#################################################################### # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/profiles/package.mask,v 1.10840 2009/11/16 15:19:26 scarabeus Exp $ # # When you add an entry to the top of this file, add your name, the date, and # an explanation of why something is getting masked. Please be extremely # careful not to commit atoms that are not valid, as it can cause large-scale # breakage, especially if it ends up in the daily snapshot. # ## Example: ## ## # Dev E. Loper (28 Jun 2012) ## # Masking these versions until we can get the ## # v4l stuff to work properly again ## =media-video/mplayer-0.90_pre5 ## =media-video/mplayer-0.90_pre5-r1 # # - Best last rites (removal) practices - # Include the following info: # a) reason for masking # b) bug # for the removal (and yes you should have one) # c) date of removal (either the date or "in x days") # d) the word "removal" # ## Example: ## ## Dev E. Loper (25 Jan 2012) ## Masked for removal in 30 days. Doesn't work ## with new libfoo. Upstream dead, gtk-1, smells ## funny. (bug #987654) ## app-misc/some-package #--- END OF EXAMPLES --- # Rémi Cardona (15 Nov 2009) # Broken since xorg-server 1.5 stabilization # see bugs #248529 and #248531 # Masked for removal in 7 days x11-drivers/xf86-video-imstt x11-drivers/xf86-video-vermilion # Ulrich Mueller (15 Nov 2009) # Pre-alpha development snapshot. =app-emacs/gnus-5.13_p* # Ulrich Mueller (15 Nov 2009) # Last release was in May 2008 which is a long time # for a development branch. Use app-emacs/gnus, or the # Gnus version included with app-editors/emacs instead. # Masked for removal in 30 days, bug 293302. app-emacs/ngnus # Peter Volkov (15 Nov 2009) # Use net-analyzer/cacti-spine instead. It's the same package but newer. net-analyzer/cacti-cactid # Mike Frysinger (14 Nov 2009) # In-tree ebuilds are old, and newer upstream releases are simple GUIs # which download/install/update things for you. And upstream isn't # interested in working with packagers. Will punt in ~30 days. app-emulation/cedega app-emulation/transgaming-fontinstaller app-emulation/transgaming-mozctlinstaller # Ulrich Mueller (14 Nov 2009) # CVS snapshot, masked for one week of testing. =app-emacs/wanderlust-2.15.7_pre* # Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto (14 Nov 2009) # Masked until tarballs are released into the public # Currently fails to run when built with binutils-2.20 (bug 290662) ~media-sound/amarok-2.2.1 ~media-sound/amarok-utils-2.2.1 # Tomáš Chvátal (14 Nov 2009) # Mask all packages that fail to comply to cmake eclass # and where maintainers were not responsive. # Will be removed in 30 days # See bug #287583 and those added to it. (14 Nov 2009) # beta release >=dev-ml/ocamlnet-3.0_beta # Samuli Suominen (14 Nov 2009) # ggz-kde-client has a missing dep on hardmasked kde-base/arts # ggz-kde-games compiles for Qt3 but links to Qt4, fail # Masked for removal in 30 days games-board/ggz-kde-client games-board/ggz-kde-games # Samuli Suominen (13 Nov 2009) # kde-base/kdelibs:3.5 reverse dependencies # # Masked for removal in 30 days. # # Bug 292791. # (13 Nov 2009) # For deprecated media-sound/amarok:3.5. Masked for removal in 30 days. media-sound/amarokfs # Peter Volkov (13 Nov 2009) # Mask release candidate =net-im/psi-0.14* # Markos Chandras (12 Nov 2009) # Fails to build with recent kernels. Upstream doesn't # support it anymore and it has been replaced by dazukofs # Pending removal in 30 days (bug #278414) sys-fs/dazuko # Samuli Suominen (12 Nov 2009) # KDE3-only. Replaced by media-sound/kradioripper. # Masked for removal. media-sound/kstreamripper # Víctor Ostorga (11 Nov 2009) # KDE3 app, replaced by kde-base/powerdevil in KDE4. # Removal in 30 days, bug #292799 sys-power/kpowersave # Samuli Suominen (10 Nov 2009) # Has kde-base/arts depend, and it can't be removed. # Masked for removal. games-puzzle/quintalign games-sports/kbilliards games-strategy/kpictorial games-util/krconlinux # Víctor Ostorga (09 Nov 2009) # Last version bump in 2004, allows buffer overflow bug #284747 # Upstream not available net-misc/mmsclient # Doug Goldstein (08 Nov 2009) # beta/experimental drivers >=x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-195.01 # Doug Goldstein (07 Nov 2009) # upstream MythTV development versions # complain upstream if something is broken # or if it's specific to the ebuild, any bugs that get # filed require a patch. i.e. if you can't patch it # you shouldn't be running this version >=media-tv/mythtv-0.23_alpha1 >=x11-themes/mythtv-themes-0.23_alpha1 >=x11-themes/mythtv-themes-extra-0.23_alpha1 >=media-plugins/mytharchive-0.23_alpha1 >=media-plugins/mythbrowser-0.23_alpha1 >=media-plugins/mythcontrols-0.23_alpha1 >=media-plugins/mythflix-0.23_alpha1 >=media-plugins/mythgallery-0.23_alpha1 >=media-plugins/mythgame-0.23_alpha1 >=media-plugins/mythmovies-0.23_alpha1 >=media-plugins/mythmusic-0.23_alpha1 >=media-plugins/mythnews-0.23_alpha1 >=media-plugins/mythphone-0.23_alpha1 >=media-plugins/mythvideo-0.23_alpha1 >=media-plugins/mythweather-0.23_alpha1 >=www-apps/mythweb-0.23_alpha1 >=media-plugins/mythzoneminder-0.23_alpha1 # Gilles Dartiguelongue (08 Nov 2009) # Masked for removeal in 30 days. Discontinued upstream support, every