diff options
authorCarl Friedrich Bolz <cfbolz@gmx.de>2005-11-10 17:36:23 +0000
committerCarl Friedrich Bolz <cfbolz@gmx.de>2005-11-10 17:36:23 +0000
commitf74d66aa2f7f6023ddd2273a08257b50686e95e2 (patch)
treed8058b1665dc991c33c9f3f66c2f908ebe5234ea /pypy/doc/image
parentStylesheet: the formatting of the abstract, as docutils does it. (diff)
a more "informal" version of the stackless graph
Diffstat (limited to 'pypy/doc/image')
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pypy/doc/image/stackless_informal.dot b/pypy/doc/image/stackless_informal.dot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8684adfb28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pypy/doc/image/stackless_informal.dot
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+digraph mul_graph {
+ node [shape="octagon", color="black", fillcolor="white", style="filled"];
+ subgraph mul {
+ mul [shape="box", label="mul\ndef mul(x, y):\l if x == 0:\l return 0\l return mul(x - 1, y) + y\l", fillcolor="green"];
+ mul_r [label="Are we resuming?", color="blue"];
+ mul_0 [label="inputargs: x_0 y_0\n\nv79 = int_eq(x_0, (0))\l\lexitswitch: v79"];
+ mul_1 [shape="ellipse", label="is the stack too big?", color="blue"]
+ mul_2 [shape="box", label="mul_2(Block )\ninputargs: v193\n\nreturn v193", fillcolor="green"];
+ mul_3 [label="inputargs: x_0 y_0\n\nv81 = int_sub(x_0, (1))\lv82 = direct_call((<* fn mul>), v81, y_0)\l\lis the stack being unwound?"];
+ mul_4 [shape="ellipse", label="store x_0 and y_0 on the heap\nunwind the stack", color="blue"];
+ mul_5 [shape="box", label="inputargs: v82 y_0\n\nv83 = int_add(v82, y_0)\l"];
+ mul_r3 [shape="ellipse", label="load saved variables x_0 and y_0", color="blue"];
+ mul_s3 [shape="ellipse", label="save x_0 and y_0 to the heap\lcontinue unwinding", color="blue"];
+ mul -> mul_r [label="startblock", style="dashed"];
+ mul_r -> mul_0 [label="No: x_0 y_0", style="dashed"];
+ mul_r -> mul_r3 [label="Yes" style="dashed"];
+ mul_r3 -> mul_3 [label="x_0 y_0", style="dashed"];
+ mul_0 -> mul_1 [label="False: x_0 y_0", style="dotted"];
+ mul_0 -> mul_2 [label="True: (0)", style="dotted"];
+ mul_1 -> mul_3 [label="No: x_0 y_0", style="dotted"];
+ mul_1 -> mul_4 [label="Yes", style="dotted"];
+ mul_3 -> mul_5 [label="No: v82 x_0", style="solid"];
+ mul_3 -> mul_s3 [label="Yes: x_0 y_0"];
+ mul_5 -> mul_2 [label="v83"];
+ }