query( "DELETE FROM $wpdb->posts" ); $wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM $wpdb->comments" ); // also need to delete terms from cache $term_ids = $wpdb->get_col( "SELECT term_id FROM $wpdb->terms" ); foreach ( $term_ids as $term_id ) { wp_cache_delete( $term_id, 'terms' ); } $wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM $wpdb->terms" ); $wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM $wpdb->term_taxonomy" ); $wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM $wpdb->term_relationships" ); // callables and constants $wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM $wpdb->options WHERE option_name LIKE 'jetpack_%'" ); $wpdb->query( "DELETE FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key NOT LIKE '\_%'" ); } function full_sync_start( $config ) { $this->reset(); } function full_sync_end( $checksum ) { // noop right now } public function post_count( $status = null, $min_id = null, $max_id = null ) { global $wpdb; $where = ''; if ( $status ) { $where = "post_status = '" . esc_sql( $status ) . "'"; } else { $where = '1=1'; } if ( null != $min_id ) { $where .= ' AND ID >= ' . intval( $min_id ); } if ( null != $max_id ) { $where .= ' AND ID <= ' . intval( $max_id ); } return $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE $where" ); } // TODO: actually use max_id/min_id public function get_posts( $status = null, $min_id = null, $max_id = null ) { $args = array( 'orderby' => 'ID', 'posts_per_page' => -1 ); if ( $status ) { $args['post_status'] = $status; } else { $args['post_status'] = 'any'; } return get_posts( $args ); } public function get_post( $id ) { return get_post( $id ); } public function upsert_post( $post, $silent = false ) { global $wpdb; // reject the post if it's not a WP_Post if ( ! $post instanceof WP_Post ) { return; } $post = $post->to_array(); // reject posts without an ID if ( ! isset( $post['ID'] ) ) { return; } $now = current_time( 'mysql' ); $now_gmt = get_gmt_from_date( $now ); $defaults = array( 'ID' => 0, 'post_author' => '0', 'post_content' => '', 'post_content_filtered' => '', 'post_title' => '', 'post_name' => '', 'post_excerpt' => '', 'post_status' => 'draft', 'post_type' => 'post', 'comment_status' => 'closed', 'comment_count' => '0', 'ping_status' => '', 'post_password' => '', 'to_ping' => '', 'pinged' => '', 'post_parent' => 0, 'menu_order' => 0, 'guid' => '', 'post_date' => $now, 'post_date_gmt' => $now_gmt, 'post_modified' => $now, 'post_modified_gmt' => $now_gmt, ); $post = array_intersect_key( $post, $defaults ); $post = sanitize_post( $post, 'db' ); unset( $post['filter'] ); $exists = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE ID = %d )", $post['ID'] ) ); if ( $exists ) { $wpdb->update( $wpdb->posts, $post, array( 'ID' => $post['ID'] ) ); } else { $wpdb->insert( $wpdb->posts, $post ); } clean_post_cache( $post['ID'] ); } public function delete_post( $post_id ) { wp_delete_post( $post_id, true ); } public function posts_checksum( $min_id = null, $max_id = null ) { global $wpdb; return $this->table_checksum( $wpdb->posts, Jetpack_Sync_Defaults::$default_post_checksum_columns , 'ID', Jetpack_Sync_Settings::get_blacklisted_post_types_sql(), $min_id, $max_id ); } public function post_meta_checksum( $min_id = null, $max_id = null ) { global $wpdb; return $this->table_checksum( $wpdb->postmeta, Jetpack_Sync_Defaults::$default_post_meta_checksum_columns , 'meta_id', Jetpack_Sync_Settings::get_whitelisted_post_meta_sql(), $min_id, $max_id ); } public function comment_count( $status = null, $min_id = null, $max_id = null ) { global $wpdb; $comment_approved = $this->comment_status_to_approval_value( $status ); if ( $comment_approved !