' . $hordedir . ';', $path)) {
- $webroot = preg_replace(';/' . $hordedir . '.*;', '/' . $hordedir, $path);
- } else {
- $webroot = '';
- }
- } elseif (isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
- $webroot = preg_split(';/;', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 2, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
- $webroot = strstr(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . array_shift($webroot));
- if ($webroot !== false) {
- $webroot = preg_replace(array('/\\\\/', ';/config$;'), array('/', ''), $webroot);
- } elseif ($webroot === false) {
- $webroot = '';
- } else {
- $webroot = '/horde';
- }
- } else {
- $webroot = '/horde';
- }
- return $webroot;
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-kolab/horde-kolab-3.2_alpha.ebuild b/www-apps/horde-kolab/horde-kolab-3.2_alpha.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 11d3f40..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-kolab/horde-kolab-3.2_alpha.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apps/horde/horde-3.1.ebuild,v 1.1 2006/03/09 23:32:37 vapier Exp $
-HORDE_PHP_FEATURES="session xml"
-inherit horde-kolab-r4
-DESCRIPTION="Horde Application Framework"
-KEYWORDS="x86 amd64"
- >=sys-devel/gettext-0.10.40
- >=dev-libs/libxml2-2.4.21
- >=www-apps/horde-pear-1.3
- dev-php/horde-framework-kolab
- dev-php/PEAR-Log
- dev-php/PEAR-Mail_Mime"
-src_install() {
- horde-kolab-r4_src_install
- # We install the Horde framework as a PEAR library for Kolab
- rm -rf "${D}"/"${MY_HTDOCSDIR}"/lib/{File,File.php,Horde,Horde.php,Net,SyncML,SyncML.php,Text,VFS,VFS.php,XML}
-pkg_postinst() {
- horde-kolab-r4_pkg_postinst
- echo
- einfo "Horde requires PHP to have:"
- einfo " ==> 'short_open_tag enabled = On'"
- einfo " ==> 'magic_quotes_runtime set = Off'"
- einfo " ==> 'file_uploads enabled = On'"
- einfo "Please edit /etc/php/apache2-php5/php.ini"
- echo
- einfo "horde-kolab requires NO DATABASE anymore!"
- echo
- ewarn "Make sure you delete any old horde configuration"
- ewarn "templates from /etc/kolab/templates!"
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-kolab/metadata.xml b/www-apps/horde-kolab/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e25a412..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-kolab/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
- <maintainer>
- <email></email>
- <name>Gunnar Wrobel</name>
- </maintainer>
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-kronolith-kolab/ChangeLog b/www-apps/horde-kronolith-kolab/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 8347400..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-kronolith-kolab/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# ChangeLog for www-apps/horde-kronolith-kolab
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: $
- 25 Oct 2007; horde-kronolith-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild:
- Consider this stable in the context of this overlay.
- 25 Oct 2007; horde-kronolith-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild:
- Added PEAR-Date dependency.
- 23 Oct 2007; Gunnar Wrobel <> ChangeLog:
- Fixed metadata entries.
- 16 Oct 2007; Gunnar Wrobel <>
- files/horde-kronolith-kolab-conf-2.2_alpha.template:
- Fix the variables in the template.
- 16 Oct 2007; Gunnar Wrobel <>
- horde-kronolith-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild:
- Stupid portage problem.
- 16 Oct 2007; Gunnar Wrobel <>
- +files/HK-UV-Fix_list_events-2.2_alpha.patch,
- +files/HK-GW-Fix_create_new_event-2.2_alpha.patch,
- +files/HK-GW-Fix_share_right_editing-2.2_alpha.patch,
- +files/horde-kronolith-kolab-conf-2.2_alpha.template,
- -files/conf.php_horde-kronolith-kolab-20070713.config,
- -files/horde-kronolith-kolab-conf-20070713.template,
- +files/conf.php_2.2_alpha.config, +metadata.xml,
- +horde-kronolith-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild,
- -horde-kronolith-kolab-20070713.ebuild:
- -m Update to the latest horde release.
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-kronolith-kolab/Manifest b/www-apps/horde-kronolith-kolab/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index fd539ae..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-kronolith-kolab/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-AUX HK-GW-Fix_create_new_event-2.2_alpha.patch 485 RMD160 fdb1d2b566b4056fa3e0d37c808ea7b889aa2e7e SHA1 54f5389aa25d588c9c73a8058d145143d4766371 SHA256 a50cb1fbed7ac00dad99a9da3d8090121ed257658188a53da534aedbaddca35e
-MD5 1141608d1891780de42b78ed4916afac files/HK-GW-Fix_create_new_event-2.2_alpha.patch 485
-RMD160 fdb1d2b566b4056fa3e0d37c808ea7b889aa2e7e files/HK-GW-Fix_create_new_event-2.2_alpha.patch 485
-SHA256 a50cb1fbed7ac00dad99a9da3d8090121ed257658188a53da534aedbaddca35e files/HK-GW-Fix_create_new_event-2.2_alpha.patch 485
-AUX HK-GW-Fix_share_right_editing-2.2_alpha.patch 972 RMD160 847d97a3cb98473665804cdf05d5b9d862884933 SHA1 fdcdf1b8021a702fb7f43e1992213a3edfa5f8a0 SHA256 7c7ad00014cb57a0f03138b2182e5b71bdf55e455cf54e818f0a9fa9c78c5c38
-MD5 b9384b37a3899a2599ca6cad835b6d04 files/HK-GW-Fix_share_right_editing-2.2_alpha.patch 972
-RMD160 847d97a3cb98473665804cdf05d5b9d862884933 files/HK-GW-Fix_share_right_editing-2.2_alpha.patch 972
-SHA256 7c7ad00014cb57a0f03138b2182e5b71bdf55e455cf54e818f0a9fa9c78c5c38 files/HK-GW-Fix_share_right_editing-2.2_alpha.patch 972
-AUX HK-UV-Fix_list_events-2.2_alpha.patch 1807 RMD160 73f7e770b1efa03114f208f825c102c48cec79b2 SHA1 6276e7a0dd012e0ee92cdbfbd1652b4bfc6605ae SHA256 a605d8c9c1bbf75196ce652b96bb2102a8f69d138e1ddbeb9f577406f30cec9c
-MD5 d14d54cede2e95d36951f4ce3ba31240 files/HK-UV-Fix_list_events-2.2_alpha.patch 1807
-RMD160 73f7e770b1efa03114f208f825c102c48cec79b2 files/HK-UV-Fix_list_events-2.2_alpha.patch 1807
-SHA256 a605d8c9c1bbf75196ce652b96bb2102a8f69d138e1ddbeb9f577406f30cec9c files/HK-UV-Fix_list_events-2.2_alpha.patch 1807
-AUX conf.php_2.2_alpha.config 827 RMD160 0b1abb1e74ac991785b68c0e195b869ce4b1c092 SHA1 6b885fc9b993a87453068063e5d344a2ad25f95b SHA256 748f298f4fe595ae8db742b3b7cb060026fc68adc3da21f4f9d2a4aebe4fee6c
-MD5 159bf0b971e9436e8167e332989b3bc6 files/conf.php_2.2_alpha.config 827
-RMD160 0b1abb1e74ac991785b68c0e195b869ce4b1c092 files/conf.php_2.2_alpha.config 827
-SHA256 748f298f4fe595ae8db742b3b7cb060026fc68adc3da21f4f9d2a4aebe4fee6c files/conf.php_2.2_alpha.config 827
-AUX horde-kronolith-kolab-conf-2.2_alpha.template 334 RMD160 1c03c8c027d5feb53b3f4a3b752558d82d533a09 SHA1 e7c22016aa6addaecee9b7fc8ccd4e0fe8a17478 SHA256 c2660583e560faff6bcbf955887a812b6828d46f94d7e0bdb2e474bc622009ee
-MD5 4831d5f8240ec3fb53ed2d9d34ef8658 files/horde-kronolith-kolab-conf-2.2_alpha.template 334
-RMD160 1c03c8c027d5feb53b3f4a3b752558d82d533a09 files/horde-kronolith-kolab-conf-2.2_alpha.template 334
-SHA256 c2660583e560faff6bcbf955887a812b6828d46f94d7e0bdb2e474bc622009ee files/horde-kronolith-kolab-conf-2.2_alpha.template 334
-DIST kronolith-h3-2.2-alpha.tar.gz 2013090 RMD160 b1fe6e176a0cacb1dbaa2e41affd983d0c66d115 SHA1 0251d0d1416ffea0f03bd51d3ab8545ba9fa29a8 SHA256 f908a6ff3ef1436cc121d110302633b9a64911ce536dd8b617d6479b95530bc6
-EBUILD horde-kronolith-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild 785 RMD160 7e77e8929732edf4150c04d01ee1bc086ef6550a SHA1 92f901f5eb4da305cd0a2ef4df3629f975cbcdea SHA256 92f01fe113d3f1c4c6ce8a901142cc97b40e3aedaa4cedd940277b6f0fb7c8d3
-MD5 c67da44bd0aa797f5124dbee1cbacf57 horde-kronolith-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild 785
-RMD160 7e77e8929732edf4150c04d01ee1bc086ef6550a horde-kronolith-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild 785
-SHA256 92f01fe113d3f1c4c6ce8a901142cc97b40e3aedaa4cedd940277b6f0fb7c8d3 horde-kronolith-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild 785
-MISC ChangeLog 1263 RMD160 0de1a532ea130cf6404c7d34c04bc42515101e75 SHA1 ffdf338d08a68702518cbdacb317a6b67eeceed0 SHA256 2784a352ee66a6d35e519d7858e316cf4db6d41aaaab1be3c4d693b1f83c71fc
-MD5 34f9e9bef432fda66ceec423a1b959ff ChangeLog 1263
-RMD160 0de1a532ea130cf6404c7d34c04bc42515101e75 ChangeLog 1263
-SHA256 2784a352ee66a6d35e519d7858e316cf4db6d41aaaab1be3c4d693b1f83c71fc ChangeLog 1263
-MISC metadata.xml 255 RMD160 00d1bf05efc8050697b679c64d4992fae7bf6145 SHA1 5988787daa740dee18325bf78b25c044877e25a2 SHA256 1d7904c945fbe3d9946d23bcd9f1b00ac8c94700c9121955d71a0301016cb968
-MD5 ea6f2a6e433525a4268b91fa5f51c706 metadata.xml 255
-RMD160 00d1bf05efc8050697b679c64d4992fae7bf6145 metadata.xml 255
-SHA256 1d7904c945fbe3d9946d23bcd9f1b00ac8c94700c9121955d71a0301016cb968 metadata.xml 255
-MD5 bb01eeaaf0d141e970f896ae3213d672 files/digest-horde-kronolith-kolab-2.2_alpha 271
-RMD160 b3d414171e16fd3ae29c7e2d673350c7d764cf7c files/digest-horde-kronolith-kolab-2.2_alpha 271
-SHA256 b0cc9535ebe612bacf4071ad9dd7f83f6f898d8d8fff4d1bc9f5eede8bafdb73 files/digest-horde-kronolith-kolab-2.2_alpha 271
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-kronolith-kolab/files/HK-GW-Fix_create_new_event-2.2_alpha.patch b/www-apps/horde-kronolith-kolab/files/HK-GW-Fix_create_new_event-2.2_alpha.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f4e5b00..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-kronolith-kolab/files/HK-GW-Fix_create_new_event-2.2_alpha.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-Fix the return value when creating a new event.
