diff options
authorSeemant Kulleen <>2003-12-16 02:34:37 +0000
committerSeemant Kulleen <>2003-12-16 02:34:37 +0000
commit0eee753275becf42f340080a16b1f79efdedfcb7 (patch)
tree9b078c1cba66442e1e77d2b249e9ae90d427afed /sys-boot/grub
parentmove the patches to the mirrors isntead, and add the gcc3.3 patch to 0.92 as ... (diff)
move the patches to the mirrors isntead, and add the gcc3.3 patch to 0.92 as well
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-boot/grub')
22 files changed, 49 insertions, 3313 deletions
diff --git a/sys-boot/grub/ChangeLog b/sys-boot/grub/ChangeLog
index 5d998ee553e1..23dce810d489 100644
--- a/sys-boot/grub/ChangeLog
+++ b/sys-boot/grub/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,28 @@
# ChangeLog for sys-boot/grub
# Copyright 2002-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-boot/grub/ChangeLog,v 1.2 2003/12/09 08:55:58 seemant Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-boot/grub/ChangeLog,v 1.3 2003/12/16 02:34:31 seemant Exp $
+ 15 Dec 2003; Seemant Kulleen <> grub-0.92-r1.ebuild,
+ grub-0.93.20030118.ebuild,
+ files/grub-0.92/grub-,
+ files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-addsyncs.patch,
+ files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-append.patch,
+ files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-configfile.patch,
+ files/grub-0.92/,
+ files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-installcopyonly.patch,
+ files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-passwordprompt.patch,
+ files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-staticcurses.patch,
+ files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-symlinkmenulst.patch,
+ files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-vga16-keypressclear.patch,
+ files/grub-0.92/grub-0.91-bootonce.patch,
+ files/grub-0.92/grub-0.91-splashimagehelp.patch,
+ files/grub-0.92/grub-0.91-vga16-serial.patch,
+ files/grub-0.92/grub-0.92-automake16.patch,
+ files/grub-0.92/grub-0.92-nodeprecatedflags.patch,
+ files/grub-0.92/grub-0.92-usbfix.patch,
+ files/grub-0.92/grub-0.92-vga16.patch:
+ move the patches to the mirrors isntead, and add the gcc3.3 patch to 0.92 as
+ well
*grub-0.93.20030118 (08 Dec 2003)
diff --git a/sys-boot/grub/Manifest b/sys-boot/grub/Manifest
index a217ef1a7686..b61063e3363a 100644
--- a/sys-boot/grub/Manifest
+++ b/sys-boot/grub/Manifest
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-MD5 5228d72903f857c0ed415540c39cb7ab grub-0.92-r1.ebuild 2383
-MD5 b9c9281775630c3aede067626b87cdbb ChangeLog 6050
-MD5 15ad02b59c5c9ba356ad0ea09ea490a2 grub-0.93.20030118.ebuild 2419
+MD5 90a586f628c8972bcf8c213bea95a19a grub-0.92-r1.ebuild 2544
+MD5 80ae834bddef2dfb41d9ef93e988d2b9 ChangeLog 7056
+MD5 f3f242cbcef3c54c9a598872fe251862 grub-0.93.20030118.ebuild 2419
MD5 e6543624c262cae90cc830cde90ad3ae metadata.xml 165
MD5 cdd6c89d48982ecd544c0b4774755afd files/splash.xpm.gz 33856
MD5 b302edf756d9f8996d9e1ae6d3a49768 files/digest-grub-0.93.20030118 1764
diff --git a/sys-boot/grub/files/digest-grub-0.92-r1 b/sys-boot/grub/files/digest-grub-0.92-r1
index c9f9b3f8d413..cbaef07bdcd0 100644
--- a/sys-boot/grub/files/digest-grub-0.92-r1
+++ b/sys-boot/grub/files/digest-grub-0.92-r1
@@ -1,20 +1,2 @@
-MD5 cdd6c89d48982ecd544c0b4774755afd /files/splash.xpm.gz 33856
-MD5 03404170b492e04031b0da877991efd2 /files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-symlinkmenulst.patch 518
-MD5 aa18890ce9d1679091e382aeb8294194 /files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-configfile.patch 3833
-MD5 f31b7278a8a83d245c4ca27382cf54b3 /files/grub-0.92/grub- 632
-MD5 f105856e2fedfdb0cb5982e6ef8294fd /files/grub-0.92/grub-0.92-usbfix.patch 2072
-MD5 3086a3674abb6c7e59a2627f25b3cca3 /files/grub-0.92/grub-0.92-automake16.patch 5956
-MD5 4d871cd43370b130057788f07db38cc3 /files/grub-0.92/ 1079
-MD5 82efba51ac305b8381d3122996eb3136 /files/grub-0.92/grub-0.92-vga16.patch 43815
-MD5 bd8b83027e46c01ee7b67cbccd06fa08 /files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-passwordprompt.patch 3612
-MD5 bb016a75234fb52358a2f5412afc2e58 /files/grub-0.92/grub-0.91-splashimagehelp.patch 944
-MD5 6ad20fdf6c7c5d16bf3ac56ff8fd704d /files/grub-0.92/grub-0.91-vga16-serial.patch 1628
-MD5 e4f6b75eb4518eaad834f177ad98a25a /files/grub-0.92/grub-0.91-bootonce.patch 6748
-MD5 75011272c27e8d9926633851e29a9a22 /files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-staticcurses.patch 600
-MD5 e1afae6eadfc123e08920e3f78e0b38b /files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-vga16-keypressclear.patch 920
-MD5 f3aa6906e6a340e3b38536b1fd0571f5 /files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-installcopyonly.patch 2017
-MD5 59c9235025c9048d6165d68562dbc0ec /files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-append.patch 2893
-MD5 93c92f5020925b376742d2ad8022160b /files/grub-0.92/grub-0.92-nodeprecatedflags.patch 375
-MD5 d4ac36a6a292a66b276ebc8a4ce2a41d /files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-addsyncs.patch 2071
-MD5 67c5dc359348e825f53accd3716ea685 /grub-0.92-r1.ebuild 3200
MD5 50f2786e7bf96b1115ee82b9c101a816 grub-0.92.tar.gz 877112
+MD5 3acebcea3c38fc2a6b4413e22e480086 grub-0.92-gentoo-0.1.tar.bz2 21404
diff --git a/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub- b/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-
deleted file mode 100644
index 15176e7c19da..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
---- grub- Mon Oct 16 16:41:54 2000
-+++ grub- Tue Apr 3 12:01:41 2001
-@@ -616,7 +616,13 @@
- if (strcmp (dev + strlen(dev) - 5, "/disc") == 0)
- strcat (dev + strlen(dev) - 5, "/part");
- }
-- sprintf (dev + strlen(dev), "%d", ((partition >> 16) & 0xFF) + 1);
-+ sprintf (dev + strlen(dev), "%s%d",
-+ /* Compaq smart and others */
-+ (strncmp(dev, "/dev/ida/", 9) == 0 ||
-+ strncmp(dev, "/dev/cciss/", 11) == 0 ||
-+ strncmp(dev, "/dev/rd/", 8) == 0) ? "p" : "",
-+ ((partition >> 16) & 0xFF) + 1);
- /* Open the partition. */
- fd = open (dev, O_RDWR);
diff --git a/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-addsyncs.patch b/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-addsyncs.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c53344a3cbe..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-addsyncs.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-I just found another semi-critical bug, whose fix should really get
-into 0.91.
-It turns out that "grub-install" doesn't have any "sync" calls to make
-sure any filesystem caches are coherent with the raw devices they are
-on top of... so if your filesystem waits to write out any data from the
-copy command in the script to put the "stage1" and "stage2" in their
-final location, you're hosed.
-I found this because it just bit me on one of my systems running stock
-RedHat 7.2 with a large "stage2".
-The only script that is patched here is "grub-install". The others
-don't appear to need it as they either unmount things first or don't
-refer to devices.
-Hmm. Maybe the right fix is to make the "sync" system call when
-starting the GRUB shell with a device map that refers to any real disks
-or something like that.
-------------------------(start patch)-----------------------
---- grub.orig/util/ Mon Oct 22 16:46:07 2001
-+++ grub/util/ Sat Oct 27 13:06:33 2001
-@@ -244,6 +244,10 @@
- # Create a safe temporary file.
- test -x /bin/tempfile && log_file=`tempfile --prefix=grub`
-+ # Before all invocations of the grub shell, call sync to make sure
-+ # the raw device is in sync with any bufferring in filesystems.
-+ sync
- $grub_shell --batch --device-map=$device_map <<EOF >$log_file
- quit
-@@ -318,6 +322,10 @@
- # Create a safe temporary file.
- test -x /bin/tempfile && log_file=`tempfile --prefix=grub`
-+# Before all invocations of the grub shell, call sync to make sure
-+# the raw device is in sync with any bufferring in filesystems.
- # Now perform the installation.
- $grub_shell --batch --device-map=$device_map <<EOF >$log_file
- root $root_drive
-------------------------(end patch)-----------------------
- Erich Stefan Boleyn <>
-"Reality is truly stranger than fiction; Probably why fiction is so popular"
-Bug-grub mailing list
diff --git a/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-append.patch b/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-append.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 99cd0285faef..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-append.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
---- grub-0.90/stage2/stage2.c.append Thu Dec 20 08:20:48 2001
-+++ grub-0.90/stage2/stage2.c Thu Dec 20 17:01:20 2001
-@@ -500,7 +500,8 @@
- if (config_entries)
- printf ("\
- Press enter to boot the selected OS, \'e\' to edit the\n\
-- commands before booting, or \'c\' for a command-line.");
-+ commands before booting, \'a\' to modify the kernel arguments\n\
-+ before booting, or \'c\' for a command-line.");
- else
- printf ("\
- Press \'b\' to boot, \'e\' to edit the selected command in the\n\
-@@ -787,6 +788,98 @@
- enter_cmdline (heap, 0);
- goto restart;
- }
-+ if (config_entries && c == 'a')
-+ {
-+ int new_num_entries = 0, i = 0, j;
-+ int needs_padding, amount;
-+ char *new_heap;
-+ char * entries;
-+ char * entry_copy;
-+ char * append_line;
-+ char * start;
-+ entry_copy = new_heap = heap;
-+ cur_entry = get_entry (config_entries, first_entry + entryno,
-+ 1);
-+ do
-+ {
-+ while ((*(new_heap++) = cur_entry[i++]) != 0);
-+ new_num_entries++;
-+ }
-+ while (config_entries && cur_entry[i]);
-+ /* this only needs to be done if config_entries is non-NULL,
-+ but it doesn't hurt to do it always */
-+ *(new_heap++) = 0;
-+ new_heap = heap + NEW_HEAPSIZE + 1;
-+ entries = entry_copy;
-+ while (*entries)
-+ {
-+ if ((strstr(entries, "kernel") == entries) &&
-+ isspace(entries[6]))
-+ break;
-+ while (*entries) entries++;
-+ entries++;
-+ }
-+ if (!*entries)
-+ goto restart;
-+ start = entries + 6;
-+ /* skip the white space */
-+ while (*start && isspace(*start)) start++;
-+ /* skip the kernel name */
-+ while (*start && !isspace(*start)) start++;
-+ /* skip the white space */
-+ needs_padding = (!*start || !isspace(*start));
-+ while (*start && isspace(*start)) start++;
-+ append_line = new_heap;
-+ grub_strcpy(append_line, start);
-+ cls();
-+ print_cmdline_message (0);
-+ if (get_cmdline(PACKAGE " append> ",
-+ append_line, NEW_HEAPSIZE + 1,
-+ 0, 1))
-+ goto restart;
-+ /* have new args; append_line points to the
-+ new args and start points to the old
-+ args */
-+ i = grub_strlen(start);
-+ j = grub_strlen(append_line);
-+ if (i > (j + needs_padding))
-+ amount = i;
-+ else
-+ amount = j + needs_padding;
-+ /* align rest of commands properly */
-+ memmove (start + j + needs_padding, start + i,
-+ ((int) append_line) - ((int) start) - (amount));
-+ if (needs_padding)
-+ *start = ' ';
-+ /* copy command to correct area */
-+ memmove (start + needs_padding, append_line, j);
-+ /* set up this entry to boot */
-+ config_entries = NULL;
-+ cur_entry = entry_copy;
-+ heap = new_heap;
-+ break;
-+ }
- #ifdef GRUB_UTIL
- if (c == 'q')
- {
diff --git a/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-configfile.patch b/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-configfile.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c12160da08fd..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-configfile.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-diff -ur grub-0.90/grub/asmstub.c grub/grub/asmstub.c
---- grub-0.90/grub/asmstub.c Thu May 3 04:34:56 2001
-+++ grub/grub/asmstub.c Mon Jul 16 11:01:52 2001
-@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
- unsigned long boot_drive = 0;
- int saved_entryno = 0;
- char version_string[] = VERSION;
--char config_file[128] = "/boot/grub/menu.lst"; /* FIXME: arbitrary */
-+char config_file[128] = "/boot/grub/grub.conf"; /* FIXME: arbitrary */
- unsigned long linux_text_len = 0;
- unsigned short io_map[IO_MAP_SIZE];
- struct apm_info apm_bios_info;
-diff -ur grub-0.90/stage2/asm.S grub/stage2/asm.S
---- grub-0.90/stage2/asm.S Mon Jul 16 10:39:14 2001
-+++ grub/stage2/asm.S Mon Jul 16 11:02:39 2001
-@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
- .string VERSION
- VARIABLE(config_file)
- #ifndef STAGE1_5
-- .string "/boot/grub/menu.lst"
-+ .string "/boot/grub/grub.conf"
- #else /* STAGE1_5 */
- .long 0xffffffff
- .string "/boot/grub/stage2"
-diff -ur grub-0.90/stage2/builtins.c grub/stage2/builtins.c
---- grub-0.90/stage2/builtins.c Mon Jul 16 10:39:14 2001
-+++ grub/stage2/builtins.c Mon Jul 16 11:02:26 2001
-@@ -3939,7 +3939,7 @@
- /* The prefix was determined. */
- grub_sprintf (stage2, "%s%s", prefix, "/stage2");
-- grub_sprintf (config_filename, "%s%s", prefix, "/menu.lst");
-+ grub_sprintf (config_filename, "%s%s", prefix, "/grub.conf");
- *real_config_filename = 0;
- /* Check if stage2 exists. */
-diff -ur --exclude *~ --exclude *config grub-0.90/docs/grub.8 grub/docs/grub.8
---- grub-0.90/docs/grub.8 Thu Jul 5 07:29:56 2001
-+++ grub/docs/grub.8 Mon Jul 16 11:43:07 2001
-@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
- specify stage2 boot_drive [default=0x0]
- .TP
- \fB\-\-config\-file\fR=\fIFILE\fR
--specify stage2 config_file [default=/boot/grub/menu.lst]
-+specify stage2 config_file [default=/boot/grub/grub.conf]
- .TP
- \fB\-\-device\-map\fR=\fIFILE\fR
- Use the device map file FILE
-diff -ur --exclude *~ --exclude *config grub-0.90/docs/grub.texi grub/docs/grub.texi
---- grub-0.90/docs/grub.texi Thu Jul 5 07:14:21 2001
-+++ grub/docs/grub.texi Mon Jul 16 11:47:04 2001
-@@ -971,7 +971,7 @@
- keys) that will do everything to boot an OS.