== false ) { $where = "comment_approved = '" . esc_sql( $comment_approved ) . "'"; } else { $where = '1=1'; } if ( $min_id != null ) { $where .= ' AND comment_ID >= ' . intval( $min_id ); } if ( $max_id != null ) { $where .= ' AND comment_ID <= ' . intval( $max_id ); } return $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE $where" ); } private function comment_status_to_approval_value( $status ) { switch ( $status ) { case 'approve': return '1'; case 'hold': return '0'; case 'spam': return 'spam'; case 'trash': return 'trash'; case 'any': return false; case 'all': return false; default: return false; } } // TODO: actually use max_id/min_id public function get_comments( $status = null, $min_id = null, $max_id = null ) { $args = array( 'orderby' => 'ID', 'status' => 'all' ); if ( $status ) { $args['status'] = $status; } return get_comments( $args ); } public function get_comment( $id ) { return WP_Comment::get_instance( $id ); } public function upsert_comment( $comment ) { global $wpdb, $wp_version; if ( version_compare( $wp_version, '4.4', '<' ) ) { $comment = (array) $comment; } else { // WP 4.4 introduced the WP_Comment Class $comment = $comment->to_array(); } // filter by fields on comment table $comment_fields_whitelist = array( 'comment_ID', 'comment_post_ID', 'comment_author', 'comment_author_email', 'comment_author_url', 'comment_author_IP', 'comment_date', 'comment_date_gmt', 'comment_content', 'comment_karma', 'comment_approved', 'comment_agent', 'comment_type', 'comment_parent', 'user_id', ); foreach ( $comment as $key => $value ) { if ( ! in_array( $key, $comment_fields_whitelist ) ) { unset( $comment[ $key ] ); } } $exists = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_ID = %d )", $comment['comment_ID'] ) ); if ( $exists ) { $wpdb->update( $wpdb->comments, $comment, array( 'comment_ID' => $comment['comment_ID'] ) ); } else { $wpdb->insert( $wpdb->comments, $comment ); } wp_update_comment_count( $comment['comment_post_ID'] ); } public function trash_comment( $comment_id ) { wp_delete_comment( $comment_id ); } public function delete_comment( $comment_id ) { wp_delete_comment( $comment_id, true ); } public function spam_comment( $comment_id ) { wp_spam_comment( $comment_id ); } public function trashed_post_comments( $post_id, $statuses ) { wp_trash_post_comments( $post_id ); } public function untrashed_post_comments( $post_id ) { wp_untrash_post_comments( $post_id ); } public function comments_checksum( $min_id = null, $max_id = null ) { global $wpdb; return $this->table_checksum( $wpdb->comments, Jetpack_Sync_Defaults::$default_comment_checksum_columns, 'comment_ID', Jetpack_Sync_Settings::get_comments_filter_sql(), $min_id, $max_id ); } public function comment_meta_checksum( $min_id = null, $max_id = null ) { global $wpdb; return $this->table_checksum( $wpdb->commentmeta, Jetpack_Sync_Defaults::$default_comment_meta_checksum_columns , 'meta_id', Jetpack_Sync_Settings::get_whitelisted_comment_meta_sql(), $min_id, $max_id ); } public function options_checksum() { global $wpdb; $options_whitelist = "'" . implode( "', '", Jetpack_Sync_Defaults::$default_options_whitelist ) . "'"; $where_sql = "option_name IN ( $options_whitelist )"; return $this->table_checksum( $wpdb->options, Jetpack_Sync_Defaults::$default_option_checksum_columns, null, $where_sql, null, null ); } public function update_option( $option, $value ) { return update_option( $option, $value ); } public function get_option( $option, $default = false ) { return get_option( $option, $default ); } public function delete_option( $option ) { return