user of # this library should move to 2.4 slot, bug #280906. (07 Nov 2009) # Beta package, qt3 app, dead upstream, last release 4 years ago # Bug #292143 net-ftp/easyftp # Víctor Ostorga (07 Nov 2009) # Upstream dead, URL in package description is offline # security vulerability CVE-2008-5136 bug #247985 net-misc/tkusr # Víctor Ostorga (07 Nov 2009) # Added in 2007, never KEYWORDED, does not work with python-2.6. # Masked for removal in 30 days, See bug #292289 for reference app-text/doclifter # Samuli Suominen (07 Nov 2009) # # Mask KDE 3.5.10 for removal, excluding the dependencies # required for stable koffice. Removed in 30 days. # =kde-base/arts-3.5* =kde-base/kdenetwork-3.5* =kde-base/mimelib-3.5* =kde-base/superkaramba-3.5* =kde-base/kdejava-3.5* =kde-base/kcachegrind-3.5* =kde-base/kdeedu-applnk-3.5* =kde-base/noatun-plugins-3.5* =kde-base/quanta-3.5* =kde-base/nsplugins-3.5* =kde-base/kollision-3.5* =kde-base/thumbnailers-3.5* =kde-base/libkdenetwork-3.5* =kde-base/libkleo-3.5* =kde-base/kommander-3.5* =kde-base/kalarm-3.5* =kde-base/libkworkspace-3.5* =kde-base/knotify-3.5* =kde-base/kdepimlibs-3.5* =kde-base/kmplot-3.5* =kde-base/kdenetwork-meta-3.5* =kde-base/bovo-3.5* =kde-base/kdm-3.5* =kde-base/kabcclient-3.5* =kde-base/kgeography-3.5* =kde-base/kolourpaint-3.5* =kde-base/kopete-3.5* =kde-base/kdemultimedia-kappfinder-data-3.5* =kde-base/kmahjongg-3.5* =kde-base/konqueror-akregator-3.5* =kde-base/killbots-3.5* =kde-base/kdepim-strigi-analyzer-3.5* =kde-base/certmanager-3.5* =kde-base/ksmserver-3.5* =kde-base/kdeadmin-meta-3.5* =kde-base/kleopatra-3.5* =kde-base/kppp-3.5* =kde-base/klettres-3.5* =kde-base/kdeplasma-addons-3.5* =kde-base/kmrml-3.5* =kde-base/kdesdk-scripts-3.5* =kde-base/kdesdk-kioslaves-3.5* =kde-base/kdeaccessibility-colorschemes-3.5* =kde-base/konq-plugins-3.5* =kde-base/parley-3.5* =kde-base/kde-menu-3.5* =kde-base/soliduiserver-3.5* =kde-base/klinkstatus-3.5* =kde-base/kdeartwork-colorschemes-3.5* =kde-base/ksnapshot-3.5* =kde-base/libkscan-3.5* =kde-base/ark-3.5* =kde-base/step-3.5* =kde-base/kmousetool-3.5* =kde-base/kget-3.5* =kde-base/kdegames-meta-3.5* =kde-base/ksnake-3.5* =kde-base/kdvi-3.5* =kde-base/kdeadmin-kfile-plugins-3.5* =kde-base/kjsembed-3.5* =kde-base/kjumpingcube-3.5* =kde-base/kworldclock-3.5* =kde-base/libkmahjongg-3.5* =kde-base/kmilo-3.5* =kde-base/cervisia-3.5* =kde-base/knewsticker-scripts-3.5* =kde-base/ksirc-3.5* =kde-base/kdeartwork-sounds-3.5* =kde-base/kmtrace-3.5* =kde-base/kuser-3.5* =kde-base/kdeartwork-kscreensaver-3.5* =kde-base/keditfiletype-3.5* =kde-base/libkpimexchange-3.5* =kde-base/kdemultimedia-arts-3.5* =kde-base/kamera-3.5* =kde-base/ksvg-3.5* =kde-base/kpersonalizer-3.5* =kde-base/klickety-3.5* =kde-base/nepomuk-3.5* =kde-base/kglobalaccel-3.5* =kde-base/kdeaddons-kfile-plugins-3.5* =kde-base/kuiviewer-3.5* =kde-base/kspy-3.5* =kde-base/kdebase-startkde-3.5* =kde-base/kcolorchooser-3.5* =kde-base/renamedlg-images-3.5* =kde-base/kfourinline-3.5* =kde-base/kcron-3.5* =kde-base/kmoon-3.5* =kde-base/kapptemplate-3.5* =kde-base/kiconfinder-3.5* =kde-base/kdeaccessibility-iconthemes-3.5* =kde-base/kdebindings-csharp-3.5* =kde-base/kdebase-menu-icons-3.5* =kde-base/kshisen-3.5* =kde-base/kbruch-3.5* =kde-base/kbstateapplet-3.5* =kde-base/kbreakout-3.5* =kde-base/kquitapp-3.5* =kde-base/lskat-3.5* =kde-base/kruler-3.5* =kde-base/okteta-3.5* =kde-base/atlantik-3.5* =kde-base/knewsticker-3.5* =kde-base/kwalletd-3.5* =kde-base/kenolaba-3.5* =kde-base/kicker-applets-3.5* =kde-base/klines-3.5* =kde-base/kstyles-3.5* =kde-base/automoc-3.5* =kde-base/kreadconfig-3.5* =kde-base/libkcompactdisc-3.5* =kde-base/konsole-3.5* =kde-base/kfind-3.5* =kde-base/kwifimanager-3.5* =kde-base/kdepim-icons-3.5* =kde-base/artsplugin-xine-3.5* =kde-base/kmail-3.5* =kde-base/kdetoys-3.5* =kde-base/kalyptus-3.5* =kde-base/kdewebdev-3.5* =kde-base/kspaceduel-3.5* =kde-base/kdepim-kresources-3.5* =kde-base/kpf-3.5* =kde-base/kde-meta-3.5* =kde-base/libkpgp-3.5* =kde-base/artsplugin-audiofile-3.5* =kde-base/kitchensync-3.5* =kde-base/kdeutils-3.5* =kde-base/kmix-3.5* =kde-base/kolf-3.5* =kde-base/eyesapplet-3.5* =kde-base/kdebugdialog-3.5* =kde-base/kdeadmin-3.5* =kde-base/libkdcraw-3.5* =kde-base/ksaneplugin-3.5* =kde-base/kodo-3.5* =kde-base/knotes-3.5* =kde-base/kblocks-3.5* =kde-base/kde-3.5* =kde-base/krunner-3.5* =kde-base/kooka-3.5* =kde-base/kalzium-3.5* =kde-base/kdesdk-misc-3.5* =kde-base/kdepim-kioslaves-3.5* =kde-base/knewstuff-3.5* =kde-base/ksayit-3.5* =kde-base/svgpart-3.5* =kde-base/libkcddb-3.5* =kde-base/kdegraphics-strigi-analyzer-3.5* =kde-base/krossruby-3.5* =kde-base/dolphin-3.5* =kde-base/kdeedu-3.5* =kde-base/ksystraycmd-3.5* =kde-base/kjots-3.5* =kde-base/libkcal-3.5* =kde-base/libkdepim-3.5* =kde-base/systemsettings-3.5* =kde-base/kaudiocreator-3.5* =kde-base/sweeper-3.5* =kde-base/kdesdk-meta-3.5* =kde-base/kaddressbook-3.5* =kde-base/ksame-3.5* =kde-base/korn-3.5* =kde-base/kstars-3.5* =kde-base/kdedglobalaccel-3.5* =kde-base/kcmshell-3.5* =kde-base/kwin4-3.5* =kde-base/amor-3.5* =kde-base/korundum-3.5* =kde-base/kfouleggs-3.5* =kde-base/solid-hardware-3.5* =kde-base/blinken-3.5* =kde-base/kdelirc-3.5* =kde-base/kmines-3.5* =kde-base/keditbookmarks-3.5* =kde-base/kpat-3.5* =kde-base/gwenview-3.5* =kde-base/kpoker-3.5* =kde-base/kfax-3.5* =kde-base/libkdeedu-3.5* =kde-base/kde-menu-icons-3.5* =kde-base/kdeartwork-3.5* =kde-base/kdesdk-strigi-analyzer-3.5* =kde-base/kvoctrain-3.5* =kde-base/kdegames-3.5* =kde-base/kview-3.5* =kde-base/kdebase-pam-3.5* =kde-base/kdcop-3.5* =kde-base/kwrited-3.5* =kde-base/drkonqi-3.5* =kde-base/kmouth-3.5* =kde-base/kcalc-3.5* =kde-base/kdeartwork-desktopthemes-3.5* =kde-base/noatun-3.5* =kde-base/ksystemlog-3.5* =kde-base/libkholidays-3.5* =kde-base/ksysv-3.5* =kde-base/lilo-config-3.5* =kde-base/kaddressbook-plugins-3.5* =kde-base/kode-3.5* =kde-base/kdebase-desktoptheme-3.5* =kde-base/kscd-3.5* =kde-base/krosspython-3.5* =kde-base/dcopc-3.5* =kde-base/konquest-3.5* =kde-base/phonon-kde-3.5* =kde-base/kalgebra-3.5* =kde-base/kturtle-3.5* =kde-base/kdeaccessibility-meta-3.5* =kde-base/renamedlg-plugins-3.5* =kde-base/libkipi-3.5* =kde-base/kuiserver-3.5* =kde-base/keduca-3.5* =kde-base/kapman-3.5* =kde-base/kontactinterfaces-3.5* =kde-base/kig-3.5* =kde-base/kdegraphics-3.5* =kde-base/libksane-3.5* =kde-base/kimagemapeditor-3.5* =kde-base/kdeaddons-meta-3.5* =kde-base/umbrello-3.5* =kde-base/khangman-3.5* =kde-base/kttsd-3.5* =kde-base/networkstatus-3.5* =kde-base/kstart-3.5* =kde-base/kdeutils-meta-3.5* =kde-base/kinfocenter-3.5* =kde-base/libplasmaclock-3.5* =kde-base/kpilot-3.5* =kde-base/kmimetypefinder-3.5* =kde-base/kdesdk-3.5* =kde-base/kbounce-3.5* =kde-base/kdebase-menu-3.5* =kde-base/kdeartwork-iconthemes-3.5* =kde-base/kde-wallpapers-3.5* =kde-base/libknotificationitem-3.5* =kde-base/kcheckpass-3.5* =kde-base/kdf-3.5* =kde-base/ksmiletris-3.5* =kde-base/ktraderclient-3.5* =kde-base/kbattleship-3.5* =kde-base/libksieve-3.5* =kde-base/ktux-3.5* =kde-base/kfloppy-3.5* =kde-base/ktuberling-3.5* =kde-base/kdebase-3.5* =kde-base/kstartupconfig-3.5* =kde-base/kdeaddons-docs-konq-plugins-3.5* =kde-base/system-config-printer-kde-3.5* =kde-base/kdeaccessibility-3.5* =kde-base/marble-3.5* =kde-base/kanagram-3.5* =kde-base/khexedit-3.5* =kde-base/kdict-3.5* =kde-base/kfile-3.5* =kde-base/krdc-3.5* =kde-base/kontact-3.5* =kde-base/ktouch-3.5* =kde-base/kfmclient-3.5* =kde-base/kontact-specialdates-3.5* =kde-base/plasma-workspace-3.5* =kde-base/knode-3.5* =kde-base/ksplashml-3.5* =kde-base/qtjava-3.5* =kde-base/kdeartwork-emoticons-3.5* =kde-base/kdepim-meta-3.5* =kde-base/qtruby-3.5* =kde-base/kcoloredit-3.5* =kde-base/smoke-3.5* =kde-base/kdnssd-3.5* =kde-base/klaptopdaemon-3.5* =kde-base/kdepim-wizards-3.5* =kde-base/kdemaildir-3.5* =kde-base/kbugbuster-3.5* =kde-base/kfilereplace-3.5* =kde-base/kate-plugins-3.5* =kde-base/kpercentage-3.5* =kde-base/kde-l10n-3.5* =kde-base/kxkb-3.5* =kde-base/kdebase-wallpapers-3.5* =kde-base/korganizer-3.5* =kde-base/ksysguard-3.5* =kde-base/kcharselect-3.5* =kde-base/kdewebdev-meta-3.5* =kde-base/kandy-3.5* =kde-base/kteatime-3.5* =kde-base/solid-3.5* =kde-base/kdebase-meta-3.5* =kde-base/kwrite-3.5* =kde-base/kbabel-3.5* =kde-base/kweather-3.5* =kde-base/kedit-3.5* =kde-base/kmid-3.5* =kde-base/ksig-3.5* =kde-base/dragonplayer-3.5* =kde-base/kurifilter-plugins-3.5* =kde-base/dcopperl-3.5* =kde-base/ksirtet-3.5* =kde-base/kwordquiz-3.5* =kde-base/kpager-3.5* =kde-base/kate-3.5* =kde-base/kaboodle-3.5* =kde-base/plasma-apps-3.5* =kde-base/ksirk-3.5* =kde-base/kde-env-3.5* =kde-base/kwallet-3.5* =kde-base/kdemultimedia-kfile-plugins-3.5* =kde-base/konqueror-3.5* =kde-base/ktalkd-3.5* =kde-base/ktron-3.5* =kde-base/kompare-3.5* =kde-base/ksplash-3.5* =kde-base/kwalletmanager-3.5* =kde-base/kviewshell-3.5* =kde-base/akonadi-3.5* =kde-base/kwin-3.5* =kde-base/kdeartwork-meta-3.5* =kde-base/kdesktop-3.5* =kde-base/kdebindings-meta-3.5* =kde-base/kiriki-3.5* =kde-base/libkpimidentities-3.5* =kde-base/kdeprint-3.5* =kde-base/lokalize-3.5* =kde-base/policykit-kde-3.5* =kde-base/kdat-3.5* =kde-base/kdebase-cursors-3.5* =kde-base/fifteenapplet-3.5* =kde-base/katomic-3.5* =kde-base/knetworkconf-3.5* =kde-base/kdenetwork-kfile-plugins-3.5* =kde-base/kstartperf-3.5* =kde-base/kioclient-3.5* =kde-base/kdiamond-3.5* =kde-base/kgamma-3.5* =kde-base/kdemultimedia-kioslaves-3.5* =kde-base/bomber-3.5* =kde-base/kuickshow-3.5* =kde-base/kdeaddons-3.5* =kde-base/kdeartwork-kworldclock-3.5* =kde-base/kgpg-3.5* =kde-base/lisa-3.5* =kde-base/dcoprss-3.5* =kde-base/kverbos-3.5* =kde-base/okular-3.5* =kde-base/ktip-3.5* =kde-base/kdeartwork-wallpapers-3.5* =kde-base/solidautoeject-3.5* =kde-base/dcopjava-3.5* =kde-base/kreversi-3.5* =kde-base/konsolekalendar-3.5* =kde-base/klipper-3.5* =kde-base/klatin-3.5* =kde-base/libkmime-3.5* =kde-base/kpovmodeler-3.5* =kde-base/artsplugin-akode-3.5* =kde-base/plasma-runtime-3.5* =kde-base/ksudoku-3.5* =kde-base/kiconedit-3.5* =kde-base/kblackbox-3.5* =kde-base/knetwalk-3.5* =kde-base/libkexiv2-3.5* =kde-base/ktimezoned-3.5* =kde-base/ksokoban-3.5* =kde-base/kdesdk-kfile-plugins-3.5* =kde-base/librss-3.5* =kde-base/kpasswdserver-3.5* =kde-base/kephal-3.5* =kde-base/kdeartwork-icewm-themes-3.5* =kde-base/kregexpeditor-3.5* =kde-base/atlantikdesigner-3.5* =kde-base/knetattach-3.5* =kde-base/akregator-3.5* =kde-base/karm-3.5* =kde-base/kpackage-3.5* =kde-base/kdeartwork-weatherwallpapers-3.5* =kde-base/kdegraphics-kfile-plugins-3.5* =kde-base/ktimer-3.5* =kde-base/ksquares-3.5* =kde-base/