- To enable the menu, you need a configuration file,
--@file{menu.lst} under the boot directory. We'll analyze an example
-+@file{grub.conf} under the boot directory. We'll analyze an example
- file.
- The file first contains some general settings, the menu interface
-@@ -1512,8 +1512,8 @@
- An absolute file name resembles a Unix absolute file name, using
- @samp{/} for the directory separator (not @samp{\} as in DOS). One
--example is @samp{(hd0,0)/boot/grub/menu.lst}. This means the file
--@file{/boot/grub/menu.lst} in the first partition of the first hard
-+example is @samp{(hd0,0)/boot/grub/grub.conf}. This means the file
-+@file{/boot/grub/grub.conf} in the first partition of the first hard
- disk. If you omit the device name in an absolute file name, GRUB uses
- GRUB's @dfn{root device} implicitly. So if you set the root device to,
- say, @samp{(hd1,0)} by the command @command{root} (@pxref{root}), then
-@@ -3112,7 +3112,7 @@
- @item --config-file=@var{file}
- Read the configuration file @var{file} instead of
--@file{/boot/grub/menu.lst}. The format is the same as the normal GRUB
-+@file{/boot/grub/grub.conf}. The format is the same as the normal GRUB
- syntax. See @ref{Filesystem}, for more information.
- @item --boot-drive=@var{drive}
-@@ -3369,7 +3369,7 @@
- @item
- Copy the GRUB images to @file{/mnt/boot/grub}. Only @file{stage1},
--@file{stage2} and @file{menu.lst} are necessary. You may not copy
-+@file{stage2} and @file{grub.conf} are necessary. You may not copy
- @dfn{stage1.5}s.
- @item
-@@ -3497,7 +3497,7 @@
- @example
- @group
- grub> @kbd{root (hd0,1)}
--grub> @kbd{install /grub/stage1 d (hd0) /grub/stage2 p /grub/menu.lst}
-+grub> @kbd{install /grub/stage1 d (hd0) /grub/stage2 p /grub/grub.conf}
- @end group
- @end example
- @end enumerate
diff --git a/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/ b/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/
deleted file mode 100644
index c714196a4402..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
---- grub-0.90/util/ Wed Feb 28 06:19:39 2001
-+++ grub-0.90/util/ Thu Jul 19 16:01:12 2001
-@@ -224,6 +224,15 @@
- test -d "$bootdir" || mkdir "$bootdir" || exit 1
- test -d "$grubdir" || mkdir "$grubdir" || exit 1
-+# Copy the GRUB images to the GRUB directory.
-+for file in ${grubdir}/stage1 ${grubdir}/stage2 ${grubdir}/*stage1_5; do
-+ rm -f $file || exit 1
-+for file in \
-+ ${pkgdatadir}/stage1 ${pkgdatadir}/stage2 ${pkgdatadir}/*stage1_5; do
-+ cp -f $file ${grubdir} || exit 1
- # If --recheck is specified, remove the device map, if present.
- if test $recheck = yes; then
- rm -f $device_map
-@@ -297,15 +306,6 @@
- exit 1
- fi
--# Copy the GRUB images to the GRUB directory.
--for file in ${grubdir}/stage1 ${grubdir}/stage2 ${grubdir}/*stage1_5; do
-- rm -f $file || exit 1
--for file in \
-- ${pkgdatadir}/stage1 ${pkgdatadir}/stage2 ${pkgdatadir}/*stage1_5; do
-- cp -f $file ${grubdir} || exit 1
- # Create a safe temporary file.
- test -x /bin/tempfile && log_file=`tempfile --prefix=grub`
diff --git a/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-installcopyonly.patch b/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-installcopyonly.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 1083ab507e71..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-installcopyonly.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
---- grub-0.90/util/ Thu Jul 19 18:42:58 2001
-+++ grub-0.90/util/ Thu Jul 19 18:43:12 2001
-@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
- force_lba=
- recheck=no
- debug=no
- # Usage: usage
- # Print the usage.
-@@ -149,6 +150,17 @@
- fi
- }
-+copy_images() {
-+ # Copy the GRUB images to the GRUB directory.
-+ for file in ${grubdir}/stage1 ${grubdir}/stage2 ${grubdir}/*stage1_5; do
-+ rm -f $file || exit 1
-+ done
-+ for file in \
-+ ${pkgdatadir}/stage1 ${pkgdatadir}/stage2 ${pkgdatadir}/*stage1_5; do
-+ cp -f $file ${grubdir} || exit 1
-+ done
- # Check the arguments.
- for option in "$@"; do
- case "$option" in
-@@ -166,6 +178,8 @@
- force_lba="--force-lba" ;;
- --recheck)
- recheck=yes ;;
-+ --just-copy)
-+ justcopy=yes ;;
- # This is an undocumented feature...
- --debug)
- debug=yes ;;
-@@ -179,12 +193,6 @@
- esac
- done
--if test "x$install_device" = x; then
-- echo "install_device not specified." 1>&2
-- usage
-- exit 1
- # If the debugging feature is enabled, print commands.
- if test $debug = yes; then
- set -x
-@@ -195,6 +203,18 @@
- grubdir=${bootdir}/grub
- device_map=${grubdir}/
-+# if they just want the images copied, copy the images and then exit
-+if test $justcopy = yes; then
-+ copy_images
-+ exit 0
-+if test "x$install_device" = x; then
-+ echo "install_device not specified." 1>&2
-+ usage
-+ exit 1
- # Check if GRUB is installed
- if test -f "$grub_shell"; then
- :
-@@ -224,14 +244,7 @@
- test -d "$bootdir" || mkdir "$bootdir" || exit 1
- test -d "$grubdir" || mkdir "$grubdir" || exit 1
--# Copy the GRUB images to the GRUB directory.
--for file in ${grubdir}/stage1 ${grubdir}/stage2 ${grubdir}/*stage1_5; do
-- rm -f $file || exit 1
--for file in \
-- ${pkgdatadir}/stage1 ${pkgdatadir}/stage2 ${pkgdatadir}/*stage1_5; do
-- cp -f $file ${grubdir} || exit 1
- # If --recheck is specified, remove the device map, if present.
- if test $recheck = yes; then
diff --git a/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-passwordprompt.patch b/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-passwordprompt.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 47810a9ca9b9..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-passwordprompt.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-diff -ur grub-0.90/stage2/stage2.c grub/stage2/stage2.c
---- grub-0.90/stage2/stage2.c Thu Jul 19 01:58:59 2001
-+++ grub/stage2/stage2.c Thu Jul 19 01:59:11 2001
-@@ -316,6 +316,7 @@
- char *cur_entry = 0;
- int disp_up = DISP_UP;
- int disp_down = DISP_DOWN;
-+ int ask_pass = 0;
- /*
- * Main loop for menu UI.
-@@ -423,8 +424,72 @@
- grub_printf ("\n\
- Use the %c and %c keys to select which entry is highlighted.\n",
- disp_up, disp_down);
-- if (! auth && password)
-+ if (! auth && password && ask_pass)
-+ {
-+ /* Do password check here! */
-+ char entered[32];
-+ char *pptr = password;
-+ /* we've asked, so don't ask again */
-+ ask_pass = 0;
-+ if (terminal & TERMINAL_DUMB)
-+ grub_printf ("\n\nThe selected entry is %d ", entryno);
-+ else
-+ {
-+ print_entries (view_y0 + 3, 12, first_entry, menu_entries);
-+ /* highlight initial line */
-+ set_line_highlight (view_y0 + 4 + entryno, first_entry + entryno,
-+ menu_entries);
-+ }
-+ /* Wipe out the previously entered password */
-+ memset (entered, 0, sizeof (entered));
-+ gotoxy (view_x0 + 1, view_y0 + 16);
-+ get_cmdline (" Password: ", entered, 31, '*', 0);
-+ while (! isspace (*pptr) && *pptr)
-+ pptr++;
-+ /* Make sure that PASSWORD is NUL-terminated. */
-+ *pptr++ = 0;
-+ if (! check_password (entered, password, password_type))
-+ {
-+ char *new_file = config_file;
-+ while (isspace (*pptr))
-+ pptr++;
-+ /* If *PPTR is NUL, then allow the user to use
-+ privileged instructions, otherwise, load
-+ another configuration file. */
-+ if (*pptr != 0)
-+ {
-+ while ((*(new_file++) = *(pptr++)) != 0)
-+ ;
-+ /* Make sure that the user will not have
-+ authority in the next configuration. */
-+ auth = 0;
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ else
-+ {
-+ /* Now the user is superhuman. */
-+ auth = 1;
-+ goto restart;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ else
-+ {
-+ printf (" Failed!\n Press any key to continue...");
-+ getkey ();
-+ goto restart;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ else if (! auth && password)
- {
- printf ("\
- Press enter to boot the selected OS or \'p\' to enter a\n\
-@@ -637,57 +702,8 @@
- {
- if (c == 'p')
- {
-- /* Do password check here! */
-- char entered[32];
-- char *pptr = password;
-- if (terminal & TERMINAL_DUMB)
-- grub_printf ("\r ");
-- else
-- gotoxy (view_x0 + 1, view_y1 + 21);
-- /* Wipe out the previously entered password */
-- memset (entered, 0, sizeof (entered));
-- get_cmdline (" Password: ", entered, 31, '*', 0);
-- while (! isspace (*pptr) && *pptr)
-- pptr++;
-- /* Make sure that PASSWORD is NUL-terminated. */
-- *pptr++ = 0;
-- if (! check_password (entered, password, password_type))
-- {
-- char *new_file = config_file;
-- while (isspace (*pptr))
-- pptr++;
-- /* If *PPTR is NUL, then allow the user to use
-- privileged instructions, otherwise, load
-- another configuration file. */
-- if (*pptr != 0)
-- {
-- while ((*(new_file++) = *(pptr++)) != 0)
-- ;
-- /* Make sure that the user will not have
-- authority in the next configuration. */
-- auth = 0;
-- return;
-- }
-- else
-- {
-- /* Now the user is superhuman. */
-- auth = 1;
-- goto restart;
-- }
-- }
-- else
-- {
-- printf ("Failed!\n Press any key to continue...");
-- getkey ();
-- goto restart;
-- }
-+ ask_pass = 1;
-+ goto restart;
- }
- }
- else
diff --git a/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-staticcurses.patch b/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-staticcurses.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dff39b17c2e..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-staticcurses.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
---- grub-0.90/ Thu Aug 2 20:14:19 2001
-+++ grub-0.90/ Fri Aug 3 12:52:20 2001
-@@ -171,9 +171,9 @@
- # Unless the user specify --without-curses, check for curses.
- if test "x$with_curses" != "xno"; then
-- AC_CHECK_LIB(ncurses, wgetch, [GRUB_LIBS="$GRUB_LIBS -lncurses"
-+ AC_CHECK_LIB(ncurses, wgetch, [GRUB_LIBS="$GRUB_LIBS /usr/lib/libncurses.a"
-- [AC_CHECK_LIB(curses, wgetch, [GRUB_LIBS="$GRUB_LIBS -lcurses"
-+ [AC_CHECK_LIB(curses, wgetch, [GRUB_LIBS="$GRUB_LIBS /usr/lib/libncurses.a"
- fi
diff --git a/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-symlinkmenulst.patch b/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-symlinkmenulst.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 553d15a6c016..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-symlinkmenulst.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-Only in grub: ChangeLog~
-diff -ur grub-0.90/util/ grub/util/
---- grub-0.90/util/ Wed Sep 5 15:50:06 2001
-+++ grub/util/ Wed Sep 5 15:50:24 2001
-@@ -320,6 +320,10 @@
- exit 1
- fi
-+if ! test -e ${grubdir}/grub.conf ; then
-+ test -e ${grubdir}/menu.lst && ln -s ./menu.lst ${grubdir}/grub.conf
- # Create a safe temporary file.
