# ChangeLog for net-www/mozilla-firebird-cvs # Copyright 2000-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-www/mozilla-firebird-cvs/ChangeLog,v 1.5 2003/07/20 03:43:32 brad Exp $ 19 Jul 2003; Brad Laue mozilla-firebird-cvs-0.6-r2.ebuild: Dont build chatzilla and other bloat - also fix -ffast-math issues. *mozilla-firebird-cvs-0.6-r2 (03 Jul 2003) 03 Jul 2003; Brad Laue mozilla-firebird-cvs-0.6-r2.ebuild: Filter out -ffast-math in order to close an upstream bug; refer to bug 23833. *mozilla-firebird-cvs-0.6-r1 (08 Jun 2003) 08 Jun 2003; Brad Laue mozilla-firebird-cvs-0.6-r1.ebuild: Strip -msse2 out of the build if this is a Pentium4 and we're using GCC 3.2.x. Otherwise, build will fail with a messy assembly error. *mozilla-firebird-cvs-0.6 (05 Jun 2003) 05 Jun 2003; Brad Laue mozilla-firebird-cvs-0.6.ebuild, files/MozillaFirebird: First addition of mozilla-firebird-cvs to the tree 01 May 2003; Jason Wever phoenix-cvs-0.5-r1.ebuild, phoenix-cvs-0.5-r2.ebuild: Changed -sparc keyword to ~sparc and adjusted ebuilds to include the replace-sparc64-flags to fix build problems. 30 Apr 2003; Jason Wever phoenix-cvs-0.5-r1.ebuild, phoenix-cvs-0.5-r2.ebuild: Changed ~sparc keyword to -sparc in relation to bug #18911 *phoenix-cvs-0.5-r1 (30 Mar 2003) 18 Apr 2003; foser ; phoenix-cvs-0.5-r2.ebuild, files/digest-phoenix-cvs-0.5-r2, files/phoenix: Seth asked me to take a look into -r1. I cleaned up a few things: - Added the missing $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-www/mozilla-firebird-cvs/ChangeLog,v 1.5 2003/07/20 03:43:32 brad Exp $ - made ebuild use flag-o-matic over ${CFLAGS//} - made ebuild use nsplugins.eclass for easy plugin integration TODO: - modification of cvs.eclass to avoid the hackish src_unpack(). *phoenix-cvs-0.5-r1 (28 Mar 2003) 28 Mar 2003; Seth Chandler ; phoenix-cvs-0.5-r1.ebuild, files/phoenix: added phoenix-cvs