# Copyright 1999-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-zope/zope/zope-2.6.0.ebuild,v 1.3 2003/09/08 06:02:05 msterret Exp $ S="${WORKDIR}/Zope-${PV}-src" DESCRIPTION="Zope is a web application platform used for building high-performance, dynamic web sites." HOMEPAGE="http://www.zope.org" SRC_URI="http://www.zope.org/Products/Zope/${PV}/Zope-${PV}-src.tgz" LICENSE="ZPL" SLOT="0" # TODO: needs to be confirmed on other platforms. KEYWORDS="x86" DEPEND="virtual/glibc dev-lang/python" ZOPEDIR="${DESTTREE}/share/zope/${PV}/" src_compile() { python w_pcgi.py || die } src_install() { ENVD_DIR=etc/env.d/ CONFD_DIR=etc/conf.d/ # move the main docs and compress them. dodoc LICENSE.txt README.txt docinto doc dodoc doc/*.txt docinto doc/PLATFORMS dodoc doc/PLATFORMS/* docinto doc/changenotes dodoc doc/changenotes/* #rm -fr LICENSE.txt README.txt doc/ # patch some paths. sed -e "s:${S}:${ZOPEDIR}:" Zope.cgi > Zope.cgi.tmp mv Zope.cgi.tmp Zope.cgi chmod 755 Zope.cgi # restoring permissions # using '/etc/init.d/zope' instead rm -f start stop # Keep others from overwritting PID files chmod o+t var/ # copy the remaining contents of ${S} into the ${D}. dodir ${ZOPEDIR} cp -a . ${D}${ZOPEDIR} # Add a rc-script. insinto /etc/init.d newins ${FILESDIR}/${PV}/zope.initd zope # Add a env.d script. insinto /etc/env.d doins ${FILESDIR}/${PV}/zope.envd # Fill in an env.d variable. sed -e "/ZOPE_HOME/ c\\ZOPE_HOME=${ZOPEDIR}\\" ${D}${ENVD_DIR}zope.envd \ > ${D}${ENVD_DIR}zope.tmp mv ${D}${ENVD_DIR}zope.tmp ${D}${ENVD_DIR}50zope # Add a conf.d script. dodir ${CONFD_DIR} echo -e "ZOPE_OPTS='-u root'\nZOPE_HOME=${ZOPEDIR}" > ${D}${CONFD_DIR}zope } pkg_postinst() { einfo "To get zope running you must execure the following:" einfo "\tebuild /var/db/pkg/net-www/${PF}/${P}.ebuild config" } pkg_config() { einfo ">>> Create inital user...${ROOT}\n" python ${ROOT}${ZOPEDIR}zpasswd.py ${ROOT}${ZOPEDIR}inituser }