- test -x /bin/mktemp && log_file=`/bin/mktemp /tmp/grub-install.log.XXXXXX`
-Only in grub/util:
diff --git a/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-vga16-keypressclear.patch b/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-vga16-keypressclear.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e1678344ba12..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.90-vga16-keypressclear.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-diff -ur grub/stage2/stage2.c grub-0.90/stage2/stage2.c
---- grub/stage2/stage2.c Thu Jul 19 01:43:41 2001
-+++ grub-0.90/stage2/stage2.c Thu Jul 19 01:50:23 2001
-@@ -503,19 +503,6 @@
- c = translate_keycode (getkey ());
-- if (grub_timeout >= 0)
-- {
-- if (terminal & TERMINAL_DUMB)
-- grub_putchar ('\r');
-- else
-- gotoxy (view_x0 + 3, 22);
-- printf (" ");
-- grub_timeout = -1;
-- fallback_entry = -1;
-- if (! (terminal & TERMINAL_DUMB))
-- gotoxy (view_x1 - 6, view_x0 + 4 + entryno);
-- }
- /* We told them above (at least in SUPPORT_SERIAL) to use
- '^' or 'v' so accept these keys. */
- if (c == 16 || c == '^')
-@@ -792,6 +779,12 @@
- }
- #endif
- }
-+ if (grub_timeout >= 0)
-+ {
-+ grub_timeout = -1;
-+ fallback_entry = -1;
-+ goto restart;
-+ }
- }
- }
diff --git a/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.91-bootonce.patch b/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.91-bootonce.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 90d7cfd3fda4..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.91-bootonce.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-Subject: PATCH (updated): 'lilo -R' functionality
-From: Keir Fraser <>
-Message-Id: <>
-The following is a slight modification to the patch I submitted a week
-or so ago. This will cause GRUB to skip displaying the boot menu if a
-one-shot default has been specified (just as lilo does with '-R').
-Same caveats as for previous patch:
- * The new 'savedefault' function in the GRUB shell is incomplete.
- Only works if the filesystem containing stage2 file is mounted.
- * Patch is against grub-0.90, but patches directly to 0.91
-I hope this goes into CVS in the next round of updates :-)
- -- Keir Fraser
-diff -urBP grub-0.90-old/stage2/builtins.c grub-0.90-modified/stage2/builtins.c
---- grub-0.90-old/stage2/builtins.c Fri Feb 22 11:59:57 2002
-+++ grub-0.90-modified/stage2/builtins.c Fri Feb 22 13:48:36 2002
-@@ -785,6 +785,17 @@
- default_func (char *arg, int flags)
- {
-+#ifndef GRUB_UTIL
-+ /* Has a forced once-only default been specified? */
-+ static int savedefault_helper(int);
-+ if ((saved_entryno & STAGE2_ONCEONLY_ENTRY) != 0)
-+ {
-+ grub_timeout = 0;
-+ default_entry = saved_entryno & ~STAGE2_ONCEONLY_ENTRY;
-+ savedefault_helper(0);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
- if (grub_strcmp (arg, "saved") == 0)
- {
- default_entry = saved_entryno;
-@@ -3074,22 +3085,15 @@
- };
--/* savedefault */
-+#if !defined(SUPPORT_DISKLESS) && !defined(GRUB_UTIL)
-+/* Write specified default entry number into stage2 file. */
- static int
--savedefault_func (char *arg, int flags)
-+savedefault_helper(int new_default)
- {
--#if !defined(SUPPORT_DISKLESS) && !defined(GRUB_UTIL)
- char buffer[512];
- int *entryno_ptr;
-- /* This command is only useful when you boot an entry from the menu
-- interface. */
-- if (! (flags & BUILTIN_SCRIPT))
-- {
-- return 1;
-- }
- /* Get the geometry of the boot drive (i.e. the disk which contains
- this stage2). */
- if (get_diskinfo (boot_drive, &buf_geom))
-@@ -3115,10 +3119,10 @@
- entryno_ptr = (int *) (buffer + STAGE2_SAVED_ENTRYNO);
- /* Check if the saved entry number differs from current entry number. */
-- if (*entryno_ptr != current_entryno)
-+ if (*entryno_ptr != new_default)
- {
- /* Overwrite the saved entry number. */
-- *entryno_ptr = current_entryno;
-+ *entryno_ptr = new_default;
- /* Save the image in the disk. */
- if (! rawwrite (boot_drive, install_second_sector, buffer))
-@@ -3129,6 +3133,117 @@
- }
- return 0;
-+#if !defined(SUPPORT_DISKLESS) && defined(GRUB_UTIL)
-+ * Full implementation of new `savedefault' for GRUB shell.
-+ * XXX This needs fixing for stage2 files which aren't accessible
-+ * through a mounted filesystem.
-+ */
-+static int
-+savedefault_shell(char *arg, int flags)
-+ char *stage2_os_file = "/boot/grub/stage2"; /* Default filename */
-+ FILE *fp;
-+ char buffer[512];
-+ int *entryno_ptr;
-+ int new_default = 0;
-+ while (1)
-+ {
-+ if (grub_memcmp ("--stage2=", arg, sizeof ("--stage2=") - 1) == 0)
-+ {
-+ stage2_os_file = arg + sizeof ("--stage2=") - 1;
-+ arg = skip_to (0, arg);
-+ nul_terminate (stage2_os_file);
-+ }
-+ else if (grub_memcmp ("--default=", arg, sizeof ("--default=") - 1) == 0)
-+ {
-+ char *p = arg + sizeof ("--default=") - 1;
-+ if (! safe_parse_maxint (&p, &new_default))
-+ return 1;
-+ arg = skip_to (0, arg);
-+ }
-+ else if (grub_memcmp ("--once", arg, sizeof ("--once") - 1) == 0)
-+ {
-+ new_default |= STAGE2_ONCEONLY_ENTRY;
-+ arg = skip_to (0, arg);
-+ }
-+ else
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ if (! (fp = fopen(stage2_os_file, "r+")))
-+ {
-+ errnum = ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND;
-+ return 1;
-+ }
-+ if (fseek (fp, SECTOR_SIZE, SEEK_SET) != 0)
-+ {
-+ fclose (fp);
-+ errnum = ERR_BAD_VERSION;
-+ return 1;
-+ }
-+ if (fread (buffer, 1, SECTOR_SIZE, fp) != SECTOR_SIZE)
-+ {
-+ fclose (fp);
-+ errnum = ERR_READ;
-+ return 1;
-+ }
-+ /* Sanity check. */
-+ if (buffer[STAGE2_STAGE2_ID] != STAGE2_ID_STAGE2
-+ || *((short *) (buffer + STAGE2_VER_MAJ_OFFS)) != COMPAT_VERSION)
-+ {
-+ errnum = ERR_BAD_VERSION;
-+ return 1;
-+ }
-+ entryno_ptr = (int *) (buffer + STAGE2_SAVED_ENTRYNO);
-+ *entryno_ptr = new_default;
-+ if (fseek (fp, SECTOR_SIZE, SEEK_SET) != 0)
-+ {
-+ fclose (fp);
-+ errnum = ERR_BAD_VERSION;
-+ return 1;
-+ }
-+ if (fwrite (buffer, 1, SECTOR_SIZE, fp) != SECTOR_SIZE)
-+ {
-+ fclose (fp);
-+ errnum = ERR_WRITE;
-+ return 1;
-+ }
-+ (void)fflush (fp);
-+ fclose (fp);
-+ return 0;
-+/* savedefault */
-+static int
-+savedefault_func (char *arg, int flags)
-+#if !defined(SUPPORT_DISKLESS)
-+#if !defined(GRUB_UTIL)
-+ /* This command is only useful when you boot an entry from the menu
-+ interface. */
-+ if (! (flags & BUILTIN_SCRIPT))
-+ {
-+ return 1;
-+ }
-+ return savedefault_helper(current_entryno);
-+#else /* defined(GRUB_UTIL) */
-+ return savedefault_shell(arg, flags);
- #else /* ! SUPPORT_DISKLESS && ! GRUB_UTIL */
- return 1;
-@@ -3140,8 +3255,14 @@
- "savedefault",
- savedefault_func,
-+#ifdef GRUB_UTIL
-+ "savedefault [--stage2=STAGE2_FILE] [--default=DEFAULT] [--once]",
-+ "Save DEFAULT as the default boot entry in STAGE2_FILE. If '--once'"
-+ " is specified, the default is reset after the next reboot."
- "savedefault",
- "Save the current entry as the default boot entry."
- };
-@@ -4217,6 +4338,15 @@
- static int
- timeout_func (char *arg, int flags)
- {
-+ /* One-shot default shenanigans -- don't piss around with the menu! */
-+ if (grub_timeout != -1)
-+ return 0;
-+ if ((saved_entryno & STAGE2_ONCEONLY_ENTRY) != 0)
-+ {
-+ grub_timeout = 0;
-+ return 0;
-+ }
- if (! safe_parse_maxint (&arg, &grub_timeout))
- return 1;
-diff -urBP grub-0.90-old/stage2/shared.h grub-0.90-modified/stage2/shared.h
---- grub-0.90-old/stage2/shared.h Fri Feb 22 11:59:53 2002
-+++ grub-0.90-modified/stage2/shared.h Fri Feb 22 10:51:49 2002
-@@ -199,6 +199,8 @@
- #define STAGE2_FORCE_LBA 0x11
- #define STAGE2_VER_STR_OFFS 0x12
-+#define STAGE2_ONCEONLY_ENTRY 0x10000
- /* Stage 2 identifiers */
- #define STAGE2_ID_STAGE2 0
- #define STAGE2_ID_FFS_STAGE1_5 1
-Bug-grub mailing list
diff --git a/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.91-splashimagehelp.patch b/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.91-splashimagehelp.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index cc7807350493..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.91-splashimagehelp.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-diff -ur grub-0.91/docs/grub.texi grub/docs/grub.texi
---- grub-0.91/docs/grub.texi Mon Jan 21 22:57:46 2002
-+++ grub/docs/grub.texi Mon Jan 21 22:57:51 2002
-@@ -1891,6 +1891,7 @@
- * rarp:: Initialize a network device via RARP
- * serial:: Set up a serial device
- * setkey:: Configure the key map
-+* splashimage:: Use a splash image
- * terminal:: Choose a terminal
- * tftpserver:: Specify a TFTP server
- * unhide:: Unhide a partition
-@@ -2260,6 +2261,16 @@
- @end deffn
-+@node splashimage
-+@subsection splashimage
-+@deffn Command splashimage file
-+Select an image to use as the background image. This should be
-+specified using normal GRUB device naming syntax. The format of the
-+file is a gzipped xpm which is 640x480 with a 14 color palette.
-+@end deffn
- @node terminal
- @subsection terminal
diff --git a/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.91-vga16-serial.patch b/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.91-vga16-serial.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 97d6f7dfa56f..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.91-vga16-serial.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-2002-04-14 Grant Edwards <>
- * stage2/builtins.c (terminal_func): Force VGA16 code
- to use "text" display if serial console is selected.
- Enables use of serial and splashimage/vga16 console
- combination.
-diff -U5 -r grub-0.91-vga/stage2/builtins.c grub-0.91-vga-fixed/stage2/builtins.c
---- grub-0.91-vga/stage2/builtins.c Sun Apr 14 13:18:30 2002
-+++ grub-0.91-vga-fixed/stage2/builtins.c Sun Apr 14 10:51:53 2002
-@@ -159,10 +159,12 @@
- "background RRGGBB",
- "Sets the background color when in graphics mode."
- "RR is red, GG is green, and BB blue. Numbers must be in hexadecimal."
- };
-+extern int vga_disabled;
- #endif /* VGA16 */
- /* blocklist */
- static int
-@@ -4170,11 +4172,15 @@
- }
- else if ((terminal & TERMINAL_SERIAL) && serial_checkkey () != -1)
- {
- (void) getkey ();
-+#ifdef VGA16
-+ vga_disabled = 1;
-+ display_idx = 0;
-+ display = &display_entries[0];
- /* If the interface is currently the command-line, restart
- it to repaint the screen. */
- if (flags & BUILTIN_CMDLINE)
- grub_longjmp (restart_cmdline_env, 0);
-@@ -4182,10 +4188,18 @@
- }
- }
- /* Expired. */
- terminal &= (default_terminal | TERMINAL_DUMB);
-+#ifdef VGA16
-+ if (!(terminal & TERMINAL_CONSOLE))
-+ {
-+ vga_disabled = 1;
-+ display_idx = 0;
-+ display = &display_entries[0];
-+ }
- }
- #endif /* SUPPORT_SERIAL */
- return 0;
- }
diff --git a/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.92-automake16.patch b/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.92-automake16.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b07ed9ec8cb..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.92-automake16.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-diff -ur grub-0.92/ grub/
---- grub-0.92/ Wed May 1 20:54:16 2002
-+++ grub/ Wed May 1 20:55:39 2002
-@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
- dnl Because recent automake complains about AS, set it here.
- AC_ARG_WITH(binutils,
- [ --with-binutils=DIR search the directory DIR to find binutils])
-@@ -607,9 +607,9 @@
--dnl Because recent automake complains about ASFLAGS, set it here.
-+dnl Because recent automake complains about CCASFLAGS, set it here.
- AC_ARG_ENABLE(vga16,
- [ --disable-vga16 disable VGA graphics interface])
-diff -ur grub-0.92/stage1/ grub/stage1/
---- grub-0.92/stage1/ Wed Jul 4 03:33:48 2001
-+++ grub/stage1/ Wed May 1 20:56:58 2002
-@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- CLEANFILES = $(nodist_pkgdata_DATA)
- # We can't use builtins or standard includes.