-diff -r b92bff17929a kronolith/lib/Driver/kolab.php
---- a/kronolith/lib/Driver/kolab.php Wed Oct 03 16:28:16 2007 +0200
-+++ b/kronolith/lib/Driver/kolab.php Wed Oct 03 17:15:02 2007 +0200
-@@ -1190,7 +1190,7 @@ class Kronolith_Driver_kolab_wrapper_new
- Kolab::triggerFreeBusyUpdate($this->_store->parseFolder($this->_driver->_calendar));
- }
-- return $uid;
-+ return $event->getUID();
- }
- /**
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-kronolith-kolab/files/HK-GW-Fix_share_right_editing-2.2_alpha.patch b/www-apps/horde-kronolith-kolab/files/HK-GW-Fix_share_right_editing-2.2_alpha.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d43e72..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-kronolith-kolab/files/HK-GW-Fix_share_right_editing-2.2_alpha.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-Fixes share right editing for kronolith.
-diff -r 0855b853bf45 kronolith/templates/calendars/
---- a/kronolith/templates/calendars/ Wed Oct 03 19:42:07 2007 +0200
-+++ b/kronolith/templates/calendars/ Wed Oct 03 19:43:30 2007 +0200
-@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ function checkSubmit()
- <strong><?php echo _("Permissions") ?></strong>
- </td>
- <td>
-- <input type="button" name="perms" class="button" onclick="if (document.shares.edit_share.value) popup(editURL + document.shares.edit_share.value); else alert('<?php echo addslashes(_("You need to select a calendar first")) ?>')" value="<?php echo _("Edit") ?>" />
-+ <input type="button" name="perms" class="button" onclick="if (document.shares.edit_share.value) popup(editURL + encodeURIComponent(document.shares.edit_share.value)); else alert('<?php echo addslashes(_("You need to select a calendar first")) ?>')" value="<?php echo _("Edit") ?>" />
- </td>
- </tr>
- <?php endif; ?>
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-kronolith-kolab/files/HK-UV-Fix_list_events-2.2_alpha.patch b/www-apps/horde-kronolith-kolab/files/HK-UV-Fix_list_events-2.2_alpha.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b5c58aa..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-kronolith-kolab/files/HK-UV-Fix_list_events-2.2_alpha.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-Fix event display in kronolith.
-diff -r 3bb98854b586 kronolith/lib/Driver/kolab.php
---- a/kronolith/lib/Driver/kolab.php Thu Oct 04 08:29:40 2007 +0200
-+++ b/kronolith/lib/Driver/kolab.php Thu Oct 04 08:39:10 2007 +0200
-@@ -1080,25 +1080,19 @@ class Kronolith_Driver_kolab_wrapper_new
- }
- $keep_event = false;
-- echo "Start: ".$startDate->compareDate($event->start)."<br>\n";
-- echo "End: ".$endDate->compareDate($event->end)."<br>\n";
-- // check normal event date
-- if ($startDate->compareDate($event->start) <= 0
-- && $endDate->compareDate($event->end) >= -1)
-- {
-+ /* check if event period intersects with given period */
-+ if (!(($endDate->compareDateTime($event->start) < 0) ||
-+ ($startDate->compareDateTime($event->end) > 0))) {
- $keep_event = true;
- }
-- // do recurrence expansion if not keeping anyway
-+ /* do recurrence expansion if not keeping anyway */
- if (!$keep_event && $event->recurs()) {
- $next = $event->recurrence->nextRecurrence($startDate);
-- if ($next !== false && !$event->recurrence->hasException($next->year, $next->month, $next->mday)
-- && $startDate->compareDate($next) <= 0
-- && $endDate->compareDate($next) >= 0)
-- {
-+ if ($next !== false &&
-+ !$event->recurrence->hasException($next->year, $next->month, $next->mday) &&
-+ (!(($endDate->compareDateTime($event->start) < 0) ||
-+ ($startDate->compareDateTime($event->end) > 0)))) {
- $keep_event = true;
- }
- }
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-kronolith-kolab/files/conf.php_2.2_alpha.config b/www-apps/horde-kronolith-kolab/files/conf.php_2.2_alpha.config
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ffd708..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-kronolith-kolab/files/conf.php_2.2_alpha.config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-// $Horde: kronolith/config/conf.xml,v 1.19 2006/11/25 00:13:41 jan Exp $
-$conf['calendar']['driver'] = 'kolab';
-$conf['storage']['default_domain'] = '';
-$conf['storage']['freebusy']['protocol'] = 'https';
-$conf['storage']['freebusy']['port'] = 443;
-$conf['storage']['driver'] = 'kolab';
-$conf['metadata']['keywords'] = false;
-$conf['reminder']['server_name'] = '';
-$conf['reminder']['from_addr'] = '';
-$conf['autoshare']['shareperms'] = 'none';
-$conf['holidays']['enable'] = true;
-$conf['menu']['print'] = true;
-$conf['menu']['import_export'] = true;
-$conf['menu']['apps'] = array();
-if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/kolab.php')) {
- require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/kolab.php');
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-kronolith-kolab/files/digest-horde-kronolith-kolab-2.2_alpha b/www-apps/horde-kronolith-kolab/files/digest-horde-kronolith-kolab-2.2_alpha
deleted file mode 100644
index d532d79..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-kronolith-kolab/files/digest-horde-kronolith-kolab-2.2_alpha
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 8ad421ffeb4eda2aff20bd94d5ecbac9 kronolith-h3-2.2-alpha.tar.gz 2013090
-RMD160 b1fe6e176a0cacb1dbaa2e41affd983d0c66d115 kronolith-h3-2.2-alpha.tar.gz 2013090
-SHA256 f908a6ff3ef1436cc121d110302633b9a64911ce536dd8b617d6479b95530bc6 kronolith-h3-2.2-alpha.tar.gz 2013090
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-kronolith-kolab/files/horde-kronolith-kolab-conf-2.2_alpha.template b/www-apps/horde-kronolith-kolab/files/horde-kronolith-kolab-conf-2.2_alpha.template
deleted file mode 100644
index 19c1e75..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-kronolith-kolab/files/horde-kronolith-kolab-conf-2.2_alpha.template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-$conf['storage']['default_domain'] = '@@@postfix-mydomain@@@';
-$conf['reminder']['server_name'] = '@@@fqdnhostname@@@';
-$conf['reminder']['from_addr'] = 'postmaster@@@@postfix-mydomain@@@';
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-kronolith-kolab/horde-kronolith-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild b/www-apps/horde-kronolith-kolab/horde-kronolith-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index c1556f7..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-kronolith-kolab/horde-kronolith-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apps/horde-kronolith/horde-kronolith-2.1.ebuild,v 1.1 2006/03/09 23:35:47 vapier Exp $
-HORDE_PHP_FEATURES="-o mysql mysqli odbc postgres ldap"
-inherit horde-kolab-r4
-DESCRIPTION="Kronolith is the Horde calendar application"
-KEYWORDS="x86 amd64"
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-kronolith-kolab/metadata.xml b/www-apps/horde-kronolith-kolab/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e25a412..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-kronolith-kolab/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
- <maintainer>
- <email></email>
- <name>Gunnar Wrobel</name>
- </maintainer>
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-mnemo-kolab/ChangeLog b/www-apps/horde-mnemo-kolab/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 97b3dad..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-mnemo-kolab/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# ChangeLog for www-apps/horde-mnemo-kolab
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: $
- 25 Oct 2007; horde-mnemo-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild:
- Consider this stable in the context of this overlay.
- 23 Oct 2007; Gunnar Wrobel <> ChangeLog:
- Fixed metadata entries.
- 16 Oct 2007; Gunnar Wrobel <>
- +files/HK-GW-Edit_share_rights-2.2_alpha.patch,
- -files/conf.php_horde-mnemo-kolab-20070713.config,
- +files/conf.php_2.2_alpha.config, +metadata.xml,
- +horde-mnemo-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild, -horde-mnemo-kolab-20070713.ebuild:
- -m Update to the latest horde release.
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-mnemo-kolab/Manifest b/www-apps/horde-mnemo-kolab/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index b82e443..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-mnemo-kolab/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-AUX HK-GW-Edit_share_rights-2.2_alpha.patch 934 RMD160 27f6a79413bad6ad39702eea063455adda624ab5 SHA1 1f113ec011e0f4c0f6eec22e427303094f23b520 SHA256 7b1d9264556f0a14ea950200872d3458161c37e01411d066a4192516779a6401
-MD5 fba451c57d212d55fa88de184f34c47e files/HK-GW-Edit_share_rights-2.2_alpha.patch 934
-RMD160 27f6a79413bad6ad39702eea063455adda624ab5 files/HK-GW-Edit_share_rights-2.2_alpha.patch 934
-SHA256 7b1d9264556f0a14ea950200872d3458161c37e01411d066a4192516779a6401 files/HK-GW-Edit_share_rights-2.2_alpha.patch 934
-AUX conf.php_2.2_alpha.config 390 RMD160 3cc47f29ba6d2f6f463e5bbd29d662daec7f281e SHA1 af0ae5cb890b0e8d82b03f4555bd2cd40506ff3e SHA256 a0870ab187e7cefe3d032415469a663f1a0541329e095c5d7b7061605d1c3f90
-MD5 302e4e2bfecfcad30777c52cee77c0c0 files/conf.php_2.2_alpha.config 390
-RMD160 3cc47f29ba6d2f6f463e5bbd29d662daec7f281e files/conf.php_2.2_alpha.config 390
-SHA256 a0870ab187e7cefe3d032415469a663f1a0541329e095c5d7b7061605d1c3f90 files/conf.php_2.2_alpha.config 390
-DIST mnemo-h3-2.2-alpha.tar.gz 1242306 RMD160 c27966ce1b8c3a677056ac23bfbb66359995b88f SHA1 5d20743809774dafb6d33eca4b7e682c89836e4f SHA256 ee15fc9bb63af9a9d4e9341940a7c165224b35a3c55fb09695a0cb2f3db716c1
-EBUILD horde-mnemo-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild 573 RMD160 8fe0a519b29b7f0f30815209be006f65f150d65e SHA1 3f1ef763af3b59074a374aa265dae0758c84bc18 SHA256 88b92d77f948ce138671486baf93338cd8e2329ed66f43eaab66511ecaccd2cb
-MD5 588f47a1fdf9260a4186e33af80fc037 horde-mnemo-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild 573
-RMD160 8fe0a519b29b7f0f30815209be006f65f150d65e horde-mnemo-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild 573
-SHA256 88b92d77f948ce138671486baf93338cd8e2329ed66f43eaab66511ecaccd2cb horde-mnemo-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild 573
-MISC ChangeLog 659 RMD160 bfd9b5322ab25496ac36913b93703c3f011061be SHA1 629e9ae3c09a0cca64cc7eee3b39c2ba03ff704b SHA256 107c6fb7905568f4ddc3c61c57b62001393f8b91d0da57faa0427b1d151c2dd0
-MD5 d47cc48d0657f0765c3ee196707a20f6 ChangeLog 659
-RMD160 bfd9b5322ab25496ac36913b93703c3f011061be ChangeLog 659
-SHA256 107c6fb7905568f4ddc3c61c57b62001393f8b91d0da57faa0427b1d151c2dd0 ChangeLog 659
-MISC metadata.xml 255 RMD160 00d1bf05efc8050697b679c64d4992fae7bf6145 SHA1 5988787daa740dee18325bf78b25c044877e25a2 SHA256 1d7904c945fbe3d9946d23bcd9f1b00ac8c94700c9121955d71a0301016cb968
-MD5 ea6f2a6e433525a4268b91fa5f51c706 metadata.xml 255
-RMD160 00d1bf05efc8050697b679c64d4992fae7bf6145 metadata.xml 255
-SHA256 1d7904c945fbe3d9946d23bcd9f1b00ac8c94700c9121955d71a0301016cb968 metadata.xml 255
-MD5 58a01ec56bbf61d147309fee92efaac6 files/digest-horde-mnemo-kolab-2.2_alpha 259
-RMD160 f58434a02a137f6a609e64515d406838312f1e20 files/digest-horde-mnemo-kolab-2.2_alpha 259
-SHA256 5222a65b5c90568431287e51b9fd200f740e6f808f23aa08710f85d8b29c0dd4 files/digest-horde-mnemo-kolab-2.2_alpha 259
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-mnemo-kolab/files/HK-GW-Edit_share_rights-2.2_alpha.patch b/www-apps/horde-mnemo-kolab/files/HK-GW-Edit_share_rights-2.2_alpha.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c03d48..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-mnemo-kolab/files/HK-GW-Edit_share_rights-2.2_alpha.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-Allow to edit Kolab share rights for the notepads displayed by mnemo.