kbackgammon-3.5* =kde-base/kasteroids-3.5* =kde-base/kdeedu-meta-3.5* =kde-base/kubrick-3.5* =kde-base/ktimetracker-3.5* =kde-base/kscreensaver-3.5* =kde-base/kdepasswd-3.5* =kde-base/ktnef-3.5* =kde-base/ksim-3.5* =kde-base/renamedlg-audio-3.5* =kde-base/libtaskmanager-3.5* =kde-base/kdeartwork-styles-3.5* =kde-base/kdeaccounts-plugin-3.5* =kde-base/kmag-3.5* =kde-base/kdetoys-meta-3.5* =kde-base/krossjava-3.5* =kde-base/oxygen-icons-3.5* =kde-base/kdemultimedia-3.5* =kde-base/kiten-3.5* =kde-base/kdeartwork-kwin-styles-3.5* =kde-base/krec-3.5* =kde-base/krfb-3.5* =kde-base/kdepim-3.5* =kde-base/kdemultimedia-meta-3.5* =kde-base/kmailcvt-3.5* =kde-base/secpolicy-3.5* =kde-base/juk-3.5* =kde-base/kgoldrunner-3.5* =kde-base/kdessh-3.5* =kde-base/libkdegames-3.5* =kde-base/kxsldbg-3.5* =kde-base/kappfinder-3.5* =kde-base/kdegraphics-meta-3.5* =kde-base/dcoppython-3.5* =kde-base/powerdevil-3.5* # Samuli Suominen (07 Nov 2009) # Produces invalid files for Autoconf 2.64, bug 279482. # Has KDE3 dependencies. Masked for removal in 30 days. (06 Nov 2009) # Masked since 01 Feb 2009 because it's broken. # Now scheduled for removal by treecleaners in 30 days. # Several issues, see tracker bug 224951 dev-ruby/qt4-qtruby # Samuli Suominen (06 Nov 2009) # Cleaning out packages with KDE3 dependencies. # Masked for removal in 30 days. app-laptop/kthinkbat app-laptop/khdapsmon app-laptop/khdapsmonitor x11-misc/lineak-kdeplugins mail-client/mailody app-portage/kelogviewer dev-python/pykde x11-themes/qinx www-client/kita sci-mathematics/koctave x11-terms/kuake app-cdr/koverartist net-misc/kbandwidth net-irc/vyqchat net-im/kopete-otr app-backup/keep media-sound/musicman app-antivirus/klamav x11-plugins/khexclock x11-themes/domino x11-themes/comix x11-themes/baghira x11-themes/alloy x11-themes/activeheart x11-themes/fahrenheit x11-themes/fusionx-aqua x11-themes/knifty x11-themes/kwin-neos x11-themes/liquid (06 Nov 2009) # Removal for EOL and security, bug #287615 =app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-java-1.4* =dev-java/sun-jre-bin-1.4* =dev-java/ibm-jre-bin-1.4* dev-java/blackdown-jre # Rémi Cardona (05 Nov 2009) # Broken, will stay masked until fixed. # see bug #290086 for more info =x11-apps/xdm-1.1.9 # Tristan Heaven (05 Nov 2009) # Broken. Will be replaced by games-fps/urbanterror when it's ready. # Follow progress on bug #203296 games-fps/quake3-urbanterror # Samuli Suominen (04 Nov 2009) # media-video/mplayerthumbs replaced by kde-base/mplayerthumbs # =net-misc/knemo-0.5.2 # Removed in 30 days. media-video/mplayerthumbs # Alex Alexander (04 Nov 2009) # keeping rc and live ebuilds masked ~sys-kernel/zen-sources-9999 =sys-kernel/zen-sources-2.6.32_rc* # Vlastimil Babka (03 Nov 2009) # Obsolete, needs 1.4 JDK, nothing uses it. dev-java/jessie # Michael Sterrett (02 Nov 2009) # Upstream seems dead; segfaults; unplayable on modern systems games-rpg/tux_aqfh # Víctor Ostorga (02 Nov 2009) # If you use a kernel >= 2.6.29 it is needed >=linux-headers-2.6.29 # as well, otherwise net-firewall/ipsec-tools won't compile. # See bug #264233 for reference =net-firewall/ipsec-tools-0.7.2 # Gilles Dartiguelongue (01 Nov 2009) # Broken on so many setups it is just insane. # 0.7 is API/ABI incompatible but is the way to go. # Masking to lower maintainance headache, bug #291501. =app-misc/tracker-0.6* # Gilles Dartiguelongue (01 Nov 2009) # Old gnome component superseeded by seahorse. # See bug #291456 for details. gnome-extra/gnome-keyring-manager # Samuli Suominen (31 Oct 2009) # Unported to KDE4 wrt #251992. Masked for removal in 30 days. net-firewall/knetfilter # Samuli Suominen (31 Oct 2009) # Unported to KDE4 wrt #260166. Removed in 30 days. mail-client/kcheckgmail # Samuli Suominen (31 Oct 2009) # KDE3-only. Replaced by kde-misc/qalculate-applet # and sci-calculators/qalculate-gtk. Masked for removal # in 30 days. sci-calculators/qalculate-kde # Joe Sapp (27 Oct 2009) # Uses old, deprecated Sensors. # Replaced by x11-plugins/desklet-Genesis. # Masked for removal on 26 Nov 2009. x11-plugins/desklet-starterbar # Joe Sapp (27 Oct 2009) # Doesn't work any more and uses the old package format. # Masked for removal on 26 Nov 2009. x11-plugins/desklet-newsgrab # Samuli Suominen (26 Oct 2009) # Doesn't work with new xfce-base/exo API, bug #289867. # Replaced by media-video/parole. # Masked for removal in 30 days. media-video/xfmedia # Jonathan Callen (26 Oct 2009) # Old monolithic ebuild. Replaced by app-office/koffice-meta # Will be removed in 30 days # Also affected by security bug 290470 # # Theo Chatzimichos (1 Jul 2009) # koffice monolithic masked, latest koffice version # 1.6.3_p20090204 provides only split ebuilds, please # refer to the KDE guide for more info # http://kde.gentoo.org/kde4-guide.xml app-office/koffice # Olivier Crête (25 Oct 2009) # Has been replaced by its fork dev-python/papyon # Will be removed in 30 days dev-python/pymsn # Samuli Suominen (25 Oct 2009) # Masked for security. CVE-2009-{3603,3604,3606,3608,3609}. # # http://bugs.gentoo.org/290470 # # Replaced by kde-base/okular. Removed in 30 days. kde-base/kpdf # Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis (25 Oct 2009) # Documentation for removed versions of dev-python/twisted. Masked for deletion