This excellent Linux Audigy FAQ is from, which is currently unreadable so we're adding a cached copy from google to this file for safe-keeping. PLEASE NOTE: the current version of the Gentoo Linux emu10k1 auto-detects emu10k1 or audigy and also uses a fixed audigy-script as described in this FAQ. However, the MIDI/LiveWire fix may still be needed for some users. This page details my experience in getting my Creative Soundblaster Audigy to work properly under Linux (Gentoo Linux to be exact) using the Open Sound System driver. If you use Gentoo Linux then grab this package which contains an eBuild I wrote to do all the below (last updated 11:53 11th Oct): emu10k1-audigy-20020927-rl.tar.gz The first thing to do is download the driver source archive from Extract the archive in a directory you have write access to (your home directory): tar xvjf emu10k1-v0.20a.tar.bz2 Enter the extracted directory: cd emu10k1-v0.20 Next run: make make all Then run (as root): make install If the first make fails then you will need to edit the file config so that the line KERNEL_SOURCE := gives the location of your kernel source code. Ussually this location is: /usr/src/linux Next run (not as root): make tools Then run (as root): make install-tools The script audigy-script and the config file emu10k1.conf are both installed to /usr/local/etc/. I have written replacements for these files which fix lots of bugs with the default ones. I would advise you to read them and then replace the existing ones with my versions: audigy-script emu10k1.conf audigy-script is used to configure the soundcard so that all the channels are setup properly and so that recording works. emu10k1.conf is used to set some options for audigy-script. audigy-script sets up the following volume controls: Vol - Front Speaker Volumes OGain - Rear Speaker Volumes Igain - Center/Subwoofer Volumes Update: 30.10.02 If you find that you are only getting a particular sound source (eg. CD playback) through the 2 front channels, you can mirror them to the rear 2 channels by adding the following line to audigy-script: $DSPMGR -a"Pcm:$REAR" Also thanks to Colin McCambridge for these 2 tips: 1) Don't download and use the 0.9.4 tools package from sourceforge, as it appears to contain an old version of the emu-dspmgr program that does *not* seem to support stereo input/output routing (Both the included script and yours were broken when using that tool, because "Pcm" was not a valid input for the route). The included tools in the driver package work just fine 2) For people with Audigy Platinum cards that have the Audigy Drive and InfraRed remote, the fix that took me so long to find to enable the system MIDI messages triggered by the infrared remote (and thus enable the remote's functionality) is this: Before compiling the emu10k1 driver, you have to edit the midi.h file and uncomment the line #define USE_AUDIGY_DRIVE_MIDI. The Audigy card has two MIDI devices, and since the emu10k1 developers have yet to get both working at the same time, uncommenting that line switches support from the first to the second on Audigy Platinum cards. If you find any problems with my scripts or any of my instructions then please mail me: There are some forums on the driver Sourceforge homepage but I haven't found them very active. You can find them here. I will be updating this page when I remember what else I was going to put on it.