diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/gorg/search.rb')
1 files changed, 444 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/gorg/search.rb b/lib/gorg/search.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c90448a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gorg/search.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+### Copyright 2004, Xavier Neys (neysx@gentoo.org)
+# #
+# # This file is part of gorg.
+# #
+# # gorg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# # (at your option) any later version.
+# #
+# # gorg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# # GNU General Public License for more details.
+# #
+# # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# # along with Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software
+### Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+require 'dbi'
+require 'yaml'
+require 'gorg/base'
+require 'cgi'
+module GDig
+ class GFile
+ def initialize(root, f, xlang)
+ @root = root
+ @fname = f
+ @xpath2lang = xlang
+ end
+ def txt
+ unless @txt then
+ @txt, @lang = txtifyFile
+ end
+ @txt
+ end
+ def lang
+ unless @lang then
+ @txt, @lang = txtifyFile
+ end
+ @lang
+ end
+ private
+ def txtifyFile
+ x=Gorg::XSL.new
+ x.xsl = <<EOXSL
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0">
+ <xsl:output encoding="UTF-8" method="text" indent="no"/>
+ <xsl:template match="/">
+ if (@xpath2lang||"").length > 1 then
+ x.xsl << <<EOXSL
+ <xsl:if test="#{@xpath2lang}">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat('%%LANG%%', #{@xpath2lang}, '%%&#x0A;')"/>
+ </xsl:if>
+ end
+ x.xsl << <<EOXSL
+ <xsl:apply-templates/>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="*">
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="@*"/>
+ <xsl:apply-templates/>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="@*">
+ <xsl:value-of select="concat(' ',.,' ')"/>
+ </xsl:template>
+ </xsl:stylesheet>
+ x.xroot = @root
+ x.xml = @fname
+ x.process
+ if x.xerr and x.xerr["xmlErrLevel"] >= 3 then
+ raise x.xerr["xmlErrMsg"]
+ end
+ t = x.xres
+ if t =~ /^%%LANG%%([^%]+)%%/ then
+ l = $1
+ t = $'.strip
+ else
+ l = nil
+ end
+ t << @fname
+ [t.squeeze("\n"), l]
+ end
+ end
+ class DBFile
+ attr_reader :fid, :webname
+ def initialize(dbh, webname, localname)
+ @dbh = dbh
+ @webname = webname
+ @localname = localname
+ @row = @dbh.select_one("SELECT id,path,lang,timestamp,size FROM files where path = ?", webname)
+ if @row then
+ @fid = @row['id']
+ else
+ @fid = nil
+ end
+ end
+ def DBFile.remove(dbh, fid)
+ if fid then
+ dbh.do("delete from files where id=#{fid}")
+ end
+ end
+ def uptodate?
+ if @fid then
+ unless @row then
+ @row = @dbh.select_one("SELECT id,path,lang,timestamp,size FROM files where id=#{@fid}")
+ end
+ if (fstat=File.stat(@localname)) and @row then
+ @row['timestamp']==fstat.mtime.to_s and @row['size']==fstat.size
+ else
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def update(blob, lang)
+ fstat=File.stat(@localname)
+ if @fid then
+ # update
+ sql = "update files set lang = ?, txt = ?, timestamp = ?, size = ? where id=#{@fid}"
+ @dbh.do(sql, lang, blob, fstat.mtime.to_s, fstat.size)
+ else
+ # insert new one
+ sql = "insert into files (path, lang, txt, timestamp, size) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
+ @dbh.do(sql, webname, lang, blob, fstat.mtime.to_s, fstat.size)
+ if id=@dbh.select_one("select last_insert_id()") then
+ @fid = id[0]
+ else
+ @fid = nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class GSearch
+ attr_reader :dbh, :searchTxt, :searchResult
+ include Gorg
+ def initialize
+ @dbh = DBI.connect($Config['dbConnect'], $Config['dbUser'], $Config['dbPassword'])
+ @dbh['AutoCommit'] = true