in 30 days. dev-python/twisted-docs # Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis (25 Oct 2009) # Replaced by dev-libs/cryptlib[python]. Masked for deletion in 30 days. dev-python/cryptlib_py # Samuli Suominen (25 Oct 2009) # KDE3-only. Replaced by app-cdr/acetoneiso. # Masked for removal in 30 days. app-cdr/kiso # Samuli Suominen (25 Oct 2009) # KDE3 support. aRts support. Doesn't compile, install or work # wrt bugs 178072, 280808, 234385, 117247, 191557, and 253231. # Masked for removal in 30 days. app-office/taskjuggler # Samuli Suominen (25 Oct 2009) # Replaced by KDE4 menu. For KDE3-only and is using # cmake directly wrt bug #287593. # Masked for removal in 30 days. kde-misc/kbfx # Samuli Suominen (25 Oct 2009) # Replaced by: # # >=media-gfx/digikam-0.10 # kde-base/gwenview # >=media-gfx/kphotoalbum-4 # >=media-plugins/kipi-plugins-0.6 # # Masked for removal in 30 days. media-libs/libkdcraw =media-gfx/digikam-0.9* =media-gfx/kphotoalbum-3* media-gfx/gwenview =media-plugins/kipi-plugins-0.1* media-libs/libkipi media-libs/libkexiv2 # Samuli Suominen (25 Oct 2009) # Replaced by kde-base/dragonplayer. # http://www.dragonplayer.net/ # Masked for removal in 30 days. media-video/codeine # Samuli Suominen (24 Oct 2009) # Deprecated aRts support wrt bug #270575 # Masked for removal in 30 days. kde-base/noatun kde-base/noatun-plugins # Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis (24 Oct 2009) # Replaced by app-mobilephone/gammu[python]. Masked for deletion in 30 days. dev-python/python-gammu # Samuli Suominen (24 Oct 2009) # KDE3-only. Doesn't compile wrt bug #262318. # Masked for removal in 30 days. kde-misc/kio-locate # Samuli Suominen (24 Oct 2009) # Masked for testing. Doesn't work with current Thunar. # See, http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=289867 >=xfce-base/exo-0.5 >=xfce-base/thunar-1.0.1-r1 # Diego E. Pettenò (23 Oct 2009) # # Starting work toward supporting Linux Containers in Gentoo. # Currently, it's a tentative ebuild based upon Tiziano Müller # (dev-zero)'s overlay, with some differences from the upstream paths # and handling. # # Will be unmasked when felt “ready” (and openrc'll support it as # guest). app-emulation/lxc # Samuli Suominen (23 Oct 2009) # KDE3-only. Doesn't work with unicode, which is Gentoo # default. Masked for removal in 30 days. Bug #221115. app-mobilephone/kmobiletools # Raúl Porcel (22 Oct 2009) # Not needed anymore, vanilla kernel works # pretty well on SH nowadays. # Removal in 30 days sys-kernel/sh-sources # Doug Goldstein (21 Oct 2009) # Work in progress =x11-misc/synergy-plus-1.3.4 # Dirkjan Ochtman (21 Oct 2009) # Needs some more testing before unleashing on the masses. =dev-libs/boost-1.40.0 # Diego E. Pettenò (21 Oct 2009) # Deprecated upstream, use pavucontrol to move streams around, and # paprefs for settings. Masked for remoal in 30 days. media-sound/paman # Peter Alfredsen (21 Oct 2009) # Masked because this needs a patch to be applied to portage # to not install the kitchensink and everything else # into /usr/src/debug with FEATURES=installsources =dev-util/debugedit-4.4.6-r2 # Peter Volkov (20 Oct 2009) # Masked development versions =dev-util/bzr-2.1.0_beta1* =dev-util/bzrtools-2.1.0_beta1* # Michael Sterrett (19 Oct 2009) # Homepage is gone; requires dev-python/numeric; last released in 2006 games-rpg/galaxymage # Samuli Suominen (19 Oct 2009) # No new x264 support. media-plugins/gst-plugins-x264 # Samuli Suominen (17 Oct 2009) # Obsolete Musepack SV7 format support. Install # media-sound/musepack-tools for libs and tools to convert # your audio files to SV8 format. media-libs/libmpcdec # Alex Alexander (16 Oct 2009) # Qt 4.6.0 beta - masking before adding for testing =x11-libs/qt-4.6.0_beta* =x11-libs/qt-assistant-4.6.0_beta* =x11-libs/qt-core-4.6.0_beta* =x11-libs/qt-dbus-4.6.0_beta* =x11-libs/qt-demo-4.6.0_beta* =x11-libs/qt-gui-4.6.0_beta* =x11-libs/qt-multimedia-4.6.0_beta* =x11-libs/qt-opengl-4.6.0_beta* =x11-libs/qt-phonon-4.6.0_beta* =x11-libs/qt-qt3support-4.6.0_beta* =x11-libs/qt-script-4.6.0_beta* =x11-libs/qt-sql-4.6.0_beta* =x11-libs/qt-svg-4.6.0_beta* =x11-libs/qt-test-4.6.0_beta* =x11-libs/qt-webkit-4.6.0_beta* =x11-libs/qt-xmlpatterns-4.6.0_beta* # Dominik Kapusta (15 Oct 2009) # Masked for testing =dev-embedded/scratchbox-2* # Diego E. Pettenò (9 Oct 2009) # Untested yet; documented only in Russian, help is appreciated. sys-auth/pam_keystore # Samuli Suominen (05 Oct 2009) # Masked for testing. =dev-libs/libffi-3.0.9_rc* # Jeremy Olexa (5 Oct 2009) # Dead project, missing deps, no maintainer. Removed in 60 days by treecleaners. # bug 205190 sys-apps/qtparted # Jeremy Olexa (5 Oct 2009) # Obsolete and produces bad isos. Upstream recommends app-cdr/iat. # Removed in 60 days (or sooner based on lack of usefullness), bug 281149 app-cdr/mdf2iso # Jeremy Olexa (5 Oct 2009) # QA standards are seriously missing on this package. It was marked stable # without applying a patch, even. No maintainer, remove in 60 days. bug 282388 net-misc/rdist # Jeremy Olexa (5 Oct 2009) # Dead, broken software. Upstream themselves requested the removal from Gentoo. # bug 282820. Removed in 60 days. net-im/curphoo net-im/magnesium # Jeremy Olexa (5 Oct 2009) # Depends on gtk-1, orphaned