--AM_ASFLAGS = $(STAGE1_CFLAGS) -fno-builtin -nostdinc
-+AM_CCASFLAGS = $(STAGE1_CFLAGS) -fno-builtin -nostdinc
- LDFLAGS = -nostdlib -Wl,-N,-Ttext,7C00
- noinst_PROGRAMS = stage1.exec
-Only in grub/stage1:
-diff -ur grub-0.92/stage2/ grub/stage2/
---- grub-0.92/stage2/ Sun Feb 3 23:55:48 2002
-+++ grub/stage2/ Wed May 1 20:57:51 2002
-@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
- fsys_vstafs.c fsys_xfs.c hercules.c serial.c smp-imps.c \
- stage2.c md5.c
- pre_stage2_exec_CFLAGS = $(STAGE2_COMPILE) $(FSYS_CFLAGS)
--pre_stage2_exec_ASFLAGS = $(STAGE2_COMPILE) $(FSYS_CFLAGS)
-+pre_stage2_exec_CCASFLAGS = $(STAGE2_COMPILE) $(FSYS_CFLAGS)
- pre_stage2_exec_LDFLAGS = $(PRE_STAGE2_LINK)
-@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
- echo "#define STAGE2_SIZE $$6" > stage2_size.h
- start_exec_SOURCES = start.S
--start_exec_ASFLAGS = $(STAGE2_COMPILE)
-+start_exec_CCASFLAGS = $(STAGE2_COMPILE)
- start_exec_LDFLAGS = $(START_LINK)
- # XXX: automake doesn't provide a way to specify dependencies for object
-@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
- stage1_5.c fsys_ext2fs.c bios.c
- e2fs_stage1_5_exec_CFLAGS = $(STAGE1_5_COMPILE) -DFSYS_EXT2FS=1 \
--e2fs_stage1_5_exec_ASFLAGS = $(STAGE1_5_COMPILE) -DFSYS_EXT2FS=1 \
-+e2fs_stage1_5_exec_CCASFLAGS = $(STAGE1_5_COMPILE) -DFSYS_EXT2FS=1 \
- e2fs_stage1_5_exec_LDFLAGS = $(STAGE1_5_LINK)
-@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
- stage1_5.c fsys_fat.c bios.c
- fat_stage1_5_exec_CFLAGS = $(STAGE1_5_COMPILE) -DFSYS_FAT=1 \
--fat_stage1_5_exec_ASFLAGS = $(STAGE1_5_COMPILE) -DFSYS_FAT=1 \
-+fat_stage1_5_exec_CCASFLAGS = $(STAGE1_5_COMPILE) -DFSYS_FAT=1 \
- fat_stage1_5_exec_LDFLAGS = $(STAGE1_5_LINK)
-@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
- stage1_5.c fsys_ffs.c bios.c
- ffs_stage1_5_exec_CFLAGS = $(STAGE1_5_COMPILE) -DFSYS_FFS=1 \
--ffs_stage1_5_exec_ASFLAGS = $(STAGE1_5_COMPILE) -DFSYS_FFS=1 \
-+ffs_stage1_5_exec_CCASFLAGS = $(STAGE1_5_COMPILE) -DFSYS_FFS=1 \
- ffs_stage1_5_exec_LDFLAGS = $(STAGE1_5_LINK)
-@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
- stage1_5.c fsys_minix.c bios.c
- minix_stage1_5_exec_CFLAGS = $(STAGE1_5_COMPILE) -DFSYS_MINIX=1 \
--minix_stage1_5_exec_ASFLAGS = $(STAGE1_5_COMPILE) -DFSYS_MINIX=1 \
-+minix_stage1_5_exec_CCASFLAGS = $(STAGE1_5_COMPILE) -DFSYS_MINIX=1 \
- minix_stage1_5_exec_LDFLAGS = $(STAGE1_5_LINK)
-@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
- disk_io.c stage1_5.c fsys_reiserfs.c bios.c
- reiserfs_stage1_5_exec_CFLAGS = $(STAGE1_5_COMPILE) -DFSYS_REISERFS=1 \
--reiserfs_stage1_5_exec_ASFLAGS = $(STAGE1_5_COMPILE) -DFSYS_REISERFS=1 \
-+reiserfs_stage1_5_exec_CCASFLAGS = $(STAGE1_5_COMPILE) -DFSYS_REISERFS=1 \
- reiserfs_stage1_5_exec_LDFLAGS = $(STAGE1_5_LINK)
-@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
- disk_io.c stage1_5.c fsys_vstafs.c bios.c
- vstafs_stage1_5_exec_CFLAGS = $(STAGE1_5_COMPILE) -DFSYS_VSTAFS=1 \
--vstafs_stage1_5_exec_ASFLAGS = $(STAGE1_5_COMPILE) -DFSYS_VSTAFS=1 \
-+vstafs_stage1_5_exec_CCASFLAGS = $(STAGE1_5_COMPILE) -DFSYS_VSTAFS=1 \
- vstafs_stage1_5_exec_LDFLAGS = $(STAGE1_5_LINK)
-@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
- disk_io.c stage1_5.c fsys_jfs.c bios.c
- jfs_stage1_5_exec_CFLAGS = $(STAGE1_5_COMPILE) -DFSYS_JFS=1 \
--jfs_stage1_5_exec_ASFLAGS = $(STAGE1_5_COMPILE) -DFSYS_JFS=1 \
-+jfs_stage1_5_exec_CCASFLAGS = $(STAGE1_5_COMPILE) -DFSYS_JFS=1 \
- jfs_stage1_5_exec_LDFLAGS = $(STAGE1_5_LINK)
-@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@
- disk_io.c stage1_5.c fsys_xfs.c bios.c
- xfs_stage1_5_exec_CFLAGS = $(STAGE1_5_COMPILE) -DFSYS_XFS=1 \
--xfs_stage1_5_exec_ASFLAGS = $(STAGE1_5_COMPILE) -DFSYS_XFS=1 \
-+xfs_stage1_5_exec_CCASFLAGS = $(STAGE1_5_COMPILE) -DFSYS_XFS=1 \
- xfs_stage1_5_exec_LDFLAGS = $(STAGE1_5_LINK)
-@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
- diskless_exec_SOURCES = $(pre_stage2_exec_SOURCES)
- diskless_exec_CFLAGS = $(STAGE2_COMPILE) $(FSYS_CFLAGS) \
--diskless_exec_ASFLAGS = $(STAGE2_COMPILE) $(FSYS_CFLAGS) \
-+diskless_exec_CCASFLAGS = $(STAGE2_COMPILE) $(FSYS_CFLAGS) \
- diskless_exec_LDFLAGS = $(PRE_STAGE2_LINK)
- diskless_exec_LDADD = ../netboot/libdrivers.a
-@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@
- # For nbloader target.
- nbloader_exec_SOURCES = nbloader.S
--nbloader_exec_ASFLAGS = $(STAGE2_COMPILE)
-+nbloader_exec_CCASFLAGS = $(STAGE2_COMPILE)
- nbloader_exec_LDFLAGS = $(NBLOADER_LINK)
- # XXX: See the comment for start_exec-start.o.
-@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@
- # For pxeloader target.
- pxeloader_exec_SOURCES = pxeloader.S
--pxeloader_exec_ASFLAGS = $(STAGE2_COMPILE)
-+pxeloader_exec_CCASFLAGS = $(STAGE2_COMPILE)
- pxeloader_exec_LDFLAGS = $(PXELOADER_LINK)
- # XXX: See the comment for start_exec-start.o.
-Only in grub/stage2:
diff --git a/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.92-nodeprecatedflags.patch b/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.92-nodeprecatedflags.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 592a8fc4a9fd..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.92-nodeprecatedflags.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- Wed May 1 20:12:18 2002
-+++ Wed May 1 20:14:15 2002
-@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
- ])
- # Force no alignment to save space.
--CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -malign-jumps=1 -malign-loops=1 -malign-functions=1"
-+CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -falign-jumps=1 -falign-loops=1 -falign-functions=1"
- if test "x$undef_flag" = xyes; then
diff --git a/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.92-usbfix.patch b/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.92-usbfix.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ec17311a52e..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.92-usbfix.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-diff -ur grub-0.92/stage2/shared.h grub/stage2/shared.h
---- grub-0.92/stage2/shared.h 25 Mar 2002 21:43:55 -0000
-+++ grub/stage2/shared.h 7 May 2002 18:34:23 -0000
-@@ -258,14 +258,18 @@
- #define VARIABLE(x) ENTRY(x)
-+/* Keyboard controller defines */
- #define K_RDWR 0x60 /* keyboard data & cmds (read/write) */
--#define K_STATUS 0x64 /* keyboard status */
-+#define K_STATUS 0x64 /* keyboard status (read-only) */
- #define K_CMD 0x64 /* keybd ctlr command (write-only) */
- #define K_OBUF_FUL 0x01 /* output buffer full */
- #define K_IBUF_FUL 0x02 /* input buffer full */
--#define KC_CMD_WIN 0xd0 /* read output port */
-+#define KC_CMD_KBDIS 0xad /* disable keyboard */
-+#define KC_CMD_KBEN 0xae /* enable keyboard */
-+#define KC_CMD_ROUT 0xd0 /* read output port */
- #define KC_CMD_WOUT 0xd1 /* write output port */
- #define KB_OUTPUT_MASK 0xdd /* enable output buffer full interrupt
- enable data line
-diff -ur grub-0.92/stage2/asm.S grub/stage2/asm.S
---- grub-0.92/stage2/asm.S 12 Nov 2001 06:57:29 -0000
-+++ grub/stage2/asm.S 7 May 2002 18:34:28 -0000
-@@ -1694,10 +1694,24 @@
- */
- ENTRY(gateA20)
-+ pushl %ebp
-+ movl %esp, %ebp
- pushl %eax
-+ pushl %ebx
- call gloop1
-+ /* mask PS/2 interrupts */
-+ movb $0x10, %al
-+ outb $0xa1
-+ movb $1, %al
-+ outb $0x21
-+ /* disable keyboard */
-+ movb $KC_CMD_KBDIS, %al
-+ outb $K_CMD
-+ call gloop1
-+ /* set up to write keyboard controller "output port" */
- movb $KC_CMD_WOUT, %al
- outb $K_CMD
-@@ -1707,16 +1721,29 @@
- jnz gloopint1
- movb $KB_OUTPUT_MASK, %al
-- cmpb $0, 0x8(%esp)
-+ cmpb $0, 0x8(%ebp)
- jz gdoit
- orb $KB_A20_ENABLE, %al
- gdoit:
-+ /* write keyboard controller "output port" */
- outb $K_RDWR
- call gloop1
-+ /* enable keyboard again (this also adds a bit of delay...) */
-+ movb $KC_CMD_KBEN, %al
-+ outb $K_CMD
-+ call gloop1
-+ /* unmask PS/2 interrupts */
-+ movb $0, %al
-+ outb $0xa1
-+ movb $0, %al
-+ outb $0x21
-+ popl %ebx
- popl %eax
-+ popl %ebp
- ret
- gloop1:
diff --git a/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.92-vga16.patch b/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.92-vga16.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a915352e6ef..000000000000
--- a/sys-boot/grub/files/grub-0.92/grub-0.92-vga16.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2058 +0,0 @@
-diff -ur grub-0.92/ChangeLog grub/ChangeLog
---- grub-0.92/ChangeLog Mon Apr 29 14:51:03 2002
-+++ grub/ChangeLog Wed May 1 20:29:20 2002
-@@ -2104,6 +2104,18 @@
- [!STAGE1_5] (CMDLINE_WIDTH): New macro.
- [!STAGE1_5] (CMDLINE_MARGIN): Likewise.
- * stage2/shared.h (TERMINAL_DUMB): Likewise.
-+2000-08-29 Paulo César Pereira de Andrade <>
-+ * Added --disable-vga16 option, in case user does not
-+ want the new VGA graphics interface.
-+ * stage2/asm.S: Added some new functions, for graphics operations,
-+ and renamed several functions to allow wrapping them.
-+ * stage2/stage2.c: Main changes for VGA16 support.
-+ * stage2/char_io.c: Modified calls of grub_putchar to putchar
-+ * stage2/disk_io.c: Same as for char_io.c
-+ * stage2/cmdline.c: Also, the same as for char_io.c
-+ * stage2/shared.h: Definitions for externs and wrapping functions.
- 2000-08-28 OKUJI Yoshinori <>
-diff -ur grub-0.92/ grub/
---- grub-0.92/ Fri Mar 29 05:24:17 2002
-+++ grub/ Wed May 1 20:29:20 2002
-@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
- AC_PREREQ(2.13)
- case "$host_cpu" in
- i[[3456]]86) host_cpu=i386 ;;
-@@ -610,6 +611,12 @@
-+ [ --disable-vga16 disable VGA graphics interface])
-+if test x"$enable_vga16" != xno; then
- dnl Output.
- AC_OUTPUT([Makefile stage1/Makefile stage2/Makefile docs/Makefile \
-diff -ur grub-0.92/stage2/asm.S grub/stage2/asm.S
---- grub-0.92/stage2/asm.S Mon Nov 12 01:57:29 2001
-+++ grub/stage2/asm.S Wed May 1 20:29:20 2002
-@@ -1865,7 +1865,7 @@
- * %cl = cursor ending scanline
- */
- push %ebp
- push %ebx /* save EBX */
-@@ -1951,7 +1951,7 @@
- /*
-- * console_set_attrib(attr) : Sets the character attributes for character at
-+ * grub_set_attrib(attr) : Sets the character attributes for character at
- * current cursor position.
- *
- * Bitfields for character's display attribute:
-@@ -1985,7 +1985,7 @@
- * %cx = count to display (???, possible side-effects!!)
