from git import Repo import os import urllib.request as request import shutil class CVE(object): """ Check the kernel against a CVE repository """ def __init__(self): self.git_url = "" self.repo_dir = "/tmp/kernel_cve/" self.cve_patches_dir = "/tmp/patches_cve/" pass def download(self): Repo.clone_from(self.git_url, self.repo_dir) def set_repo(self, git_url, repo_dir): self.git_url = git_url self.repo_dir = repo_dir def cve_git_id(self): major_version, minor_version, revision_version = _current_kernel_version() major_version, minor_version, revision_version = 4,9,25 security_file = open("/tmp/kernel_cve/"+str(major_version)+"."+str(minor_version)+ "/"+str(major_version)+"."+str(minor_version)+"_security.txt", "r") security_versions = [] for line in security_file: if "CVEs fixed in" in line: security_versions_tmp = line.strip().split(' ')[3][:-1] # if there is not revision, set revision as 0 if len(security_versions_tmp) == 3: security_versions.append(0) else: security_versions.append(security_versions_tmp.split('.')[2]) security_file.close() print('[debug] security versions: ' + str(security_versions)) cve_2d_list = [] for version in security_versions: if int(version) > revision_version: cve_2d_list.append(self.cve_id(major_version, minor_version, version)) cve_outfile_list = [] patch_index = 0 if not os.path.exists(self.cve_patches_dir): os.mkdir(self.cve_patches_dir) for cve_list in cve_2d_list: # Remove duplicated cve_id from the cve list for not add the same patch cve_list = [ii for n,ii in enumerate(cve_list) if ii not in cve_list[:n]] for cve_id in cve_list: cve_outfile = self.download_cve_patch(cve_id, str(patch_index)) cve_outfile_list.append([cve_outfile[0], cve_outfile[1].name]) patch_index +=1 return cve_outfile_list def download_cve_patch(self, cve_id, patch_index): file_name= self.cve_patches_dir + patch_index + '.patch' # Download the file from `url` and save it locally under `file_name`: with request.urlopen('' + cve_id[1]) as response, \ open(file_name, 'wb') as out_file: shutil.copyfileobj(response, out_file) return [cve_id[0],out_file] def cve_id(self, major_version, minor_version, revision_version): security_file = open("/tmp/kernel_cve/"+str(major_version)+"."+str(minor_version)+ "/"+str(major_version)+"."+str(minor_version)+"_security.txt", "r") git_security_id = [] # return cve for a kernel version for excluded_line in security_file: if ("CVEs fixed in "+str(major_version)+ "."+str(minor_version)+ "."+str(revision_version)+ ":") in excluded_line: for included_line in security_file: if not "\n" is included_line: git_security_id.append([included_line.strip().split(' ')[0].replace(':',''),included_line.strip().split(' ')[1]]) else: # debug # print('got cve for '+str(major_version)+ # "."+str(minor_version)+ # "."+str(revision_version)) break security_file.close() return git_security_id def _current_kernel_version(): kernel_version = os.uname()[2] major_version = int(kernel_version.split('.')[0]) minor_version = int(kernel_version.split('.')[1]) revision_version = int((kernel_version.split('.')[2]).split('-')[0]) return major_version, minor_version, revision_version