library. Nothing uses it. Removed in 60 days. bug # 284494 media-libs/SoGtk # Jeremy Olexa (5 Oct 2009) # Does not compile properly and hence does not install any of the tools it # offers. No maintainer. Removed in 60 days. bug 284623 # (Depends on dev-libs/skalibs (below) sys-apps/minutils # Jeremy Olexa (5 Oct 2009) # QA!!? Installs to /package! No maintainer in Gentoo. Removed in 60 days. # bug 284618 dev-libs/skalibs # Mike Doty (04 Oct 2009) # alpha packages, kills puppies. =app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20091004_rc1 =app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-compat-20091004_rc1 =app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-gtklibs-20091004_rc1 =app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-medialibs-20091004_rc1 =app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-qtlibs-20091004_rc1 =app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-sdl-20091004_rc1 =app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-soundlibs-20091004_rc1 =app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-xlibs-20091004_rc1 =app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20091003_rc1 # Markus Meier (03 Oct 2009) # mask hugin and deps beta/rc versions for testing >=media-gfx/hugin-2009.4.0_rc1 >=media-libs/libpano13-2.9.15_beta3 # Jory A. Pratt (24 Sep 2009) # Much testing needed, not ready for mainline by any means. >=www-client/seamonkey-2.0_beta2 # Sebastien Fabbro (23 Sep 2009) # Masked for more testing, especially with cint7, afs and xrootd # on amd64 with gcc-4.4. See bug #280925 =sci-physics/root-5.24.00 # Torsten Veller (20 Sep 2009) # Add perl-5.10 masks (#280724) ~dev-lang/perl-5.10.1 ~sys-devel/libperl-5.10.1 =app-admin/perl-cleaner-2* # Tony Vroon (14 Sep 2009) # Alpha releases. Unmask at your own risk, bugs # go upstream to http://jira.atheme.org/ =media-sound/audacious-2.2_alpha* =media-plugins/audacious-plugins-2.2_alpha* # Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis (13 Sep 2009) # Masked to enforce upgrade which looks like downgrade. =dev-python/fabric-0.9a_p3 # Peter Alfredsen (09 Sep 2009) # Fails to build with newest mono, causing dependency # conflicts (#259700). dev-lang/nemerle # Christian Faulhammer (24 Aug 2009) # Has bundled security-vulnerable expat library, see bug 250049 dev-tex/mpm # Robert Piasek (24 Aug 2009) # Development snapshots of NetworkManager. Masked # for testing. >=net-misc/networkmanager-0.8.0_pre20090824 >=gnome-extra/nm-applet-0.8.0_pre20090824 # Ulrich Mueller (08 Aug 2009) # Emacs live CVS ebuilds. Use at your own risk. app-editors/emacs-cvs # Diego E. Pettenò (8 Aug 2009) # on behalf of QA Team # # Mass-masking of live ebuilds; we cannot guarantee working state of # live ebuilds, nor the availability of the server hosting them. As # per QA team policy, all these need to be kept masked by default, if # available in the tree. dev-lisp/cl-arnesi-darcs dev-lisp/cl-fiveam-darcs dev-lisp/cl-parenscript-darcs dev-lisp/cl-rfc2109-darcs dev-lisp/cl-rfc2388-darcs dev-lisp/cl-yaclml-darcs media-tv/v4l-dvb-hg dev-embedded/sdcc-svn net-irc/irssi-svn ~app-doc/repodoc-9999 ~app-i18n/skk-jisyo-9999 ~net-wireless/wpa_supplicant-9999 net-misc/netcomics-cvs dev-lisp/cl-ansi-tests-cvs # Federico Ferri (08 Aug 2009) # Doesn't build with Tcl 8.5, has several bugs open =dev-tcltk/tcl-debug-2.0 # Steve Dibb (31 Jul 2009) # Unsupported, but popular. No plans for removal. media-sound/alsa-driver # Marijn Schouten (14 Nov 2009) # Masked for removal in 30 days. Depends or provide tools for openmcl which was removed. dev-libs/openmcl-build-tools media-sound/cm # Marijn Schouten (29 Jul 2009) # Masked for increasingly many problems. Upstream is flaky and hasn't released since 2005. # Maxima is the only consumer and can be built with sbcl or clisp. # Hopefully upstream will do a release that we can add to revive this package. dev-lisp/gcl # Jeremy Olexa (28 Jul 2009) # On behalf of Robin H. Johnson . # These versions are vulnerable to GLSA's and should not be used. They will stay # in the tree because they are useful to tracking down bugs. You have been # warned. bug 271686 (28 Jul 2009) # Upstream decided to support only r600 and newer. # We should no longer use them or depend on them. # For more info: # http://dev.gentoo.org/~scarabeus/ati-mask-reason.txt (25 Jul 2009) # breaks tests of POE-XS-Loop-Poll and POE-XS-Loop-EPoll =dev-perl/POE-Test-Loops-1.020 # Jim Ramsay (1 Feb 2008) # Weird boost dependencies, need to solve this in a different way: Probably by # actually doing 'amazonmp3-libcompat' for both x86 and amd64. (bug #272699) net-misc/amazonmp3 # Maintainer Needed (21 Jul 2009) # Security issues with bundled libraries. # See, http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=251492 # Waiting for TeamSpeak 3 to be released. media-sound/teamspeak2-server-bin media-sound/teamspeak2-client-bin # Ben de Groot (25 Jun 2009) # Mask the Qt4 meta ebuild, to prevent devs from being silly and depend on # the meta ebuild instead of on the specific split Qt ebuilds needed. See # bug 217161 comment 11. Users may unmask this if they want to pull in all # Qt modules, but packages in portage (or overlays) will pull in the split # modules they need as dependency. Unmasking