delete_option( $option ); } public function set_theme_support( $theme_support ) { // noop } public function current_theme_supports( $feature ) { return current_theme_supports( $feature ); } public function get_metadata( $type, $object_id, $meta_key = '', $single = false ) { return get_metadata( $type, $object_id, $meta_key, $single ); } /** * * Stores remote meta key/values alongside an ID mapping key * * @param $type * @param $object_id * @param $meta_key * @param $meta_value * @param $meta_id * * @return bool */ public function upsert_metadata( $type, $object_id, $meta_key, $meta_value, $meta_id ) { $table = _get_meta_table( $type ); if ( ! $table ) { return false; } global $wpdb; $exists = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM $table WHERE meta_id = %d )", $meta_id ) ); if ( $exists ) { $wpdb->update( $table, array( 'meta_key' => $meta_key, 'meta_value' => maybe_serialize( $meta_value ), ), array( 'meta_id' => $meta_id ) ); } else { $object_id_field = $type . '_id'; $wpdb->insert( $table, array( 'meta_id' => $meta_id, $object_id_field => $object_id, 'meta_key' => $meta_key, 'meta_value' => maybe_serialize( $meta_value ), ) ); } wp_cache_delete( $object_id, $type . '_meta' ); return true; } public function delete_metadata( $type, $object_id, $meta_ids ) { global $wpdb; $table = _get_meta_table( $type ); if ( ! $table ) { return false; } foreach ( $meta_ids as $meta_id ) { $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "DELETE FROM $table WHERE meta_id = %d", $meta_id ) ); } // if we don't have an object ID what do we do - invalidate ALL meta? if ( $object_id ) { wp_cache_delete( $object_id, $type . '_meta' ); } } // constants public function get_constant( $constant ) { $value = get_option( 'jetpack_constant_' . $constant ); if ( $value ) { return $value; } return null; } public function set_constant( $constant, $value ) { update_option( 'jetpack_constant_' . $constant, $value ); } public function get_updates( $type ) { $all_updates = get_option( 'jetpack_updates', array() ); if ( isset( $all_updates[ $type ] ) ) { return $all_updates[ $type ]; } else { return null; } } public function set_updates( $type, $updates ) { $all_updates = get_option( 'jetpack_updates', array() ); $all_updates[ $type ] = $updates; update_option( 'jetpack_updates', $all_updates ); } // functions public function get_callable( $name ) { $value = get_option( 'jetpack_' . $name ); if ( $value ) { return $value; } return null; } public function set_callable( $name, $value ) { update_option( 'jetpack_' . $name, $value ); } // network options public function get_site_option( $option ) { return get_option( 'jetpack_network_' . $option ); } public function update_site_option( $option, $value ) { return update_option( 'jetpack_network_' . $option, $value ); } public function delete_site_option( $option ) { return delete_option( 'jetpack_network_' . $option ); } // terms // terms public function get_terms( $taxonomy ) { return get_terms( $taxonomy ); } public function get_term( $taxonomy, $term_id, $is_term_id = true ) { $t = $this->ensure_taxonomy( $taxonomy ); if ( ! $t || is_wp_error( $t ) ) { return $t; } return get_term( $term_id, $taxonomy ); } private function ensure_taxonomy( $taxonomy ) { if ( ! taxonomy_exists( $taxonomy ) ) { // try re-registering synced taxonomies $taxonomies = $this->get_callable( 'taxonomies' ); if ( ! isset( $taxonomies[ $taxonomy ] ) ) { // doesn't exist, or somehow hasn't been synced return new WP_Error( 'invalid_taxonomy', "The taxonomy '$taxonomy' doesn't exist" ); } $t = $taxonomies[ $taxonomy ]; return register_taxonomy( $taxonomy, $t->object_type, (array) $t ); } return