-diff -r 2318390b621a mnemo/templates/notepads/
---- a/mnemo/templates/notepads/ Tue Sep 25 11:50:19 2007 +0200
-+++ b/mnemo/templates/notepads/ Tue Sep 25 11:52:12 2007 +0200
-@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ function updateForm(share)
- <p><?php echo Horde::label('id', _("Name:")) ?><br />
- <input id="id" name="id" size="30" maxlength="60" /><br />
- <?php if (empty($conf['shares']['no_sharing'])): ?>
--<input type="button" name="accesslist" class="button" onclick="popup(editURL.replace(/%40ID%40/, document.shares.edit_share.value));" value="<?php echo _("Permissions") ?>" style="display:none" />
-+<input type="button" name="accesslist" class="button" onclick="popup(editURL.replace(/%40ID%40/, encodeURIComponent(document.shares.edit_share.value)));" value="<?php echo _("Permissions") ?>" style="display:none" />
- <?php endif; ?>
- </p>
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-mnemo-kolab/files/conf.php_2.2_alpha.config b/www-apps/horde-mnemo-kolab/files/conf.php_2.2_alpha.config
deleted file mode 100644
index 0677fb8..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-mnemo-kolab/files/conf.php_2.2_alpha.config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-// $Horde: mnemo/config/conf.xml,v 1.19 2006/12/14 11:28:24 jan Exp $
-$conf['storage']['driver'] = 'kolab';
-$conf['utils']['gnupg'] = '/usr/bin/gpg';
-$conf['menu']['print'] = true;
-$conf['menu']['import_export'] = true;
-$conf['menu']['apps'] = array();
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-mnemo-kolab/files/digest-horde-mnemo-kolab-2.2_alpha b/www-apps/horde-mnemo-kolab/files/digest-horde-mnemo-kolab-2.2_alpha
deleted file mode 100644
index c96ce48..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-mnemo-kolab/files/digest-horde-mnemo-kolab-2.2_alpha
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 7506f8d2ac0b62421bdb87adae3edcb9 mnemo-h3-2.2-alpha.tar.gz 1242306
-RMD160 c27966ce1b8c3a677056ac23bfbb66359995b88f mnemo-h3-2.2-alpha.tar.gz 1242306
-SHA256 ee15fc9bb63af9a9d4e9341940a7c165224b35a3c55fb09695a0cb2f3db716c1 mnemo-h3-2.2-alpha.tar.gz 1242306
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-mnemo-kolab/horde-mnemo-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild b/www-apps/horde-mnemo-kolab/horde-mnemo-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index d47a2c2..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-mnemo-kolab/horde-mnemo-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apps/horde-mnemo/horde-mnemo-2.1.ebuild,v 1.1 2006/03/09 23:36:36 vapier Exp $
-HORDE_PHP_FEATURES="-o mysql mysqli odbc postgres ldap"
-inherit horde-kolab-r4
-DESCRIPTION="Mnemo is the Horde note manager"
-KEYWORDS="x86 amd64"
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-mnemo-kolab/metadata.xml b/www-apps/horde-mnemo-kolab/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e25a412..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-mnemo-kolab/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
- <maintainer>
- <email></email>
- <name>Gunnar Wrobel</name>
- </maintainer>
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-nag-kolab/ChangeLog b/www-apps/horde-nag-kolab/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index caaec36..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-nag-kolab/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# ChangeLog for www-apps/horde-nag-kolab
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: $
- 25 Oct 2007; horde-nag-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild:
- Consider this stable in the context of this overlay.
- 23 Oct 2007; Gunnar Wrobel <> ChangeLog:
- Fixed metadata entries.
- 16 Oct 2007; Gunnar Wrobel <> ++,
- -files/conf.php2.2_alpha.config:
- Fix config file name.
- 16 Oct 2007; Gunnar Wrobel <>
- +files/HK-GW-Fix_share_right_editing_2.2_alpha.patch,
- +files/conf.php_horde-nag-kolab-2.2_alpha.config, +metadata.xml,
- +horde-nag-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild, -horde-nag-kolab-20070713.ebuild:
- -m Update to the latest horde release.
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-nag-kolab/Manifest b/www-apps/horde-nag-kolab/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fd8615..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-nag-kolab/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-AUX HK-GW-Fix_share_right_editing_2.2_alpha.patch 893 RMD160 563d23f01f94d087a4d149935398880b1465428d SHA1 a0010408b12679d4e5f99151f012455d49c53330 SHA256 660ed5349aa3c6b9592b4e5227a8ae494af4ca22dfa03aca170169b8605e9504
-MD5 3fd64a1b980d2dd7227499923e3b35a5 files/HK-GW-Fix_share_right_editing_2.2_alpha.patch 893
-RMD160 563d23f01f94d087a4d149935398880b1465428d files/HK-GW-Fix_share_right_editing_2.2_alpha.patch 893
-SHA256 660ed5349aa3c6b9592b4e5227a8ae494af4ca22dfa03aca170169b8605e9504 files/HK-GW-Fix_share_right_editing_2.2_alpha.patch 893
-AUX conf.php_2.2_alpha.config 348 RMD160 7f4d929b0bdc24f7ac6d451baa5de547b289ea41 SHA1 3d3a9d55c0d40f360e3bcadc2b37fd8d87ca9a20 SHA256 88c8973548cc3b6c6e27635f626782f95e18b0bc7458f95f515687c6c4a53bce
-MD5 af7071ea9fad147635187d206f14d522 files/conf.php_2.2_alpha.config 348
-RMD160 7f4d929b0bdc24f7ac6d451baa5de547b289ea41 files/conf.php_2.2_alpha.config 348
-SHA256 88c8973548cc3b6c6e27635f626782f95e18b0bc7458f95f515687c6c4a53bce files/conf.php_2.2_alpha.config 348
-DIST nag-h3-2.2-alpha.tar.gz 1509265 RMD160 a5da76f2dce034cbbeb13e96e3a64ba5b61675f6 SHA1 a3549ba7cc143b508726bbb70fff72455475eb18 SHA256 983c2ce688c5f38cdafd5c39487e6f93928b5867710a8d6654b356997370934b
-EBUILD horde-nag-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild 587 RMD160 de0a6d80ab24c609c875bc5d8f18154bc78068a7 SHA1 743b7a57122cc7afeb3cb6c83d474d0d0edde8ac SHA256 fe0ed9973a7fcf1abdf84d6cfaf29ef4bac067dd06bd86ba4b1522e27773ae4a
-MD5 a9457dd46ad956fc71fa254dea6dbe64 horde-nag-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild 587
-RMD160 de0a6d80ab24c609c875bc5d8f18154bc78068a7 horde-nag-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild 587
-SHA256 fe0ed9973a7fcf1abdf84d6cfaf29ef4bac067dd06bd86ba4b1522e27773ae4a horde-nag-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild 587
-MISC ChangeLog 733 RMD160 b877a8dedba45e1b81d07eadbdb45dea7fe57fcc SHA1 3fd93b369518916638a82c251ba385ee02c99202 SHA256 a0318a15fd6037fe971df2845f02e0540eeeb310d40a56e8789031d1ab22ede8
-MD5 4d50a6c01b0584c9dc469e805523ac4e ChangeLog 733
-RMD160 b877a8dedba45e1b81d07eadbdb45dea7fe57fcc ChangeLog 733
-SHA256 a0318a15fd6037fe971df2845f02e0540eeeb310d40a56e8789031d1ab22ede8 ChangeLog 733
-MISC metadata.xml 255 RMD160 00d1bf05efc8050697b679c64d4992fae7bf6145 SHA1 5988787daa740dee18325bf78b25c044877e25a2 SHA256 1d7904c945fbe3d9946d23bcd9f1b00ac8c94700c9121955d71a0301016cb968
-MD5 ea6f2a6e433525a4268b91fa5f51c706 metadata.xml 255
-RMD160 00d1bf05efc8050697b679c64d4992fae7bf6145 metadata.xml 255
-SHA256 1d7904c945fbe3d9946d23bcd9f1b00ac8c94700c9121955d71a0301016cb968 metadata.xml 255
-MD5 7a6e970fb0c3b9662f1de2de909d7b93 files/digest-horde-nag-kolab-2.2_alpha 253
-RMD160 e173d0f5a9247cc1c32801da58536caa31e6c4a0 files/digest-horde-nag-kolab-2.2_alpha 253
-SHA256 eb7c8716898f4e44e4839d8695f00e79b01ddb9e203597afccb71084a00ccc8c files/digest-horde-nag-kolab-2.2_alpha 253
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-nag-kolab/files/HK-GW-Fix_share_right_editing_2.2_alpha.patch b/www-apps/horde-nag-kolab/files/HK-GW-Fix_share_right_editing_2.2_alpha.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 590ecab..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-nag-kolab/files/HK-GW-Fix_share_right_editing_2.2_alpha.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-Fixes share right editing for nag.