this will most likely pull in # more than you need. This meta ebuild will be removed when we can add sets # to the portage tree. =x11-libs/qt-4* # Markus Meier (13 Jun 2009) # mask pre releases of media-gfx/inkscape-0.47 >=media-gfx/inkscape-0.47_pre0 # Nirbheek Chauhan (10 Jun 2009) # Several feature regressions that will make our users # go on a witchhunt if unmasked # * No XDMCP connection UI # * No configuration/theming support # * No support for auth backends other than PAM # * Many more... >=gnome-base/gdm-2.26 # Torsten Veller (10 Jun 2009) # Mask unstable releases. Read the warning! =app-office/gnucash-2.3* # Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis (30 May 2009) # Development versions. =net-libs/gnutls-2.9* # Peter Alfredsen (01 June 2009) # Development version, Work-In-Progress =media-sound/banshee-1.5* # Peter Volkov (17 May 2009) # Masked development/git sources =sys-kernel/openvz-sources- # Diego E. Pettenò (27 Apr 2009) # Mask libopensync 0.38 since no plugin was fixed for this ~app-pda/libopensync-0.38 # Alin Năstac (26 Apr 2009) # Beta version =net-proxy/squid-3.1* # Jeroen Roovers (21 Apr 2009) # Masked until out of beta =dev-libs/libevent-2* # Benedikt Böhm (19 Apr 2009) # masked for testing =net-analyzer/centreon- # Christian Faulhammer (13 Apr 2009) # Ulrich Mueller # Thomas Anderson # Live version ~app-doc/pms-99999999 # Tiziano Müller (08 Apr 2009) # pre-releases net-libs/libinfinity >=app-editors/gobby-0.4.91 # Paul Varner (06 Apr 2009) # Dead upstream and has issues with newer portages. # Due to popular demand and no suitable replacement, it will stay in the tree # in a masked status until it completely breaks or is replaced. app-portage/udept # Tony Vroon (30 Mar 2009) # The v4 branch of DHCP has a new build system and a "minimal" dhclient-only # build is not yet supported. The IPv6 support seems a bit rough at the edges # as well. As such, this is for the adventurous only. # Bug reports are welcome if they carry patches. >=net-misc/dhcp-4.0.0 # Alex Legler (20 Mar 2009) # Ruby 1.9.1 for preliminary testing of libraries depending on it, bug 203706. # Expect (many) breakages and incompatibilities. # Want to help testing? #gentoo-ruby on Freenode >=dev-lang/ruby-1.9.1 # Nirbheek Chauhan (17 Mar 2009) # Session saving isn't implemented in >=gnome-session-2.24 # And other stuff listed here needs gnome-session-2.24 # GNOME bug #552387 =gnome-base/gnome-session-2.24* =gnome-base/gnome-keyring-2.24* =app-crypt/seahorse-2.24* =app-crypt/seahorse-plugins-2.24* # Matti Bickel (1 Mar 2009) # Mask testing branch =x11-libs/fox-1.7* # Jim Ramsay (1 Feb 2008) # This isn't actually used by anyone, but hopefully will be soon to allow # net-misc/amazonmp3 to be used by amd64 users. Once I get around to it. # Until then, mask it. net-misc/amazonmp3-libcompat # mask pending removal # Benedikt Böhm (10 Jan 2009) # baselayout-vserver is unmaintained and obsoleted by baselayout-2/openrc. # Please, upgrade to openrc. removal after openrc goes stable, bug #254519 sys-apps/baselayout-vserver # Zac Medico (05 Jan 2009) # Portage 2.2 is masked due to known bugs in the # package sets and preserve-libs features. >=sys-apps/portage-2.2_pre # Diego E. Pettenò (03 Jan 2009) # These packages are not supposed to be merged directly, instead # please use sys-devel/crossdev to install them. dev-libs/cygwin dev-util/mingw-runtime dev-util/w32api # Mike Pagano (17 Dec 2008) # Masked waiting on >=portage-2.2* to be unmasked >=app-portage/portpeek-1.6 # Robin H. Johnson (06 Dec 2008) # The init.d scripts and default rules need updating and serious testing. # Do not use the old ones with the new versions of audit, you will get weird # crashes. >sys-process/audit-1.7.4 # Jeroen Roovers (5 Dec 2008) # Snapshots and alphas but not betas and RCs of Opera 10.10 =www-client/opera-10.10_pre4694 # Peter Volkov (16 Nov 2008) # The development branch, to be unmasked when out of beta by upstream. =net-misc/socat-2.0.0* # Steve Dibb (5 Nov 2008) # Mask realplayer codecs for security bug 245662 # http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-713051.html media-libs/amd64codecs media-libs/realcodecs # Alin Năstac (21 Sep 2008) # Breaks L2TP connections (see http://bugs.xelerance.com/view.php?id=1004) =net-misc/openswan-2.6* # Doug Goldstein (17 Sep 2008) # under development gnome-extra/gnome-lirc-properties # Michael Marineau (03 Sep 2008) # Unmaintained and out of date security wise, # Please use 2.6.18 instead if it supports your hardware. =sys-kernel/xen-sources-2.6.20* =sys-kernel/xen-sources-2.6.21* # Raúl Porcel (1 Aug 2008) # This is just for preview >=www-client/seamonkey-bin-2.0_alpha1 # Markus Ullmann (7 Jul 2008) # mask for security bug #190667 net-irc/bitchx # Krzysiek Pawlik (12 Jun 2008) # Testing new version. >=dev-java/hessian-3.0.20 =dev-java/mx4j-core-3.0.2 =dev-java/mx4j-tools-3.0.2 =dev-java/mx4j-3.0.2 # Rémi Cardona (14 Nov 2009) # Masked for removal, until there is 2.0 branch release this must go. # See bug #156583. app-text/gtranslator # Vlastimil Babka (20 May 2008) # Masked for testing =app-arch/rpm-5* # Rémi Cardona (16 Apr 2008) # Masked until somebody picks it up dev-cpp/bakery # Gilles Dartiguelongue (12 Apr 2008) # Masking gnome-system-tools