# ChangeLog for dev-ruby/best_in_place # Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-ruby/best_in_place/ChangeLog,v 1.16 2014/12/30 10:50:16 graaff Exp $ 30 Dec 2014; Hans de Graaff best_in_place-2.1.0.ebuild: Add ruby20. Use correct slot for jquery-rails. 30 Dec 2014; Hans de Graaff best_in_place-2.1.0.ebuild: Fix versioning issues to make all test pass again. 21 May 2014; Manuel Rüger best_in_place-2.1.0.ebuild: Remove ruby18 target. EAPI bump. 08 Mar 2014; Manuel Rüger -best_in_place-1.1.3.ebuild: Cleanup old. *best_in_place-2.1.0 (24 Feb 2013) 24 Feb 2013; Diego E. Pettenò +best_in_place-2.1.0.ebuild: Version bump. 23 Feb 2013; Hans de Graaff -best_in_place-1.1.2.ebuild: Cleanup. *best_in_place-1.1.3 (14 Dec 2012) 14 Dec 2012; Hans de Graaff +best_in_place-1.1.3.ebuild: Version bump. Run tests through bundler to make sure all the bits and pieces are loaded. 16 Aug 2012; Diego E. Pettenò best_in_place-1.1.2.ebuild: Update after Ruby packages move. 30 Jul 2012; Hans de Graaff -best_in_place-1.0.6.ebuild, -best_in_place-1.1.0.ebuild: Cleanup. *best_in_place-1.1.2 (29 May 2012) 29 May 2012; Diego E. Pettenò +best_in_place-1.1.2.ebuild: Version bump. *best_in_place-1.1.0 (14 May 2012) 14 May 2012; Diego E. Pettenò +best_in_place-1.1.0.ebuild, +files/best_in_place-1.1.0-kramdown.patch: Version bump; replace RDiscount with kramdown and remove extra dependencies on test_app (both sent upstream). Require rails 3.2 for testing. 11 May 2012; Diego E. Pettenò best_in_place-1.0.6.ebuild: Add support for Rails 3.2, Ruby 1.9. *best_in_place-1.0.6 (24 Jan 2012) 24 Jan 2012; Diego E. Pettenò +best_in_place-1.0.6.ebuild, -best_in_place-1.0.4-r1.ebuild, -best_in_place-1.0.5.ebuild, -files/best_in_place-1.0.4-gentoo.patch: Version bump; remove our patch. *best_in_place-1.0.5 (23 Jan 2012) 23 Jan 2012; Diego E. Pettenò +best_in_place-1.0.5.ebuild: Version bump; Gentoo patching is still necessary. *best_in_place-1.0.4-r1 (21 Jan 2012) 21 Jan 2012; Diego E. Pettenò +best_in_place-1.0.4-r1.ebuild, +files/best_in_place-1.0.4-gentoo.patch, -best_in_place-1.0.4.ebuild, -files/best_in_place-1.0.4-disable-some-tests.patch: Revision bump, replacing the patch to disable tests with one that fixes them, and another issue as well. *best_in_place-1.0.4 (17 Jan 2012) 17 Jan 2012; Diego E. Pettenò +best_in_place-1.0.4.ebuild, +files/best_in_place-1.0.4-disable-some-tests.patch, +metadata.xml: Import of best_in_place gem.