Completing setup: To complete installation cd into the MediaWiki install location, but make sure to start mysql first with: $ /etc/init.d/mysql start $ cd /var/www/localhost/htdocs/mediawiki/ The host directory, localhost, may change depending on your installation. Then temporarily make the MediaWiki /config directory writable to the user the web server is running as. The quickest way is to make the directory world writable. For example: $ chmod a+w config Then access it, for example: lynx http://localhost/mediawiki/config/ After setup move the newly created LocalSettings.php from the config/ directory to the main mediawiki directory, for example: $ mv config/LocalSettings.php . Remember to restore safe permissions to the MediaWiki config/ and LocalSettings.php (which contains clear-text passwords). chmod a-w config chmod ug=r,o= LocalSettings.php chown root:apache LocalSettings.php After these steps MediaWiki should be accesable at http://localhost/mediawiki/ Enabling Optional Features: If you wish to enable image uploads then you must manually edit the LocalSettings.php file to uncomment the \$wgDisableUploads line. If" MediaWiki was built with the imagemagick USE flag the directory permissions are correct, otherwise you must install ImageMagick and" also adjust permissions on the images directory to allow the server to write. For example: $ chown apache:apache /var/www/localhost/htdocs/mediawiki/images If you wish to enable the math support then you must manually edit" the LocalSettings.php file to uncomment the \$wgUseTeX line. Mediawiki must have been built with the tetex USE flag enabled or the necessary support executable will not be present.