because it is broken, # to help fix it, see bug #214265 =app-admin/gnome-system-tools-2.14* =app-admin/system-tools-backends-1.4* # Raúl Porcel (8 Apr 2008) # Masked for testing #>=mail-client/mozilla-thunderbird-3.0_alpha1 >=mail-client/mozilla-thunderbird-bin-3.0_alpha1 # Hanno Boeck (31 Mar 2008) # As 1.3.3.x became a stable series and 1.3.4 has crash issues, mask it for now. =app-office/scribus-1.3.4-r1 # Chris Gianelloni (3 Mar 2008) # Masking due to security bug #194607 and security bug #204067 games-fps/doom3 games-fps/doom3-cdoom games-fps/doom3-chextrek games-fps/doom3-data games-fps/doom3-demo games-fps/doom3-ducttape games-fps/doom3-dungeon games-fps/doom3-eventhorizon games-fps/doom3-hellcampaign games-fps/doom3-inhell games-fps/doom3-lms games-fps/doom3-mitm games-fps/doom3-opencoop games-fps/doom3-phantasm games-fps/doom3-roe games-fps/quake4-bin games-fps/quake4-data games-fps/quake4-deltactf games-fps/quake4-demo # Benedikt Böhm (23 Feb 2008) # Masked due to security issues. # https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=211166 www-apps/joomla www-apps/mambo www-apps/xoops # Alon Bar-Lev (23 Feb 2008) # These are not yet stable. sys-fs/redirfs # Chris Gianelloni (20 Feb 2008) # Masking these so people will quit installing them on their systems. These # packages are designed for use on the LiveCD only and will do unspeakably # horrible and unexpected things on a normal system. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!! =app-misc/livecd-tools-1.2 #sys-apps/hwsetup #x11-misc/mkxf86config # Raúl Porcel (18 Feb 2008) # Probably breaks a lot of stuff, needs testing =net-wireless/wireless-tools-30_pre* # Sebastien Fabbro (05 Feb 2008) # sci-libs/metis-5.* still experimental >=sci-libs/metis-4.99 # Gilles Dartiguelongue (24 Jan 2008) # add masked gnome-system-tools-2.20 and dependencies # for testing purpose dev-libs/liboobs >=app-admin/system-tools-backends-2 >=app-admin/gnome-system-tools-2.20 # Raúl Porcel (12 Dec 2007) # Segfaults with IMAP =x11-plugins/replytolist-0.3.0 # Piotr Jaroszyński (26 Nov 2007) # opensync svn ebuilds =app-pda/libsyncml-9999 =app-pda/libopensync-9999 =app-pda/msynctool-9999 =app-pda/libopensync-plugin-evolution2-9999 =app-pda/libopensync-plugin-file-9999 =app-pda/libopensync-plugin-gnokii-9999 =app-pda/libopensync-plugin-google-calendar-9999 =app-pda/libopensync-plugin-gpe-9999 =app-pda/libopensync-plugin-irmc-9999 =app-pda/libopensync-plugin-kdepim-9999 =app-pda/libopensync-plugin-palm-9999 =app-pda/libopensync-plugin-python-9999 =app-pda/libopensync-plugin-syncml-9999 =app-pda/libopensync-plugin-vformat-9999 # Tristan Heaven (25 Apr 2007) # Masked until it's updated to use >=wxpython-2.6 # https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=115079 games-rpg/openrpg # MATSUU Takuto (5 Apr 2007) # to be tested, seems unstable >=app-i18n/scim-anthy-1.3.0 >=app-i18n/skim-scim-anthy-1.3.0 # Marcelo Goes (3 Apr 2007) # Nessus 2.3.x was discontinued # 2.3.x users, please migrate to 2.2.9 # See bug 169466 for more information >=net-analyzer/nessus-libraries-2.3.1 >=net-analyzer/libnasl-2.3.1 >=net-analyzer/nessus-core-2.3.1 >=net-analyzer/nessus-plugins-2.3.1 >=net-analyzer/nessus-2.3.1 # Stefan Cornelius (7 Mar 2007) # Masking net-misc/xsupplicant due to security bug 154995 net-misc/xsupplicant # Chris Gianelloni (15 Jan 2007) # The Armagetron Advanced packages in Gentoo's repository are obsolete and will # likely remain masked until they can be revisted to be maintainable. Until # that time, the upstream team has created their own overlay: # emerge -a layman # layman -ka armagetron games-action/armagetronad # Stefaan De Roeck (09 Sep 2006) # 1.5.x is a development branch, people should test 1.4.x by default =net-fs/openafs-1.5* =net-fs/openafs-kernel-1.5* # Tavis Ormandy (21 Mar 2006) # masked pending unresolved security issues #127319 games-roguelike/falconseye # Tavis Ormandy (21 Mar 2006) # masked pending unresolved security issues #127167 games-roguelike/slashem # Tavis Ormandy (21 Mar 2006) # masked pending unresolved security issues #125902 games-roguelike/nethack games-util/hearse games-roguelike/noegnud-nethack # Robin H. Johnson (11 Mar 2006) # Work-in-progress to clean this up # TODO # - properly fix lazy bindings # - fix read-only stuff # - seperate data files from binaries # - fix crappy state of runnable only in source tree. # - provide log output to /var/log somewhere intelligently app-benchmarks/ltp # Robin H. Johnson (11 Feb 2006) # zlib interaction is badly broken. See bug #124733. =dev-util/cvs-1.12.13* # Luca Longinotti (12 Jan 2007) # Mask MySQL 5.1.* and the alpha versions >=dev-db/mysql-5.1 >=dev-db/mysql-community-5.1 >=virtual/mysql-5.1 # Fernando J. Pereda (25 April 2005) # mask these until the new mailwrapper/mailer-config scheme is ready # it is secure to unmask them to test net-mail/mailer-config =net-mail/mailwrapper-0.2.1-r1 # (01 Apr 2004) # The following packages contain a remotely-exploitable # security vulnerability and have been hard masked accordingly. # # Please see http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=44351 for more info # games-fps/unreal-tournament-goty games-fps/unreal-tournament-strikeforce games-fps/unreal-tournament-bonuspacks games-fps/aaut