-diff -r b7b4a2eab17c nag/templates/tasklists/
---- a/nag/templates/tasklists/ Wed Oct 03 19:33:59 2007 +0200
-+++ b/nag/templates/tasklists/ Wed Oct 03 19:42:07 2007 +0200
-@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ function checkSubmit()
- <p><?php echo Horde::label('id', _("Name:")) ?><br />
- <input id="id" name="id" size="30" maxlength="60" /><br />
- <?php if (empty($conf['shares']['no_sharing'])): ?>
--<input type="button" name="accesslist" class="button" onclick="popup(editURL.replace(/%40ID%40/, document.shares.edit_share.value));" value="<?php echo _("Permission") ?>" style="display:none" />
-+<input type="button" name="accesslist" class="button" onclick="popup(editURL.replace(/%40ID%40/, encodeURIComponent(document.shares.edit_share.value)));" value="<?php echo _("Permission") ?>" style="display:none" />
- <?php endif; ?>
- </p>
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-nag-kolab/files/conf.php_2.2_alpha.config b/www-apps/horde-nag-kolab/files/conf.php_2.2_alpha.config
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b5a642..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-nag-kolab/files/conf.php_2.2_alpha.config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-// $Horde: nag/config/conf.xml,v 1.26 2005/07/19 17:06:01 chuck Exp $
-$conf['storage']['driver'] = 'kolab';
-$conf['menu']['print'] = true;
-$conf['menu']['import_export'] = true;
-$conf['menu']['apps'] = array();
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-nag-kolab/files/digest-horde-nag-kolab-2.2_alpha b/www-apps/horde-nag-kolab/files/digest-horde-nag-kolab-2.2_alpha
deleted file mode 100644
index 97cd8c4..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-nag-kolab/files/digest-horde-nag-kolab-2.2_alpha
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 0b635fc9560d00f30557952a9c777b9c nag-h3-2.2-alpha.tar.gz 1509265
-RMD160 a5da76f2dce034cbbeb13e96e3a64ba5b61675f6 nag-h3-2.2-alpha.tar.gz 1509265
-SHA256 983c2ce688c5f38cdafd5c39487e6f93928b5867710a8d6654b356997370934b nag-h3-2.2-alpha.tar.gz 1509265
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-nag-kolab/horde-nag-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild b/www-apps/horde-nag-kolab/horde-nag-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index d283c2c..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-nag-kolab/horde-nag-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apps/horde-nag/horde-nag-2.1.ebuild,v 1.1 2006/03/09 23:36:59 vapier Exp $
-HORDE_PHP_FEATURES="-o mysql mysqli odbc postgres ldap"
-inherit horde-kolab-r4
-DESCRIPTION="Nag is the Horde multiuser task list manager"
-KEYWORDS="x86 amd64"
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-nag-kolab/metadata.xml b/www-apps/horde-nag-kolab/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e25a412..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-nag-kolab/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
- <maintainer>
- <email></email>
- <name>Gunnar Wrobel</name>
- </maintainer>
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-passwd-kolab/ChangeLog b/www-apps/horde-passwd-kolab/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b4b989..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-passwd-kolab/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# ChangeLog for www-apps/horde-passwd-kolab
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: $
- 25 Oct 2007; ChangeLog:
- Consider this stable in the context of this overlay.
- 23 Oct 2007; Gunnar Wrobel <> ChangeLog:
- Fixed metadata entries.
- 16 Oct 2007; Gunnar Wrobel <>
- -files/horde-passwd-kolab-20070713-no-clear-password.patch,
- -files/conf.php_horde-passwd-kolab-20070713.config,
- +files/backends.php_3.0.1.config, +files/conf.php_3.0.1.config,
- +horde-passwd-kolab-3.0.1.ebuild, -horde-passwd-kolab-20070713.ebuild:
- -m Update to the latest horde release.
- 16 Oct 2007; Gunnar Wrobel <>
- -files/horde-passwd-kolab-20070713-no-clear-password.patch,
- -files/conf.php_horde-passwd-kolab-20070713.config,
- +files/backends.php_3.0.1.config, +files/conf.php_3.0.1.config,
- +horde-passwd-kolab-3.0.1.ebuild, -horde-passwd-kolab-20070713.ebuild:
- -m Update to the latest horde release.
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-passwd-kolab/Manifest b/www-apps/horde-passwd-kolab/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index e44a476..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-passwd-kolab/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-AUX backends.php_3.0.1.config 5530 RMD160 a1a3d3f81d63d8922aa95d5f912b4837b53336d2 SHA1 28041dce6deb7769ce2610ad3c29f358991b04a4 SHA256 d0e12a4c4b50e7ae1895bf0172fc41a3e87e73aebd93be13077d7a48499b53f9
-MD5 819fff813df65d59c9dd2809eb17d0a2 files/backends.php_3.0.1.config 5530
-RMD160 a1a3d3f81d63d8922aa95d5f912b4837b53336d2 files/backends.php_3.0.1.config 5530
-SHA256 d0e12a4c4b50e7ae1895bf0172fc41a3e87e73aebd93be13077d7a48499b53f9 files/backends.php_3.0.1.config 5530
-AUX conf.php_3.0.1.config 797 RMD160 896c098908d842590e70c45403a6bc7878f485e8 SHA1 b19f607c9b1647d72a545fb6a87a92fd90c655d6 SHA256 4ccceef0b973acb49415f243afff64512fc5c88fd2b5aee487036480266a16b4
-MD5 31e7f94a05dd77b5b4beee204a97400b files/conf.php_3.0.1.config 797
-RMD160 896c098908d842590e70c45403a6bc7878f485e8 files/conf.php_3.0.1.config 797
-SHA256 4ccceef0b973acb49415f243afff64512fc5c88fd2b5aee487036480266a16b4 files/conf.php_3.0.1.config 797
-AUX horde-passwd-kolab-3.0-no-clear-password.patch 424 RMD160 973599225a10dedb55b331bfcd55874aa5d1a90f SHA1 59b7a4a5de40381310352dc9d037a7ad5f70e5d5 SHA256 6e2c0664f029aae9688e84313b56eddc766dcc2d3ba138082dec618eb1dc5593
-MD5 a663a0df1829b79b8197da762868127a files/horde-passwd-kolab-3.0-no-clear-password.patch 424
-RMD160 973599225a10dedb55b331bfcd55874aa5d1a90f files/horde-passwd-kolab-3.0-no-clear-password.patch 424
-SHA256 6e2c0664f029aae9688e84313b56eddc766dcc2d3ba138082dec618eb1dc5593 files/horde-passwd-kolab-3.0-no-clear-password.patch 424
-DIST passwd-h3-3.0.1.tar.gz 1265941 RMD160 a118ffc3b14dce2bb1e91af5a5f617db5c09a2e4 SHA1 50a8a0ca948029280b642ecaa6c1c6f401d8d89f SHA256 1fd0f4a693c993ade25b2835da9c8c8fd13e823945d0107abfeb736ae3b21f57
-EBUILD horde-passwd-kolab-3.0.1.ebuild 677 RMD160 3709060b2a42b4f2d847ec877ee9a0181a1048db SHA1 d11626562334bd3cf244308850bf438590f25436 SHA256 4ac2492ab1712961e2487f04ea584b9fc93315b2bf136449cbf2f53f50514a32
-MD5 de7716d84651e40e29ed7a638ff04a02 horde-passwd-kolab-3.0.1.ebuild 677
-RMD160 3709060b2a42b4f2d847ec877ee9a0181a1048db horde-passwd-kolab-3.0.1.ebuild 677
-SHA256 4ac2492ab1712961e2487f04ea584b9fc93315b2bf136449cbf2f53f50514a32 horde-passwd-kolab-3.0.1.ebuild 677
-MISC ChangeLog 1007 RMD160 a23436a4098666d2d78087c6009684080f9a527b SHA1 d29c11e4f9134279e55aa0b541ab6aa33f31db22 SHA256 5282a8dccdb8f68316ecbeb8a8e0f9d91451814bc396ebe09090a9a7bd6ade14
-MD5 f16265905212d849e60c7dfcb2f5a237 ChangeLog 1007
-RMD160 a23436a4098666d2d78087c6009684080f9a527b ChangeLog 1007
-SHA256 5282a8dccdb8f68316ecbeb8a8e0f9d91451814bc396ebe09090a9a7bd6ade14 ChangeLog 1007
-MISC metadata.xml 255 RMD160 00d1bf05efc8050697b679c64d4992fae7bf6145 SHA1 5988787daa740dee18325bf78b25c044877e25a2 SHA256 1d7904c945fbe3d9946d23bcd9f1b00ac8c94700c9121955d71a0301016cb968
-MD5 ea6f2a6e433525a4268b91fa5f51c706 metadata.xml 255
-RMD160 00d1bf05efc8050697b679c64d4992fae7bf6145 metadata.xml 255
-SHA256 1d7904c945fbe3d9946d23bcd9f1b00ac8c94700c9121955d71a0301016cb968 metadata.xml 255
-MD5 6708f5aa1725275dd6c012a845644255 files/digest-horde-passwd-kolab-3.0.1 250
-RMD160 7794ced687e2ed66deab12846cc670154325e6a0 files/digest-horde-passwd-kolab-3.0.1 250
-SHA256 425d3ebab07a0aabaa329c34a956341a84fabf1b253d61ced1684d9f8abb7ffa files/digest-horde-passwd-kolab-3.0.1 250
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-passwd-kolab/files/backends.php_3.0.1.config b/www-apps/horde-passwd-kolab/files/backends.php_3.0.1.config
deleted file mode 100644
index f604b93..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-passwd-kolab/files/backends.php_3.0.1.config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
- * $Horde: passwd/config/backends.php.dist,v 1.43 2007/02/15 18:13:15 jan Exp $
- *
- * This file is where you specify what backends people use to change
- * their passwords. There are a number of properties that you can set
- * for each backend:
- *
- * name: This is the plaintext, english name that you want displayed
- * to people if you are using the drop down server list. Also
- * displayed on the main page (input form).
- *
- * password policy: The password policies for this backend. You are responsible
- * for the sanity checks of these options. Options are:
- * minLength Minimum length of the password
- * maxLength Maximum length of the password
- * maxSpace Maximum number of white space characters
- *
- * The following are the types of characters required
- * in a password. Either specific characters, character
- * classes, or both can be required. Specific types are:
- *
- * minUpper Minimum number of uppercase characters
- * minLower Minimum number of lowercase characters
- * minNumeric Minimum number of numeric characters (0-9)
- * minAlphaNum Minimum number of alphanumeric characters
- * minAlpha Minimum number of alphabetic characters
- * minSymbol Minimum number of alphabetic characters
- *
- * Alternatively (or in addition to), the minimum number of
- * character classes can be configured by setting the
- * following. The valid range is 0 through 4 character
- * classes may be required for a password. The classes are:
- * 'upper', 'lower', 'number', and 'symbol'. For example:
- * A password of 'p@ssw0rd' satisfies three classes ('number',
- * 'lower', and 'symbol'), while 'passw0rd' only satisfies
- * two classes ('lower' and 'symbols').
- *
- * minClasses Minimum number (0 through 4) of character classes.
- *
- * driver: The Passwd driver used to change the password. Valid
- * Valid values are currently:
- * ldap Change the password on a ldap server
- * smbldap Change the password on a ldap server for both
- * ldap and samba auth
- * sql Change the password for sql authentication
- * (exim, pam_mysql, horde)
- * poppassd Change the password via a poppassd server
- * smbpasswd Change the password via the smbpasswd command
- * expect Change the password via an expect script
- * vmailmgr Change the password via a local vmailmgr daemon
- * vpopmail Change the password for sql based vpopmail
- * servuftp Change the password via a servuftp server
- * pine Change the password in a Pine-encoded file
- * composite Allows you to chain multiple drivers together
- *
- * no_reset: Do not reset the authenticated user's credentials on success.