- */
- push %ebp
- push %ebx
-@@ -2009,6 +2009,263 @@
- pop %ebp
- ret
-+#ifdef VGA16
-+.word 0
-+.word 0
-+.word 0
-+.word 0
-+.word 0
-+.byte 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-+ * set_int1c_handler(void)
-+ */
-+ pushl %edi
-+ /* save the original int1c handler */
-+ movl $0x70, %edi
-+ movw (%edi), %ax
-+ movw %ax, ABS(int1c_offset)
-+ movw 2(%edi), %ax
-+ movw %ax, ABS(int1c_segment)
-+ /* save the new int1c handler */
-+ movw $ABS(int1c_handler), %ax
-+ movw %ax, (%edi)
-+ xorw %ax, %ax
-+ movw %ax, 2(%edi)
-+ popl %edi
-+ ret
-+ * unset_int1c_handler(void)
-+ */
-+ pushl %edi
-+ /* check if int1c_handler is set */
-+ movl $0x70, %edi
-+ movw $ABS(int1c_handler), %ax
-+ cmpw %ax, (%edi)
-+ jne int1c_1
-+ xorw %ax, %ax
-+ cmpw %ax, 2(%edi)
-+ jne int1c_1
-+ /* restore the original */
-+ movw ABS(int1c_offset), %ax
-+ movw %ax, (%edi)
-+ movw ABS(int1c_segment), %ax
-+ movw %ax, 2(%edi)
-+ popl %edi
-+ ret
-+ * blinks graphics cursor
-+ */
-+ .code16
-+ movw $0, %ax
-+ movw %ax, %ds
-+ mov $0xA000, %ax /* video in es:di */
-+ mov %ax, %es
-+ mov $80, %ax
-+ movw $ABS(cursorY), %si
-+ mov %ds:(%si), %bx
-+ mul %bx
-+ movw $ABS(cursorX), %si
-+ mov %ds:(%si), %bx
-+ shr $3, %bx /* %bx /= 8 */
-+ add %bx, %ax
-+ mov %ax, %di
-+ movw $ABS(cursorBuf), %si /* fontBuf in ds:si */
-+ /* prepare for data moving */
-+ mov $16, %dx /* altura da fonte */
-+ mov $80, %bx /* bytes por linha */
-+ movb %ds:(%si), %al
-+ xorb $0xff, %al
-+ movb %al, %ds:(%si) /* invert cursorBuf */
-+ movb %al, %es:(%di) /* write to video */
-+ add %bx, %di
-+ inc %si
-+ dec %dx
-+ jg write_loop
-+ ret
-+ pusha
-+ mov $0, %ax
-+ mov %ax, %ds
-+ mov $ABS(cursorCount), %si
-+ mov %ds:(%si), %ax
-+ inc %ax
-+ mov %ax, %ds:(%si)
-+ cmp $9, %ax
-+ jne int1c_done
-+ mov $0, %ax
-+ mov %ax, %ds:(%si)
-+ movw $0x3c4, %dx
-+ movb $0x020f, %ax
-+ outw %ax, %dx
-+ call write_data
-+ popa
-+ iret
-+ /* call previous int1c handler */
-+ /* ljmp */
-+ .byte 0xea
-+int1c_offset: .word 0
-+int1c_segment: .word 0
-+ .code32
-+ push %ebp
-+ push %ebx
-+ push %ecx
-+ push %edx
-+ call EXT_C(prot_to_real)
-+ .code16
-+ movw $0x1130, %ax
-+ movb $6, %bh /* font 8x16 */
-+ int $0x10
-+ movw %bp, %dx
-+ movw %es, %cx
-+ DATA32 call EXT_C(real_to_prot)
-+ .code32
-+ xorl %eax, %eax
-+ movw %cx, %ax
-+ shll $4, %eax
-+ movw %dx, %ax
-+ pop %edx
-+ pop %ecx
-+ pop %ebx
-+ pop %ebp
-+ ret
-+ * set_videomode(mode)
-+ * BIOS call "INT 10H Function 0h" to set video mode
-+ * Call with %ah = 0x0
-+ * %al = video mode
-+ */
-+ push %ebp
-+ push %ebx
-+ push %ecx
-+ movb 0x10(%esp), %cl
-+ call EXT_C(prot_to_real)
-+ .code16
-+ xorw %bx, %bx
-+ movb $0xf, %ah
-+ int $0x10 /* Get Current Video mode */
-+ movb %al, %ch
-+ xorb %ah, %ah
-+ movb %cl, %al
-+ int $0x10 /* Set Video mode */
-+ DATA32 call EXT_C(real_to_prot)
-+ .code32
-+ xorb %ah, %ah
-+ movb %ch, %al
-+ pop %ecx
-+ pop %ebx
-+ pop %ebp
-+ ret
-+ * set_palette(index, red, green, blue)
-+ * BIOS call "INT 10H Function 10h" to set individual dac register
-+ * Call with %ah = 0x10
-+ * %bx = register number
-+ * %ch = new value for green (0-63)
-+ * %cl = new value for blue (0-63)
-+ * %dh = new value for red (0-63)
-+ */
-+ push %ebp
-+ push %eax
-+ push %ebx
-+ push %ecx
-+ push %edx
-+ movw $0x3c8, %bx /* address write mode register */
-+ /* wait vertical retrace */
-+ movw $0x3da, %dx
-+l1b: inb %dx, %al /* wait vertical active display */
-+ test $8, %al
-+ jnz l1b
-+l2b: inb %dx, %al /* wait vertical retrace */
-+ test $8, %al
-+ jnz l2b
-+ mov %bx, %dx
-+ movb 0x18(%esp), %al /* index */
-+ outb %al, %dx
-+ inc %dx
-+ movb 0x1c(%esp), %al /* red */
-+ outb %al, %dx
-+ movb 0x20(%esp), %al /* green */
-+ outb %al, %dx
-+ movb 0x24(%esp), %al /* blue */
-+ outb %al, %dx
-+ movw 0x18(%esp), %bx
-+ call EXT_C(prot_to_real)
-+ .code16
-+ movb %bl, %bh
-+ movw $0x1000, %ax
-+ int $0x10
-+ DATA32 call EXT_C(real_to_prot)
-+ .code32
-+ pop %edx
-+ pop %ecx
-+ pop %ebx
-+ pop %eax
-+ pop %ebp
-+ ret
- /*
- * getrtsecs()
-diff -ur grub-0.92/stage2/builtins.c grub/stage2/builtins.c
---- grub-0.92/stage2/builtins.c Sun Apr 28 20:26:49 2002
-+++ grub/stage2/builtins.c Wed May 1 20:30:30 2002
-@@ -133,6 +133,36 @@
- grub_printf ("[%d,%d,%d]", sector, offset, length);
- }
-+#ifdef VGA16
-+/* background */
-+static int
-+background_func(char *arg, int flags)
-+ if (grub_strlen(arg) == 6) {
-+ int r = ((hex(arg[0]) << 4) | hex(arg[1])) >> 2;
-+ int g = ((hex(arg[2]) << 4) | hex(arg[3])) >> 2;
-+ int b = ((hex(arg[4]) << 4) | hex(arg[5])) >> 2;
-+ background = (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
-+ if (vga_inited)
-+ set_palette(0, r, g, b);
-+ return (0);
-+ }
-+ return (1);
-+static struct builtin builtin_background =
-+ "background",
-+ background_func,
-+ "background RRGGBB",
-+ "Sets the background color when in graphics mode."
-+ "RR is red, GG is green, and BB blue. Numbers must be in hexadecimal."
-+#endif /* VGA16 */
- /* blocklist */
- static int
-@@ -399,6 +429,40 @@
- #endif /* SUPPORT_NETBOOT */
-+#ifdef VGA16
-+/* foreground */
-+static int
-+border_func(char *arg, int flags)
-+ if (grub_strlen(arg) == 6) {
-+ int r = ((hex(arg[0]) << 4) | hex(arg[1])) >> 2;
-+ int g = ((hex(arg[2]) << 4) | hex(arg[3])) >> 2;
-+ int b = ((hex(arg[4]) << 4) | hex(arg[5])) >> 2;
-+ border = (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
-+ if (vga_inited)
-+ set_palette(0x11, r, g, b);
-+ return (0);
-+ }
-+ return (1);
-+static struct builtin builtin_border =
-+ "border",
-+ border_func,
-+ "border RRGGBB",
-+ "Sets the border video color when in graphics mode."
-+ "RR is red, GG is green, and BB blue. Numbers must be in hexadecimal."
-+#endif /* VGA16 */
- /* cat */
- static int
- cat_func (char *arg, int flags)
-@@ -409,7 +473,7 @@
- return 1;
- while (grub_read (&c, 1))
-- grub_putchar (c);
-+ putchar (c);
- grub_close ();
- return 0;
-@@ -963,6 +1027,44 @@
- return 0;
- }
-+#ifdef VGA16
-+/* display */
-+static int
-+display_func(char *arg, int flags)
-+ int i;
-+ for (i = 0; i < MAX_DISPLAYS; i++) {
-+ if (grub_strcmp(arg, display_entries[i].name) == 0)
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ if (i >= MAX_DISPLAYS)
-+ return (1);
-+ display_idx = i;
-+ if (display->End)
-+ (*display->End)();
-+ display = &display_entries[display_idx];
-+ /* Restart cmain */
-+ grub_longjmp (restart_env, 0);
-+ return (0);
-+static struct builtin builtin_display =
-+ "display",
-+ display_func,
-+ "display MODEL",
-+ "Changes display type. Available modes are \"text\" and \"vga16\"."
-+#endif /* VGA16 */
- static struct builtin builtin_displaymem =
- {
- "displaymem",
-@@ -1298,6 +1400,39 @@
- " the devices which contain the file."
- };
-+#ifdef VGA16
-+/* foreground */
-+static int
-+foreground_func(char *arg, int flags)
-+ if (grub_strlen(arg) == 6) {
-+ int r = ((hex(arg[0]) << 4) | hex(arg[1])) >> 2;
-+ int g = ((hex(arg[2]) << 4) | hex(arg[3])) >> 2;
-+ int b = ((hex(arg[4]) << 4) | hex(arg[5])) >> 2;
-+ foreground = (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;
-+ if (vga_inited)
-+ set_palette(15, r, g, b);
-+ return (0);
-+ }
-+ return (1);
-+static struct builtin builtin_foreground =
-+ "foreground",
-+ foreground_func,
-+ "foreground RRGGBB",
-+ "Sets the foreground color when in graphics mode."
-+ "RR is red, GG is green, and BB blue. Numbers must be in hexadecimal."
-+#endif /* VGA16 */
- /* fstest */
- static int
-@@ -1450,13 +1585,13 @@
- /* help */
--#define MAX_SHORT_DOC_LEN 39
--#define MAX_LONG_DOC_LEN 66
- static int
- help_func (char *arg, int flags)
- {
- int all = 0;
-+ int MAX_SHORT_DOC_LEN = (view_x1 - view_x0 + 1) / 2 - 1;
-+ int MAX_LONG_DOC_LEN = (view_x1 - view_x0) - 14;
- if (grub_memcmp (arg, "--all", sizeof ("--all") - 1) == 0)
- {
-@@ -1491,13 +1626,13 @@
- len = MAX_SHORT_DOC_LEN - 1;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
-- grub_putchar ((*builtin)->short_doc[i]);
-+ putchar ((*builtin)->short_doc[i]);
- for (; i < MAX_SHORT_DOC_LEN; i++)
-- grub_putchar (' ');
-+ putchar (' ');
- if (! left)
-- grub_putchar ('\n');
-+ putchar ('\n');
- left = ! left;
- }
-@@ -1552,8 +1687,8 @@
- grub_printf (" ");
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
-- grub_putchar (*doc++);
-- grub_putchar ('\n');
-+ putchar (*doc++);
-+ putchar ('\n');
- }
- }
- }
-@@ -3260,6 +3395,74 @@
- "Save the current entry as the default boot entry."
- };
-+#ifdef VGA16
-+static int
-+splashimage_func(char *arg, int flags)
-+ if (strlen(arg) > 63)
-+ return (1);
-+ if (flags == BUILTIN_CMDLINE) {
-+ if (!grub_open(arg))
-+ return (1);
-+ grub_close();
-+ }
-+ if (flags == BUILTIN_CMDLINE || !splash_set) {
-+ strcpy(splashimage, arg);
-+ splash_set = 1;
-+ }
-+ if (flags == BUILTIN_CMDLINE && vga_inited) {
-+ display->End();
-+ display->Begin();
-+ cls();
-+/* grub_longjmp(restart_env, 0);*/
-+ }
-+ return (0);
-+static struct builtin builtin_splashimage =
-+ "splashimage",
-+ splashimage_func,
-+ "splashimage FILE",
-+ "Load FILE as the background image when in graphics mode."
-+static int
-+shade_func(char *arg, int flags)
-+ int new_shade;
-+ if (!arg || safe_parse_maxint(&arg, &new_shade) == 0)
-+ return (1);
-+ if (shade != new_shade) {
-+ shade = new_shade;
-+ if (flags == BUILTIN_CMDLINE && vga_inited) {
-+ display->End();
-+ display->Begin();
-+ cls();
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return (0);
-+static struct builtin builtin_shade =
-+ "shade",
-+ shade_func,
-+ "shade INTEGER",
-+ "If set to 0, disables the use of shaded text, else enables it."
-+#endif /* VGA16 */
- /* serial */
-@@ -4572,16 +4775,79 @@
- "Probe VBE information. If the mode number MODE is specified, show only"
- " the information about only the mode."
- };
-+#ifdef VGA16
-+/* viewport */
-+static int
-+viewport_func (char *arg, int flags)
-+ int i;
-+ int x0 = 80, y0 = 25, x1 = 0, y1 = 0;
-+ int *pos[4] = { &x0, &y0, &x1, &y1 };
-+ extern int viewport_set;
-+ if (!arg)
-+ return (1);
-+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-+ if (!*arg)
-+ return (1);
-+ while (*arg && (*arg == ' ' || *arg == '\t'))
-+ ++arg;
-+ if (!safe_parse_maxint(&arg, pos[i]))
-+ return (1);
-+ while (*arg && (*arg != ' ' && *arg != '\t'))
-+ ++arg;
-+ }
-+ x1 += x0;
-+ y1 += y0;
-+ /* minimum size is 60 colums and 16 rows */
-+ if (x0 > x1 - 60 || y0 > y1 - 16 || x0 < 0 || y0 < 0 || x1 > 80 || y1 > 30)
-+ return (1);
-+ viewport_set = 1;
-+ view_x0 = x0;
-+ view_y0 = y0;
-+ view_x1 = x1;
-+ view_y1 = y1;
-+ if (flags == BUILTIN_CMDLINE && vga_inited) {
-+ display->End();
-+ display->Begin();
-+ cls();
-+ }
-+ return (0);
-+static struct builtin builtin_viewport =
-+ "viewport",
-+ viewport_func,
-+ "viewport x y width height",
-+ "Changes grub internals to output text in the window defined by"
-+ " four parameters. The x and y parameters are 0 based. This option"
-+ " only works with the vga interface."