+ end
+ def indexDir
+ wipe = false
+ scanDir { |webName, localName|
+ begin
+ dbf = GDig::DBFile.new(@dbh, webName, localName)
+ unless dbf.uptodate? then
+ gf = GFile.new($Config['root'], webName, $Config['xlang'])
+ blob = gf.txt
+ lang = gf.lang
+ if (lang||"").length < 1 then
+ # No lang attribute, see if we can use the filename
+ if $Config['flang'] and $Config['flang'].match(webName) then
+ lang = $Config['flang'].match(webName)[1]
+ end
+ end
+ dbf.update(blob, lang)
+ wipe = true
+ debug "#{Time.new.to_i} #{webName} indexed"
+ end
+ rescue Exception => e
+ error "Failed to index #{webName} : #{e.to_s}"
+ end
+ }
+ wipeSearches if wipe
+ end
+ def cleanup
+ # Remove files from db either because
+ # they should now be excluded or because they do not exist anymore
+ wipe = false
+ @dbh.select_all('select id, path from files') { |row|
+ if not fileMatch(row[1]) or not File.file?($Config['root']+row[1]) then
+ DBFile.remove(@dbh, row[0])
+ debug "GDig::GSearch: #{row[1]} removed"
+ wipe = true
+ end
+ }
+ wipeSearches if wipe
+ end
+ def do_CGI(cgi)
+ $Config["root"] = cgi.env_table['DOCUMENT_ROOT']||$Config["root"]
+ query = {}
+ # Get cookies
+ if $Config["acceptCookies"] then
+ # Add cookies to our params
+ query = cookies_to_params(cgi.cookies)
+ end
+ # Add URI params that are not used by search engine (p,q,l,s)
+ cgi.params.each{ |p, v| query[p] = v.to_s}
+ # Choose language
+ if cgi.has_key?("l") then
+ lang = cgi["l"]
+ elsif query.has_key?("SL") then
+ lang = query["SL"]
+ else
+ lang = nil
+ end
+ # Perform search
+ search(cgi["q"], lang)
+ if cgi.has_key?("p") and cgi["p"] =~ /^[0-9]{1,5}$/ then
+ p = cgi["p"].to_i
+ else
+ p = 1
+ end
+ if cgi.has_key?("s") and cgi["s"] =~ /^[0-9]{2,3}$/ then
+ s = cgi["s"].to_i
+ elsif query.has_key?("PL") and query["PL"] =~ /^[0-9]{2,3}$/ then
+ s = query["PL"].to_i
+ else
+ s = 20
+ end
+ s = 120 if s > 120
+ xml = xmlResult(p,s)
+ header = {}; body = ""
+ if cgi.has_key?("passthru") and $Config["passthru"] then
+ header = {'type' => 'text/plain'}
+ body = xml
+ else
+ if $Config["linkParam"] then
+ query[$Config["linkParam"]] = cgi.script_name
+ end
+ if $Config["httphost"] then
+ # Add HTTP_HOST to stylesheet params
+ query["httphost"] = if $Config["httphost"][0] == '*' then
+ cgi.host||""
+ elsif $Config["httphost"].include?('*') then
+ $Config["httphost"][0]
+ elsif $Config["httphost"].include?(cgi.host) then
+ $Config["httphost"][0]
+ else
+ cgi.host
+ end
+ end
+ err, body, filelist, extra = xproc(xml, query, false)
+ if err["xmlErrLevel"] > 0 then
+ raise "#{err.collect{|e|e.join(':')}.join('<br/>')}"
+ end
+ cookies = makeCookies(extra)
+ ct = setContentType(body)
+ # Turn application/xhtml+xml into text/html if browser does not accept it
+ if cgi.accept !~ /application\/xhtml\+xml/ and ct =~ /application\/xhtml\+xml(.*)$/ then
+ header = {'type' => "text/html#{$1}"}
+ else
+ header = {'type' => ct}
+ end
+ # Add cookies to http header
+ if cookies then
+ header['cookie'] = cookies
+ end
+ end
+ # If client accepts gzip encoding and we support it, return gzipped file
+ if $Config["zipLevel"] > 0 and ( cgi.accept_encoding =~ /gzip(\s*;\s*q=([0-9\.]+))?/ and ($2||"1") != "0" ) then
+ body = gzip(body, $Config["zipLevel"])
+ header['Content-Encoding'] = "gzip"
+ header['Vary'] = "Accept-Encoding"
+ end
+ cgi.out(header){body}
+ rescue => ex
+ syserr = Gorg::Status::SysError.new
+ cgi.out('Status'=>syserr.errSts){syserr.html(ex)}
+ error("GSearch::do_CGI() failed: #{$!}")
+ end
+ def search(str, lang)
+ @searchTxt = str
+ @searchResult = nil
+ if (lang||"") == "" then
+ @searchLang = '%'
+ else
+ @searchLang = lang
+ end
+ if str =~ /(^|\s)(([+<)(>~-][^+<)(>~-]+)|([^+<)(>~-]+\*))(\s|$)/ then