- *
- * params: A params array containing any additional information that the
- * Passwd driver needs.
- *
- * The following is a list of supported encryption/hashing
- * methods supported by Passwd.
- *
- * 1) plain
- * 2) crypt or crypt-des
- * 3) crypt-md5
- * 4) crypt-blowfish
- * 5) md5-hex
- * 6) md5-base64
- * 7) smd5
- * 8) sha
- * 9) ssha
- *
- * Currently, md5-base64, smd5, sha, and ssha require the
- * mhash php library in order to work properly. See the
- * INSTALL file for directions on enabling this. md5
- * passwords have caused some problems in the past because
- * there are different definitions of what is a "md5
- * password". Systems implement them in a different
- * manner. If you are using OpenLDAP as your backend or
- * have migrated your passwords from your OS based passwd
- * file, you will need to use the md5-base64 hashing
- * method. If you are using a SQL database or used the PHP
- * md5() method to create your passwords, you will need to
- * use the md5-hex hashing method.
- *
- * preferred: This is only useful if you want to use the same
- * backend.php file for different machines: if the Hostname
- * of the Passwd Machine is identical to one of those in
- * the preferred list, then the corresponding option in the
- * select box will include SELECTED, i.e. it is selected
- * per default. Otherwise the first entry in the list is
- * selected.
- *
- * show_encryption: If you are using the sql or the vpopmail backend
- * you have the choice whether or not to store the
- * encryption type with the password. If you are
- * using for example an SQL based PAM you will most
- * likely not want to store the encryption type as it
- * would cause PAM to never match the passwords.
- *
- */
-$backends['kolab'] = array(
- 'name' => 'Local Kolab Server',
- 'preferred' => '',
- 'password policy' => array(
- 'minLength' => 3,
- 'maxLength' => 8
- ),
- 'driver' => 'kolab',
- 'params' => array()
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-passwd-kolab/files/conf.php_3.0.1.config b/www-apps/horde-passwd-kolab/files/conf.php_3.0.1.config
deleted file mode 100644
index c9019a3..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-passwd-kolab/files/conf.php_3.0.1.config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-// $Horde: passwd/config/conf.xml,v 1.12 2005/10/09 14:48:58 jan Exp $
-$conf['menu']['apps'] = array();
-$conf['backend']['backend_list'] = 'hidden';
-$conf['user']['change'] = true;
-$conf['user']['refused'] = array('root', 'bin', 'daemon', 'adm', 'lp', 'shutdown', 'halt', 'uucp', 'ftp', 'anonymous', 'nobody', 'httpd', 'operator', 'guest', 'diginext', 'bind', 'cyrus', 'courier', 'games', 'kmem', 'mailnull', 'man', 'mysql', 'news', 'postfix', 'sshd', 'tty', 'www');
-$conf['password']['strengthtests'] = true;
-$conf['hooks']['full_name'] = true;
-$conf['hooks']['default_username'] = false;
-$conf['hooks']['username'] = false;
-$conf['hooks']['userdn'] = false;
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-passwd-kolab/files/digest-horde-passwd-kolab-3.0.1 b/www-apps/horde-passwd-kolab/files/digest-horde-passwd-kolab-3.0.1
deleted file mode 100644
index fc2c584..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-passwd-kolab/files/digest-horde-passwd-kolab-3.0.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 b5217a62c7a88e2845d382a1d19d5644 passwd-h3-3.0.1.tar.gz 1265941
-RMD160 a118ffc3b14dce2bb1e91af5a5f617db5c09a2e4 passwd-h3-3.0.1.tar.gz 1265941
-SHA256 1fd0f4a693c993ade25b2835da9c8c8fd13e823945d0107abfeb736ae3b21f57 passwd-h3-3.0.1.tar.gz 1265941
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-passwd-kolab/files/horde-passwd-kolab-3.0-no-clear-password.patch b/www-apps/horde-passwd-kolab/files/horde-passwd-kolab-3.0-no-clear-password.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f4a238..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-passwd-kolab/files/horde-passwd-kolab-3.0-no-clear-password.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
---- passwd-h3-3.0/config/backends.php.dist
-+++ passwd-h3-3.0/config/backends.php.dist
-@@ -314,8 +314,8 @@
- 'name' => 'pw_name',
- 'domain' => 'pw_domain',
- 'passwd' => 'pw_passwd',
-- 'clear_passwd' => 'pw_clear_passwd',
-- 'use_clear_passwd' => true,
-+ //'clear_passwd' => 'pw_clear_passwd',
-+ 'use_clear_passwd' => false,
- 'show_encryption' => true
- )
- );
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-passwd-kolab/horde-passwd-kolab-3.0.1.ebuild b/www-apps/horde-passwd-kolab/horde-passwd-kolab-3.0.1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index ab80956..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-passwd-kolab/horde-passwd-kolab-3.0.1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apps/horde-passwd/horde-passwd-3.0.ebuild,v 1.1 2005/10/14 00:40:05 vapier Exp $
-inherit horde-kolab-r4 eutils
-DESCRIPTION="Horde Passwd is the Horde password changing application"
-KEYWORDS="x86 amd64"
-IUSE="clearpasswd kolab"
-src_unpack() {
- horde-kolab-r4_src_unpack
- cd "${S}"
- use clearpasswd || epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-3.0-no-clear-password.patch
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-passwd-kolab/metadata.xml b/www-apps/horde-passwd-kolab/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e25a412..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-passwd-kolab/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
- <maintainer>
- <email></email>
- <name>Gunnar Wrobel</name>
- </maintainer>
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/ChangeLog b/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 227a770..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# ChangeLog for www-apps/horde-turba-kolab
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: $
- 25 Oct 2007; horde-turba-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild:
- Consider this stable in the context of this overlay.
- 23 Oct 2007; Gunnar Wrobel <> ChangeLog:
- Fixed metadata entries.
- 16 Oct 2007; Gunnar Wrobel <>
- +files/HK-GW-Fix_address_book_deletion_1-2.2_alpha.patch,
- +files/HK-GW-Ldap_read_only_fix-2.2_alpha.patch,
- +files/HK-GW-Fix_notice_on_addressbook_creation-2.2_alpha.patch,
- +files/HK-GW-Fix_editing_contacts-2.2_alpha.patch,
- +files/HK-GW-Fix_share_id_change-2.2_alpha.patch,
- +files/HK-GW-Changes_after_ALPHA-2.2_alpha.patch,
- -files/sources.php_horde-turba-kolab-20070713.config,
- -files/conf.php_horde-turba-kolab-20070713.config,
- -files/lib-Driver-ldap.php-20070713.patch,
- -files/lib-Turba.php-20070713.patch,
- -files/config-sources.php.dist-20070713.patch,
- +files/conf.php_2.2_alpha.config, +files/sources.php_2.2_alpha.config,
- +metadata.xml, +horde-turba-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild,
- -horde-turba-kolab-20070713.ebuild:
- -m Update to the latest horde release.
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/Manifest b/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index 2506b69..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-AUX HK-GW-Changes_after_ALPHA-2.2_alpha.patch 10693 RMD160 60a7a2320de6a95967527ac920d0353f52093ea0 SHA1 49de617c4f0a3003327f574a3a5ae08a3ebf2740 SHA256 7d8698c339970f6c1706f0f2cfd1ccf5d1dd083dcff00c0f0592e1099a6ae60a
-MD5 35718789c7c3455df77ce5ce7d477386 files/HK-GW-Changes_after_ALPHA-2.2_alpha.patch 10693
-RMD160 60a7a2320de6a95967527ac920d0353f52093ea0 files/HK-GW-Changes_after_ALPHA-2.2_alpha.patch 10693
-SHA256 7d8698c339970f6c1706f0f2cfd1ccf5d1dd083dcff00c0f0592e1099a6ae60a files/HK-GW-Changes_after_ALPHA-2.2_alpha.patch 10693
-AUX HK-GW-Fix_address_book_deletion_1-2.2_alpha.patch 658 RMD160 2c345a84004968b5a9648d229d77b30991b02cc6 SHA1 8d41f086ebc7130ef110057d11a83dfc5790c953 SHA256 5cd2aaa2cfcfb48e416ffa21ad112bf2801edbc17f61dd15d54ee5f1f7495528
-MD5 24b5bf21ee38e00dcc62bbc2f9b16699 files/HK-GW-Fix_address_book_deletion_1-2.2_alpha.patch 658
-RMD160 2c345a84004968b5a9648d229d77b30991b02cc6 files/HK-GW-Fix_address_book_deletion_1-2.2_alpha.patch 658
-SHA256 5cd2aaa2cfcfb48e416ffa21ad112bf2801edbc17f61dd15d54ee5f1f7495528 files/HK-GW-Fix_address_book_deletion_1-2.2_alpha.patch 658
-AUX HK-GW-Fix_editing_contacts-2.2_alpha.patch 476 RMD160 350ea0448d71084863125ed03055f6a37621a065 SHA1 0052aa328bf6cf6103313c14df87c29d626c2f69 SHA256 c7d8b82b15a8326e80802a2fd28cc7cbc2ed927610086cb5396b5721b5b6a95b
-MD5 f7d9b9c260ef986ea7c554bd49e70750 files/HK-GW-Fix_editing_contacts-2.2_alpha.patch 476
-RMD160 350ea0448d71084863125ed03055f6a37621a065 files/HK-GW-Fix_editing_contacts-2.2_alpha.patch 476
-SHA256 c7d8b82b15a8326e80802a2fd28cc7cbc2ed927610086cb5396b5721b5b6a95b files/HK-GW-Fix_editing_contacts-2.2_alpha.patch 476
-AUX HK-GW-Fix_notice_on_addressbook_creation-2.2_alpha.patch 557 RMD160 ac3331c140e92c91b5aa5550037e3f0f7959af13 SHA1 c67938106b3f409ee2743d61f45e675cbd9ee92c SHA256 941c4b5671cd1708592c130df85218646e06508ea0c75b8ccc49b79723db0244
-MD5 b4ea19eace25a68304ffd90d3f830b18 files/HK-GW-Fix_notice_on_addressbook_creation-2.2_alpha.patch 557
-RMD160 ac3331c140e92c91b5aa5550037e3f0f7959af13 files/HK-GW-Fix_notice_on_addressbook_creation-2.2_alpha.patch 557