-+#endif /* VGA16 */
- /* The table of builtin commands. Sorted in dictionary order. */
- struct builtin *builtin_table[] =
- {
-+#ifdef VGA16
-+ &builtin_background,
-+#endif /* VGA16 */
- &builtin_blocklist,
- &builtin_boot,
- &builtin_bootp,
- #endif /* SUPPORT_NETBOOT */
-+#ifdef VGA16
-+ &builtin_border,
-+#endif /* VGA16 */
- &builtin_cat,
- &builtin_chainloader,
- &builtin_cmp,
-@@ -4597,12 +4863,18 @@
- #endif /* SUPPORT_NETBOOT */
- &builtin_displayapm,
- &builtin_displaymem,
-+#ifdef VGA16
-+ &builtin_display,
-+#endif /* VGA16 */
- #ifdef GRUB_UTIL
- &builtin_dump,
- #endif /* GRUB_UTIL */
- &builtin_embed,
- &builtin_fallback,
- &builtin_find,
-+#ifdef VGA16
-+ &builtin_foreground,
-+#endif /* VGA16 */
- &builtin_fstest,
- &builtin_geometry,
- &builtin_halt,
-@@ -4646,6 +4918,10 @@
- #endif /* SUPPORT_SERIAL */
- &builtin_setkey,
- &builtin_setup,
-+#ifdef VGA16
-+ &builtin_shade,
-+ &builtin_splashimage,
-+#endif /* VGA16 */
- #if defined(SUPPORT_SERIAL) || defined(SUPPORT_HERCULES)
- &builtin_terminal,
-@@ -4659,5 +4935,8 @@
- &builtin_unhide,
- &builtin_uppermem,
- &builtin_vbeprobe,
-+#ifdef VGA16
-+ &builtin_viewport,
-+#endif /* VGA16 */
- 0
- };
-diff -ur grub-0.92/stage2/char_io.c grub/stage2/char_io.c
---- grub-0.92/stage2/char_io.c Mon Mar 25 16:43:55 2002
-+++ grub/stage2/char_io.c Wed May 1 20:29:20 2002
-@@ -265,8 +265,8 @@
- /* XXX: These should be defined in shared.h, but I leave these here,
- until this code is freezed. */
--#define CMDLINE_WIDTH 78
--#define CMDLINE_MARGIN 10
-+ int CMDLINE_WIDTH = (view_x1 - view_x0) - 2;
-+ int CMDLINE_MARGIN = 10;
- int xpos, lpos, c, section;
- /* The length of PROMPT. */
-@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@
- {
- int y = getxy () & 0xFF;
-- gotoxy (xpos, y);
-+ gotoxy (xpos + view_x0, y);
- }
- else if (! (terminal & TERMINAL_DUMB) && (count > 4))
-@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
-- grub_putchar ('\b');
-+ putchar ('\b');
- }
- # endif /* SUPPORT_SERIAL */
- }
-@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@
- {
- int y = getxy () & 0xFF;
-- gotoxy (xpos, y);
-+ gotoxy (xpos + view_x0, y);
- }
- else if (! (terminal & TERMINAL_DUMB) && (count > 4))
-@@ -368,9 +368,9 @@
- for (i = lpos - count; i < lpos; i++)
- {
- if (! echo_char)
-- grub_putchar (buf[i]);
-+ putchar (buf[i]);
- else
-- grub_putchar (echo_char);
-+ putchar (echo_char);
- }
- }
- # endif /* SUPPORT_SERIAL */
-@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@
- /* From the start to the end. */
- pos = 0;
-- grub_putchar ('\r');
-+ putchar ('\r');
- /* If SECTION is the first section, print the prompt, otherwise,
- print `<'. */
-@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@
- }
- else
- {
-- grub_putchar ('<');
-+ putchar ('<');
- len--;
- pos++;
- }
-@@ -446,9 +446,9 @@
- for (i = start; i < start + len && i < llen; i++)
- {
- if (! echo_char)
-- grub_putchar (buf[i]);
-+ putchar (buf[i]);
- else
-- grub_putchar (echo_char);
-+ putchar (echo_char);
- pos++;
- }
-@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@
- /* Fill up the rest of the line with spaces. */
- for (; i < start + len; i++)
- {
-- grub_putchar (' ');
-+ putchar (' ');
- pos++;
- }
-@@ -467,9 +467,9 @@
- if (pos == CMDLINE_WIDTH)
- {
- if (start + len < llen)
-- grub_putchar ('>');
-+ putchar ('>');
- else
-- grub_putchar (' ');
-+ putchar (' ');
- pos++;
- }
-@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@
- {
- int y = getxy () & 0xFF;
-- gotoxy (xpos, y);
-+ gotoxy (xpos + view_x0, y);
- }
- else if (! (terminal & TERMINAL_SERIAL) && (pos - xpos > 4))
-@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@
- else
- {
- for (i = 0; i < pos - xpos; i++)
-- grub_putchar ('\b');
-+ putchar ('\b');
- }
- # endif /* SUPPORT_SERIAL */
- }
-@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@
- void cl_init (void)
- {
- /* Distinguish us from other lines and error messages! */
-- grub_putchar ('\n');
-+ putchar ('\n');
- /* Print full line and set position here. */
- cl_refresh (1, 0);
-@@ -634,7 +634,7 @@
- /* There are more than one candidates, so print
- the list. */
-- grub_putchar ('\n');
-+ putchar ('\n');
- /* Enable the auto fill mode temporarily. */
- auto_fill = 1;
- print_completions (is_filename, 0);
-@@ -776,7 +776,7 @@
- }
- }
-- grub_putchar ('\n');
-+ putchar ('\n');
- /* If ECHO_CHAR is NUL, remove the leading spaces. */
- lpos = 0;
-@@ -1122,7 +1122,7 @@
- {
- /* Fold a line only if AUTO_FILL is true. */
- if (auto_fill && col >= 79)
-- grub_putchar ('\n');
-+ putchar ('\n');
- col++;
- }
-@@ -1173,7 +1173,7 @@
- #ifndef STAGE1_5
- void
--gotoxy (int x, int y)
-+grub_gotoxy (int x, int y)
- {
- if (terminal & TERMINAL_CONSOLE)
- console_gotoxy (x, y);
-@@ -1197,7 +1197,7 @@
- #endif /* SUPPORT_SERIAL */
- int
--getxy (void)
-+grub_getxy (void)
- {
- int ret = 0;
-@@ -1302,7 +1302,7 @@
- #endif /* SUPPORT_SERIAL */
- void
--cls (void)
-+grub_cls (void)
- {
- if (terminal & TERMINAL_CONSOLE)
- console_cls ();
-@@ -1323,7 +1323,7 @@
- {
- /* If the terminal is dumb, there is no way to clean the terminal. */
- if (terminal & TERMINAL_DUMB)
-- grub_putchar ('\n');
-+ putchar ('\n');
- else
- grub_printf ("\e[H\e[J");
- }
-diff -ur grub-0.92/stage2/cmdline.c grub/stage2/cmdline.c
---- grub-0.92/stage2/cmdline.c Sun Mar 24 07:28:54 2002
-+++ grub/stage2/cmdline.c Wed May 1 20:29:20 2002
-@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
- init_page ();
- print_network_configuration ();
-- grub_putchar ('\n');
-+ putchar ('\n');
- #endif
- print_cmdline_message (forever);
-diff -ur grub-0.92/stage2/disk_io.c grub/stage2/disk_io.c
---- grub-0.92/stage2/disk_io.c Wed Nov 28 13:43:56 2001
-+++ grub/stage2/disk_io.c Wed May 1 20:29:20 2002
-@@ -1267,7 +1267,7 @@
- }
- if (! is_completion)
-- grub_putchar ('\n');
-+ putchar ('\n');
- print_error ();
- do_completion = 0;
-@@ -1334,7 +1334,7 @@
- }
- if (! is_completion)
-- grub_putchar ('\n');
-+ putchar ('\n');
- }
- else
- {
-@@ -1408,7 +1408,7 @@
- }
- if (! is_completion)
-- grub_putchar ('\n');
-+ putchar ('\n');
- }
- else
- errnum = ERR_BAD_FILENAME;
-diff -ur grub-0.92/stage2/shared.h grub/stage2/shared.h
---- grub-0.92/stage2/shared.h Mon Mar 25 16:43:55 2002
-+++ grub/stage2/shared.h Wed May 1 20:29:20 2002
-@@ -44,6 +44,12 @@
- # define RAW_SEG(x) (x)
- #endif
-+#if defined(VGA16)
-+#if defined(GRUB_UTIL) || defined(STAGE1_5)
-+#undef VGA16
- /*
- * Integer sizes
- */
-@@ -367,8 +373,10 @@
- #define isspace grub_isspace
- #define printf grub_printf
- #define sprintf grub_sprintf
-+#ifndef VGA16
- #undef putchar
- #define putchar grub_putchar
- #define strncat grub_strncat
- #define strstr grub_strstr
- #define memcmp grub_memcmp
-@@ -383,6 +391,9 @@
- /*
- * Below this should be ONLY defines and other constructs for C code.
- */
-+#ifdef VGA16
-+#define VIDEO 0xA0000
- /* multiboot stuff */
-@@ -779,26 +790,26 @@
- int currticks (void);
- /* Clear the screen. */
--void cls (void);
-+void grub_cls (void);
- /* The console part of cls. */
- void console_cls (void);
- #ifndef GRUB_UTIL
- /* Turn off cursor. */
--void nocursor (void);
-+void grub_nocursor (void);
- #endif
- /* Get the current cursor position (where 0,0 is the top left hand
- corner of the screen). Returns packed values, (RET >> 8) is x,
- (RET & 0xff) is y. */
--int getxy (void);
-+int grub_getxy (void);
- /* The console part of getxy. */
- int console_getxy (void);
- /* Set the cursor position. */
--void gotoxy (int x, int y);
-+void grub_gotoxy (int x, int y);
- /* The console part of gotoxy. */
- void console_gotoxy (int x, int y);
-@@ -828,8 +839,64 @@
- constants defined above. */
- void set_attrib (int attr);
-+extern int view_x0, view_y0, view_x1, view_y1;
-+#ifdef VGA16
-+#define MAX_DISPLAYS 2
-+#define cls() (display->Cls ? (*display->Cls)() : 0)
-+#define gotoxy(x, y) (display->Gotoxy ? (*display->Gotoxy)(x, y) : 0)
-+#define putchar(c) (display->Putchar ? (*display->Putchar)(c) : 0)
-+#define console_set_attrib(a) (display->SetAttrib ? (*display->SetAttrib)(a) : 0)
-+#define getxy() (display->Getxy ? (*display->Getxy)() : 0)
-+#define nocursor() (display->Nocursor ? (*display->Nocursor)() : 0)
-+struct display_entry {
-+ char *name;
-+ int (*Begin)(void);
-+ void (*End)(void);
-+ void (*Cls)(void);
-+ void (*Gotoxy)(int x, int y);
-+ void (*Putchar)(int ch);
-+ void (*SetAttrib)(int attr);
-+ int (*Getxy)(void);
-+ void (*Nocursor)(void);
-+struct display_entry display_entries[MAX_DISPLAYS + 1];
-+extern struct display_entry *display;
-+extern int vga_inited, foreground, background, shade, border;
-+extern int display_idx, splash_set;
-+extern short cursorX, cursorY, cursorWidth, cursorHeight;
-+extern char cursorBuf[16], splashimage[64];
-+int vga16_begin(void);
-+void vga16_end(void);
-+void vga16_cls(void);
-+void vga16_gotoxy(int x, int y);
-+void vga16_putchar(int ch);
-+int vga16_getxy(void);
-+void vga16_nocursor(void);
-+void vga16_set_attrib(int attr);
-+int read_image();
-+void set_palette(int index, int red, int green, int blue);
-+void *get_font(void);
-+/* return previous video mode */
-+int set_videomode(int mode);
-+int hex(int);
-+void set_int1c_handler();
-+void unset_int1c_handler();
-+void cursor(int state);
-+#define cls grub_cls
-+#define gotoxy grub_gotoxy
-+#define console_set_attrib grub_set_attrib
-+#define getxy grub_getxy
-+#define nocursor grub_nocursor
- /* The console part of set_attrib. */
--void console_set_attrib (int attr);
-+void grub_set_attrib (int attr);
- /* Low-level disk I/O */
- int get_diskinfo (int drive, struct geometry *geometry);
-diff -ur grub-0.92/stage2/stage2.c grub/stage2/stage2.c
---- grub-0.92/stage2/stage2.c Sun Mar 24 07:28:54 2002
-+++ grub/stage2/stage2.c Wed May 1 20:31:22 2002
-@@ -19,7 +19,12 @@
- #include "shared.h"
-+int view_x0 = 0, view_y0 = 0, view_x1 = 80, view_y1 = 25;
- grub_jmp_buf restart_env;
-+#ifdef VGA16
-+int vga_disabled = 0, viewport_set = 0;
-+int sx0, sy0, sx1, sy1;
- #if defined(PRESET_MENU_STRING) || defined(SUPPORT_DISKLESS)
-@@ -109,12 +114,12 @@
- }
- #endif /* SUPPORT_SERIAL */
-- gotoxy (77, y + 1);
-+ gotoxy (view_x1 - 3, y + 1);
- if (first)
-- grub_putchar (disp_up);
-+ putchar (disp_up);
- else
-- grub_putchar (' ');
-+ putchar (' ');
- menu_entries = get_entry (menu_entries, first, 0);
-@@ -122,13 +127,13 @@
- {
- int j = 0;
-- gotoxy (3, y + i);
