# Copyright 1999-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/games-action/descent3/descent3-1.4.0b.ebuild,v 1.1 2003/09/10 19:29:16 vapier Exp $ inherit games IUSE="nocd videos" DESCRIPTION="Descent 3 - 3-Dimensional indoor/outdoor spaceship combat" HOMEPAGE="http://www.lokigames.com/products/descent3/" SRC_URI="ftp://ftp.planetmirror.com/pub/lokigames/updates/descent3/descent3-1.4.0a-x86.run ftp://ftp.planetmirror.com/pub/lokigames/updates/descent3/${P}-x86.run" LICENSE="LOKI-EULA" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="x86" RESTRICT="nostrip" DEPEND="virtual/glibc" RDEPEND="${DEPEND} virtual/opengl" S=${WORKDIR} dir=${GAMES_PREFIX_OPT}/${PN} Ddir=${D}/${dir} pkg_setup() { if [ "`use videos`" ]; then ewarn "The installed game takes about 1.2GB of space!" fi if [ "`use nocd`" ]; then ewarn "The installed game takes about 510MB of space!" else ewarn "The installed game takes about 220MB of space!" fi games_pkg_setup } src_unpack() { mkdir ${S}/{a,b} cd ${S}/a unpack_makeself ${PN}-1.4.0a-x86.run cd ${S}/b unpack_makeself ${P}-x86.run } src_install() { dodir ${dir} games_get_cd missions/d3.mn3 games_verify_cd "Descent 3 Disk 1" einfo "Copying files... this may take a while..." exeinto /opt/descent3 doexe ${GAMES_CD}/bin/x86/glibc-2.1/{descent3,nettest} insinto /opt/descent3 cp ${GAMES_CD}/{FAQ.txt,README,README.mercenary,d3.hog,icon.{bmp,xpm}} ${Ddir} cd ${Ddir} tar xzf ${GAMES_CD}/data.tar.gz || die "uncompressing data" tar xzf ${GAMES_CD}/shared.tar.gz || die "uncompressing shared" use nocd && cp ${GAMES_CD}/missions/* ${Ddir}/missions if [ "`use videos`" ]; then games_get_cd movies/level1.mve games_verify_cd "Descent 3 Disk 2" cp ${GAMES_CD}/movies/* ${Ddir}/movies || die "copying movies" fi cd ${S}/a bin/Linux/x86/loki_patch --verify patch.dat bin/Linux/x86/loki_patch patch.dat ${Ddir} >& /dev/null || die "patching" cd ${S}/b bin/Linux/x86/loki_patch --verify patch.dat bin/Linux/x86/loki_patch patch.dat ${Ddir} >& /dev/null || die "patching" # now, since these files are coming off a cd, the times/sizes/md5sums wont # be different ... that means portage will try to unmerge some files (!) # we run touch on ${D} so as to make sure portage doesnt do any such thing find ${Ddir} -exec touch '{}' \; dodir ${GAMES_BINDIR} dogamesbin ${FILESDIR}/descent3 dosed "s:GENTOO_DIR:${dir}:" ${GAMES_BINDIR}/descent3 insinto /usr/share/pixmaps newins ${GAMES_CD}/icon.xpm descent3.xpm prepgamesdirs make_desktop_entry descent3 "Descent 3" "descent3.xpm" } pkg_postinst() { einfo "To play the game run:" einfo " descent3" games_pkg_postinst }