-SHA256 941c4b5671cd1708592c130df85218646e06508ea0c75b8ccc49b79723db0244 files/HK-GW-Fix_notice_on_addressbook_creation-2.2_alpha.patch 557
-AUX HK-GW-Fix_share_id_change-2.2_alpha.patch 1136 RMD160 8c659dde0795ce7e9f07055cf4c192fdbbe7f5aa SHA1 df16d677cb83700b2d36bc5d0cd53a9403e73dda SHA256 00ff20831d5d33b344f351da2bae2e3c0f2de8ca17d9a5901f50873e5f610fad
-MD5 36cc9cda3381be2d21b5a8bec15e1f9c files/HK-GW-Fix_share_id_change-2.2_alpha.patch 1136
-RMD160 8c659dde0795ce7e9f07055cf4c192fdbbe7f5aa files/HK-GW-Fix_share_id_change-2.2_alpha.patch 1136
-SHA256 00ff20831d5d33b344f351da2bae2e3c0f2de8ca17d9a5901f50873e5f610fad files/HK-GW-Fix_share_id_change-2.2_alpha.patch 1136
-AUX HK-GW-Ldap_read_only_fix-2.2_alpha.patch 1370 RMD160 d3b1f669526a52afae1f71eda9c15a735af83cca SHA1 a9e349fdab4333530097503d0e19714d03774eb8 SHA256 b6b0302e0dea5de8c0e332e894332c244b24ea5310d9ffe2955d3c28cf9281ce
-MD5 0ab753dcfe91be6098dea6a0b6bc7dc2 files/HK-GW-Ldap_read_only_fix-2.2_alpha.patch 1370
-RMD160 d3b1f669526a52afae1f71eda9c15a735af83cca files/HK-GW-Ldap_read_only_fix-2.2_alpha.patch 1370
-SHA256 b6b0302e0dea5de8c0e332e894332c244b24ea5310d9ffe2955d3c28cf9281ce files/HK-GW-Ldap_read_only_fix-2.2_alpha.patch 1370
-AUX conf.php_2.2_alpha.config 437 RMD160 71ca79fc930027a3880bc6d850c2937bce1e5c74 SHA1 37e244c1ecb97473dfd18c5243338cb1f8632577 SHA256 195fcce93ee181d970014e0d83953c12f80ae808c77742c5e14a292a5507bef2
-MD5 cb886cb3fed39a8cd7bdf5bf19c4dd3e files/conf.php_2.2_alpha.config 437
-RMD160 71ca79fc930027a3880bc6d850c2937bce1e5c74 files/conf.php_2.2_alpha.config 437
-SHA256 195fcce93ee181d970014e0d83953c12f80ae808c77742c5e14a292a5507bef2 files/conf.php_2.2_alpha.config 437
-AUX sources.php_2.2_alpha.config 12512 RMD160 ba50571f7fa4b299fa311a62369acac358181d0e SHA1 a7a3194dff0960c7a3c3e239e8d32c601a676eb2 SHA256 8a61446757d07023ff62492ef895e3aeab9333100810be7d8b9bf0defee0dad4
-MD5 be5129a22d308f9d31213e810fd1e30f files/sources.php_2.2_alpha.config 12512
-RMD160 ba50571f7fa4b299fa311a62369acac358181d0e files/sources.php_2.2_alpha.config 12512
-SHA256 8a61446757d07023ff62492ef895e3aeab9333100810be7d8b9bf0defee0dad4 files/sources.php_2.2_alpha.config 12512
-DIST turba-h3-2.2-alpha.tar.gz 1964965 RMD160 500ac66cd607512a76364e1671a16da739fec4c6 SHA1 e5904f9fb64dc322f0b55efc4bf30f062211d31a SHA256 a445633c6ce19298e8abec88b9e5faf2e99fc8a767131b582ef775330cad87a0
-EBUILD horde-turba-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild 901 RMD160 026001008ef0621ffa95cde81b1e9ca6234a28e9 SHA1 61defd3640a553fc1c37cd71dca2b0e4740a854c SHA256 85ad3703d8b91b83f9f0e8edf658054339e8250a337647a3b8c896f8b2eed1cf
-MD5 da663c8289c86fa70cda678168f5ad53 horde-turba-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild 901
-RMD160 026001008ef0621ffa95cde81b1e9ca6234a28e9 horde-turba-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild 901
-SHA256 85ad3703d8b91b83f9f0e8edf658054339e8250a337647a3b8c896f8b2eed1cf horde-turba-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild 901
-MISC ChangeLog 1172 RMD160 6579eb6404dcc957d7796e2811e533c82930c731 SHA1 2a1099fcb4eac9191de48657eea132c516dc51b9 SHA256 40f7b181b6c6b225ec27e963743754df94828a211d817df0bb52da3595918a6f
-MD5 c5b87d00f2f26c991b329f1b964f33bc ChangeLog 1172
-RMD160 6579eb6404dcc957d7796e2811e533c82930c731 ChangeLog 1172
-SHA256 40f7b181b6c6b225ec27e963743754df94828a211d817df0bb52da3595918a6f ChangeLog 1172
-MISC metadata.xml 255 RMD160 00d1bf05efc8050697b679c64d4992fae7bf6145 SHA1 5988787daa740dee18325bf78b25c044877e25a2 SHA256 1d7904c945fbe3d9946d23bcd9f1b00ac8c94700c9121955d71a0301016cb968
-MD5 ea6f2a6e433525a4268b91fa5f51c706 metadata.xml 255
-RMD160 00d1bf05efc8050697b679c64d4992fae7bf6145 metadata.xml 255
-SHA256 1d7904c945fbe3d9946d23bcd9f1b00ac8c94700c9121955d71a0301016cb968 metadata.xml 255
-MD5 f62826d5b62fd8f92d5f893aa67a2f34 files/digest-horde-turba-kolab-2.2_alpha 259
-RMD160 533dbbe5b6387580f5b9df8a432b1768c6551fc1 files/digest-horde-turba-kolab-2.2_alpha 259
-SHA256 89672067e6e5f637781264daf5710b96707abad8f116d0a4322fa9fed33bdec4 files/digest-horde-turba-kolab-2.2_alpha 259
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/files/HK-GW-Changes_after_ALPHA-2.2_alpha.patch b/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/files/HK-GW-Changes_after_ALPHA-2.2_alpha.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f948cac..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/files/HK-GW-Changes_after_ALPHA-2.2_alpha.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-Some necessary fixes for Turba from CVS.
-diff -r 0ca2d81b250b turba/addressbooks.php
---- a/turba/addressbooks.php Tue Oct 02 15:05:12 2007 +0200
-+++ b/turba/addressbooks.php Tue Oct 02 15:12:26 2007 +0200
-@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- *
- * Copyright 2005-2007 The Horde Project (
- *
-- * $Horde: turba/addressbooks.php,v 1.32 2007/08/01 10:43:29 jan Exp $
-+ * $Horde: turba/addressbooks.php,v 1.33 2007/08/16 17:35:26 mrubinsk Exp $
- *
- * See the enclosed file LICENSE for license information (ASL). If you did
- * did not receive this file, see
-@@ -102,7 +102,6 @@ case 'add':
- $notification->push(sprintf(_("There was an error creating this address book: %s"), $share->getMessage()), 'horde.error');
- } else {
- $notification->push(sprintf(_("The address book \"%s\" was created successfully."), $share->get('name')), 'horde.success');
-- Turba::addSourceFromShare($share);
- }
- header('Location: ' . Horde::applicationUrl('addressbooks.php', true));
-diff -r 0ca2d81b250b turba/lib/Driver/kolab.php
---- a/turba/lib/Driver/kolab.php Tue Oct 02 15:05:12 2007 +0200
-+++ b/turba/lib/Driver/kolab.php Tue Oct 02 15:12:26 2007 +0200
-@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- /**
- * @package Turba
- *
-- * $Horde: turba/lib/Driver/kolab.php,v 1.27 2007/06/19 09:50:30 wrobel Exp $
-+ * $Horde: turba/lib/Driver/kolab.php,v 1.28 2007/09/19 07:43:19 wrobel Exp $
- */
- /** Kolab support class. */
-@@ -151,12 +151,36 @@ class Turba_Driver_kolab extends Turba_D
- }
- }
-+ /**
-+ * Creates a new Horde_Share
-+ *
-+ * @param array The params for the share.
-+ *
-+ * @return mixed The share object or PEAR_Error.
-+ * @since Turba 2.2
-+ */
-+ function &createShare($share_id, $params)
-+ {
-+ if (isset($params['params']['default']) && $params['params']['default'] === true) {
-+ $share_id = Auth::getAuth();
-+ }
-+ $result = &Turba::createShare($share_id, $params);
-+ return $result;
-+ }
-+ function checkDefaultShare(&$share, $srcConfig)
-+ {
-+ $params = @unserialize($share->get('params'));
-+ return $params['default'];
-+ }
- }
- /**
- * Horde Turba wrapper to distinguish between both Kolab driver implementations.
- *
-- * $Horde: turba/lib/Driver/kolab.php,v 1.27 2007/06/19 09:50:30 wrobel Exp $
-+ * $Horde: turba/lib/Driver/kolab.php,v 1.28 2007/09/19 07:43:19 wrobel Exp $
- *
- * Copyright 2004-2007 The Horde Project (
- *
-diff -r 0ca2d81b250b turba/lib/Turba.php
---- a/turba/lib/Turba.php Tue Oct 02 15:05:12 2007 +0200
-+++ b/turba/lib/Turba.php Tue Oct 02 15:12:26 2007 +0200
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- <?php
- /**
-- * $Horde: turba/lib/Turba.php,v 1.148 2007/08/02 21:19:27 mrubinsk Exp $
-+ * $Horde: turba/lib/Turba.php,v 1.152 2007/08/24 19:37:54 mrubinsk Exp $
- *
- * @package Turba
- */
-@@ -213,8 +213,6 @@ class Turba {
- */
- function guessLastname($name)
- {
-- global $prefs;
- $name = trim(preg_replace('|\s|', ' ', $name));
- if (!empty($name)) {
- /* Assume that last names are always before any commas. */
-@@ -469,24 +467,27 @@ class Turba {
- }
- /**
-- * Add a new source entry based on a Turba share directly to $cfgSources,
-- * bypassing any permission checking.
-- *
-- * @param Horde_Share object The share to add.
-+ * Retrieve a new source config entry based on a Turba share.
-+ *
-+ * @param Horde_Share object The share to base config on.
-+ *
- * @since Turba 2.2
- */
-- function addSourceFromShare(&$share)
-- {
-- $name = $share->getName();
-- if (!isset($GLOBALS['cfgSources'][$name])) {
-- list($source, $user) = explode(':', $name, 2);
-- if ($user != Auth::getAuth()) {
-- $newSrc = $GLOBALS['cfgSources'][$source];
-- unset($newSrc['use_shares']);
-- $newSrc['title'] = $share->get('name');
-- $GLOBALS['cfgSources'][$name] = $newSrc;
-- }
-- }
-+ function getSourceFromShare(&$share)
-+ {
-+ // Require a fresh config file.
-+ require TURBA_BASE . '/config/sources.php';
-+ $params = @unserialize($share->get('params'));
-+ $newConfig = $cfgSources[$params['source']];
-+ $newConfig['params']['config'] = $cfgSources[$params['source']];
-+ $newConfig['params']['config']['params']['share'] = &$share;
-+ $newConfig['params']['config']['params']['name'] = $params['name'];
-+ $newConfig['title'] = $share->get('name');
-+ $newConfig['type'] = 'share';
-+ $newConfig['use_shares'] = false;
-+ return $newConfig;
- }
- /**
-@@ -616,10 +617,13 @@ class Turba {
- // Kinda hackish way of indicating what tasks need to run, until
- // a more general mechanism is available.
