# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-mail/postfix/postfix-2.0.16-r1.ebuild,v 1.15 2004/02/24 05:10:32 weeve Exp $ inherit eutils ssl-cert TLS_P="pfixtls-0.8.16-2.0.16-0.9.7b" IPV6="1.18a" IPV6_P="ipv6-${IPV6}-pf-2.0.16" IPV6_TLS_P="tls+${IPV6_P}" PGSQL_P="postfix-pg.postfix-" DESCRIPTION="A fast and secure drop-in replacement for sendmail." HOMEPAGE="http://www.postfix.org/" SRC_URI="ftp://ftp.porcupine.org/mirrors/postfix-release/official/${P}.tar.gz ftp://ftp.porcupine.org/mirrors/postfix-release/official/${PN}-2.0-ns-mx-acl-patch.gz ssl? ( ftp://ftp.aet.tu-cottbus.de/pub/postfix_tls/old/${TLS_P}.tar.gz ) ipv6? ( ftp://ftp.stack.nl/pub/postfix/tls+ipv6/${IPV6}/${IPV6_P}.patch.gz ) ipv6? ( ftp://ftp.stack.nl/pub/postfix/tls+ipv6/${IPV6}/${IPV6_TLS_P}.patch.gz ) postgres? ( http://www.mat.cc/postfix/${PGSQL_P}.patch )" LICENSE="IPL-1" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="x86 sparc ~ppc alpha ~mips ia64" IUSE="ipv6 pam ldap mysql postgres ssl sasl maildir mbox" PROVIDE="virtual/mta virtual/mda" DEPEND=">=sys-libs/db-3.2 >=dev-libs/libpcre-3.4 >=sys-apps/sed-4 ldap? ( >=net-nds/openldap-1.2 ) mysql? ( >=dev-db/mysql-3.23.51 ) postgres? ( >=dev-db/postgresql-7.1 ) ssl? ( >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6g ) sasl? ( >=dev-libs/cyrus-sasl-2 )" RDEPEND="${DEPEND} >=net-mail/mailbase-0.00 !virtual/mta" # Is this still necessary since gentoo sasl looks # in /etc/sasl2 for it's config files? pkg_setup() { # Prevent mangling the smtpd.conf file. if [ ! -L "${ROOT}/usr/lib/sasl2/smtpd.conf" ] ; then if [ -f "${ROOT}/usr/lib/sasl2/smtpd.conf" ] ; then ebegin "Protecting your smtpd.conf file" if [ ! -d "${ROOT}/etc/sasl2" ] ; then mkdir -p "${ROOT}/etc/sasl2" fi # This shouldn't be necessary, but apparently # without it things can still get messy. if [ -L "${ROOT}/etc/sasl2/smtpd.conf" ] ; then rm "${ROOT}/etc/sasl2/smtpd.conf" fi # If both files exist, make sure that we preserve # a copy of each with the ._cfg system. if [ -f "${ROOT}/etc/sasl2/smtpd.conf" ] ; then mv "${ROOT}/etc/sasl2/smtpd.conf" \ "${ROOT}/etc/sasl2/._cfg0000_smtpd.conf" fi mv "${ROOT}/usr/lib/sasl2/smtpd.conf" "${ROOT}/etc/sasl2" eend fi fi } src_unpack() { unpack ${A} && cd "${S}" if [ "`use ssl`" ] ; then if [ "`use ipv6`" ] ; then epatch "${WORKDIR}/${IPV6_TLS_P}.patch" else epatch "${WORKDIR}/${TLS_P}/pfixtls.diff" fi elif [ "`use ipv6`" ]; then epatch "${WORKDIR}/${IPV6_P}.patch" fi if [ "`use postgres`" ] ; then epatch "${DISTDIR}/${PGSQL_P}.patch" fi # Verisign name services fixes. epatch "${WORKDIR}/${PN}-2.0-ns-mx-acl-patch" # Postfix does not get the FQDN if no hostname is configured. epatch "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.0.9-get-FQDN.patch" # Fix install paths. sed -e "s:/usr/libexec/postfix:/usr/lib/postfix:" \ -i src/global/mail_params.h -i conf/main.cf || die "sed failed" } src_compile() { local mycc="-DHAS_PCRE" mylibs="-L/usr/lib -lpcre -ldl -lcrypt -lpthread" if [ "`use pam`" ] ; then mylibs="${mylibs} -lpam" fi if [ "`use ldap`" ] ; then mycc="${mycc} -DHAS_LDAP" mylibs="${mylibs} -lldap -llber" fi if [ "`use mysql`" ] ; then mycc="${mycc} -DHAS_MYSQL -I/usr/include/mysql" mylibs="${mylibs} -lmysqlclient -lm -lz" fi if [ "`use postgres`" ] ; then if [ "`best_version '=dev-db/postgresql-7.3*'`" ] ; then mycc="${mycc} -DHAS_PGSQL -I/usr/include/postgresql" else mycc="${mycc} -DHAS_PGSQL -I/usr/include/postgresql/pgsql" fi mylibs="${mylibs} -lpq" fi if [ "`use ssl`" ] ; then mycc="${mycc} -DUSE_SSL" mylibs="${mylibs} -lssl -lcrypto" fi if [ "`use sasl`" ] ; then mycc="${mycc} -DUSE_SASL_AUTH -I/usr/include/sasl" mylibs="${mylibs} -lsasl2" fi mycc="${mycc} -DDEF_CONFIG_DIR=\\\"/etc/postfix\\\"" mycc="${mycc} -DDEF_DAEMON_DIR=\\\"/usr/lib/postfix\\\"" mycc="${mycc} -DDEF_PROGRAM_DIR=\\\"/usr/lib/postfix\\\"" mycc="${mycc} -DDEF_MANPAGE_DIR=\\\"/usr/share/man\\\"" mycc="${mycc} -DDEF_README_DIR=\\\"/usr/share/doc/${PF}/readme\\\"" mycc="${mycc} -DDEF_SAMPLE_DIR=\\\"/usr/share/doc/${PF}/sample\\\"" make CC="${CC:=gcc}" OPT="${CFLAGS}" CCARGS="${mycc}" AUXLIBS="${mylibs}" \ makefiles || die "configure problem" emake || die "compile problem" } src_install () { /bin/sh postfix-install \ -non-interactive \ install_root="${D}" \ daemon_directory="/usr/lib/postfix" \ program_directory="/usr/lib/postfix" \ config_directory="/usr/share/doc/${PF}/defaults" \ readme_directory="/usr/share/doc/${PF}/readme" \ sample_directory="/usr/share/doc/${PF}/sample" \ manpage_directory="/usr/share/man" \ mail_owner="postfix" \ setgid_group="postdrop" || die "postfix-install failed" # Provide another link for legacy FSH. dosym /usr/sbin/sendmail /usr/lib/sendmail # Install an rmail for UUCP, closing bug #19127. dobin auxiliary/rmail/rmail # Set proper permissions on required files/directories. fowners root:postdrop /usr/sbin/post{drop,queue} fperms 02711 /usr/sbin/post{drop,queue} keepdir /etc/postfix mv "${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/defaults/"{*.cf,post*-*} "${D}/etc/postfix" if [ "`use maildir`" ] ; then mypostconf="home_mailbox=.maildir/" elif [ "`use mbox`" ] ; then mypostconf="mail_spool_directory=/var/spool/mail" fi "${D}/usr/sbin/postconf" -c "${D}/etc/postfix" -e \ "alias_maps=hash:/etc/mail/aliases" \ "alias_database=hash:/etc/mail/aliases" \ "local_destination_concurrency_limit=2" \ "default_destination_concurrency_limit=2" \ ${mypostconf} || die "postconf failed" insinto /etc/postfix newins "${FILESDIR}/smtp.pass" saslpass fperms 600 /etc/postfix/saslpass exeinto /etc/init.d newexe "${FILESDIR}/postfix.rc6" postfix dodoc *README COMPATIBILITY HISTORY INSTALL LICENSE PORTING RELEASE_NOTES* dohtml html/* if [ "`use pam`" ] ; then insinto /etc/pam.d newins "${FILESDIR}/smtp.pam" smtp fi if [ "`use ssl`" ] ; then SSL_ORGANIZATION="${SSL_ORGANIZATION:-Postfix SMTP Server}" insinto /etc/ssl/postfix docert server fowners postfix:mail /etc/ssl/postfix/server.{key,pem} fi if [ "`use sasl`" ] ; then insinto /etc/sasl2 newins "${FILESDIR}/smtp.sasl" smtpd.conf fi } pkg_postinst() { ebegin "Fixing queue directories and permissions" "${ROOT}/etc/postfix/post-install" upgrade-permissions eend $? echo ewarn "If you upgraded from postfix-1.x, you must revisit" ewarn "your configuration files. See" ewarn " /usr/share/doc/${PF}/RELEASE_NOTES" ewarn "for a list of changes." if [ ! -e /etc/mail/aliases.db ] ; then echo ewarn "You must edit /etc/mail/aliases to suit your needs" ewarn "and then run /usr/bin/newaliases. Postfix will not" ewarn "work correctly without it." fi }