-+ gotoxy (view_x0 + 3, y + i);
- while (*menu_entries)
- {
-- if (j < 71)
-+ if (j < (view_x1 - view_x0) - 9)
- {
-- grub_putchar (*menu_entries);
-+ putchar (*menu_entries);
- j++;
- }
-@@ -138,16 +143,16 @@
- if (*(menu_entries - 1))
- menu_entries++;
-- for (; j < 71; j++)
-- grub_putchar (' ');
-+ for (; j < (view_x1 - view_x0) - 9; j++)
-+ putchar (' ');
- }
-- gotoxy (77, y + size);
-+ gotoxy (view_x0 + 3, y + size);
- if (*menu_entries)
-- grub_putchar (disp_down);
-+ putchar (disp_down);
- else
-- grub_putchar (' ');
-+ putchar (' ');
- }
-@@ -211,10 +216,10 @@
- )
- # endif
- {
-- for (i = 0; i < 14; i++)
-+ for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
- {
- int j;
-- for (j = 0; j < 75; j++)
-+ for (j = view_x0; j < (view_x1 - view_x0) - 5; j++)
- {
- gotoxy (j + 1, i + y);
- set_attrib (normal_color);
-@@ -223,33 +228,33 @@
- }
- #endif
-- gotoxy (1, y);
-+ gotoxy (view_x0 + 1, y);
-- grub_putchar (disp_ul);
-- for (i = 0; i < 73; i++)
-- grub_putchar (disp_horiz);
-- grub_putchar (disp_ur);
-+ putchar (disp_ul);
-+ for (i = view_x0; i < view_x1 - 7; i++)
-+ putchar (disp_horiz);
-+ putchar (disp_ur);
- i = 1;
- while (1)
- {
-- gotoxy (1, y + i);
-+ gotoxy (view_x0 + 1, y + i);
- if (i > size)
- break;
-- grub_putchar (disp_vert);
-- gotoxy (75, y + i);
-- grub_putchar (disp_vert);
-+ putchar (disp_vert);
-+ gotoxy (view_x1 - 5, y + i);
-+ putchar (disp_vert);
- i++;
- }
-- grub_putchar (disp_ll);
-- for (i = 0; i < 73; i++)
-- grub_putchar (disp_horiz);
-- grub_putchar (disp_lr);
-+ putchar (disp_ll);
-+ for (i = view_x0; i < view_x1 - 7; i++)
-+ putchar (disp_horiz);
-+ putchar (disp_lr);
- }
- static void
-@@ -261,27 +266,27 @@
- if (terminal & TERMINAL_SERIAL)
- {
- menu_entries = get_entry (menu_entries, entryno, 0);
-- gotoxy (2, y);
-- grub_putchar (' ');
-- for (x = 3; x < 75; x++)
-+ gotoxy (view_x0 + 2, y);
-+ putchar (' ');
-+ for (x = view_x0 + 3; x < view_x1 - 5; x++)
- {
-- if (*menu_entries && x < 71)
-- grub_putchar (*menu_entries++);
-+ if (*menu_entries && x < view_x1 - 9)
-+ putchar (*menu_entries++);
- else
-- grub_putchar (' ');
-+ putchar (' ');
- }
- }
- else
- #endif /* SUPPORT_SERIAL */
- {
-- for (x = 2; x < 75; x++)
-+ for (x = view_x0 + 2; x < view_x1 - 5; x++)
- {
- gotoxy (x, y);
- set_attrib (attr);
- }
- }
-- gotoxy (74, y);
-+ gotoxy (view_x1 - 6, y);
- }
- /* Set the attribute of the line Y to normal state. */
-@@ -334,7 +339,8 @@
- invariant for TERMINAL_DUMB: first_entry == 0 */
- if (! (terminal & TERMINAL_DUMB))
- {
-- while (entryno > 11)
-+ errnum = ERR_NONE;
-+ while (entryno > 9)
- {
- first_entry++;
- entryno--;
-@@ -399,7 +405,7 @@
- #endif /* ! GRUB_UTIL */
- if (! (terminal & TERMINAL_DUMB))
-- print_border (3, 12);
-+ print_border (3 + view_y0, 12);
- #ifdef GRUB_UTIL
- /* In the grub shell, always use ACS_*. */
-@@ -455,10 +461,10 @@
- grub_printf ("\n\nThe selected entry is %d ", entryno);
- else
- {
-- print_entries (3, 12, first_entry, menu_entries);
-+ print_entries (view_y0 + 3, 12, first_entry, menu_entries);
- /* highlight initial line */
-- set_line_highlight (4 + entryno, first_entry + entryno,
-+ set_line_highlight (view_y0 + 4 + entryno, first_entry + entryno,
- menu_entries);
- }
- }
-@@ -487,9 +493,9 @@
- entryno, grub_timeout);
- else
- {
-- gotoxy (3, 22);
-+ gotoxy (view_x0 + 3, view_y1 - 3);
- printf ("The highlighted entry will be booted automatically in %d seconds. ", grub_timeout);
-- gotoxy (74, 4 + entryno);
-+ gotoxy (view_x0 - 6, view_y0 + 4 + entryno);
- }
- grub_timeout--;
-@@ -515,12 +521,12 @@
- if (terminal & TERMINAL_DUMB)
- grub_putchar ('\r');
- else
-- gotoxy (3, 22);
-+ gotoxy (view_x0 + 3, 22);
- printf (" ");
- grub_timeout = -1;
- fallback_entry = -1;
- if (! (terminal & TERMINAL_DUMB))
-- gotoxy (74, 4 + entryno);
-+ gotoxy (view_x1 - 6, view_x0 + 4 + entryno);
- }
- /* We told them above (at least in SUPPORT_SERIAL) to use
-@@ -536,17 +542,17 @@
- {
- if (entryno > 0)
- {
-- set_line_normal (4 + entryno, first_entry + entryno,
-+ set_line_normal (view_y0 + 4 + entryno, first_entry + entryno,
- menu_entries);
- entryno--;
-- set_line_highlight (4 + entryno, first_entry + entryno,
-+ set_line_highlight (view_y0 + 4 + entryno, first_entry + entryno,
- menu_entries);
- }
- else if (first_entry > 0)
- {
- first_entry--;
-- print_entries (3, 12, first_entry, menu_entries);
-- set_line_highlight (4, first_entry + entryno,
-+ print_entries (view_y0 + 3, 12, first_entry, menu_entries);
-+ set_line_highlight (view_y0 + 4, first_entry + entryno,
- menu_entries);
- }
- }
-@@ -558,17 +564,17 @@
- else
- if (entryno < 11)
- {
-- set_line_normal (4 + entryno, first_entry + entryno,
-+ set_line_normal (view_y0 + 4 + entryno, first_entry + entryno,
- menu_entries);
- entryno++;
-- set_line_highlight (4 + entryno, first_entry + entryno,
-+ set_line_highlight (view_y0 + 4 + entryno, first_entry + entryno,
- menu_entries);
- }
- else if (num_entries > 12 + first_entry)
- {
- first_entry++;
-- print_entries (3, 12, first_entry, menu_entries);
-- set_line_highlight (15, first_entry + entryno, menu_entries);
-+ print_entries (view_y0 + 3, 12, first_entry, menu_entries);
-+ set_line_highlight (view_y0 + 15, first_entry + entryno, menu_entries);
- }
- }
-@@ -582,7 +588,7 @@
- if ((c == 'd') || (c == 'o') || (c == 'O'))
- {
- if (! (terminal & TERMINAL_DUMB))
-- set_line_normal (4 + entryno, first_entry + entryno,
-+ set_line_normal (view_y0 + 4 + entryno, first_entry + entryno,
- menu_entries);
- /* insert after is almost exactly like insert before */
-@@ -640,8 +646,8 @@
- }
- else
- {
-- print_entries (3, 12, first_entry, menu_entries);
-- set_line_highlight (4 + entryno, first_entry + entryno,
-+ print_entries (view_y0 + 3, 12, first_entry, menu_entries);
-+ set_line_highlight (view_y0 + 4 + entryno, first_entry + entryno,
- menu_entries);
- }
- }
-@@ -664,7 +670,7 @@
- if (terminal & TERMINAL_DUMB)
- grub_printf ("\r ");
- else
-- gotoxy (1, 21);
-+ gotoxy (view_x0 + 1, view_y1 + 21);
- /* Wipe out the previously entered password */
- memset (entered, 0, sizeof (entered));
-@@ -809,6 +815,11 @@
- auto_fill = 1;
- cls ();
-+#ifdef VGA16
-+ if (display->End)
-+ (*display->End)();
-+ display = &display_entries[0];
- while (1)
- {
-@@ -840,6 +851,16 @@
- break;
- }
-+#ifdef VGA16
-+ if (display_idx >= 0)
-+ display = &display_entries[display_idx];
-+ else if (!vga_disabled)
-+ display = &display_entries[1];
-+ if (!display->Begin || !(*display->Begin)())
-+ display = &display_entries[0];
- show_menu = 1;
- goto restart;
- }
-@@ -904,6 +925,560 @@
- return pos;
- }
-+#ifdef VGA16
-+struct display_entry display_entries[MAX_DISPLAYS + 1] = {
-+ {"text", 0, 0, grub_cls, grub_gotoxy, grub_putchar, grub_set_attrib,
-+ grub_getxy, grub_nocursor},
-+ {"vga16",
-+ vga16_begin, vga16_end, vga16_cls, vga16_gotoxy, vga16_putchar,
-+ vga16_set_attrib, vga16_getxy, vga16_nocursor},
-+ {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
-+struct display_entry *display;
-+int display_idx = -1;
-+/* default vga palette */
-+char vga16pal[16][3] = {
-+ { 0, 0, 0},
-+ { 0, 0, 42},
-+ { 0, 42, 0},
-+ { 0, 42, 42},
-+ {42, 0, 0},
-+ {42, 0, 42},
-+ {42, 21, 0},
-+ {42, 42, 42},
-+ {21, 21, 21},
-+ {21, 21, 63},
-+ {21, 63, 21},
-+ {21, 63, 63},
-+ {63, 21, 21},
-+ {63, 21, 63},
-+ {63, 63, 21},
-+ {63, 63, 63},
-+int fontx, fonty;
-+unsigned char *font8x16;
-+int saved_videomode, no_scroll = 0, no_cursor = 0, shade = 1, vga_inited = 0;
-+unsigned short text[80 * 30];
-+int foreground = (63 << 16) | (63 << 8) | (63), background = 0, border = 0;
-+int splash_set;
-+char splashimage[64];
-+unsigned char VSHADOW1[38400];
-+unsigned char VSHADOW2[38400];
-+unsigned char VSHADOW4[38400];
-+unsigned char VSHADOW8[38400];
-+static inline void
-+outb(unsigned short port, unsigned char val)
-+ __asm __volatile ("outb %0,%1"::"a" (val), "d" (port));
-+static void
-+ModeReg(int value)
-+ outb(0x3ce, 5);
-+ outb(0x3cf, value);
-+static void
-+MapMask(int value)
-+ outb(0x3c4, 2);
-+ outb(0x3c5, value);
-+/* set/reset register */
-+static void
-+SetRes(int value)
-+ outb(0x3ce, 0);
-+ outb(0x3cf, value);
-+/* enable set/reset register */
-+static void
-+ESetRes(int value)
-+ outb(0x3ce, 1);
-+ outb(0x3cf, value);
-+static void
-+ReadMap(int value)
-+ outb(0x3ce, 4);
-+ outb(0x3cf, value);
-+/* bit mask register */
-+static void
-+BitMask(int value)
-+ outb(0x3ce, 8);
-+ outb(0x3cf, value);
-+grub_memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, int len)
-+ int i;
-+ register char *d = (char*)dest, *s = (char*)src;
-+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
-+ d[i] = s[i];
-+hex(int v)
-+ if (v >= 'A' && v <= 'F')
-+ return (v - 'A' + 10);
-+ if (v >= 'a' && v <= 'f')
-+ return (v - 'a' + 10);
-+ return (v - '0');
-+static void
-+SetXY(int col, int row)
-+ if (col >= view_x0 && col < view_x1) {
-+ fontx = col;
-+ cursorX = col << 3;
-+ }
-+ if (row >= view_y0 && row < view_y1) {
-+ fonty = row;
-+ cursorY = row << 4;
-+ }
-+cursor(int set)
-+ unsigned char *pat, *mem, *ptr, chr[16 << 2];
-+ int i, ch, invert, offset;
-+ if (set && (no_cursor || no_scroll))
-+ return;
-+ offset = cursorY * 80 + fontx;
-+ ch = text[fonty * 80 + fontx] & 0xff;
-+ invert = (text[fonty * 80 + fontx] & 0xff00) != 0;
-+ pat = font8x16 + (ch << 4);
-+ mem = (unsigned char*)VIDEO + offset;
-+ if (!set) {
-+ for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
-+ unsigned char mask = pat[i];
-+ if (!invert) {
-+ chr[i ] = ((unsigned char*)VSHADOW1)[offset];
-+ chr[16 + i] = ((unsigned char*)VSHADOW2)[offset];
-+ chr[32 + i] = ((unsigned char*)VSHADOW4)[offset];
-+ chr[48 + i] = ((unsigned char*)VSHADOW8)[offset];
-+ if (shade) {
-+ if (ch == DISP_VERT || ch == DISP_LL ||
-+ ch == DISP_UR || ch == DISP_LR) {
-+ unsigned char pmask = ~(pat[i] >> 1);
-+ chr[i ] &= pmask;
-+ chr[16 + i] &= pmask;
-+ chr[32 + i] &= pmask;
-+ chr[48 + i] &= pmask;
-+ }
-+ if (i > 0 && ch != DISP_VERT) {
-+ unsigned char pmask = ~(pat[i - 1] >> 1);
-+ chr[i ] &= pmask;
-+ chr[16 + i] &= pmask;
-+ chr[32 + i] &= pmask;
-+ chr[48 + i] &= pmask;
-+ if (ch == DISP_HORIZ || ch == DISP_UR || ch == DISP_LR) {
-+ pmask = ~pat[i - 1];
-+ chr[i ] &= pmask;
-+ chr[16 + i] &= pmask;
-+ chr[32 + i] &= pmask;
-+ chr[48 + i] &= pmask;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ chr[i ] |= mask;
-+ chr[16 + i] |= mask;
-+ chr[32 + i] |= mask;