-- $needed_tasks = array('upgradeprefs');
-+ $needed_tasks = array('upgradeprefs', 'upgradelists');
- $successful = array();
- $existing = @unserialize($GLOBALS['prefs']->getValue('turba_maintenance_tasks'));
-+ if (empty($existing)) {
-+ $existing = array();
-+ }
- foreach ($needed_tasks as $taskname) {
- if (array_search($taskname, $existing) === false) {
- include dirname(__file__) . '/Maintenance/Task/' . basename($taskname) . '.php';
-diff -r 0ca2d81b250b turba/lib/api.php
---- a/turba/lib/api.php Tue Oct 02 15:05:12 2007 +0200
-+++ b/turba/lib/api.php Tue Oct 02 15:12:26 2007 +0200
-@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- /**
- * Turba external API interface.
- *
-- * $Horde: turba/lib/api.php,v 1.214 2007/08/02 04:37:18 chuck Exp $
-+ * $Horde: turba/lib/api.php,v 1.219 2007/08/29 12:13:30 jan Exp $
- *
- * This file defines Turba's external API interface. Other applications can
- * interact with Turba through this API.
-@@ -180,18 +180,34 @@ function _turba_removeUserData($user)
- /* We need a clean copy of the $cfgSources array here.*/
- require TURBA_BASE . '/config/sources.php';
- $hasError = false;
-- $sourceKeys = array_keys($cfgSources);
-- foreach ($sourceKeys as $sourceKey) {
-- $driver = &Turba_Driver::singleton($sourceKey);
-- if (is_a($driver, 'PEAR_Error')) {
-+ $shares = null;
-+ foreach ($cfgSources as $source) {
-+ if (empty($source['use_shares'])) {
-+ // Shares not enabled for this source
-+ $driver = &Turba_Driver::singleton($source);
-+ if (is_a($driver, 'PEAR_Error')) {
-+ $hasError = true;
-+ } else {
-+ $result = $driver->removeUserData($user);
-+ if (is_a($result, 'PEAR_Error')) {
-+ $hasError = true;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ $shares = &$GLOBALS['turba_shares']->listShares($user,
-+ $user);
-+ foreach ($shares as $share) {
-+ $params = @unserialize($share->get('params'));
-+ $config = Turba::getSourceFromShare($share);
-+ $driver = &Turba_Driver::singleton($config);
-+ $result = $driver->removeUserData($user);
-+ if (is_a($result, 'PEAR_Error')) {
- $hasError = true;
-- } else {
-- $result = $driver->removeUserData($user);
-- if (is_a($result, 'PEAR_Error')) {
-- $hasError = true;
-- }
- }
- }
-@@ -918,6 +934,10 @@ function _turba_search($names = array(),
- return array();
- }
-+ if (!is_array($names)) {
-+ $names = is_null($names) ? array() : array($names);
-+ }
- if (!count($sources)) {
- $sources = array(key($cfgSources));
- }
-@@ -934,7 +954,8 @@ function _turba_search($names = array(),
- }
- // Skip sources that aren't browseable if the search is empty.
-- if (!count($names) && empty($cfgSources[$source]['browse'])) {
-+ if (empty($cfgSources[$source]['browse'])
-+ && (!count($names) || (count($names) == 1 && empty($names[0])))) {
- continue;
- }
-@@ -1024,6 +1045,7 @@ function _turba_search($names = array(),
- $listatt = $ob->getAttributes();
- $seeninlist = array();
- $members = $ob->listMembers();
-+ $listName = $ob->getValue('name');
- if (is_a($members, 'Turba_List')) {
- if ($members->count() > 0) {
- if (!isset($results[$name])) {
-@@ -1032,7 +1054,8 @@ function _turba_search($names = array(),
- $emails = array();
- while ($ob = $members->next()) {
- $att = $ob->getAttributes();
-- foreach ($att as $key => $value) {
-+ foreach (array_keys($att) as $key) {
-+ $value = $ob->getValue($key);
- if (!empty($value) && isset($attributes[$key]) &&
- $attributes[$key]['type'] == 'email' &&
- empty($seeninlist[trim(String::lower($att['name'])) . trim(String::lower($value))])) {
-@@ -1042,7 +1065,7 @@ function _turba_search($names = array(),
- }
- }
- }
-- $results[$name][] = array('name' => $listatt['name'], 'email' => implode(', ', $emails), 'id' => $listatt['__key'], 'source' => $source);
-+ $results[$name][] = array('name' => $listName, 'email' => implode(', ', $emails), 'id' => $listatt['__key'], 'source' => $source);
- }
- }
- }
-diff -r 0ca2d81b250b turba/templates/
---- a/turba/templates/ Tue Oct 02 15:05:12 2007 +0200
-+++ b/turba/templates/ Tue Oct 02 15:12:26 2007 +0200
-@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ function verifyDelete()
- <strong><?php echo _("Permissions") ?></strong>
- </td>
- <td>
-- <input type="button" name="perms" class="button" onclick="if (document.editshares.editshare.value) popup(editURL.replace(/%40ID%40/, document.editshares.editshare.value));" value="<?php echo _("Edit") ?>" />
-+ <input type="button" name="perms" class="button" onclick="if (document.editshares.editshare.value) popup(editURL.replace(/%40ID%40/, encodeURIComponent(document.editshares.editshare.value)));" value="<?php echo _("Edit") ?>" />
- </td>
- </tr>
- <?php endif; ?>
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/files/HK-GW-Fix_address_book_deletion_1-2.2_alpha.patch b/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/files/HK-GW-Fix_address_book_deletion_1-2.2_alpha.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index df4b1ef..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/files/HK-GW-Fix_address_book_deletion_1-2.2_alpha.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-Fixes address book deletion.
-diff -r 8e461aedd317 turba/lib/Driver/kolab.php
---- a/turba/lib/Driver/kolab.php Tue Oct 02 09:24:16 2007 +0200
-+++ b/turba/lib/Driver/kolab.php Tue Oct 02 09:30:45 2007 +0200
-@@ -892,11 +892,6 @@ class Turba_Driver_kolab_wrapper_new ext
- return $result;
- }
-- if ($sourceName != null) {
-- Horde::logMessage('deleteAll only working for current share. Called for $sourceName', __FILE__, __LINE__, PEAR_LOG_ERR);
-- return PEAR::raiseError(sprintf(_("Cannot delete all address book entries for %s"), $sourceName));
-- }
- return $this->_store->deleteAll();
- }
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/files/HK-GW-Fix_editing_contacts-2.2_alpha.patch b/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/files/HK-GW-Fix_editing_contacts-2.2_alpha.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 3edaab4..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/files/HK-GW-Fix_editing_contacts-2.2_alpha.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-Fixes editing contacts.
-diff -r de15e2f26408 turba/lib/Driver/share.php
---- a/turba/lib/Driver/share.php Tue Oct 02 12:25:42 2007 +0200
-+++ b/turba/lib/Driver/share.php Tue Oct 02 12:38:50 2007 +0200
-@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class Turba_Driver_share extends Turba_D
- */
- function getName()
- {
-- $share_parts = explode(':', $this->_share->getName());
-+ $share_parts = explode(':', $this->_share->getId());
- return array_pop($share_parts);
- }
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/files/HK-GW-Fix_notice_on_addressbook_creation-2.2_alpha.patch b/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/files/HK-GW-Fix_notice_on_addressbook_creation-2.2_alpha.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 89c934e..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/files/HK-GW-Fix_notice_on_addressbook_creation-2.2_alpha.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-Fixes a notice when creating a new share.
-diff -r 6da2fcb4e060 turba/lib/Driver/kolab.php
---- a/turba/lib/Driver/kolab.php Tue Oct 02 07:47:47 2007 +0200
-+++ b/turba/lib/Driver/kolab.php Tue Oct 02 08:18:26 2007 +0200
-@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ class Turba_Driver_kolab_wrapper {
- */
- function Turba_Driver_kolab_wrapper($addressbook, &$kolab)
- {
-- if ($addressbook[0] == '_') {
-+ if ($addressbook && $addressbook[0] == '_') {
- $addressbook = substr($addressbook, 1);
- }
- $this->_addressbook = $addressbook;
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/files/HK-GW-Fix_share_id_change-2.2_alpha.patch b/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/files/HK-GW-Fix_share_id_change-2.2_alpha.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f60e1a0..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/files/HK-GW-Fix_share_id_change-2.2_alpha.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-This fixes a problem with the way the Kolab share driver handles ids.
-diff -r dd05e667699d turba/lib/Turba.php
---- a/turba/lib/Turba.php Tue Oct 02 06:47:29 2007 +0200
-+++ b/turba/lib/Turba.php Tue Oct 02 06:55:13 2007 +0200
-@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ class Turba {
- $source_config = $sources[$source];
- $source_config['params']['share'] = &$share;
-- $sources[$sourceKey] = $source_config;
-+ $sources[$share->getId()] = $source_config;
- } else {
- $notification->push($driver, 'horde.error');
- }
-@@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ class Turba {
- /* Add the new addressbook to the user's list of visible
- * address books. */
- $prefs = explode("\n", $GLOBALS['prefs']->getValue('addressbooks'));
-- if (array_search($share_id, $prefs) === false) {
-+ if (array_search($share->getId(), $prefs) === false) {
- $GLOBALS['prefs']->setValue('addressbooks', $GLOBALS['prefs']->getValue('addressbooks') . "\n" . $share_id);
- }
- return $share;
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/files/HK-GW-Ldap_read_only_fix-2.2_alpha.patch b/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/files/HK-GW-Ldap_read_only_fix-2.2_alpha.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index ed84a35..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/files/HK-GW-Ldap_read_only_fix-2.2_alpha.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-This is a temporary fix to mark the ldap addressbook as read-only. This should be solved with the Horde Perms package but this needs a new driver.
-diff -r b7be146cb26a turba/lib/Driver/ldap.php
---- a/turba/lib/Driver/ldap.php Tue Oct 02 07:18:36 2007 +0200
-+++ b/turba/lib/Driver/ldap.php Tue Oct 02 07:19:20 2007 +0200
-@@ -53,6 +53,9 @@ class Turba_Driver_ldap extends Turba_Dr
- }
- if (empty($params['deref'])) {
- $params['deref'] = LDAP_DEREF_NEVER;
-+ }
-+ if (empty($params['read_only'])) {
-+ $params['read_only'] = false;
- }
- parent::Turba_Driver($params);
-@@ -749,4 +752,25 @@ class Turba_Driver_ldap extends Turba_Dr
- return $dn;
- }
-+ /**
-+ * Checks if the current user has the requested permission
-+ * on this source.
-+ *
-+ * @param integer $perm The permission to check for.
-+ *
-+ * @return boolean true if user has permission, false otherwise.