true; } public function get_the_terms( $object_id, $taxonomy ) { return get_the_terms( $object_id, $taxonomy ); } public function update_term( $term_object ) { $taxonomy = $term_object->taxonomy; global $wpdb; $exists = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM $wpdb->terms WHERE term_id = %d )", $term_object->term_id ) ); if ( ! $exists ) { $term_object = sanitize_term( clone( $term_object ), $taxonomy, 'db' ); $term = array( 'term_id' => $term_object->term_id, 'name' => $term_object->name, 'slug' => $term_object->slug, 'term_group' => $term_object->term_group, ); $term_taxonomy = array( 'term_taxonomy_id' => $term_object->term_taxonomy_id, 'term_id' => $term_object->term_id, 'taxonomy' => $term_object->taxonomy, 'description' => $term_object->description, 'parent' => (int) $term_object->parent, 'count' => (int) $term_object->count, ); $wpdb->insert( $wpdb->terms, $term ); $wpdb->insert( $wpdb->term_taxonomy, $term_taxonomy ); return true; } return wp_update_term( $term_object->term_id, $taxonomy, (array) $term_object ); } public function delete_term( $term_id, $taxonomy ) { return wp_delete_term( $term_id, $taxonomy ); } public function update_object_terms( $object_id, $taxonomy, $terms, $append ) { wp_set_object_terms( $object_id, $terms, $taxonomy, $append ); } public function delete_object_terms( $object_id, $tt_ids ) { global $wpdb; if ( is_array( $tt_ids ) && ! empty( $tt_ids ) ) { $taxonomies = array(); foreach ( $tt_ids as $tt_id ) { $term = get_term_by( 'term_taxonomy_id', $tt_id ); $taxonomies[ $term->taxonomy ][] = $tt_id; } $in_tt_ids = "'" . implode( "', '", $tt_ids ) . "'"; /** * Fires immediately before an object-term relationship is deleted. * * @since 2.9.0 * * @param int $object_id Object ID. * @param array $tt_ids An array of term taxonomy IDs. */ do_action( 'delete_term_relationships', $object_id, $tt_ids ); $deleted = $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "DELETE FROM $wpdb->term_relationships WHERE object_id = %d AND term_taxonomy_id IN ($in_tt_ids)", $object_id ) ); foreach ( $taxonomies as $taxonomy => $taxonomy_tt_ids ) { wp_cache_delete( $object_id, $taxonomy . '_relationships' ); /** * Fires immediately after an object-term relationship is deleted. * * @since 2.9.0 * * @param int $object_id Object ID. * @param array $tt_ids An array of term taxonomy IDs. */ do_action( 'deleted_term_relationships', $object_id, $taxonomy_tt_ids ); wp_update_term_count( $taxonomy_tt_ids, $taxonomy ); } return (bool) $deleted; } return false; } // users public function user_count() { } public function get_user( $user_id ) { return WP_User::get_instance( $user_id ); } public function upsert_user( $user ) { $this->invalid_call(); } public function delete_user( $user_id ) { $this->invalid_call(); } public function get_allowed_mime_types( $user_id ) { } public function checksum_all() { $post_meta_checksum = $this->checksum_histogram( 'post_meta', 1 ); $comment_meta_checksum = $this->checksum_histogram( 'comment_meta', 1 ); return array( 'posts' => $this->posts_checksum(), 'comments' => $this->comments_checksum(), 'post_meta'=> reset( $post_meta_checksum ), 'comment_meta'=> reset( $comment_meta_checksum ), ); } function checksum_histogram( $object_type, $buckets, $start_id = null, $end_id = null, $columns = null, $strip_non_ascii = true ) { global $wpdb; $wpdb->queries = array(); switch( $object_type ) { case "posts": $object_count = $this->post_count( null, $start_id, $end_id ); $object_table = $wpdb->posts; $id_field = 'ID'; $where_sql = Jetpack_Sync_Settings::get_blacklisted_post_types_sql(); if ( empty( $columns ) ) { $columns = Jetpack_Sync_Defaults::$default_post_checksum_columns; } break; case "post_meta": $object_table = $wpdb->postmeta; $where_sql = Jetpack_Sync_Settings::get_whitelisted_post_meta_sql(); $object_count = $this->meta_count( $object_table, $where_sql, $start_id, $end_id ); $id_field = 'meta_id'; if ( empty( $columns ) ) { $columns = Jetpack_Sync_Defaults::$default_post_meta_checksum_columns; } break; case "comments": $object_count = $this->comment_count( null, $start_id, $end_id ); $object_table = $wpdb->comments; $id_field = 'comment_ID'; $where_sql = Jetpack_Sync_Settings::get_comments_filter_sql(); if ( empty( $columns ) ) { $columns = Jetpack_Sync_Defaults::$default_comment_checksum_columns; } break; case "comment_meta": $object_table = $wpdb->commentmeta; $where_sql = Jetpack_Sync_Settings::get_whitelisted_comment_meta_sql(); $object_count = $this->meta_count( $object_table, $where_sql, $start_id, $end_id ); $id_field = 'meta_id'; if ( empty( $columns ) ) { $columns = Jetpack_Sync_Defaults::$default_post_meta_checksum_columns; } break; default: return false; } $bucket_size = intval( ceil( $object_count / $buckets ) ); $previous_max_id = 0; $histogram = array(); $where = '1=1'; if ( $start_id ) { $where .= " AND $id_field >= " . intval( $start_id ); } if ( $end_id ) { $where .= " AND $id_field <= " . intval( $end_id ); } do { list( $first_id, $last_id ) = $wpdb->get_row( "SELECT MIN($id_field) as min_id, MAX($id_field) as max_id FROM ( SELECT $id_field FROM $object_table WHERE $where AND $id_field > $previous_max_id ORDER BY $id_field ASC LIMIT $bucket_size ) as ids", ARRAY_N ); // get the checksum value $value = $this->table_checksum( $object_table, $columns, $id_field, $where_sql, $first_id, $last_id, $strip_non_ascii ); if ( is_wp_error( $value ) ) { return $value; } if ( $first_id === null || $last_id === null ) { break; } elseif ( $first_id === $last_id ) { $histogram[ $first_id ] = $value; } else { $histogram[ "{$first_id}-{$last_id}" ] = $value; } $previous_max_id = $last_id; } while ( true ); return $histogram; } private function table_checksum( $table, $columns, $id_column, $where_sql = '1=1', $min_id = null, $max_id = null, $strip_non_ascii = true ) { global $wpdb; // sanitize to just valid MySQL column names $sanitized_columns = preg_grep ( '/^[0-9,a-z,A-Z$_]+$/i', $columns ); if ( $strip_non_ascii ) { $columns_sql = implode( ',', array_map( array( $this, 'strip_non_ascii_sql' ), $sanitized_columns ) ); } else { $columns_sql = implode( ',', $sanitized_columns ); } if ( $min_id !== null ) { $min_id = intval( $min_id ); $where_sql .= " AND $id_column >= $min_id"; } if ( $max_id !== null ) { $max_id = intval( $max_id ); $where_sql .= " AND $id_column <= $max_id"; } $query = <<get_var( $query ); if ( $wpdb->last_error ) { return new WP_Error( 'database_error', $wpdb->last_error ); } return $result; } private function meta_count( $table, $where_sql, $min_id, $max_id ) { global $wpdb; if ( $min_id != null ) { $where_sql .= ' AND meta_id >= ' . intval( $min_id ); } if ( $max_id != null ) { $where_sql .= ' AND meta_id <= ' . intval( $max_id ); } return $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table WHERE $where_sql" ); } /** * Wraps a column name in SQL which strips non-ASCII chars. * This helps normalize data to avoid checksum differences caused by * badly encoded data in the DB */ function strip_non_ascii_sql( $column_name ) { return "REPLACE( CONVERT( $column_name USING ascii ), '?', '' )"; } private function invalid_call() { $backtrace = debug_backtrace(); $caller = $backtrace[1]['function']; throw new Exception( "This function $caller is not supported on the WP Replicastore" ); } }