-+ chr[48 + i] |= mask;
-+ offset += 80;
-+ }
-+ else {
-+ chr[i ] = mask;
-+ chr[16 + i] = mask;
-+ chr[32 + i] = mask;
-+ chr[48 + i] = mask;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ else {
-+ MapMask(15);
-+ ptr = mem;
-+ for (i = 0; i < 16; i++, ptr += 80) {
-+ cursorBuf[i] = pat[i];
-+ *ptr = ~pat[i];
-+ }
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ offset = 0;
-+ for (i = 1; i < 16; i <<= 1, offset += 16) {
-+ int j;
-+ MapMask(i);
-+ ptr = mem;
-+ for (j = 0; j < 16; j++, ptr += 80)
-+ *ptr = chr[j + offset];
-+ }
-+ MapMask(15);
-+ char buf[32], pal[16];
-+ unsigned char c, base, mask, *s1, *s2, *s4, *s8;
-+ unsigned i, len, idx, colors, x, y, width, height;
-+ if (!grub_open(splashimage))
-+ return (0);
-+ /* read header */
-+ if (!grub_read((char*)&buf, 10) || grub_memcmp(buf, "/* XPM */\n", 10)) {
-+ grub_close();
-+ return (0);
-+ }
-+ /* parse info */
-+ while (grub_read(&c, 1)) {
-+ if (c == '"')
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ while (grub_read(&c, 1) && (c == ' ' || c == '\t'))
-+ ;
-+ i = 0;
-+ width = c - '0';
-+ while (grub_read(&c, 1)) {
-+ if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
-+ width = width * 10 + c - '0';
-+ else
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ while (grub_read(&c, 1) && (c == ' ' || c == '\t'))
-+ ;
-+ height = c - '0';
-+ while (grub_read(&c, 1)) {
-+ if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
-+ height = height * 10 + c - '0';
-+ else
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ while (grub_read(&c, 1) && (c == ' ' || c == '\t'))
-+ ;
-+ colors = c - '0';
-+ while (grub_read(&c, 1)) {
-+ if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
-+ colors = colors * 10 + c - '0';
-+ else
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ base = 0;
-+ while (grub_read(&c, 1) && c != '"')
-+ ;
-+ /* palette */
-+ for (i = 0, idx = 1; i < colors; i++) {
-+ len = 0;
-+ while (grub_read(&c, 1) && c != '"')
-+ ;
-+ grub_read(&c, 1); /* char */
-+ base = c;
-+ grub_read(buf, 4); /* \t c # */
-+ while (grub_read(&c, 1) && c != '"') {
-+ if (len < sizeof(buf))
-+ buf[len++] = c;
-+ }
-+ if (len == 6 && idx < 15) {
-+ int r = ((hex(buf[0]) << 4) | hex(buf[1])) >> 2;
-+ int g = ((hex(buf[2]) << 4) | hex(buf[3])) >> 2;
-+ int b = ((hex(buf[4]) << 4) | hex(buf[5])) >> 2;
-+ pal[idx] = base;
-+ set_palette(idx, r, g, b);
-+ ++idx;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ x = y = len = 0;
-+ s1 = (unsigned char*)VSHADOW1;
-+ s2 = (unsigned char*)VSHADOW2;
-+ s4 = (unsigned char*)VSHADOW4;
-+ s8 = (unsigned char*)VSHADOW8;
-+ for (i = 0; i < 38400; i++)
-+ s1[i] = s2[i] = s4[i] = s8[i] = 0;
-+ /* parse xpm data */
-+ while (y < height) {
-+ while (1) {
-+ if (!grub_read(&c, 1)) {
-+ grub_close();
-+ return (0);
-+ }
-+ if (c == '"')
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ while (grub_read(&c, 1) && c != '"') {
-+ for (i = 1; i < 15; i++)
-+ if (pal[i] == c) {
-+ c = i;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ mask = 0x80 >> (x & 7);
-+ if (c & 1)
-+ s1[len + (x >> 3)] |= mask;
-+ if (c & 2)
-+ s2[len + (x >> 3)] |= mask;
-+ if (c & 4)
-+ s4[len + (x >> 3)] |= mask;
-+ if (c & 8)
-+ s8[len + (x >> 3)] |= mask;
-+ if (++x >= 640) {
-+ x = 0;
-+ if (y < 480)
-+ len += 80;
-+ ++y;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ grub_close();
-+ set_palette(0, (background >> 16), (background >> 8) & 63, background & 63);
-+ set_palette(15, (foreground >> 16), (foreground >> 8) & 63, foreground & 63);
-+ set_palette(0x11, (border >> 16), (border >> 8) & 63, border & 63);
-+ return (1);
-+ if (vga_inited)
-+ return (1);
-+ if (!*splashimage)
-+ grub_strcpy(splashimage, "/boot/grub/splash.xpm");
-+ saved_videomode = set_videomode(0x12);
-+ if (!read_image()) {
-+ set_videomode(saved_videomode);
-+ return (0);
-+ }
-+ font8x16 = (unsigned char*)get_font();
-+ cursorWidth = 8;
-+ cursorHeight = 16;
-+ set_int1c_handler();
-+ view_x0 = sx0;
-+ view_y0 = sy0;
-+ view_x1 = sx1;
-+ view_y1 = sy1;
-+ return (vga_inited = 1);
-+ if (vga_inited) {
-+ unset_int1c_handler();
-+ set_videomode(saved_videomode);
-+ vga_inited = 0;
-+ no_cursor = 0;
-+ }
-+ sx0 = view_x0;
-+ sy0 = view_y0;
-+ sx1 = view_x1;
-+ sy1 = view_y1;
-+ view_x0 = 0;
-+ view_x1 = 80;
-+ view_y0 = 0;
-+ view_y1 = 25;
-+ int i;
-+ unsigned char *mem, *s1, *s2, *s4, *s8;
-+ SetXY(view_x0, view_y0);
-+ mem = (unsigned char*)VIDEO;
-+ s1 = (unsigned char*)VSHADOW1;
-+ s2 = (unsigned char*)VSHADOW2;
-+ s4 = (unsigned char*)VSHADOW4;
-+ s8 = (unsigned char*)VSHADOW8;
-+ for (i = 0; i < 80 * 30; i++)
-+ text[i] = ' ';
-+ BitMask(0xff);
-+ /* plano 1 */
-+ MapMask(1);
-+ grub_memcpy(mem, s1, 38400);
-+ /* plano 2 */
-+ MapMask(2);
-+ grub_memcpy(mem, s2, 38400);
-+ /* plano 3 */
-+ MapMask(4);
-+ grub_memcpy(mem, s4, 38400);
-+ /* plano 4 */
-+ MapMask(8);
-+ grub_memcpy(mem, s8, 38400);
-+ MapMask(15);
-+ if (no_cursor) {
-+ no_cursor = 0;
-+ set_int1c_handler();
-+ }
-+vga16_gotoxy(int x, int y)
-+ cursor(0);
-+ SetXY(x, y);
-+ cursor(1);
-+static void
-+ int i, j;
-+ if (no_scroll)
-+ return;
-+ no_scroll = 1;
-+ for (j = view_y0 + 1; j < view_y1; j++) {
-+ gotoxy(view_x0, j - 1);
-+ for (i = view_x0; i < view_x1; i++)
-+ putchar(text[j * 80 + i]);
-+ }
-+ gotoxy(view_x0, view_y1 - 1);
-+ for (i = view_x0; i < view_x1; i++)
-+ putchar(' ');
-+ SetXY(view_x0, view_y1 - 1);
-+ no_scroll = 0;
-+vga16_putchar(int ch)
-+ ch &= 0xff;
-+ cursor(0);
-+ if (ch == '\n') {
-+ SetXY(view_x0, fonty);
-+ if (fonty + 1 < view_y1)
-+ SetXY(view_x0, fonty + 1);
-+ else
-+ scroll();
-+ cursor(1);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ else if (ch == '\r') {
-+ SetXY(view_x0, fonty);
-+ cursor(1);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ text[fonty * 80 + fontx] = ch;
-+ cursor(0);
-+ if ((fontx + 1) >= view_x1) {
-+ SetXY(view_x0, fonty);
-+ if (fonty + 1 < view_y1)
-+ SetXY(view_x0, fonty + 1);
-+ else
-+ scroll();
-+ }
-+ else
-+ SetXY(fontx + 1, fonty);
-+ cursor(1);
-+ return ((fontx << 8) | fonty);
-+ if (!no_cursor) {
-+ no_cursor = 1;
-+ unset_int1c_handler();
-+ cursor(0);
-+ }
-+vga16_set_attrib(int attrib)
-+ text[fonty * 80 + fontx] &= 0x00ff;
-+ if (attrib & 0xf0)
-+ text[fonty * 80 + fontx] |= 0x100;
-+ cursor(0);
- /* This is the starting function in C. */
- void
-@@ -924,6 +1499,14 @@
- menu_entries = (char *) MENU_BUF;
- init_config ();
- }
-+#ifdef VGA16
-+ /* Make sure it points to a valid entry */
-+ display = &display_entries[0];
-+ if (ASCII_CHAR(checkkey()) == 0x1b)
-+ vga_disabled = 1;
- /* Initialize the environment for restarting Stage 2. */
- grub_setjmp (restart_env);
-@@ -1069,6 +1652,29 @@
- while (is_preset);
- }
-+#ifdef VGA16
-+ if (display_idx >= 0)
-+ display = &display_entries[display_idx];
-+ else if (!vga_disabled) {
-+ display = &display_entries[1];
-+ }
-+ if (!viewport_set)
-+ view_y1 = 30;
-+ sx0 = view_x0;
-+ sy0 = view_y0;
-+ sx1 = view_x1;
-+ sy1 = view_y1;
-+ if (!display->Begin || !(*display->Begin)())
-+ display = &display_entries[0];
-+ if (!vga_inited) {
-+ sx0 = sy0 = view_x0 = view_y0 = 0;
-+ sx1 = view_x1 = 80;
-+ sy1 = view_y1 = 25;
-+ }
- if (! num_entries)
- {
- /* If no acceptable config file, goto command-line, starting
diff --git a/sys-boot/grub/grub-0.92-r1.ebuild b/sys-boot/grub/grub-0.92-r1.ebuild
index 0f536d7a8cc8..c893bca87da6 100644
--- a/sys-boot/grub/grub-0.92-r1.ebuild
+++ b/sys-boot/grub/grub-0.92-r1.ebuild
@@ -1,15 +1,18 @@
# Copyright 1999-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-boot/grub/grub-0.92-r1.ebuild,v 1.1 2003/12/09 08:12:07 seemant Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-boot/grub/grub-0.92-r1.ebuild,v 1.2 2003/12/16 02:34:31 seemant Exp $
-inherit mount-boot eutils flag-o-matic
+inherit mount-boot eutils flag-o-matic gcc
filter-flags "-fstack-protector"
+ mirror://gentoo/${P}-gentoo-${PATCHVER}.tar.bz2
@@ -20,25 +23,14 @@ DEPEND=">=sys-libs/ncurses-5.2-r5"
src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A} || die
- cd ${S} || die
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}/grub-0.92-vga16.patch
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}/grub-
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}/grub-0.90-configfile.patch
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}/grub-0.90-vga16-keypressclear.patch
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}/grub-0.90-passwordprompt.patch
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}/
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}/grub-0.90-installcopyonly.patch
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}/grub-0.90-staticcurses.patch
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}/grub-0.90-symlinkmenulst.patch
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}/grub-0.90-append.patch
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}/grub-0.90-addsyncs.patch
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}/grub-0.91-splashimagehelp.patch
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}/grub-0.91-bootonce.patch
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}/grub-0.92-automake16.patch
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}/grub-0.92-nodeprecatedflags.patch
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}/grub-0.91-vga16-serial.patch
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}/grub-0.92-usbfix.patch
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd ${S}
+ EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" epatch ${WORKDIR}/patch
+ if [ "`gcc-version`" = "3.3" ]
+ then
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/grub-0.93-gcc3.3.diff
+ fi
src_compile() {
diff --git a/sys-boot/grub/grub-0.93.20030118.ebuild b/sys-boot/grub/grub-0.93.20030118.ebuild
index 282efbff5ac0..c20302826e0a 100644
--- a/sys-boot/grub/grub-0.93.20030118.ebuild
+++ b/sys-boot/grub/grub-0.93.20030118.ebuild
@@ -1,25 +1,27 @@
# Copyright 1999-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-boot/grub/grub-0.93.20030118.ebuild,v 1.1 2003/12/09 08:12:07 seemant Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-boot/grub/grub-0.93.20030118.ebuild,v 1.2 2003/12/16 02:34:31 seemant Exp $
inherit mount-boot eutils flag-o-matic
filter-flags "-fstack-protector"
-KEYWORDS="x86 -amd64 -ppc -sparc -alpha -mips"
+KEYWORDS="x86 -amd64 -ppc -sparc -alpha -mips"
src_unpack() {
unpack ${A} || die