-+ */
-+ function hasPermission($perm)
-+ {
-+ if ($this->_params['read_only'] === false) {
-+ return parent::hasPermission($perm);
-+ } else {
-+ switch ($perm) {
-+ case PERMS_EDIT: return false;
-+ case PERMS_DELETE: return false;
-+ default: return parent::hasPermission($perm);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
- }
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/files/conf.php_2.2_alpha.config b/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/files/conf.php_2.2_alpha.config
deleted file mode 100644
index d9769c2..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/files/conf.php_2.2_alpha.config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-// $Horde: turba/config/conf.xml,v 1.20 2006/05/09 14:22:18 jan Exp $
-$conf['menu']['import_export'] = true;
-$conf['menu']['apps'] = array();
-$conf['client']['addressbook'] = 'kolab_local';
-$conf['shares']['source'] = 'kolab';
-$conf['comments']['allow'] = true;
-$conf['documents']['type'] = 'horde';
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/files/digest-horde-turba-kolab-2.2_alpha b/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/files/digest-horde-turba-kolab-2.2_alpha
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--- a/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/files/digest-horde-turba-kolab-2.2_alpha
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@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 a69a18ef253a56cb6c498b52bff28d1a turba-h3-2.2-alpha.tar.gz 1964965
-RMD160 500ac66cd607512a76364e1671a16da739fec4c6 turba-h3-2.2-alpha.tar.gz 1964965
-SHA256 a445633c6ce19298e8abec88b9e5faf2e99fc8a767131b582ef775330cad87a0 turba-h3-2.2-alpha.tar.gz 1964965
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/files/sources.php_2.2_alpha.config b/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/files/sources.php_2.2_alpha.config
deleted file mode 100644
index aa52b55..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/files/sources.php_2.2_alpha.config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
- * $Horde: turba/config/sources.php.dist,v 1.166 2007/05/23 22:08:54 wrobel Exp $
- *
- * This file is where you specify the sources of contacts available to users
- * at your installation. It contains a large number of EXAMPLES. Please
- * remove or comment out those examples that YOU DON'T NEED. There are a
- * number of properties that you can set for each server, including:
- *
- * title: This is the common (user-visible) name that you want displayed
- * in the contact source drop-down box.
- *
- * type: The types 'ldap', 'sql', 'imsp' and 'prefs' are currently
- * supported. Preferences-based address books are not intended
- * for production installs unless you really know what you're
- * doing - they are not searchable, and they won't scale well if
- * a user has a large number of entries.
- *
- * params: These are the connection parameters specific to the contact
- * source. See below for examples of how to set these.
- *
- * Special params settings:
- *
- * charset: The character set that the backend stores data in. Many
- * LDAP servers use utf-8. Database servers typically use
- * iso-8859-1.
- *
- * tls: Only applies to LDAP servers. If true, then try to use a
- * TLS connection to the server.
- *
- * scope: Only applies to LDAP servers. Can be set to 'one' to
- * search one level of the LDAP directory, or 'sub' to search
- * all levels. 'one' will work for most setups and should be
- * much faster. However we default to 'sub' for backwards
- * compatibility.
- *
- * checkrequired: Only applies to LDAP servers. If present, this value causes
- * the driver to consult the LDAP schema for any attributes
- * that are required by the given objectclass(es). Required
- * attributes will be provided automatically if the
- * 'checkrequired_string' parameter is present.
- * *NOTE* You must have the Net_LDAP PEAR library installed
- * for this to work.
- *
- * checksyntax: Only applies to LDAP servers. If present, this value causes
- * the driver to inspect the LDAP schema for particular
- * attributes by the type defined in the corresponding schema
- * *NOTE* You must have the Net_LDAP PEAR library installed
- * for this to work.
- *
- * deref: Only applies to LDAP servers. If set, should be one of:
- * This tells the LDAP server when to dereference
- * aliases. See for more
- * information.
- *
- * dn: Only applies to LDAP servers. Defines the list of LDAP
- * attributes that build a valid DN.
- *
- * objectclass: Only applies to LDAP servers. Defines a list of
- * objectclasses that the LDAP object must be a member of.
- *
- * filter: Filter helps to filter your result based on certain
- * condition in SQL and LDAP backends. A filter can be
- * specified to avoid some unwanted data. For example, if the
- * source is an external sql database, to select records with
- * the delete flag = 0:
- * 'filter' = 'deleted=0'
- *
- * map: This is a list of mappings from the Turba attribute names
- * (on the left) to the attribute names by which they are known
- * in this contact source (on the right). Turba also supports
- * composite fields. A composite field is defined by mapping
- * the field name to an array containing a list of component
- * fields and a format string (similar to a printf() format
- * string). 'attribute' defines where the composed value
- * is saved, and can be left out. Here is an example:
- * ...
- * 'name' => array('fields' => array('firstname', 'lastname'),
- * 'format' => '%s %s',
- * 'attribute' => 'object_name'),
- * 'firstname' => 'object_firstname',
- * 'lastname' => 'object_lastname',
- * ...
- *
- * Standard Turba attributes are:
- * __key : A backend-specific ID for the entry (any value
- * as long as it is unique inside that source;
- * required)
- * __uid : Globally unique ID of the entry (used for
- * synchronizing and must be able to be set to any
- * value)
- * __owner : User name of the contact's owner
- * __type : Either 'Object' or 'Group'
- * __members : Serialized PHP array with list of Group members.
- * More Turba attributes are defined in config/attributes.php.
- *
- * tabs: All fields can be grouped into tabs with this optional entry.
- * This list is multidimensional hash, the keys are the tab
- * titles.
- * Here is an example:
- * 'tabs' => array(
- * 'Names' => array('firstname', 'lastname', 'alias'),
- * 'Addresses' => array('homeAddress', 'workAddress')
- * );
- *
- * search: A list of Turba attribute names that can be searched for this
- * source.
- *
- * strict: A list of native field/attribute names that must always be
- * matched exactly in a search.
- *
- * export: If set to true, this source will appear on the Export menu,
- * allowing users to export the contacts to a CSV (etc.) file.
- *
- * browse: If set to true, this source will be browseable via the Browse
- * menu item, and empty searches against the source will return
- * all contacts.
- *
- * use_shares: If this is present and true, Turba_Share functionality will
- * be enabled for this source - allowing users to share their
- * personal address books as well as to create new ones. Since
- * Turba only supports having one backend configured for
- * creating new shares, use the 'shares' configuration option to
- * specify which backend will be used for creating new shares.
- * All permission checking will be done against Turba_Share, but
- * note that any 'extended' permissions (such as max_contacts)
- * will still be enforced. Also note that the backend driver
- * must have support for using this. Currently SQL and IMSP.
- *
- * Here are some example configurations:
- */
-/* Begin Kolab sources. */
-if (!empty($GLOBALS['conf']['kolab']['enabled'])) {
- /* Only use LDAP if we have that extension in PHP */
- if (function_exists('ldap_connect')) {
- require_once 'Horde/Kolab.php';
- if (!is_callable('Kolab', 'getServer')) {
- $server = $GLOBALS['conf']['kolab']['ldap']['server'];
- } else {
- $server = Kolab::getServer('ldap');
- }
- /* A global address book for a Kolab Server. This is typically a
- * read-only public directory, stored in the default Kolab LDAP server.
- * The user accessing this should have read permissions to the shared
- * directory in LDAP. */
- $cfgSources['kolab_global'] = array(
- 'title' => _("Global Address Book"),
- 'type' => 'ldap',
- 'params' => array(
- 'server' => $server,
- 'port' => $GLOBALS['conf']['kolab']['ldap']['port'],
- 'tls' => false,
- 'root' => $GLOBALS['conf']['kolab']['ldap']['basedn'],
- 'sizelimit' => 200,
- 'dn' => array('cn'),
- 'objectclass' => array(
- 'inetOrgPerson'
- ),
- 'scope' => 'one',
- 'charset' => 'utf-8',
- 'version' => 3,
- 'bind_dn' => '',
- 'bind_password' => '',
- 'read_only' => true,
- ),
- 'map' => array(
- '__key' => 'dn',
- 'name' => 'cn',
- 'firstname' => 'givenName',
- 'lastname' => 'sn',
- 'email' => 'mail',
- 'alias' => 'alias',
- 'title' => 'title',
- 'company' => 'o',
- 'workStreet' => 'street',
- 'workCity' => 'l',
- 'workProvince' => 'st',
- 'workPostalCode' => 'postalCode',
- 'workCountry' => 'c',
- 'homePhone' => 'homePhone',
- 'workPhone' => 'telephoneNumber',
- 'cellPhone' => 'mobile',
- 'fax' => 'fax',
- 'notes' => 'description',
- 'freebusyUrl' => 'kolabHomeServer',
- ),
- 'search' => array(
- 'name',
- 'firstname',
- 'lastname',
- 'email',
- 'title',
- 'company',
- 'workAddress',
- 'workCity',
- 'workProvince',
- 'workPostalCode',
- 'workCountry',
- 'homePhone',
- 'workPhone',
- 'cellPhone',
- 'fax',
- 'notes',
- ),
- 'strict' => array(
- 'dn',
- ),
- 'export' => true,
- 'browse' => true,
- );
- }
- /**
- * The local address books for a Kolab user. These are stored in specially
- * flagged contact folder within the users Cyrus IMAP mailbox.
- */
- $cfgSources['kolab'] = array(
- 'title' => _("Contacts"),
- 'type' => 'kolab',
- 'params' => array(
- 'charset' => 'utf-8',
- ),
- 'map' => array(
- '__key' => 'uid',
- 'name' => 'full-name',
- 'firstname' => 'given-name',
- 'lastname' => 'last-name',
- 'title' => 'job-title',
- 'company' => 'organization',
- 'notes' => 'body',
- 'website' => 'web-page',
- 'nickname' => 'nick-name',
- 'emails' => 'emails',
- 'homePhone' => 'phone-home1',
- 'workPhone' => 'phone-business1',
- 'cellPhone' => 'phone-mobile',
- 'fax' => 'phone-businessfax',
- 'workStreet' => 'addr-business-street',
- 'workCity' => 'addr-business-locality',
- 'workProvince' => 'addr-business-region',
- 'workPostalCode' => 'addr-business-postal-code',
- 'workCountry' => 'addr-business-country',
- 'homeStreet' => 'addr-home-street',
- 'homeCity' => 'addr-home-locality',
- 'homeProvince' => 'addr-home-region',
- 'homePostalCode' => 'addr-home-postal-code',
- 'homeCountry' => 'addr-home-country',
- ),
- 'search' => array(
- 'name',
- 'firstname',
- 'lastname',
- 'emails',
- 'title',
- 'company',
- 'notes',
- 'homePhone',
- 'workPhone',
- 'cellPhone',
- 'fax',
- 'workStreet',
- 'workCity',
- 'workProvince',
- 'workPostalCode',
- 'workCountry',
- 'homeStreet',
- 'homeCity',
- 'homeProvince',
- 'homePostalCode',
- 'homeCountry',
- 'website',
- 'nickname'
- ),
- 'strict' => array(
- 'uid',
- ),
- 'export' => true,
- 'browse' => true,
- 'use_shares' => true,
- 'shares_only' => true,
- );
-/* End Kolab sources. */
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/horde-turba-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild b/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/horde-turba-kolab-2.2_alpha.ebuild
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@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apps/horde-turba/horde-turba-2.1.ebuild,v 1.1 2006/03/09 23:37:24 vapier Exp $
-HORDE_PHP_FEATURES="-o mysql mysqli odbc postgres ldap"
-inherit horde-kolab-r4
-DESCRIPTION="Turba is the Horde address book / contact management program"
-KEYWORDS="x86 amd64"
diff --git a/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/metadata.xml b/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e25a412..0000000
--- a/www-apps/horde-turba-kolab/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
- <maintainer>
- <email></email>
- <name>Gunnar Wrobel</name>
- </maintainer>