import pytest import sys, os, subprocess CODE = """ import sys, os, thread, time fd1, fd2 = os.pipe() f1 = os.fdopen(fd1, 'r', 0) f2 = os.fdopen(fd2, 'w', 0) def f(): print "thread started" x = assert x == "X" print "thread exit" thread.start_new_thread(f, ()) time.sleep(0.5) if os.fork() == 0: # in the child time.sleep(0.5) x = assert x == "Y" print "ok!" sys.exit() f2.write("X") # in the parent f2.write("Y") # in the parent time.sleep(1.0) """ @pytest.mark.skipif("not getattr(os, 'fork', None)") def test_thread_fork_file_lock(): output = subprocess.check_output([sys.executable, '-u', '-c', CODE]) assert output.splitlines() == [ 'thread started', 'thread exit', 'ok!']