+ @searchBool = "Y"
+ boolClause = "in boolean mode"
+ else
+ @searchBool = "N"
+ boolClause = ""
+ end
+ if @searchTxt.length > 0 then
+ @searchResult = loadSearch
+ unless @searchResult then
+ @searchResult = []
+ # Perform full text search
+ sql = <<EOSQL
+select id, path, lang, match (txt) against ( ? ) as score
+from files
+where lang like ? and match (txt) against ( ? #{boolClause} )
+order by score desc
+ @dbh.select_all(sql, @searchTxt, @searchLang, @searchTxt).each { |r| @searchResult << [r[0],r[1],r[2],r[3]] }
+ saveSearch
+ end
+ end
+ @searchResult
+ end
+ def xmlResult(page=1, pageLength=25)
+ # <search page="p" pages="n">
+ # <for>search string</for>
+ # <found link="/path/to/file.xml" lang="fr">
+ # blah blah <b>word2</b> bleh
+ # </found>
+ pageLength = 20 if pageLength < 1
+ xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n\n"
+ if @searchResult and @searchResult.length >= 1 then
+ removeDeadFiles
+ nPages = @searchResult.length / pageLength #/
+ nPages += 1 unless 0 == @searchResult.length.modulo(pageLength)
+ page = nPages if page > nPages
+ page = 1 if page < 1
+ xml << "<search page='#{page}' pages='#{nPages}' pageLength='#{pageLength}' lang='#{xmlEscape(@searchLang)}' bool='#{@searchBool}'>\n"
+ xml << xmlSearchFor
+ @searchResult[(page-1)*pageLength..page*pageLength-1].each { |r|
+ xml << " <found link='#{r[1]}' lang='#{r[2]}' score='#{r[3]}'>\n"
+ xml << xmlBlobSample(r[0]) << "\n"
+ xml << " </found>\n"
+ }
+ else
+ xml << "<search page='0' pages='0'>\n"
+ xml << xmlSearchFor
+ end
+ xml << "</search>\n"
+ end
+ def scanDir
+ Dir.chdir($Config['root']) {
+ `find -L . -type f`.split("\n").each{ |localFile|
+ if File.file?(localFile) then
+ webFile = localFile[1..-1]
+ if fileMatch(webFile) then
+ yield [webFile, File.expand_path(localFile)]
+ end
+ end
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ private
+ def xmlBlobSample(fileID)
+ blob = ""
+ r = @dbh.select_one("select txt from files where id = #{fileID}")
+ if r then
+ blob = r[0]
+ # Find first matching word and extract some text around it
+ stxt = @searchTxt.tr('`.,\'"\-_+~<>/?;:[]{}+|\\)(*&^%\$\#@!', ' ').split(' ')
+ regs = stxt.collect { |w| Regexp.new(w, true, 'U') }
+ ix = nil
+ regs.each { |r| break if ix=blob.index(r) }
+ if ix then
+ if ix < 80 then
+ x = 0
+ else
+ x = blob[0,ix-60].rindex(/[ ,\.]/)
+ x = 0 unless x
+ end
+ y = blob.index(/[,\. ]/, ix+80)
+ y = -1 unless y
+ blob = xmlEscape(blob[x..y])
+ # Mark up sought words
+ regs.each { |r| blob.gsub!(r){|t| "<b>#{t}</b>"} }
+ else
+ x = blob[120..-1].index(/[ ,\.]/)
+ blob = xmlEscape(blob[0..x])
+ end
+ end
+ blob
+ end
+ def xmlEscape(str)
+ if str
+ str.gsub('&','&amp;').gsub('>','&gt;').gsub('<','&lt;')
+ else
+ "w00t"
+ end
+ end
+ def loadSearch
+ if @searchTxt then
+ r = @dbh.select_one("select result from savedsearches where words = ? and lang = ? and bool = ?", @searchTxt, @searchLang, @searchBool)
+ if r then
+ YAML::load(r[0])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def saveSearch
+ if @searchTxt then
+ @dbh.do("delete from savedsearches where words = ? and lang = ? and bool = ?", @searchTxt, @searchLang, @searchBool)
+ @dbh.do("insert into savedsearches (words, lang, bool, result) values(?, ?, ?, ?)", @searchTxt, @searchLang, @searchBool, @searchResult.to_yaml)
+ end
+ end
+ def wipeSearches
+ @dbh.do("delete from savedsearches")
+ end
+ def fileMatch(f)
+ $Config['in/out'].each { |inout|
+ return inout[0] if inout[1].match(f)
+ }
+ false
+ end
+ def removeDeadFiles
+ if @searchResult then
+ @searchResult.reject!{ |r| not File.file?($Config['root']+r[1]) }
+ end
+ end
+ def xmlSearchFor
+ " <for>#{xmlEscape(@searchTxt)}</for>\n" if @searchTxt
+ end
+ end